Jace Herondale is the new bad boy in Brooklyn. The things he cared about most: skating and girls. Red is the sexy, mysterious girl who is Jace's next target. Obstacles pop into his way at every direction, but will he obtain his objective, or will he be left behind with the rest of the outcasts? Rated T for sexual comments (not content) and language


New story!

Okay, so no, I'm not giving up on Lovers are Winners, but this idea has been popping up in my head for WEEKS!

Have I ever told you guys what a loner I am?

No? Okay.

Well, I'm not technically a loner, at like, all, but I am in my neighborhood.

So, I live in the neighborhood with a bunch of girls I used to be friends with, but now not so much. We kind of just fell away and never talked again. No sadness, or crap like that, because we weren't close.

So, now I sit in like the middle of the bus, and just listen to these dudes' conversations when I forget my earbuds (which happens way too often, may I note.) I do join in every once in a while, so I'm not a total stalker, but their conversations amuse me, so I listen.

And guess what?

They're skater boys.

I love the idea of skater boys, because they just seem so rebellious, and stuff, but really, they're pretty normal. I mean, they spend hours skating. They're normal kids.

Well, I'm going to go with the cliche, rebellious skater boy here, even though, really, that's not how skater boys are at all.

But a rebellious, hot guy makes the hot guy even hotter, right?

So, yeah, rebellious.

On with the story!

Oh, and please note, there is a reason this story is rated T. I think this will be my first story with a whole bunch of sexual comments, I tend to avoid it.

Um, but no sex. Yeah, just sexual comments. So if you're not comfortable with it, I apologize.


There was nothing better than the sound of a skateboard rolling across the concrete.


Not the sound of a girl moaning, not the smell of bacon sizzling in a pan, not the sound of a beautiful singer, not the sound of a peaceful guitar.

Nothing was better than hearing the collision of a foot with the hard concrete, and the sound of fast rolling.

And Jace Herondale couldn't agree more.

He once was tempted to record the sound of wheels rolling across the ground to go to sleep to it, but then decided he might get a little too excited, and want to go skate.

He watched his black Converse hit the ground, and the skateboard accelerated once more.

It was his first day in New York City.

He was so pumped about getting to move to New York City. There were hundreds of hot chicks, everything was open all night long, and it was concrete city.

What did concrete city mean?

Skating, lots of skating.

He rolled up to the school, literally, and put hid his skateboard. Despite how much he adored his skateboard, he wasn't going to carry it around all day, and he didn't feel like locking it up.

As he was stashing his skateboard there, a pretty little redhead appeared next to him. Damn, he thought, found my first victim.

He was about to throw a wink, and flirt a little, but she beat him to it.

"That's my spot," she said, raising two little perfect eyebrows. "And I'm not going to let some goddamn newbie take it. What are you, freshman?"

Jace narrowed his eyes, leaning against a tree. "Junior. And besides, shorty, you'd be the freshman before I ever would be."

She scoffed. "You see that?" she pointed down. Jace let his eyes drift to follow her fingers. She was pointing at a skateboard, and he felt his breathing pick up a little.

Nothing turned him on more than a girl who could skate.

"Do I see it? Damn, that thing is fine," he replied, dropping down low to inspect the expert craftsmanship.

The girl smirked, crossing her arms. "Way better than your Emad 800w. You know what kind it is, Pretty Boy?"

"BMW Street Carver," he replied immediately. He'd been saving money to buy one for months, and now that the real thing was in front of him, he felt himself swoon in fascination.

"You know how expensive they are?" she asked.

He scoffed. "Do I? I've been saving up for months."

"Exactly," she said. "And I don't your pathetic skateboard messing up my pretty board."

He grinned. "Yeah, yeah. Are there any free hiding spaces?"

She grinned, her pretty green eyes lighting up. "Over there."

He studied her hand for a moment. It was pale, covered in little droplets of paint and scars. He had his own scars coating his hands, catching himself on the concrete ground more often than he could count. Her fingers were small and bony, as was her hand.

He then let his eye follow the path of her finger. She was pointing at the dumpster.

Jace scowled. He didn't like bitches, and this girl seemed like the biggest badass bitch of all. He turned back to her. "Really?"

She waved him off with a grin, her expression showing she was about to burst into laughter. "I'm kidding, dude. Here, you can share my spot." She dropped her skateboard carefully, leaving enough room for his skateboard to fit snugly next to hers. "See you around, Skater Boy."

She winked, and walked away, and only then did Jace see the four cameras aimed at his face. They shut off quickly, and the kids behind the cameras placed them back into the bag in sync. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Ignore it," a boy said placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm Simon. They do this to every new kid."

"Who was that?" Jace asked, looking at the boy. He looked nerdy, a pair of glasses veiling brown eyes. His hair was short, military style. His form was lanky.

The kid - Simon - grinned, backing away slowly. "No one knows."


The new kid was cute - hot - dare she say. And he was a skater boy, making it all the better.

The girl turned back to look at him, a smirk teasing her lips.

She knew the type, obviously. The player type. He'd looked at her with such lust when he saw her board that it was impossible not to know his type. She knew that he could dump girls as quickly as she could recite the alphabet.

But so could she.

The girl was known for being a mysterious, hard to get - well - bitch.

She ruled the school, and anyone who dared to get in her way got punched. Boys were dying to get with her, almost going to the point of dragging her into janitor's closet to make out.

And she complied.

But the thing was - even though that everyone assumed she wasn't - she was a virgin.

Of course everyone assumed she wasn't a virgin. Boys went around saying that they had sex with her to look cool. She didn't say anything, would let them dwell in their own guilt mixed with satisfaction of pulling it off. She disappeared for entire class periods only to come back the next hour.

But she was waiting. She was waiting for find the right man. One that would actually care that they were causing her pain. One that would care that they were taking her virginity. One she was 99% sure she would stay with for the rest of her life.

And if staying a virgin for the rest of her life meant that, then so be it.

He was talking to Simon, and she felt slightly bad.

But every new kid went through the initiation. Nobody moved into a Brooklyn school. Everyone moved out in hopes of something better. So, if a new kid comes along, they'll either be accepted or kicked out all because of a first impression.

The redhead felt as if the newbie did well. He didn't cower in fear of her dominating attitude. And he was a skater boy. Did she say that skater boys were hot?

Maia Roberts jogged up to her, a camera in her hand. "Hey, Red," she greeted. "Did you see him? It'll be a shame if he's not accepted. That boy is damn fine."

Red chuckled dryly. "That's just it, Maia. All the boys will be intimidated by him and his panty dropping smirk, so there'll be no way he's accepted."

It was true. The boys at her school liked to think they were the biggest badasses on the face on the planet, but they were just a bunch of pussies.

Maia sighed before shrugging. "How long do you think he's going to last?"

The other laughed, tossing her red locks over her leather clad shoulder. "Oh he'll last. He's tough enough. Plus the sluts will be over him so much that he'll enjoy his time here."

Maia shrugged again. "See you around, Red."


The library was filled with students, wandering around after school hours. Jonathan watched with a proud smirk at the boy in the corner of the room.

His golden hair was shining under the dim lights, and Jonathan knew well enough from watching the film repeatedly what color his eyes were. Molten gold.

He looked retarded.

They commonly did this, the last person they had done it to were actually Jonathan and Red. No one came to Brooklyn, everyone left. Newbies were rare, unless you count the freshman. An outsider was a threat. Anyone crazy enough to come to their school was sure to be tested. Most failed.

Jonathan's sister, Red, sat at his side. She had an uneasy expression, studying the boy across the room. Her fingers fiddled with the disk in her fingers, spinning it around.

She stood up suddenly, reaching her startlingly short height of 5'2. The clear of her throat was loud, studying the room. "Skater Boy!" she shouted, and Jonathan felt anger fly through him.

Red made it obvious who she liked. Skater boys were naturally her first choice, and the fact that she had called him that sent shivers down his spine.

His head snapped up from the book, a smirk prominent on his face. He wouldn't be so arrogant after this was over. He casually set the book on the shelf and turned slowly. His stride as he came over was careless and long, yet graceful. He looked almost like a lion.

Jonathan's lip curled in disgust. He thought he was so cool. And his sister looked like she agreed with the newbie, biting her lip as she looked him up and down.

He settled himself down in a chair, and the rest of the teenagers settled beside him.

Jonathan pushed his sister back down onto the stool in disgust. She stumbled backwards before landing ungracefully on top of it. "Dick," she muttered.

He shot her a glare before rising himself. "We have a newbie here," Jonathan began, striding over to the stool where the referred to boy sat. He circled him for a moment, practically breathing down his neck. The other boy, despite his cool composure, tensed before settling back down. "And we need to decide what to do with him. Here is his first encounter."

The lights dimmed, the cue of Jordan, and Jonathan watched the skater boy tense again. His muscles rippled as a sign of uneasiness.

Red and the skater boy appeared on the screen, his sister holding her skateboard casually, leaning against it.

The video was quickly over, and Jonathan returned to the front of the room. "We will now have a vote. Is he an outcast of Brooklyn?"

The students murmured uneasily, looking at the boy in the middle of the room.

This would be all too easy.


So this was pretty unrealistic, but let's just imagine that this could actually happen in real life, okay?

I hope you guys enjoyed this, because I have a tingly feeling in my toes that this will be good!