The next morning, or rather the next afternoon, Zoro wasted no time to shower, get dressed and finally equip his swords at his hip. It was weird how much he missed the weight of having them there. Just having them in his reach restored his confidence to the extreme and reminded him why he was about to do what he would today. Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around one of their hilts, caressing it with his thumb. Even after weird body swaps sending him across the world to different countries, these would always remain and bring him some sort of joy, wouldn't they?

His plan was to go back to his Dojo. Wasting time was a dangerous hobby in the life of a future world's greatest swordsman, after all. It wouldn't be the first time he'd have to drag his ass back there and drop to his knees in order to apologize and, for sure, it wouldn't be the last by any means.

Zoro only hoped that asshole Mihawk wasn't still around. Last thing he wanted to do was get forced to have to apologize to him, considering it was Sanji's ranting that got him fired last time. For some reason, that memory made him smile. Moreover, he should say he hoped the Joker wasn't around. Well, even if he was, Batman would find a way to kick his ass, even if his Robin wasn't around to know.

He zipped up a duffle bag of stuff he intended to bring with him, training stuff so that the instant he was allowed back in, he could hit the weights hard. No offense to Sanji, but the training regimen did work, no matter how much he wanted to laugh at him when he showed it. The only thing Zoro wasn't sure he had was lunch. Yes, he had all the cookware Sanji sent with him, but he just wasn't in the mood to experiment. Then of course he had his fridge, but who knew what he would find inside.

What better way than to look? Zoro wished he hadn't. It wasn't rank or anything, there had just been planned meals, crafted by you-know-who. They were bad by now, there was no way they weren't, but still they were yet another shitty reminder. It made Zoro huff. Was he going to have to fucking move? Why did he keep thinking about that? It was infuriating. Sanji wasn't even that nice of a guy, now that Zoro thought about it, he was a woman-loving sleaze who he was certain made fun of him in French a time or two.

Zoro grabbed the packaged lunch and tossed it into the trash. He could deal with that later when he returned. Right now he had somewhere to be. His things all together now and with him, Zoro put his shoes back on and headed out the door. He was able to lock it, but froze when he turned around, noticing an abundance of bags spread outside that hadn't been there the night before.

They weren't trash bags, but personal bags, which was strange. Who just left their bags laying around like this? It was pretty stupid. He could just kick one into his apartment right now and claim it. Well, it wasn't his business anyway, he shouldn't waste time - except that the apartment next door had its door open. Wide open. Bags outside, door open. Was this some kind of robbery?

Why did that have Zoro cocking his eyebrow playfully? That sounded exactly like something he needed. He rested his hand yet again on one of his sword hilts, approaching cautiously. If the robber wanted to put up some kind of fight, he'd be more than willing to cut him down. Actually, he'd probably prefer it.

Slowly, he edged into the doorway to peek inside, only to nearly get knocked over. Usually, his reflexes would have kicked in and he would've pushed back, but Zoro forcefully went against them the moment he saw blond. It was enough to completely drain his mind from anything else. His eyes widened and he stared ahead at the familiar guy pulling himself off his chest. Sanji. But, what? What the hell was this? This made no sense at all.

Sanji looked just as flustered, stepping back into his doorway. Why was he flustered? For the guy who always made a point to remind Zoro about his lack of direction, could he really have not known he was in Zoro's neighbor's apartment? This made no sense and that's all Zoro could repeat to himself. He'd left Sanji in France.

He watched as Sanji cleared his throat and looked down at his hand, still near his swords. Then, he smiled awkwardly, which was a little reassuring, but still didn't take away any confusion.

"Damn, Marimo," he teased, his face softening as he gestured to the swords. "Were you and Wado going to cut me?"

Zoro looking down to his swords, yanking his hand off of them quick. Then, his attention went right back to Sanji. Before any more teasing, he wanted answers, damn it.

"Why you here?" He made sure to inflect how serious he was. "France?"

Zoro could very specifically remember Sanji's words about him not staying in France and Sanji not coming to Japan. The fact that he was here after saying that was a mystery. Was he here to stay or was he going to torture Zoro some more? Maybe he should reach out and check if he was a ghost now? No, they had bumped into each other, so he was still very physical.

Sanji scratched at the back of his neck anxiously. "Hell, I don't know," his voice was no more than a mutter and his face continued to blush. Still, Zoro listened intently. "Haven't you ever heard of the phrase yolo?"

Zoro pressed his lips together. No he hadn't, but he'd assume he had. If Sanji was here now, this early in the morning, that meant he would have gone home right after Zoro left to pack these bags and take the next available flight. And somehow called the number on the rent sign next door? Was Zoro right to assume that was what had happened here? If so it was kind of impressive, but ne didn't want to get too excited, though he wasn't going to lie either and say he wasn't hopeful that was the case. Had Sanji gotten over his stupid problems and given in to what fate wanted them to do - which it pretty much showed them clearly already by sending him here the first time?

Sanji had shifted his eyes and flickered them back to Zoro. For some reason, he scowled, stepping forward and closer to Zoro once again. Then, he was brave enough to prod a finger into his collarbone.

"Asshole, why do you think I came here? What the hell does Japan have for me?"

Love hotels? Zoro swallowed down his irrelevant suspicions. Instead, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but upturn into a grin. Without even thinking, even if Sanji hadn't totally liked it the last time they had, he moved his arm out to grab and push Sanji close into his chest so that he could embrace him. Stupid idiot. This is what he got for eating too many french fries. He should just be honest.

Sanji squirmed a little, but not to get away. Surprisingly, for the first time, he was the one initiating their next move of affection. Sanji loosened Zoro's arm grip around him and went in for a kiss, yanking at the back of Zoro's green hair that evidently infuriated him. They were still new at this, so it was okay, besides if they were happy, what did it matter? They had been days away from giving their lives away to each other before, this kind of transition wasn't unexpected.

They broke apart to breathe, taking a moment to stare at one another until Sanji spoke again.

"I'm going to join a Japanese culinary school. So even try living off booze and rice again and I'll kick your ass, got it?"

Zoro was sure there might be some room for discussion later. Right now he didn't care, he just couldn't allow Sanji to find one thing to give him reason to go running back to France. He fully let go of Sanji, reaching down to grab a few of the bags Sanji was no doubt retrieving before and take them inside. He was happy to do so, even more considering Sanji's growls of being totally capable of doing it himself. Still, Zoro took the bags inside and dropped them on the floor. This apartment was nice, very nice.

He crossed his arms, looking at the wall he knew divided this apartment from his. Really, it wouldn't take a lot to knock that down. It'd provide plenty of room for a bigger futon.

Thank you everyone who kept strong and made it all the way here to the end! Was it a fun ride? Did you like it? Did it make you laugh? Lord I hope it did. If not well... at least you held strong all the way to this ending author's note! Thank you big bang event, I honestly don't think I would've gotten to this story let alone finished it but you had me busting my ass getting it here and now here it is. My second giant monster fic XD I'm so proud of it guys. I think it may easily be my best one yet. I can't wait to hear any of your last thoughts on it. Book reports pls. Ya'll better have done my challenge!

Thank you again to Myladyday for being the ever stunning beta queen, Torchi for sticking with me until the end just like you said you would and BE sure to check out the art for this fic! dfkjbhkdjbhdfb You just gotta! Kim almost lost her thumb or something for those! Thank you to Kim's thumb for setting out on such a dangerous mission xo and of course the rest of her too :)