Title: Fantasy Crush
Lauren Lewis lived by a very strict set of rules: no dating, no feelings, no sleepovers, no repeats, and absolutely NO numbers. But when a one night stand shows up randomly in the young doctor's life, Lauren's questioning whether or not to break a few of those rules. Human/AU
Rating: M
A/N: Hey guys! Just got this idea randomly, so I'm sorry if the first chapter lacks detail and stuff. I'll get better, I promise.

Chapter I: There Are Rules

Her eyes were constantly on the lookout, scanning the bar multiple times; looking for someone. Anyone, really.

Lauren did this every few months… slept with strangers, that is. Her last relationship ended bitterly and badly, to say in the least; so, by this point in time, getting laid was all that really mattered to her. She wouldn't say that she gets around a lot, because in reality, she doesn't and she takes pride in that. One girl every four months only makes up 3 girls in a year, six in the last two. Yeah, leave it up to Lauren to take over 2 years to get over a cold-hearted bitch who destroyed everything they had ever built on false accusations. This is exactly why she didn't do relationships.

The bar is packed with loads of beautiful women, but most of them seem to be with other people. She sips her been when suddenly, a dark haired woman catches her attention. She's alone, talking to the bartender. Lauren contemplates walking up and talking to her, but she's not sure if now is the best time. For now, she decides that she'll probably stay low key, but keep an eye on the brunette.

The woman turns around, and her eyes meet Lauren's. She sends a sly smile which Lauren returns, raising her drink a bit as if to say 'hello'. The woman turns back to face the bartender, pays for her drink, and starts walking in Lauren's direction.

Lauren swallows a lump in her throat as the brunette inches closer, realizing just how absolutely stunning she is.

"Mind if I sit here?" The woman asks, motioning towards the empty barstool at Lauren's table.

"Not at all," Lauren replies. "Be my guest." She hopes that she doesn't sound nervous because she definitely feels this way. There's something about her that lured Lauren in instantly, and Lauren was internally freaking out. She never feels this way about someone within the first 30 seconds of meeting them.

"Thank you," the woman says shyly as she sits down. "I'm Bo."

Lauren makes a mental note to remember that. "Lauren."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lauren. So, what brings you here?" Bo raises an eyebrow as she takes a sip from her drink.

"Um." Lauren wasn't really used to the small talk. Usually, by this point, she'd have already made a move and the two would definitely be doing anything but talking. "Long day at work."

"Do you mind me asking what it is you do?" Bo presses.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions," Lauren chuckles, finishing off the rest of her beer.

"I've asked three!" Bo defends. Lauren rolls her eyes and smirks at Bo. "Okay, okay… Fine. You don't have to tell me what you do, but will you at least tell me why you're alone at the bar?"

"I could ask you the same thing…" Lauren starts before sighing deeply. "But… I'm here because of what every girl does when she goes to the bar alone; to forget something."

"Well," Bo says, eyes growing darker, inching closer to the blonde, "Let me help you forget."


Bo turns the doorknob to what Lauren assumes is her apartment, while the blonde's lips are attacking her neck with urgency. The two stumble back into the living room and Bo turns around and grabs Lauren's wrist, heading for the hallway.

"Wait, wait." Lauren says as Bo gradually pulls her along.

"What?" Bo questions, slowing down.

"There are… rules."

Bo listens as the blonde spews out a huge list of rules that she, honestly, would probably forget because Lauren was just so damn intoxicating. Bo cuts Lauren off with a kiss and grabs her by the collar of her shirt, leading her backwards towards her bedroom.

As soon as the two get there, the door slams shut and Bo presses against Lauren while her back is to the door. Lauren's arms are wrapped around Bo's neck as the brunette grasps the blonde's hips, rubbing circles on her skin. Their lips connect hungrily as Bo presses her thigh between Lauren's legs, applying a light pressure to her center. A moan emits from Lauren's mouth and she felt Bo smile into the kiss.

"Bed, now." Lauren demands between kisses. Bo smirks and the next thing Lauren knows, her back slams against the mattress.


Lauren's eyes peel open and she starts to panic. Shit, did I just break a rule? She wipes the sleep away from her eyes and turns to look at the clock. It was 3:30 in the morning and Lauren internally thanked the Gods that she had only been asleep for about 45 minutes. She looks over at Bo, who is sound asleep, her bare back exposed. Lauren admires how toned her back is and has to internally yell at herself when she reaches out wanting to trace the contour of her back. Don't do this, Lewis. Just get up, get dressed, and walk away.

Lauren groans softly before grabbing the bedsheet and raising it up past her chest, her eyes scanning the room for her clothes. Once she spots them, she gently gets out of bed. Once dressed, Lauren looks back at Bo who is currently stirring in her sleep. Please stay asleep, please stay asleep.

Lauren reaches for the door knob and turns it as quietly as possible. This was the worst part of her rules, attempting to leave undetected. Lauren had surprisingly gotten very good at doing so, until now.

She takes one more look to the brunette, not realizing that the woman's eyes were slowly opening, before pushing the door open.

"Leaving already?" Bo asks, sleep filling her voice.

"Yeah…" Lauren presses her lips together and then turns around. "I work at least a 12 hour day, today, if not more. I should probably go."

"Will I see you again?" Bo questions.

"Bo…" Lauren sighs, wondering if she should say 'yes' because there was something about Bo that drew Lauren in. "I—I don't know."

"Can I at least get your number?"

Lauren inhales sharply at the question, but decides to stand her ground, and follow the rules she set for herself. "I'm sorry, Bo. That's against the rules."

And with that, Lauren Lewis walked out the door.

Okay, so I'll probably post the second chapter within a 12 hour span of this one, if you would like me to continue!