That was my favourite to write so far. Enjoy!

Set six years prior.


It was Murphy who found her. Of course. Of all the people, it had to be him.

She was sitting underneath a tree right next to a small lake. Tears were silently streaming down her cheeks. When she heard someone approaching, she lifted her head.

For the first time in her life, Murphy didn't look at her with a sarcastic smile plastered on his face.

He looked tired. And sad. His black suit making him incredibly pale, highlighting the dark circles underneath his eyes. He looked like shit.
But not as shitty as Clarke. The tears that were still flowing down her face had left black streaks from her mascara. Her black tights were smeared with dirt from where she was crouching on the forest ground. Her hair a mess, a leave raking out of her blonde locks. She was only wearing her black dress, which didn't even cover all of her arm and Murphy saw her shiver as a cool breeze washed over them, making the leaves on the tree over her head shake. A lonely one falling down and into Clarke's lap. She didn't bother brushing it away.

Murphy took off his jacket and laid it over Clarke's shoulder. She watched him as he sat down next to her on the ground. Neither of them saying a word.

He watched her as she slipped her arms through the suit jacket and pulling it close.

They sat in silence for awhile. He didn't press her, asked her what was wrong. He already knew the answer. Everything!

They just buried one of their best friends. He was only 22. His birthday would have been in two weeks. Murphy knew that Clarke had been planning a surprise party. Murphy had already bought a present. It was a beanie. A really nice one, too. He didn't know what to do now. He didn't wear beanies and he didn't know anyone else who did.

He looked at Clarke. She stopped crying but her gaze was empty. It looked like she was starring at the ground but not seeing it. Her expression blank, void of any kind of emotion and still to him she looked broken. Murphy wondered why Bellamy wasn't there with her. He would have thought they would be comforting each other but he hadn't seen the older Blake in awhile.

The silence between them became deafening and Murphy couldn't stand it any longer.

"Why are you sitting here alone, Princess?" His voice hoarse from remaining silent for so long and he had to cough.

He almost missed how Clarke jumped at the usage of Bellamy's nickname for her. Almost. He saw her face twisting in pain but her eyes stayed dry.

"He's gone." It was barely a whisper. Her voice shaking, betraying her blank expression.

He didn't know what to reply. He knew that after all. They both had watched as they'd let his casket down and into the ground. They both had thrown a flower into the hole and on top of he casket. They both had said their goodbyes. So this wasn't news and he didn't understand why she would reply like that. But he didn't need to say or ask anything. The blonde explained on her on.

Finally she turned her head, looking him straight in the eye. The heartbreak clear on her face and he heard his own sharp intake of breath as he heard how broken her voice sounded.

"He's gone, Murphy. They both are. I just lost one of my best friends and the man I love in one day."
And then it clicked. Murphy understood as she saw her face crumple again and this time the tears were flowing again. Without thinking about it, he turned his body towards there, opening his arms. To his surprise Clarke let herself fall into his arms as an uncontrollable sob shook her small body. He had never seen her like this. She didn't look like the entitled rich little girl that he thought she was and that he loathed. She looked like someone who's whole world just fell apart.

Murphy couldn't believe Bellamy would do something like that. To Clarke. To his sister. Murphy knew he wanted to move out. But not out of town. Leaving his family and friends behind. And Clarke. John Murphy would have bet a million dollars that Bellamy Blake was totally head over heels in love with Clarke Griffin.
Guess he lost that bet!

The only two friends that he had had in this goddamn town were gone now. One killed, the other leaving without even saying goodbye. And as it finally sunk in, he could feel something warm running down his cheek.
Murphy was crying. His tears falling onto Clarke's blonde curls as he pressed her closer into his body, holding onto her as if she was his lifeline.

She blonde looked up as she felt him pull her closer, shocked by his sudden movement. She wanted to protest but when she saw his face, she couldn't push him away. Instead Clarke climbed onto his lap, throwing her arms around his neck and resting her head in the crook of his neck.

Murphy felt her tears falling down onto his neck. His arms behind her back holding her close.

At some point it began to get darker. The sun slowly disappearing behind the mountain on the other side of the lake. Clarke and Murphy still in the same position, still crying, rocking back and forth not able to move any further.
Not wanting to let go.