Chapter 10

Wolf of Ninety

It had been years since the day they first met, when she arrived in the world of Assassin's Creed. Years after Charles Lee was finally killed.

Almost forty in fact.

Okwaho was now an old wolf reaching towards seventy, she could walk easily enough but jumping, fighting and running hindered her causing the now older Connor from taking her hunting with him anymore, or on missions.

Instead he had her stay at the manor, watching over his grandkids as he and his children did the hunting and fighting instead.

Over thirty years ago Connor found himself a woman, another assassin, they had boy and girl twin's only months after their wedding, both beautiful.

Now they were in their early twenties, the son had a three year old son with his own wife, and the daughter was yet to meet a man she could learn to love.

Both followed their father and mother down the assassin line, hoping to be as great as their old man and have a friend like Okwaho.

They all treated her like an Aunt or grandmother, and in a way she was. When Connor's daughter complained about the lumber boys that kept flirting with her, Okwaho listened.

When the son came to her to escape the screams of his child and complaints of his once more pregnant wife, Okwaho kept him hidden and calm.

And when the two women came to give her coffee and food, Okwaho devoured it in only a few gulps like the pig she was.

Then finally when Connor came to her every day to sit in Achilles' old chair to speak with her about their past together and his day, Okwaho curled up on his lap remembering the time she had.

And when the baby was born and the daughter finally met a man and had a child with him, Okwaho listened to every baby babble even if she didn't understand.

Not much of that changed in the ten years of this that followed.


One day, ten more years after the last two grandkids were born, Connor sat with her on the stairs at the manor's entrance, speaking once more about the past, as he too was beginning to age. He looked much like Haytham, only he still had his Mohawk.

Said Mohawk was adorned with beads, similar to the ones Okwaho always had in her fur, these ones represented those he loved.

Coloured beads for his children and grandkids, three white ones for his wife and kids spouses. A Assassin's crest for Achilles, there was one carved into the shape of a Templar cross for his father, who passed away after years of working to gain trust in the Assassin's order and get revenge on the man who had killed his father.

The truth had all come out about how he was used as a tool and blinded by lies, Haytham had turned to become a large Assassin, dragging Shay back into the folds with his silver tongue. He showed the other former Assassin how the Templar's were worse then the Assassins.

Haytham had left with Shay after a few years to create an Assassin guild inside the new country that England found during the hunt for Charles Lee, protecting as many as the black folk they found as possible from the blades of Templar's hiding in the redcoat ranks still.

Before Haytham had passed away after years serving in the new country, he had sent a letter to Connor along with the bone of a crocodile he had slayed saying the new land was hot with red sand, frightening weather and dangerous wildlife. It was hell on earth, his words exactly.

It made Okwaho proud, she always had a love for Australia, her country of birth.

Which brought her back to the final bead, shaped like the head of a wolf. That was for her, and it was the one that Connor took the most care of, he even polished it every day to keep it in goo care.

"Okwaho, never leave me." Connor whispered wistfully while running his fingers through Okwaho's mane, she looked up at him sadly but whined in agreement.

Petting her once more the aging assassin went inside to play a game with is young ones, he was teaching them how to play chess. Okwaho sat outside looking into the forest, she felt weary.

For almost sixty years she was with Connor, she was now getting close to ninety, about as old as any human could get in this timeline. She would have liked a life like a normal human, to have children of her own.

She desired it so much she almost went off with the wild wolves to join them, but she held firm, Okwaho would not leave Connor for any reason in the world. Except maybe for one, one she wanted to shield him from.

Looking inside as laughter filled the manor she smiled longingly on the inside and listened as she waited. Watching the sun slowly lower across the trees and listening to the howls, which she echoed after a pause.

In the dead of night, Okwaho finally left.