Poison & Wine

Set shortly after Neverland. No Pan/Henry body switch. Pan is very much trapped in the Pandora box. Sydney assaults Regina and Emma saves her but it comes at a price. Character death. Warnings: Mention of Murder, Hints at sexual assault, Language, consensual sexual content, angst, fluff. THIS IS A SWANQUEEN FIC.

She opened her eyes with great effort. Everything was sore. The light above her was flickering. The blonde grumbled, not recognizing her own gruff voice. She knew she was lying down; she could figure that out, but her right arm was restrained. She went to move her head to the side so she could see what was resisting the movement of her arm, but she didn't get far before she winced in pain. Her neck hurt and her head was throbbing. Her mind was rather foggy, but she did vividly remember what brought her here.

"Regina." She thought. She looked around her for some kind of call button. She had been in hospitals enough times to know they offer them. When her left hand bumped against something plastic, she curled her fingers around her and pressed the button, holding it down for several seconds. She waited for nearly three minutes before Dr. Whale entered the room.

He let out a breath of what seemed like relief. "You're an enigma, Miss Swan."

"How Regina?" The woman asked, voice still rough and dry. "Is she okay?"

"Sherriff, I'm not capable of discussing my other patients with you. Your deputy will be with you shortly. But I'd like to take your vitals and discuss your injuries if you're up for it."

Emma nodded her head the best she could. She could feel a slice in her lips as she spoke. "I'm up for it."

He took the chart from underneath his armpit and placed it down on her bed before pulling out a flashlight. "Follow the light for me." She did as asked. He proceeded to take her pulse and blood pressure before writing down something on his chart and looking up at Emma. "Your vitals look good, which is a good sign. There's no sign of a concussion but you shoulder is dislocated. Are you experiencing any stomach pains?"

The blonde thought about it. There was a significant pull to her left side, high up by her ribcage. "A little." Her memory was hazy but she definitely remembers the sharp blade coursing through her skin. "Sydney. He-"

Dr. Whale was quick to interrupt her. "He stabbed you three times on the left side of your abdomen. He cracked a rib but the most significant injury was done to your spleen. We had to perform an emergency Laparoscopic Splenectomy." Emma' s eyes widen at the information but she continues to listen. "Your body is reacting well to the antibiotics and if everything goes according to plan you'll be released tomorrow morning. However, because we weren't able to save your spleen I will need you to come in sometime within the next couple of weeks just so we can check up on how you're doing and see if you need any further antibiotics. I need you to be aware that living without your spleen will be a slight lifestyle change. You're immune system won't be as strong so you'll have to take all the necessary precautions to prevent sickness." He paused for a moment when he saw Emma fading in and out. "We'll talk more about this later. The deputy should be here soon."

The sheriff nodded and closed her eyes. She could admit that she was still a tad high from the drugs. When Victor Whale stepped out of the room and into the hallway he grabbed his phone and dialed a number. It went straight to voicemail, "She's awake." Is all he said before hanging up.

David stormed into the hospital and ran into the post-op waiting room, where his wife slept awkwardly in the uncomfortable hospital chair, using his jacket as covers. He kneeled in front of her and gently shook her away.

Green eyes met his blue ones and he smiled softly. "She woke up."

Snow fumbled to uncover herself as she woke up and began to stand. "When? We have to go see her. I thought you were down by the docks looking over the crime scene?"

He nodded, standing with her. "I was, but the nurse called me while I was there and told me Emma woke up. Think you're up for that?"

The pixie cut woman smiled through her tears. "Let's go see our daughter."

Charming took her hand and led them to Emma's room. When the couple entered the room, their daughter was awake but just barely. She smiled softly at them both. "Hey guys."

Mary Margaret couldn't resist the urge to gently hug her daughter while her blonde husband kissed the girl's hair. "Hi honey. How are you feeling?" She questioned.

"Like I got stabbed." Emma attempted a laugh but winced when her incision stung. "Where's Henry?"

"He's with Ruby. Your mom can go get him in a little bit if you'd like to see him."

Emma nodded. "And Regina?"

David and Mary Margaret looked at one another before the dark haired woman spoke up. "She should be at the mansion."

"She okay?" The sheriff questioned them.

Her mom nodded. "Dr. Whale released her around four thirty this morning."

The blonde relaxed slightly but she couldn't stop the feeling eating away at her. She felt like she needed to be near the mayor. She felt like she could help the brunette. "I should go see her, talk to her." She swallowed. "Get her statement or something." Emma tried to sit up but David gently but firmly at the same time coaxed her back down.

"Emma, I already spoke to her." He wasn't lying, but Regina was rather vague on what had happened. Her exact words were, "Sydney forced himself on me. Miss Swan stupidly put herself in harms way to help me and she better not die because of it." But he figured, after the injuries Sydney Glass had put upon his daughter follow through his murder wasn't necessary.

"I killed him." The savior whispered quietly to her parents.

Mary Margaret stroked her cheek as David and his daughter looked at one another. "He gave you no choice, Emma."

She nodded, feeling the ache in her head. "Regina… I've never seen her so… so shattered." Tears were stinging her eyes as she vividly remembered the look of desperation on Regina's face as Sydney clutched her throat and forced himself on her. "I need to see her. I need to make sure she's okay."

The blonde's mother stroked her daughter's hair softly. "Oh, Emma, I don't think-"

"Mom!" Emma interrupted swiftly. "You weren't there. I just have to-"

As the twenty-nine year old tried to get up, Snow snapped. "Emma, you nearly died! Right now all you need to do is lie down and recover!"

"Snow-" Charming began but the dark haired woman shook her head.

"No, David. Emma, you have no idea how close you were to dying. I understand you're worried about Regina right now but we're worried about you."

Emma clenched her jaw and pressed the nurse button. She had a few words to say to Dr. Whale.

Regina's back was to the door, knees pulled up to her chest as she rested her chin on one of them. The tears were running easily down her face. She had showered fourteen times since she'd been home but none of it felt like enough. Her emotions were going haywire.

Many years ago, in the Enchanted Forest, Regina had been seventeen when she married the king. Young and naive she was and while Leopold was the kindest king around, he had become a different man when he desired her. She was expected to be ready for him whenever he saw fit, but that was many years ago. The memories of the king roughly within her were blurry and the emotional pain had long subsided. However, after what Sydney had done to her- or almost did- the same feelings of shame, helplessness and despair were all bubbling up to the surface.


Emma had showed up at the right time, solidifying her as the nicknamed 'Savior'. Regina had never been more relieved to see the blonde sheriff. Everything after that happened so quickly. Emma ripped Sydney off of the mayor, whose dress was ripped significantly. They tumbled for several moments before Sydney pulled the knife he was holding at Regina's stomach and stabbed the sheriff multiple times. Regina was frozen up until the blade sliced the blonde open. The former queen hurried over as quickly as she could. Right before she grabbed Sydney to yank him away, there was a gunshot. Sydney's body went limp on top of Emma and Regina had to push him off.

"Emma?" The blonde's eyes were unfocused as Regina put pressure on the stab wounds with her hands. "Emma, you need to stay awake for me, dear." She had pleaded with the birth mother of her son.

The sheriff laughed humorously. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight, right? I guess I should have started with the gun."

Regina found no hilarity in the younger girl's statement. "Emma, I need you to take this cuff off of my hand. The second you do I'll poof us to the hospital and you'll be okay." Tears were falling from the brunette as she displayed her wrist with the cuff that Sydney had put it on her before the assault.

Emma's consciousness was starting to fade but she managed to just barely get it off before her eyelids closed.

Regina poofed them to the hospital the second she could.


"Emma, I really must insist you stay another night." Dr. Whale pushed. "Your body needs rest."

"I can get rest at home." The sheriff insisted. "You said yourself that it was life threatening for me to go home tonight."

The doctor shook his head. "No. I said that being discharged tonight wouldn't kill you, but you'll be more likely to get an infection if you leave tonight. There's a higher chance your stitches will tear."

"So I'll sign a release form." The woman suggested, glancing just briefly at her parents outside of the window.

Victor sighed heavily. "Miss Swan, I must insist-"

"Get me the form, Whale." She barked. "I don't need another night here. What I need to do is see my kid and talk to Regina."

Dr. Whale knew he wasn't going to win this argument and simply nodded. "Your call, sheriff." He said before opening the door and brushing past the Charming's without a word.

Mary Margaret and David walked into the room and shut the door behind them. "Whale is getting me a release form so I can go home tonight."

"Emma-" Snow began.

David interrupted her. "Do you want Ruby to bring Henry here or just meet us at the loft?" He knew his daughter could be just as stubborn as his wife.

The blonde smiled thankfully at her father. "It could take a couple hours to get released so tell her to go ahead and bring him here." Emma looked at her mom. "I'm a little hungry. Could you get me something from Granny's and sneak it in?"

Snow still looked upset but she agreed and wished them farewell. Charming pulled an evidence bag out of his jacket and placed it in Emma's lap. Inside it were all the items the sheriff had on last night: cellphone, keys, gun, Chap Stick.

"Thank you." Emma smiled at her dad.

He kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you're okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Dad. No leave me alone and go act as the sheriff before I fire you."

The blonde haired man laughed at her. "Fired by my own daughter? Well I can't have that."

Regina heard her cellphone vibrating by her feet. It had gone off more than usual today. Henry had called four times, all going unanswered. He eventually left a voicemail telling her that he knew she needed some time along and that he loved her. Charming had called four times but she was quick to deny them. Whale had called only once, giving her the information she had asked him to before he discharged her.

Emma was awake, she knew. Part of her had wanted to go down to the hospital but she couldn't do it. Her body was physically incapable of moving. She had no idea what do say to Emma. What do you say to someone who saw you so vulnerable and helpless? What do you say to the person who was willing to die for you? What do you say to the person who killed for you?

The mayor sobbed through her pain until she heard a double vibration. She looked down at her phone: 1 Voicemail From Sheriff Swan. Her hands scrambled to unlock her iPhone and she pressed her ear against it.

After five solid seconds of silence, Regina was about to put her phone down when she heard, "Hey, Regina. I- It's Emma. You- you probably knew that." She sounded frustrated with herself and despite everything Regina felt a small tug upwards of her lips. "I'm worried about you. I'm waiting to sign the release forms to go home. Look… I just need to know you're okay. God, that's a stupid thing to say. I know you're not really okay but… I just- it would make me feel better to hear your voice. I'm rambling, I know. Typical Swan." Regina did smile this time at the blonde's attempted joke. It made the former queen feel better to hear Emma's voice. "Just, like I said, they're releasing me tonight. I'd like to come see you. If you don't want me to, that's fine, but if you do then just text me or just text me either way because I'd really like to hear from you. I'll end this novel of a voicemail before it cuts me off… I'm not sorry for it, Regina. I'd do it again in a second."

The voicemail ended but Regina kept the phone to her ear and closed her eyes as tears ran down her face. Eventually she grasped her phone and went to text Emma. She wasn't sure if she was sure if she wanted to see the blonde or not, but she couldn't deny that her heart felt much lighter after hearing the sheriff's voice.

Gaining up the courage she quickly typed a message to Emma and hoped she wouldn't regret it later.

I know it's short but it is only the first chapter. This is my first fic so tell me how it was & if I should continue or if it just sucks. Lol.