The more Ignis researched what Oobleck called the 'Simpod', the more excited and reserved he became.

Excited, because he hadn't truly understood the concept behind it until he read up on it. While he could not use it to teach what he learned to the kids who would take his class, it could be used to make them go through the same scenarios he went through. In effect, it would teach them based more on their individual combat styles and adaptability. So long as they had the potential to grow, the simulation could make them grow, without risks...

Reserved, because it quite honestly sounded too good to be true. Knowing how humans were, they were just as likely to disregard the simulations lessons simply because there was no punishment for failure. While the simulated experience of death was hopefully enough to help them realize the gravity of their collective situation, Ignis wasn't sure that it would be enough to make them realize that they were risking life and death every mission they took, if they hadn't already. Further he doubted the veracity of the 'no risks' disclaimer. If they weren't at risk, then they weren't obligated to learn, and if they were at risk... well, he hoped it wouldn't come to that.


"...And with that, the foul beast was slain!" Port exclaimed. Almost a second later, the bell rang, causing him to say, "That's all for today. Now remember, those of you who aren't traveling to Monument are to write a report on the anatomy of Creeps. Be sure to include sources for your information, and possible methods of killing them."

As everyone packed up and left, Port calls out, "Ignis, a word?"

Turning back, Ignis says, "Sure. Is something the matter?"

"I was just wondering why the grimm are so fixated with you. While I admit that the lessons in protection of non-combatants are beneficial, even funny, I can't help but wonder what it is that makes them pursue you so single-mindedly. Only the oldest of grimm behave like that, and only when someone has actively made its life miserable for an extended period of time.," Port answers.

With a sigh, Ignis says, "I actually expected you to ask that earlier. Why now?"

"Because it wasn't until last week that I had been able to cycle through all of the lesser grimm classes, and I spent the week since thinking of any number of reasons as to why this would be. I have nothing to go on."

Sighing again, Ignis says, "Very well. In effect, I did make their lives miserable. Originally, humanity was made from ash and Darkness. Ash was used to construct their, er, our body, and the Dark Soul was split into a near infinite number of sprites that were then refined into the concept of humanity by the Furtive Pygmy, or so Seath's notes on humanity said. In effect, humanity was inherently Dark in constitution, and when the Dark became to powerful, the inherent Dark in humanity went rampant. In order to prevent this from ever happening again, I removed the Dark from humanity and replaced it with Light and Life."

Port looks confused for a moment before realization dawns on him. "Ah, so you're saying that the dark from humanity became the grimm?"

"Yes. This is why they dissipate when killed. This is why they have no need for sustenance. This is why they seek out and thrive off of the negative emotions of humanity. And this is why they hate me."

Port says, "I get what your saying, but I still don't understand why they would hate you."

At that, Ignis looks up before saying, "What, you do not doubt me? I admit, I'm surprised. If I hadn't known that I was removing the darkness from humanity and able to sense raw darkness, I admit that I likely wouldn't have made the connection, and I fully know that this sounds crazy."

Port laughs before saying, "I do believe that Glynda has had more than enough of you proving what you say is true. Besides, you don't strike me as the type to lie like this, or the type that is able to come up with bull shit like this on the fly."

"Aw, thanks for the vote of confidence. And gee, thanks. Asshole. In any case, they hate me because raw, solid humanity was formed from the Dark Soul. When I took the darkness from humanity, I was essentially ripping the soul out of the Dark. When the soulless Dark became the grimm, they likely knew that they had a soul at one point, and recognize that humanity contains that soul to some degree. As for them hating me, they may be capable of recognizing that I was the one that essentially took their soul from them."

Port considers this for a moment before saying, "Well, that certainly would explain a lot. I'm not saying that I doubt you, but can you prove any of this? If you could, this could very well lead to a lot of breakthroughs in grimm studies."

"Perhaps. I am capable of using several sorceries that utilize raw Dark. They all use soul energy though. Always have."

Chuckling a bit, Ignis continues, "Plays merry hell with the grimm, too. Never before have I seen a more amusing reaction to my techniques from an enemy. Poor beowolves looked so confused. In any case, I'm unsure if I can prove this or not. While I know far more than most about their origins (if only due to my not insignificant role in said origins), I know precious little else."

"Then how have you been killing them in your travels through the Emerald and Foreverfall Forests?" Port asks.

"Gratuitous use of strength, endurance, and vitality, mostly. They might not tire as easily as humans do, but they rely on their inherently superior strength and stamina far too much. They lose a distinct advantage when the 'human' in question has enough stamina to fight for sometimes literal days at a time, to say nothing of being able to crush stone barehanded or shrug off a collapsed rib cage and subsequent organ damage."

"You can do that?" Port asks incredulously.

"All undead could, with the right amount of pain resistance and training. I'm not sure if I still can shrug off organ damage, but considering that the grimm can't actually get through my absurdly reinforced armor anyway, it's a moot point. Of course, this didn't take into account unlocked aura, so I may be even harder to kill depending on how the healing process works. In any case, the point is that I kill them by simply being ridiculously awesome."

"And humble?" Port wryly comments.

"You kind of stop being humble when your so awesome that you kill an enemy by violently sneezing fire and lava-loogies on it, Port."

"Sounds like quite the tale, but my next class is beginning to arrive, so go on. Go sneeze on some more grimm while you're in Atlas."


"Are there any challenges for this class?" Goodwitch calls out at the beginning of the 'dueling' (pfft) class.

"I challenge Ignis!" a first year (whose name escapes Ignis) shouts.

"What? Oh, yeah, sure, whatever," Ignis replies, paying little attention to the class.

After a few seconds, Goodwitch says, "She means now, Ignis."

"Oh, right. Okay," Ignis says, getting up and pulling out a random greatsword and shield from his pouch. Making his way into the arena with what turn out to be a common Berenike Greatsword and a Silver Knight's Shield, he immediately recognizes his opponent.

"Didn't you challenge me last week? And the week before, for that matter?" he asks.

"Yes, and each time you wielded a different weapon and shield while wearing a different combat uniform," his opponent replies irritably. "What's the story behind those?"

"Why should I answer that? Why would I answer that?" Ignis asks.

"Because it's rather unfair if I don't know what you're capable of?" his adversary answers sarcastically.

"All's fair in combat, where I come from. But since I'm such a nice person, I'll tell you. The sword was designed to cut big things into half-as-big things, and the shield is blessed to better protect against aura-based attacks and both fire and lightning based attacks."

"And the combat uniform?"

"My real armor is in need of professional repair and my secondary armor is too heavily reinforced for you to actually puncture and deal damage through. I've been cycling through my other, lighter armors to keep it as fair as I can."

Before the banter can continue, Goodwitch intervenes, saying, "If that will be all, thank you. Begin the fight."