Disclaimer: I don't own D.Gray-Man
Screw My Life
Chapter 13
"We need to get out of this. Soon."
He wiped his knife clean, not saying anything to answer to the statement said to him.
Of course they need to get out of this as soon as possible. They were suppose to be able to leave when they got bored of it. Guess what stuck?
"This is not what we expected, David. We need to-"
"I know." He interrupted the speaking male.
It wasn't as if they did not try to leave, it was the consequences that will be cast upon them that stopped them in their tracks.
—— They've made a grave mistake.
It all started with a rebellious stage, followed with some sweet talking by their higher-ups, eventually, they both reached the positions they are today. With a small sacrifice, that's all. Oh, to be fair, it wasn't really considered as a sacrifice for them so it didn't bug them as much. The best part was how he and Jas kept quiet about how the so-called "sacrifice" were nothing to them. That, was how they managed to trick the higher-ups that they were loyal to the organization and that they will never ever, leave the organization.
"I know, Jas."
He remembered how others would praise them for passing the "test" with flying colors, but really, it wasn't as bad as the "test" the others went through. They merely lied about what they cared for the most.
It worked, it worked so well. Every job they were given was a piece of cake for them both.
Until that one job, that is.
On second thought, was it even considered a job?
"There's a new member. I'm afraid that he's not as loyal as he claimed to be."
They needed to say no more. He remembered that he took the photograph on their hands and took a long look.
"Road Camelot."
Camelot? He raised his eyebrow at his superior. If memories served him right, the Camelots' were related to the government. The same family that was banished years ago. Sources said that none of the Camelots' managed to survive the banishment, so what is this right here…?
"She's adopted by the Mikks'." They told him.
Ah, so the Mikks' saved her ass, he nodded.
"You just have to make sure this member finishes his job."
"And if he fails?"
"Do what you always do, my dear twins."
He looked to his twin; Jas stared back. Another killing if the new member fails, huh?
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Another blackmail.
Tyki gripped onto the paper harder, crushing the paper as he did so before breathed in a deep breath.
Another errand.
He fell backwards and leaned on the wall behind him. With his face now facing the ceiling, he slid down the wall, body limping.
I... I can't do this anymore.
He wanted to stop, but he couldn't.
Those bastards somehow knew about her, the only person he held dear in his family. They threaten to hurt her, both physically and mentally -- if he ever disobeys them.
He used to think it was all a bluff to make sure he was loyal to them, until he saw one of them making a move towards his sister.
He managed to stop them from doing anything -- Road probably didn't notice the racketas well, so no harmwas done.
Though it was then clear toTyki that they meant every word they said.
They will hurt Road.
If he ever disobey them, that's it.
He released the crushed paper on his hand, allowing it to roll away from his hand as he stared quietly at the now-rolling non living thing.
His target this time was a male who had accidentally offended them by telling them to line up as they cut cue in the mall. Tyki sighed to himself and let himself prayed a silent prayer for the male. The male did nothing wrong, what wrong was him telling them to "fucking line up", he quoted, and that was it -- The reason the male turned into their target, its just ridiculous really, he snickered.
Apparently, hewas supposedto beat this person up and warned him not to offend (as they put it)them anymore, he scoffed to himself.
"...Kanda Yuu, is it?"
This will be the last time I'm doing this. He promised himself as usual, even though he knew it crystal clear that it will never come true.
Now, they make him beat people up, what's next?
He knew what the other members did to make a living -- he saw them all that day.
His trembling legs gave away as he stared at how cruel and heartless they are, he was lucky that none of them realize that he saw everything, for those that had accidentally walked into themwas stabbedharshly from the front, adding in with the twisting of the knife as they tortured the victims before ending their lives.
He was lucky.
Really, really lucky.
But he knew, they will find out sooner or later. And when that day comes, it will either be his last day on earth, or——
——The day they make him kill someone to trade for his life.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled to no one, eyes narrowing in guilt, "I'm really sorry, KandaYuu."
If there's some other way to prevent this, he will do it. Never had he wanted to hurt an innocent student, but he guess prayers never does work for him huh?
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Damn, he was stupid alright.
Tyki dodged another kick from his left and tried to return a punch to his opponent, in which he failed miserably.
To think that he asked for a fair match with Kanda Yuu, someone who was really good in combatfighting, god damn it, just how stupid was he?
"...Mikk, you lost."
He glanced to the side, hoping that none of them were here so that he could just slipped away and lied to them that he had beat Kanda Yuu. Yet, he spotted them, just standing lazily at the door staring at him. One of them saw him staring and smirked, showing him an upside down thumbs up before smiling a knowing smile to the others. His otherhand heldup anA5sized picture, waving it slowly.
The one in the picture was Road.
His eyes widen and pulled back his focus to his long-haired opponent before him.
"Mikk, step down. You lost." Kanda repeated as he raised his eyebrow up in a curious matter, wondering why the curly-haired male before him tensed up all of a sudden.
He had heard a lot about the male before him.Tyki Mikk, used to be an excellent student before decided to throw away all his future and joined some unknown group and started causing trouble here and there since. He had thought Mikk would attacked him by surprised (he knew he was in trouble as soon as he realized the ones he yelled in the mall for cutting que was one member of that unknown group Mikk joined) but no,Mikk asked him for a fair fight.
As they spared, he could see that Mikk was strong, probably stronger than him, but Mikk was too soft-hearted. There were so many times Mikk's punches and kicks could send him straight down lying on the floor paralyzed, but Mikk quickly move a little before they could hit him. He was a little annoyed and offended by that. Was Mikk looking down at him or something?
He stared at the now trembling male before him, understanding that the male was having a panic attack, yet was hiding it well.
Mikk panicked? Why?
He followed Mikk'svision to the door, and saw the waving picture.
"One more time!" He heard Mikk yelled before being pushed onto the floor off guard.
Then, it clicked.
Mikk looked unwilling to fight him as they spare... Was he somehow being forced to do this? The girl in the picture, was it that who Mikk was fighting him for?
He tried his best to push the figure sitting on top him down but Tyki was larger in figure, he could only clicked his tongue and dodged Tyki's attack, wanting todecrease the amount of wounds on himself. He tried pushing his body up, hoping that it could somehow make Tyki unbalance and falls from him, yet as he did so, all he could hear from the figure above him was not gasping for breath, nor were they curses directed to him.
"I'm sorry."
That took him by surprise, allowing an opening for Tyki to land another punch on his face.Kanda winced, seeing another punching in its way aiming for his face again, he braced himself for the pain.
The pain never came. Instead, he felt the punch passing by his cheek, not leaving any marks on his face, aside from that small scratch by Tyki's long fingernails.
He's…… avoiding me while attacking me?Kanda was unsure what to feel. Who attacks to avoid impact on the opponent? Adding with the apologetic expression Tyki wore…… Just what the fuck is happening?
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Tyki only stopped when the twins disappeared from the door. The now-breathing hard male still stayed on top of him, strangling him below, and looked around cautiously a while more before climbing off him.
"I'm sorry."
That was the only words escaped from Mikk's mouth before said male left the room, leaving him behind on the floor, still shocked of what happened. Kanda raised his hand and placed it on his supposedly painfully bruised cheek, yet there was no pain as well. As he removed his palm, he saw red. With knitted eyebrows, he closed his eyes and focus on his cheeks.
There was still no pain.
He groggily climbed up and reached for his towel placed on the bench, wiping his cheek then.
Yes, there's the blood. Still, he felt painless.
A glance to the mirror with the corner of his eyes, he saw the cheek he wiped was now clean of blood, and wounds.
It was perfectly woundless.
How? Kanda wondered, his hand reached up once again to touch his cheek.
If there were no wounds, how did he bleed? Unless……
He turned and stared at the place he was held down and saw some blood stains on the floor.
…… This is Mikk's blood?
Mikk's bandaged hand that he saw on the next day answered his question silently.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Mikk was not that bad as a person.
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They watched the new member fell to the ground, a clear evidence of how weak their newest member is against their target. David looked to his right, where his twin stared back to him with a troubled look.
Something isn't right.
"Road Camelot, adopted?"
"Adopted." Jasdero confirmed.
He furrowed his brows, leading his gaze back on the fighting pair, just in time as the Asian male spoke up, "Mikk, you lose."
From the fight he witnessed, he must say, he was impressed with this Asian's skill. He rarely felt impressed for anyone- Not even his superior.
The new member stole a look at his side this time, as if to ask if it was enough. Still leaning on the wall in the shadows, he silently took out Road Camelot's photograph he got in the morning, waving it.
The message was simple: Finish off the job given.
Now, he felt a little bad for this new member. The Asian is good, why did the higher-ups chose him as a target for a newbie was beyond him, unless-
His eyes widened in surprise.
Yes, unless this new member has the ability to pair with the Asian. But, if this newbie is indeed this strong, why is he hiding it?
In fact, he was more curious as to why was it this Camelot girl who became the blackmail material and not any members of the Mikks' family. Surely someone blood related would be more suitable to give this new member a small push, isn't it?
That aside, wasn't Mikk the family that caused Camelot's downfall to begin with?
This is interesting, he threw a glance at Jas, in which nodded in agreement.
They left before the fight end, planning to pretend that this newbie did finish off the job while he and Jas will investigate the mystery between the Mikks' and the Camelots'.
What they learnt in return was…… Impressive.
So impressive that both he and Jas realized they need to get out of the organization as soon as possible.
This is not what they expected.
"Help me, twins."
This is not what they wanted to get involved in.
"Do whatever you want with me, but leave Road out of this."
There wasn't much time left until the organization found out that Jas and him investigated their background. There wasn't much time left until the organization release a notice for their execution.
"... No killing me or Jas, that's all I ask for, Mikk."
"You have a deal."
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She can't sleep.
With so many new informations flowing around in her mind, it was an understatement that she could not relax herself on bed.
Alright, to be fair, who would be able to fall asleep in their kidnapper's bed?
Her instinct told her, that she was safe as long as she stayed close to David. But why is that? David could kill her anytime. So why the sudden urge to trust the dark-haired male?
Shocked, Road tensed up, snapping her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.
Someone was by the door, she could tell. The slightly noisy atmosphere from the outside dissolves themselves into the air —— A clear evidence that someone was standing by the door, not planning to close the door anytime soon.
There were some whispering, though it was hard to make out each and every words.
"What do you mean she hasn't eat since i left?"
Ah, it's David.
More whispering.
A sigh, followed with the sound of the door closing.
Did he leave?
"I told you, starving yourself ain't gonna help with anything."
The sound of the chair pulled towards her direction, before she knew it, she was forcefully turned to face David straight on.
"What do you want?!"
"Eat. It's not that hard."
"And pray tell, why should I ——"
"You have a strong sixth sense. Trust them, jesus."
"..." She took the bread silently, biting on it as she stared at her kidnapper with caution.
David's expression soften as he watched her slowly finish the share of food he passed to her and was reaching out to the plate for more. Out of instinct, he pushed the plate closer to her.
It took awhile for her to finish all the food prepared; David waited patiently.
"It's not that bad, isn't it?"
Road remained silent.
"Look," he pushed the now-empty plates further away from the bed, "I know it's hard, but you have to trust me."
She furrowed her brows, debating if her next sentence would trigger David the bad way.
"... You forced Mikk away from my family."
"That was the only way."
Road scoffed, "Really now?"
She turned around, wanted to smile mockingly at him, yet the gaze that was staring back to her eyes stopped her in her tracks.
"Never trust everything you see, surely you heard of this?"
Indeed she did. It's easier said than done, she looked away in guilt, "David, you need to understand," timidly staring back to the other, it took her awhile to get the words out, "It's hard to let go of what one saw."
A sigh escaped his mouth.
"I saw you coming after Tyki, both you and your twin, all armed. What was I supposed to think?"
"And here I'm telling you —— Not everything you see is the truth."
"You fired the gun-"
"So did Mikk."
She halted, blinking a few times as she processed what was said to her.
With a weak smile, David tilted his head towards the headrest, "I wasn't the only one that fired, Camelot. Your brother did too."
"Your brother killed Jas."
"That's not true!"
"That's what he said too," a laugh, almost so painful to hear, escaped his lips, "——No killer would say they kill someone."
They dreamt of being free, both him and Jas.
They dreamt of helping Mikk getting out of the organization; in return, Mikk would get them out as well. The sister that they left behind years ago —— They had dreamt to finally meet her in person after leaving the organization.
"Do you think Lulubell remembers us?"
"Who could forget the way you match your socks —— They're iconic enough for her to remember."
A snicker.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"You always say we're cruel, but have you ever consider your brother being the one that's crueler?"
The most they did was killing others; and they were kind enough to always use the least painful way to steal one's life. Giving them hopes, allowing them to dream —— Only to be crashed down by the harsh reality the hard way.
"He's not!"
"It's hard to let go of what I saw," He repeated her words back to her.
"Look, I'm sorry for assuming that you killed your own brother but it's really not Tyki that killed him-"
"He pulled the trigger!" The rain was all he remembered. The wet ground, stained red, just because one party did not follow the agreement.
"We promised him that we would not aim at him or his friend——ALL HE NEED TO DO WAS TO NOT PULL THE GODDAMN TRIGGER!"
Had the trigger wasn't pulled, him and Jas would be able to play the part of failing their mission, allowing them to secretly interfere with whoever the organization sent out to go after Mikk.
It was a great plan, until the gunshot was heard.
Sure, Mikk was able to escape; he was able to finish off the remaining of the agreement as well —— In a more efficient way too.
The hate towards Mikk was real.
There was no way he could had that expression on his face to trick the organization if Jas lived, he'll admit.
"It was not Tyki, I swear!"
Looking at the worried face on her face, all he could do to push the rising anger down was to constantly remind himself that she wasn't there back then —— She did not know that Mikk indeed fired the gun; she did not know that Mikk was a killer too.
"I'll believe in you, really! Just trust me in this: Tyki did not fire!"
"Proof it."
Mikk messed everything up; their dreams, their freedom —— Everything.
He was left alone in this organization, without anyone blood-related by his side; while Mikk still have his sister to defend him here.
Thinking back, why did Jas motioned him to finish off the rest of the agreement even after Mikk's betrayal? Jas was not able to use his voice —— Tyki's aim damaged his vocal chords so badly that all Jas could speak was meaningless groans.
When he finally reached to cradle his injured-twin in his arms, Jas wasn't looking at him. Instead, he stared at the direction where Mikk and his friend ran to in disbelieve. As soon as he yelled out to Mikk in distress, only did Jas snapped out of his mind and pulled him down from the collar, motioning to Tyki's direction. He initially thought Jas was pointed to Tyki as the shooter, but he was stopped by his twin when he was about to aim at the running teens.
"It was not me, David!"
Aside from him and Jas, Tyki was the only one armed back then.
If not Mikk, who else?
"The gun was empty!"
Road breathed in a deep breath, "The gun Tyki had was not loaded!"
A/N: This took a while. There's too much to tell but I didn't want to cramp everything in one chapter so I took a longer time to reorganize before continue reading.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!