DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokèmon (if I did I probably wouldn't be writing this fan fiction). This story will contain scenes of an explicit sexual nature between a male human trainer and several female Pokèmon, so if you don't want to read about any of that then don't read my story. I encourage you to give me constructive criticism and look forward to reading your comments and reviews.

IMPORTANT: If you haven't already, check out the previous entry in this series entitled: "Mating Season Training Session"

Forewords: I had originally intended this writing to be in second person, this was before I read the rules and before I had the conviction to commit my inner fantasy to digital paper. Instead I propose you read this story as if it were one of your memories.

Chapter 1: Alive

I awoke as a blast of frigid morning air entered my lungs, chilling my bones from the inside, which felt very strange considering how warm the rest of my body felt. I sat up and looked around me in confusion… The forest clearing I was laying in was almost completely torn to shreds, and clustered tightly about me lay several Pokèmon. I Judged from their closeness and body positions that they had been protecting me, but… from what… I closed my eyes and breathed in the frosty air once more.

I snapped back to my senses, my memories rushed back to me as if spurred on by the freezing air. I grabbed at my body, pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming… or dead… "I'm… I'm alive?" I said out loud in astonishment. The last thing I remembered was seeing Suicune standing over me, and I swear to Arceus that I felt his aurora beam strike me…

I turned, looking down to the position my head had been in. To my amazement, I saw the tell tale signs of an aurora beam just centimeters from where my head would've been. 'what could have caused Suicune to miss… Gah, think damn you think…' I commanded and began to rewind the scene in my head. A couple of passes through and I remembered seeing a red blur on the right side of Suicune's body. I smiled and said, "Jess," as I started to stroke her hair, "I am forever in your debt for saving my life," I admitted softly, lightly kissing her forehead so not to wake her.

I got up carefully, taking my time so not to wake anyone. They all looked like they had taken quite a severe beating, especially Bluebell and Jess, although there injuries looked mostly superficial. "You all fought till you could fight no more, fending off an injured legendary Pokèmon… all to protect me…" I thanked them softly with a giddy smile. I rubbed my hands and freezing feet, both of which I could barely feel, and I made my way over to where I last saw my backpack.

As I neared the spot where my things lay I noticed a considerable amount of disarray. I saw foot prints and immediately cursed Suicune once more, the bastard must've gone through my pack after my girls drove him away from me. All my berries were missing, including the emergency anti-frostbite berries that I had packed, knowing that mid-spring nights could be rough. I pulled on a pair of fingerless gloves and fresh wool socks before retrieving my hiking boots with my telekinesis. I misjudged the amount of force the job required and my boots came flying towards my face at a ludicrous speed, 'well at least my psionic powers are back, and seemingly stronger than ever…' I thought to myself as I dodged my projectile shoes. I used a much more appropriate amount of force and brought them to me at a relaxed pace, pulling them on and tightening the laces. I looked around for my running shoes, but I couldn't immediately find them. I searched for a bit and cursed Suicune again as I finally located them, the dog must've chewed them to shreds to spite me.

I stopped my brooding and prayed thanks to Arceus that he didn't come back and finish me off when we were all unconscious. The fact that my running shoes and some missing berries were all that I really had to worry about was a miracle in of its self. I was still freezing, so I decided that I would go for a jog to Lake Verity and back, I reasoned that it would be safe as my trail leads right to the western bank and my own private beach. I pulled from my slobbery pack what remained of a pad of paper and a pen, scribbling a quick note to the girls incase any of them awoke while I was gone and when finished I placed it where I had been sleeping. I placed a waypoint on my ever increasingly useful watch and grabbing my hoodie and my sunglasses, beginning my jog, trotting down my trail at a steady rate.

The morning light filtered through the leaves of the trees cascading light in random patterns across the forest floor. I occasionally saw some of the aftermath of my battle with Suicune: a fallen tree here or there, broken branches, frozen earth, and several craters. I frowned as I witnessed the damage that I had done to the natural beauty of the forest in my rage.

I saw several clusters of Pokèmon around various sights of my battle, and from what they told me I was at least able to be soothed by the fact that nobody had been caught in the crossfire. I broke through the tree line and slowed my pace to a walk as I plodded my way along the mostly untouched western shore of Lake Verity. The natural beauty of the sunlight glinting off of it's mirror still surface was surreal and calming, a slight fog coming off of its waters as often was the case in the morning. I sat on the shore for a few minutes absorbing the sunshine and serenity before making my way back to camp. I used the same route, but I took the trail much slower as the reality of my situation sunk in… After a few minutes I leaned up against a tree, suddenly feeling extraordinarily exhausted as I said "I… I was mere centimeters away from death…" I started to shed tears of joy and appreciation, "I… Thank you Arceus…" I continued clasping my hands tightly in prayer, "Thank you for giving me a second chance… I won't make any outrageous claims or promises of change, but what I am willing to do is hopefully acceptable. I promise to do what I always have: to do my best, to make tomorrow a better day, to live and to love, and to cherish the life which you have given me." I collapsed there crying for a few minuets and several Pokèmon passed me by with a strange look, one, a male Beautifly, stopped and asked me if I was ok.

"I… I'm fine, it's just that I had a bit of a… near death experience," His face looked shocked. "W… wait, I CAN UNDERSTAND YOU?!"

He looked even more startled, "I… I guess so. Consider yourself lucky man, not many humans ever learn to understand Pokèspeak."

"Must be another of Kadabra's doings," I muttered to myself.

"Umm, not to pry but… You mentioned a near death experience?"

I explained my story to him and saw a variety of emotions cross his face, but mostly shock and awe. I thanked him for his help and started to jog back. I sighed, "the world seems so much brighter to me now," I said to myself with a smile as I hurried back to camp, lingering on the beauty that I saw all around me. I felt that I was truly embracing the soul of the forest… Every sight, sent, and sound that wound it's way through the trees presented itself to me for examination as I steadily made my way back to camp. I rounded the final bend and slowed my pace to a walk. When I finally entered the clearing once more, my watch read 5:37 AM. The girls were still not awake, although they did shift closer together.

I quietly gathered firewood and stones, constructing the fire away from the group so to not cover them in smoke. I lit the tinder using my newly empowered pyrokinesis and I sat down to feed the fire and to warm my aching bones and grateful flesh as I heard a loud yawn from behind me.