If everyone had been in a fit before, they were practically going mad now. The news of Haruto's proposal and L-elf's acceptance had quickly traveled throughout the school. So much so that some had lost their focus and didn't notice when someone had snuck their way into the module undetected. Cain was on a personal mission that had little to do with the geopolitical tensions that were currently on the rise.

Meanwhile, Haruto sought to get away from the eyes of the world, if only for a moment so that he and L-elf could talk. Haruto had quickly removed his suit and brought L-elf back to their shared room. L-elf didn't fight or protest, just letting the other drag him back.

"You're a lot more bold than you let on", L-elf teased once they were behind closed doors.

"Cut the crap", Haruto said. "I know there's a reason you wanted everyone to think we're together. I have my own reasons to."

L-elf sat in the desk chair and crossed his legs. For a moment, he said nothing. Haruto was quick to impatience in this case so he was thankful when L-elf finally responded.

"I intend to use you to further my own goals."

"Which are?", Haruto asked.

"To bring revolution to Dorssia", L-elf answered.

Haruto dropped to sit on his bed across from him. He knew what L-elf wanted couldn't be easy but this was...he was talking about overthrowing a government. One that was known for being an oppressive force.

"You...you really think you can do it", Haruto realized, his hands gripping his knees tightly.

"With the use of the valvraves, my plans have been expedited by some years", L-elf said. He had planned on spending his life breaking down the empire. But now he could do it in less than half that time.

"Why did you kiss me? What does that have to do with it?"

L-elf leaned back a little in his seat and took his time answering again. At first, Haruto thought it was just a way to get him on edge but he could see that L-elf was seriously thinking about his question. And he'd never seen L-elf take more than a second to think about something. But before L-elf could answer, an alarm sounded through the school.

"Another attack so soon?!", Haruto exclaimed jumping to his feet. But as he said it he realized it was a different sort of alarm from the usual. A voice came over the speakers.

"Attention. There is an intruder. He was last seen in-"

Haruto's ears blocked out the announcement and every other sound as a voice came to him. It was Pino. And she was frantic.

'Haruto! You've got to save him! Please!'

"What?" Pino bombarded his head with visions and information but it was like trying to watch something while on a roller coaster. He understood bits and pieces. A research lab. It was right under the school. He had to get down there and quick.

"Someone's in trouble", Haruto said. "I've gotta go."

L-elf grabbed his shoulder. "Where?"

"In a lab, somewhere, I don't know", Haruto said in a rush.

L-elf took out his phone and brought up a map that was clearly the school yet had some parts that Haruto didn't recognize. "Follow me."

Haruto didn't even ask how he'd gotten something like that and ran after him as L-elf led the way. The passageways became more and more out of sight but not quite hidden, like they never expected anyone to come down here. Haruto tried to remain focus and not gawk. Their country was still keeping secrets, it seemed. It occurred to Haruto that he really didn't know much about the operation here.

He didn't need to, he was a soldier. But maybe it was time for him to start taking on more responsibility as someone who took lives in battles. They came upon a large chamber with pieces of unfinished machinery. Haruto recognized them as potential valvraves. They looked strange to him. But even stranger still was the man standing in front of one.

"You're cornered", L-elf said, holding a gun up to the intruder. There was something in his voice and his expression that said he knew this man.

"I'm exactly where I need to be", Cain replied. He made his way into the half-done mech.

"You're getting desperate in your old age", L-elf taunted, not even bothering to stop him. What could he do in a non-operational unit?

Haruto could hear Pino yelling at him in his mind and he gripped his head. L-elf wasn't moving but Haruto had to do something. Whatever he was planning, he couldn't let this man get away with it.

Cain whispered something to the core and the machine began to activate, surprising both L-elf and Haruto. Cain shot them a triumphant smirk and Haruto felt his heart rate rise. He was going to get away. Haruto's breathing got short when he saw the phantom image of someone before his eyes just as Cain broke through the ceiling and made his escape.


Haruto felt Pino's anguish as his own as a scream erupted from his body.