The caged wolf
"I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Hand of the King. I have come before you to confess my treasons." The crowd roars in response and Joffrey has a wicked glint in his eye and an evil smile on his face. Ned waited for the crowd to become silence before speaking again, this time louder.
"But I have no treason to confess to. The charges against me are false, lies to make me look traitor. King Robert was my best friend, we grew up together, trained together, and went to war together. I would never betray him. And I haven't." He wasn't going to tell the crowd what he had discovered of Joffrey and his sibling's parentage, that would be cruel. He didn't care for Joffrey, but his siblings were sweet and kind. He wouldn't shame them in front of thousands of people.
"Your Grace," he addressed the boy. He wasn't the true king but Ned wouldn't deprive him of a title he spent his whole life feeling entitled to. It wasn't his fault the way he was born. "If you are still going to accuse me of these crimes I didn't commit, then I demand a trial." He looked over to Cersei. He saw in her expression that she knew where this was headed.
"I demand a trial by combat." Ned said loudly. The crowd was talking excitedly now, oblivious to how the queen and Joffrey were reacting. Joffrey looked shocked, no doubt he had been assured by his mother that Ned would confess. Cersei looked the same but with more rage etching her features.
Cersei spoke for her son. "You have that right Lord Stark. The trial will be in two weeks time. I don't believe you realize how much you have doomed yourself. Guards, take the prisoner back to his cell." With that, she and her son along with their entourage of small council members and guards left the Sept of Baelor and headed for the Red Keep.
The guards nodded in response and grabbed Ned by each arm and escorted him down the steps of the Sept of Baelor. He looked toward the statue Baelor to see if his daughter was still perched at its base. When he saw that she wasn't, he looked for Yoren, the Night's Watch recruiter. He was almost out of the plaza when he caught sight of him. They met eyes and Ned saw Yoren nod his head slightly before disappearing from sight.