Rows of cadets stood in perfectly straight lines before their commander. They were split between the different sections - pilots, engineers, bridge officers, and medics.

"You've done well these years of training. And now you may put that training to good use, for your country! We will show those Dorssians that we are not to be trifled with!"

The cadets saluted. The air around them was filled with excitement, fear, anger, and some were even just indifferent. Now was finally the time for battle.

Four years ago...

Module 77 sat happily as an area of peace, belonging to the coalition of nations that is JIOR. They governed under laws that prohibited actions of war and the development of weapons of mass destruction. Compared to the militant Dorssia and the aggressive ARUS, JIOR was practically a utopia. But there was a secret of Module 77, one that only the citizens knew of and was kept by heavy censorship of the WIRED.

All of the adults were military personnel, whether it was combatant or research. Dorssia had become more hostile in recent years and JIOR had discovered an interesting bit of technology not previously known. The children were the center of it all. The plan was to train them in order to fight with these new weapons. In order to do so, the parents of these children each signed a contract.

Their births were not entirely natural. While the mothers did carry them in their bellies, before that the embryo was created by artificial insemination. The scientists altered each and everyone before implanting it into the mother. Their genes were manipulated to fit the needs of the weapons. Of course, the children themselves were unaware of this, living innocently.

It was only revealed at the age of thirteen, when they would begin their training. All had the aptitude to fight, but of course not all wanted that. Most would go to the other sectors. There was only one person in the entire population with a special designation. Tokishima Haruto.

His father, Tokishima Soichi, was head of research. Of the five weapons created, one was special and needed a certain kind of pilot. Haruto's DNA was changed so drastically, meaning he was the only one who could do it. His father told him so on his thirteenth birthday, along with everything else JIOR was hiding from the world. It had shocked the boy to learn this and his first thought was to seek out his friend Shoko.

But quickly he realized that she had turned thirteen months ago and probably already knew, and had hidden it from him for this long. Haruto didn't like the idea of learning how to fight. He didn't understand the reason for it until a few months into his training when an atrocity happened. Dorssia had attacked a small part of ARUS, killing thousands.

JIOR offered assistance in way of giving refuge to survivors, but otherwise remained neutral. The time had not yet come to play their hand. However that was enough to shock Haruto into action. Since then he tried his best to be worthy of the position given to him.

Preparation began at thirteen, where the children would take up "extra curricular activities". These would be after school training sessions. Once they entered high school, most subjects were on the topic of military protocol, battle strategies, and learning about the technology in tandem with subjects such as math and science. Again, after school clubs would be covers for exercises.

The most important test was one that chose pilots and decided one's ability. Haruto knew upon entering high school that he would be piloting Unit I, but still did his best on the exam. It was broken into two parts - the first written, the second a simulation. The results had been decided and the student's scores were up for viewing. Haruto saw his name at the very top. It was an unfamiliar sight. He was now fourteen and would soon be fighting a battle he'd never imagined.

An arm hung around his shoulder. "I'd expect no less from Dr. Tokishima's kid."

"Cut it out senpai. You make it sound like I cheated."

Haruto looked at his upperclassman, Inuzuka Kyuma, a second year. "My results the same as last year", he said forlornly. In the simulation he always did well, but the written part always got him.

"It's not so great, I bet, being a pilot", Haruto tried to comfort him, but he really didn't know.

He hadn't been inside one of those things yet. And hopefully he never would. JIOR had maintained peace for this long. The citizens were required to complete active military service for three years after turning eighteen. With any luck, Haruto would get to be twenty-one without ever going into battle.

The next few months of his life remained unchanged. He went to school, learned hand to hand combat as well as how to fight in his robot. Haruto was the only pilot for a while. It wasn't until he was a second year that his upperclassman, Inuzuka was announced as a pilot. The proctors recognized not only his practical skills but also his closeness with Haruto. They inferred that their friendship would help them during a skirmish.

They went through half the school year without incident until Dorssia made another move. This time they attacked a JIORan module very close to them and Module 77 knew they were next. A hasty ceremony very similar to a graduation scene was had that very day.

"We have only chosen two pilots out of the five needed. But this is a dire situation. We have chosen the other three based on their most recent scores and compatibility with each unit."

Everyone was tense, wondering who would be chosen. Some prayed to be picked, others wanted nothing to do with it.

"Unit III, Yamada Raizo. Unit IV, Rukino Saki. Unit VI, Renbokoji Akira. It is only a matter of time before the enemy is at our door. Cadets! To your stations!"

They saluted before hurrying off to prepare. Haruto and Inuzuka went off to the pilot locker rooms to get changed. There they met up with Yamada Raizo. He looked to them with a prideful grin.

"Ready to beat the shit out of some Dorssians?"

"We're fighting to protect our home. Not just fight", Haruto said. He took out the simply designed pilot uniform used for simulations when a man entered the boy's locker room, followed by three other men who carried suitcases.

"Professor Kibukawa", Inuzuka addressed him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to give you your official suits and tell you what will happen once you step into a Valvrave." The other men opened up the suitcases and handed the boys their uniforms.

They came in red, blue, and yellow. The glimpses they got of the mechas showed that they were accented in the same color.

"Once you get in the seat you'll be asked to give up your humanity. If you want to pilot and fight for JIOR, you must accept."

The students nodded solemnly. One of the first things they were taught was how one's body changed. They would become immortal and incapable of dying, along with the ability to possess bodies. It was enough to make some steer clear of the robots entirely. So far the Valvraves had been unused and no one had been turned, but that would be the case for much longer.

"Once you're dressed report to your assignment."

He left them to get dressed and at the same time Saki was getting the same briefing from a female officer while she changed. Renbokoji Akira was unaccounted for. Minutes later, the four of them stood before their robots, ready for battle.

"Where is Renbokoji?!"

The other pilots saluted at their commanding officer, Ichijo Testuya. He was a stern man in his forties with hair beginning to gray. He looked to the young adults who he would be seeing off and frowned at the missing pilot.

"We don't know where they are sir", Inuzuka spoke up. "I can't speak for Yamada and Rukino but Haruto and I aren't familiar with Renbokoji."

"Maybe...they got lost?", Haruto suggested.

Saki rolled her eyes at that. Haruto was built up as someone chosen as a pilot before even taking the test but he didn't seem like much to her.

"Who cares about the deserter? We can handle this with just four! I could do it on my own!", Yamada bellowed. Right after he did, a force hit that made the whole module shake. The power went out before switching to emergency generators, giving the room a green glow.

Inuzuka nodded. "We can't waste time. We have to launch now."

Commander Ichijo nodded in consent and they were lifted into their Valvraves. The hatches closed and they were presented with the question. Saki and Yamada accepted without the smallest bit of hesitation. For Inuzuka it only took a moment. Haruto took a second more. He didn't like confrontation. He didn't want to hurt anyone. But he was the only one that could do it.

And if he didn't, that just meant more people would be killed. Haruto answered 'yes' and with that, his humanity was taken. The weapons were activated and after checking the systems they were launched. Haruto and Saki were immediately deployed above ground while Yamada and Inuzuka were transported to the runway to be be dispatched outside the module.

"Units I and IV, you will engage the enemy units that have invaded the module. III and V, you will protect the breach from any further intruders", Ichijo explained.

Kibukawa looked at him strangely. "Sir, I thought it was agreed that Tokishima and Inuzuka should work close together?"

"That was when they were the only pilots and it was a simulation. But Yamada's a loose cannon and Rukino's fickle. Hopefully this coupling will balance them out. And someone find Renbokoji!"

It was at that moment that gunshots rang out on the control room. As two fell to the floor, the rest grabbed their guns at shot at the door. It was only opened by a crack and they couldn't see who was shooting at them.

"The targets aren't here anymore", a voice said from behind the door. "Let's move."

It was quiet for a moment before Commander Ichijo spoke again. "Go after them! And capture whoever that is!"

Kibukawa frowned. "I'll go look for Renbokoji", he said, leaving after the squad of officers off to catch the gunman.

Meanwhile, outside Haruto and Saki were working in tandem to defeat the opposing force that had entered the module. The Dorssians were surprised by their readiness and fell quickly. Haruto didn't expect to work so well with a stranger, but their moves synchronized perfectly. Inuzuka had a tough time keeping Yamada on task.

"Their ship is right there! I can see it. I could probably hit it with one blast-"

"And then what? We don't know how many they have in their fleet. If you attack, are you prepared to take down a whole army by yourself?" Inuzuka's tone was firm. While he appreciated his partner's enthusiasm, it wouldn't do well to lose an Valvrave on its first sortie. A few had tried to get passed them but Yamada made short work of them. Inuzuka barely had to do anything besides use his shield a few times when the hot head was busy with an opponent.

The Dorssian ship began to move away and Inuzuka sighed in relief. It was then that their commander appeared on the communication screen. "Yamada, Inuzuka, return to base. The enemy has retreated."

"Yes sir!"

"Yeah, yeah. Damn, barely got to do any fighting."

Saki and Haruto received the same message once their adversaries were dealt with. Units I and IV flew back towards the school when Haruto noticed something.

"Rukino-san, you go ahead."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"I uh...I overheated. I need to rest for a bit to cool down. I'll be right behind you in just a few minutes."

Saki didn't completely believe him. But if he wanted to disobey an order, it was none of her business. She continued on and left Haruto alone. He landed and opened the hatch. After getting out, he looked around.

"I could've sworn I saw someone around here."

He heard it before he saw it but his training kicked in and he dodged just in time to see a the glint of a knife. Haruto got into a fighting position and saw that he had been attacked by someone wearing a student uniform. He looked Dorssian. And that silver hair was what caught his eye before.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you behind all of this?"

He just smirked and put his knife away. "I'm Captain L-elf of Dorssian Special Forces", he as he took out a gun and aimed.

Haruto was speechless and his eyes widened as he pulled the trigger. The pilot dodged and lunged, going for a punch. He missed but was able to knock the gun out of L-elf's hand. They traded blows, neither gaining or losing and it looked like it might go on for a while when suddenly a bullet went through the side of Haruto's head. He fell to the ground and L-elf turned to see his squad, a group of four other young men.

"Why are you playing around with a JIORan when we have a job?"

A blonde one grinned and stuck his hands into his pockets. "A-drei's no-nonsense as usual", he referred to the one that took the shot.

"I wasn't playing", L-elf denied.

"So he was really giving you that much trouble?" A-drei looked to the dead pilot and then to the robot. "We've underestimated them."

The one with glasses stepped forward. "In any case, the other Valvraves have already returned to the school. We should take this one and report back."

They all froze at the sound of the corpse moving. Haruto stood on shaky feet before regaining his balance. There was blood but the wound where he had been shot was gone. The Dorssian teens looked on with varying expressions. Their shock quickly disappeared and they turned their guns on him, excluding L-elf who hadn't retrieved his yet.

Haruto looked confused himself, unsure of what had happened. He remembered the contract for piloting a Valvrave and the word used to describe what he now was - magius. Before he could take another step and provoke them, they were surrounded by the other three units.

"Put down your weapons and surrender", Inuzuka demanded.

L-elf and the others exchanged glances before nodding and disarming themselves. A helicopter landed away from them and officers got out, apprehending and handcuffing the Dorssians. Only when they were being carried off by copter and Saki and left along with Yamada, did Inuzuka go to Haruto and make sure he was alright.

"I don't hurt...But I feel strange...I mean, it hurt when I got shot but only for a moment. Then I was awake."

Inuzuka brushed aside his hair to look at his scalp. If it weren't for the blood there'd be no evidence of a bullet going through. "Well, you seem fine now. But you should still go to the infirmary once you return. Can you pilot on your own? You can hitch a ride with me while a crew picks up Unit I."

Haruto shook his head. "No. I'm fine. If I'm going to go on like this, I should get used to dying."

i'm not sure what pairings i'll go with, if any. i'm leaning toward harueru, but we'll see.

and shoko does have a roll in this, it's just not seen yet. basically, i hope to cover each episode by chapter, just an alternate telling in this universe. so we'll see where it takes us.