Chapter 1

A ColdHiddenBlade story

What do you believe happens to the mind and soul when you pass away? Is there a heaven or are you just gone, nothing, like when you're asleep without dreams?

Or does it depend entirely up to you, to be reborn into a new world with mind intact? What if you died and awoke in the world of your latest obsession in a different form to create a new life? Whether that would be your personal Heaven, or a world like Earth, what about a movie or a book? Or maybe even the universe of a video game, it all depended on you.

Where would you go?


The wind was crisp and filled with the scent of the forest. There was an icy wind blowing down from the high rocky hills, a different feeling to the heat of Australia's famous Sunshine State, Queensland.

Quietly she watched through the bushes as she witnessed a group of white men threatening a young Mohawk child. Not something one would see in the Gold Country in 2014.

Yet this scene she had replayed before many times, back when she had been at home playing her Xbox 360 like always, back when she was alive and human. Now she saw it for real, Charles Lee threatening a young Connor from Assassin's Creed 3.

Finally after words being thrown back and forth, the butt of Johnson's rifle knocked out Connor and the Templar's dispersed without a care for the boy's safety. Once they were gone from sight, slowly she crept forward to lie down beside the young boy to protect him from the cold wind with her thick fur and watch over him from wild animals. The area was filled with wolves and bears.

Yes that was fur, thick and a mix of white, reddish brown and black, the fur of a typical Grey Wolf of America. Something she hadn't been before waking up here in this world. After the betrayal of one she thought as her loveable father, why did he do it? Was it because she discovered the butchered bodies he had buried years ago belonging to her mother and grandparents?

There was no point in asking what happened and why, he wasn't here.

Black nose twitched at the scent of smoke in the wind and ears flicked backwards at the sound of screaming in the distance, George Washington was attacking Connor's people. It made her chest constrict to hear in in reality… or was this illusions?

The boy didn't wake through the battle, not until the air was thick with smoke and the screaming died down, he looked startled as he groggily looked at the massive wolf lying at his side.

He said something in his language and reached out to pat her before pausing midair as he breathed deeply in the smoke, his eyes filled with realization as the memories of the previous hour returned. "Ista!"

Using her high back as leverage to stand, Connor began to struggle towards his village. It was possible he was suffering a serious concussion and it made the wolf-girl worry. As close as she could she walked beside him.

Connor didn't mind the wolf that stuck by his side, as long as it kept helping him whenever he stumbled and continued to let him lean on it as his legs wobbled and gave way then he didn't care.

Inside the burning village, no one noticed the boy and wolf. They were fighting to get everyone to safety and put out the flames. "ISTA!?" Through one of the longhouses the boy ran, now recovered from the spinning in his skull. Much to the wolf-girls relief. It looked like he wasn't going to have long lasting damage to his brain.

Quickly the wolf followed, leaping over the fallen planks of wood while Connor slid underneath them. Close to the river he banged on the door crying to his mother who was visible through the gaps, pinned beneath the rubble of their longhouse roof.

The odd pair veered around the side and along the river, a section of the longhouse fell outwards as the fine wood holding it up burned into ash. The wolf-girl quickly grabbed Connor by the back of his shirt and pulled him out of the way of some falling timber.

Before the dirt and smoke settled, Connor ran inside calling to his mother. He weakly tried to pull up the timber holding down Ziio. The beautiful Mohawk woman said something to her beloved son while handing over her bone bead bracelet.

Ziio looked to the wolf for a moment as the large creature dug large fangs into the boys sleeve to try and pull him away as the roof began to crack, a man appeared behind them and threw Connor over his shoulder.


"Konnorónhkwa." The final word was only just heard as burning wood fell upon Ziio. Engulfing her in flames.


The smell of ash and death was thick as it began to settle leaving a grey layer over everything from the ground to clothing, also including the wolf's fur. Connor sat next to the water with knees pulled up to his chest, the wolf sat beside him staring out across the water with ears perked up high like a dog guarding its master.

A chubby native boy, the one who was Connor's best friend, slowly made his way over to ask something in their language before sitting on the other side of the depressed boy. Kanen'tó:kon looked to the wolf for a moment before saying something that caused Connor to look up at the wolf, who was now looking down at him with bright blue eyes. Filled with her mysterious intelligence.

After some silence, he answered his friend's question while running fingers through the wolf's mane, after explaining Conner spoke in English towards the wolf. "You are Okwaho."

Okwaho, that was a word she didn't recognize but it warmed her from the inside for some reason. Connor was giving her a name, like he wanted her to stick around.

And Okwaho will bring honor to this name by his side.

What do you think so far? This is not going to be like my typical stories