A/N: So I'm a little stuck on finishing my other story. There's like maybe 3 more chapters and well, I'm on the struggle bus with it with editing and the ending. So hopefully writing this will help me get past the bit of writers block I'm having. This particular has been with me for like a year and I've decided to share it. It's a lot of Swan Queen fluff, so there's that. What's that disclaimer thing...right, I don't own nor am I making a prophet, I'm just doing this for my own pure enjoyment cause I like these characters. This is AU...if there's a character or pairing you might also like to see, well let me know in a comment and I'll try to work them in! ~Enjoy!

Darling, in the end, you've got to be your own hero, because everybody's busy trying to save themselves.

"Momma! Momma!" Emma let out a grunt at the force that came down on her midsection effectively knocking the air out of her. "It's mornin' time! The sun up!" Emma took in a deep breath steadily hoping that the sun had been up for more than five hours. Sitting up she groaned as she looked at her alarm clock.

"Hen, it's seven in the morning." Her four year old looked at her and shrugged.

"Momma the sky's wakes so we have to be wakes!" He reasoned as she laughed out. "And it's snowing!"

"We have about five hours until you go to your grandparents and then I have errands to run. So how about we make breakfast then you take a nice long bath while Momma cleans up the house?" Henry nodded enthusiastically as Emma tossed back the covers.

"I sees Missus Gina today cos me going with Papa and Belle?" Emma loved hearing the way Henry "papa" because it sounded more like "paw-paw" and she knew it was just a matter of time before he grew out of speaking like that.

"Do you usually see Missus Gina when you go with them?" Henry nodded excitedly making Emma smile. "Alrighty then, they are going to pick you in a little bit." Henry clumsily climbed down from her bed and ran into the kitchen. Emma shook her head watching her toddler as he pushed his step stool over to the counter so he could help.

At twenty-two Emma knew that she would never regret the decision to keep her son. A part of her wished she'd waited to have children, but the drunken one-night stand with someone six years old than her had left her pregnant.

Neal Cassidy helped out where he could, taking Henry on the weekends she worked and Neal's parents were more than happy to take care of Henry even taking him to daycare/preschool during the week. Emma was an orphan and greatly appreciated the help. She worked as a waitress, hostess and occasionally helped manage at one of Neal's father's upscale restaurants in New York City.

"Momma, I go baths now?" Henry asked licking his palm that was sticky from the syrup. Emma laughed standing up to pick up her toddler. Five minutes later she returned to the kitchen and started cleaning up. It was nearly an hour later that Henry was yelling for her to get him out. Getting him dressed she set him up in the living room with some apple juice and put on Max & Ruby while she decided to start some laundry.

Sorting the laundry in her room Emma was startled when her phone started going off. "Hello?"

"Swan baby, love of my non-existent heterosexual life."

"No, no Jefferson no, I'm not coming in on my day off." Emma spoke with a laugh as she heard him huff on the other end of the phone.

"Please Emma! You know Granny is still on bed rest for at least another two days and Ruby wanted to be with her today, to make sure the woman is resting properly, I just need you for an hour or so. I'm short staffed and I need you, please!" He pleaded as Emma sighed.

"For how long?"

"A few hours at most, just until the lunch rush is over."

"What about that new hire, um, the Boyd girl, Ashley Boyd?" Emma asked tucking the phone between her shoulder and ear.

"Her husband Sean had work, she couldn't find a sitter on such short notice and has to stay with her baby. Please, Emma, you know I don't like to call you but—"

"Well I'm going to have to bring Henry with me, I hope you know that. Adam and Belle were picking him up around eleven-thirty." Emma tossed her uniform in knowing she was going to cave, the more hours the better, especially since Christmas was coming up in two weeks.

"How is my godson? I haven't seen him in a hot minute! Bring him! He and Grace can play in my office, I have her with me until one when her mother comes to get her." Emma smiled shaking her head. She would be utterly surprised if the flaky woman showed up at one. At seven years old Grace Hatter had learned just like her older sister Paige, not to expect much from their mother but did enjoy the time she got to spend with the woman who'd birthed her.

"When do you need me there?"

"Can you make it by eleven?" Emma sighed looking at the time, she would have time for one load of laundry.

"Yeah, I'll see you then." Hanging up the phone she sent a text to Belle and Adam about the change of plans and where they would need to pick up Henry. She put on her work uniform while she waited for a reply. Her phone buzzed a few minutes later as Emma was pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Putting on a little bit of foundation and lip gloss Emma sighed, hopefully she didn't get stuck at work all day, she did have errands to run.