Clarke woke up to the aroma of pancakes filling the entire hotel room. She took a deep breath, savoring the smell before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. When she glanced around, all she could see were their clothes strewn across the room. Clarke giggled, remembering the last night with him. Sex never felt so good.

Still naked, Clarke hopped out of bed and threw on the shirt that Bellamy had worn the night before. She twirled in front of the mirror once to make sure that she looked decent before peeking out the door and into the living area of the hotel suite.

Clarke laughed at the sight of a completely oblivious Bellamy dancing around the kitchen in nothing but his boxers. She stood in the doorway for a couple minutes just taking in the rare sight of her boyfriend making a fool out of himself. Bellamy held the spatula up to his mouth and proceeded to sing the lyrics to "Sugar" by Maroon 5 while he baked the pancakes.

"YOU'RE SUGAAAR! YESSS PLEASEEEEE! WON'T YOU COME AND PUT IT DOWN ON MEEEEE!" He sang into the spatula. Clarke could resist anymore, she ran into the kitchen and jumped into Bellamy's arms, sending him stumbling back. She kissed him quickly and then jumped down to take the spatula from his hand.

"I'M RIGHT HERE! CAUSE I NEED! A LITTLE LOVE, A LITTLE SYMPATHY!" Clarke sang to him, as she strut around the room. Bellamy chased after her, playfully smacked her butt, and stole the spatula back for the next line in the song.

"YEAH YOU SHOW ME GOOD LOVIN', MAKE IT ALRIGHT, NEED A LITTLE SWEETNESS IN MY LIFE!" He sang, jumping on the couch and pointing to her while he sang. Clarke jumped up on the coffee table and showed off the cheesiest dance moves she could think of. Then, Bellamy jumped onto the coffee table with her and held the spatula in between them so they could both sing.

"YOU'RE SUGAR! YES PLEASE! WON'T YOU COME AND PUT IT DOWN ON ME?" They sang together. Clarke bit her lip and looked her overly sexy boyfriend up and down before pouncing on him and tackling him down onto the couch.

"Clar-" He breathed as she kissed his neck. He wrapped his hands tightly around her waist and moaned.

"Clarke-" He gasped but she shut him up by kissing him on the lips.

"Clarke! The pancakes!" Bellamy finally screamed. Clarke flicked her head up to look in the kitchen where the pancakes were burning. She jumped up with him and helped him put out the small fire.

"Please don't set off the fire alarms…" She begged while they turned on the kitchen fan and used newspapers to try and diffuse the smoke.

"I'm sorry, Bellamy." She said once they mess was cleaned up. Bellamy smiled and kissed her forehead.

"That definitely wasn't how I planned for this morning to go," He began, causing her to frown and take a seat on the counter.

Bellamy cupped her face and kissed her lips softly, "it was better than how I expected this morning to go."

Clarke smiled and kissed him one more time before jumping off of the counter top. Bellamy made his way into the bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt before grabbing his backpack.

"Where are you going so soon?" Clarke asked, looking at the time. It was only 9am and he was already heading out for the day.

"I film in two hours. I have to be on set soon for hair and makeup. Come whenever you're ready. I left the number for my driver on the kitchen counter! I love you!" He said quickly before heading out the door. Clarke huffed and fell onto the couch. She wasn't used to him having to leave her for work, but luckily she could go with him and watch. The room was empty without him, so she decided to rush and get ready. She hopped in the shower, threw on some simple makeup, put on a cute sundress, and then called Bellamy's driver. After about 10 minutes, she met him in the lobby where several paparazzi were waiting for her. She was becoming a pro at drowning out their inappropriate questions.

Once she was safely inside the van, she took the opportunity to call and check in with Octavia. It didn't take long for Bellamy's sister to answer the phone.

"Hey Octavia! How are you?" She asked while she looked out the window at Vancouver.

"I'm great! Lincoln and I were just about to go out and grab some lunch with Raven and Jasper!" She exclaimed. A smirk spread across Clarke's face when Octavia said, "Lincoln and I".

"So you and Lincoln, huh?" Clarke pryed. She could sense the blush creeping up on Octavia's face on the other end of the line.

"Shut up!" Octavia gasped, causing Clarke to laugh. There was definitely something more than friends going on between those two.

"What are you up to?" Octavia asked, desperately trying to change the subject. Clarke watched as the car pulled up to a security checkpoint. They were just about to enter the set.

"I'm almost to the set where Bellamy is filming! I'm gonna hang out in his trailer and stuff until he's done shooting and then we might go out with Lexa and Costia" Clarke said to her.

"Well I better get going, Lincoln is waiting for me! Love you!" Octavia said.

"Love you too!" Clarke replied and then hung up the phone.

The set was bustling with hundreds of people. Each person had a million tasks he or she had to do to make this movie happen. There were directors, editors, writers, camera crews, make up artists, managers, hair designers, costume designers, actors, extras, and even private chefs!

Two body guards opened the door for Clarke to get out of the car. She thanked them and then stood in awe of everything going on around her. She caught glimpses of people rushing by her as she stood in the middle of the chaos. Her eyes landed on a sign claiming to point towards the trailers. She tried to follow signs, but it was difficult for her to navigate the terrain on her own. Every path she took always lead to a dead end. After 30 minutes, she finally gave up and decided to ask the first person that she saw how to get to Bellamy's trailer. The woman told her to keep following the path until she reached the make-up and hair trailers. When she saw those she had to take a right turn. Bellamy's trailer would be straight ahead. Clarke followed her directions and low and behold she finally reached Bellamy's trailer.

She hesitated to knock on the door, terrified that he'd change his mind and not want her around. Would he be bothered by her following him to set? He said he wanted her there but could he change his mind? Clarke bit her lip and knocked on the door twice. When she did, the trailer door creaked open by itself because it was already open. She quietly crept into the trailer. It was small, maybe the size of a shed but it was cozy. He had a mini fridge, a couch, a desk, a bathroom, and a door that probably lead to a tiny bedroom. Clarke glanced over at his desk and saw several pictures of them taped to the mirror. She smiled as she ran her hand over the wood.

Her eyes wandered to the bedroom door. She slowly reached for the doorknob and twisted it. Once she got inside, she noticed that he was not there. However, he had her painting hanging on the wall and a picture of her sitting on his bedside. She smiled at that before turning around and heading back into the main room. All was quiet until she heard sobs coming from his bathroom. Frightened, she got up and knocked on the door.

"Bellamy?" The woman's voice hiccupped. Clarke's blood boiled. Who the hell did Bellamy have in his trailer? She growled and kicked the door open only to find a sobbing Lexa on the floor.

"Oh my god, Lexa? What's going on?" Clarke asked, dropping to the floor to comfort her. Lexa reached over and clutched onto Clarke's shirt, soaking it with tears. Clarke pulled her close and held her while she cried, unsure of what else to do.

"Costia's sick!" Lexa wailed. Clarke bit her lip, sensing that this couldn't be good. Lexa said that Costia had an appointment yesterday, maybe this was why.

"She lied to me! She's been lying to me this whole time, telling me that she has work appointments!" Lexa sobbed. Clarke rocked her back and forth and tried to calm her down but it was useless. Lexa was a wreck.

"She flew back to LA for treatment. She's had terminal cancer for six months and refused to tell me until now!" Lexa screamed. Clarke's heart ached for her, she couldn't imagine finding out that the love of her life was dying. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if anything bad happened to Bellamy.

"I'm so sorry, Lexa…" Clarke whispered. Just then, Bellamy door opened.

"Clarke? Lexa? Are you in here?" Bellamy called out. He could probably see the light from the bathroom and hear Lexa's cries. Shortly after, Bellamy appeared at the door with a look of complete horror on his face.

"I was just going to tell her that they need her on set but what is going on?" Bellamy asked, bending down to the floor. Clarke couldn't keep her eyes off of him, he looked so different now than he had when he walked out the door this morning. He looked like he'd been hit by a bus and left outside to die. His hair was covered in fake sweat and dirt, he had cuts all over his face, and his clothes were ripped. He reached for Lexa who released Clarke to hug him. Lexa told him everything that had happened, which only made him feel worse.

"What are you gonna do?" Bellamy asked her. Lexa pulled away and wiped her eyes, trying to appear strong.

"I'm going to do what you would have done. I'm going to be with her until the very end." Lexa said.

"I hate to sound insensitive but what does that mean for the movie? Should we see if we can postpone filming?" Bellamy asked. Clarke's heart began to break. If they postponed the movie, the deal with her Dean would be off. She wouldn't be able to come back to Canada with Bellamy.

"No we can't postpone it I already tried…"

"Bellamy?" Monroe called from the door. She entered the small trailer with several important looking people. They were probably the executive producer and the director.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The executive producer asked Lexa. Lexa nodded, standing up and trying to appear strong.

"I have to be with her." Lexa stated. Bellamy looked at the ground where Lexa was previously sitting and sighed. He looked absolutely defeated.

"Okay, do what you need to do." The director said solemnly. Lexa gave everyone one last look before bolting out the door, never to be seen on set again.

"So what does this mean for the movie?" Bellamy asked them.

"It means this was a waste of time and money. We aren't going to have the funds to pay so many people that tried to put this all together. I have to run the numbers but it doesn't look good. You're going to have to go out on a press tour and explain why this happened and express your condolences for your co-star." The executive producer told him. Clarke thought about all of the people she saw today working their asses off to put this movie together. She couldn't imagine what it must be like for them. They all have families to provide for.

"What if we just cast someone else to play the part?" Bellamy suggested.

"That will cost way too much money. Plus it will be impossible for us to afford or get someone of Lexa's celebrity status to film this on such short noticed. We'd have to start over again. Film every scene with Lexa again with the new actress. It would add three more months onto production." The executive producer responded. Clarke could see in Monroe's eyes that she had a plan.

"What if Clarke played the part? She's already here and we already know that she has amazing chemistry with Bellamy! Put her in!" Monroe suggested. Bellamy and Clarke both sat there with their eyes wide open.

"You know what, that could work. Clarke isn't technically an actress so she wouldn't cost as much to hire, she and Bellamy are already in love so it's not like that would be hard to film, Clarke's already here, and she's known by so many people now because of her relationship with him! We could start filming today!" The executive producer exclaimed.

"Woah, woah, woah. I've never acted before a day in my life and I have to be back in Hollywood in exactly two months or my medical school days are over!" Clarke said.

"I couldn't ever ask her to make this kind of a sacrifice…" Bellamy added in.

"If she does this she is saving hundreds of hard working employees from becoming unemployed and earning little to nothing for a movie they worked their asses off for." The director chimed in. Bellamy shook his head and stood up, looking to Monroe with pleading eyes.

"Let's give them a minute to talk this over." Monroe said, leading the two men out of the trailer. Once the door shut, Clarke jumped up off of the floor and ran into the main room.

"Bellamy this is too much I just I can't-" Clarke panicked. Bellamy ran to her side and pulled her close to him.

"I knew this was a mistake…" Bellamy muttered.

"Bellamy stop that right now. None of this was a mistake! This is my life now and I'm so damn happy that I'm spending it with you." Clarke interrupted him. She didn't want him to start regretting being with her again. The last thing she needed right now was to lose him because he was afraid that he was ruining her life.

"I just need to think this through, if I do this there's no going back." She said.

"Wait, you're actually considering this? Are you nuts? You've wanted to be a doctor ever since you were little!" Bellamy screamed.

"My mom wanted me to be a doctor, just like her. The truth is, I don't know what I want anymore. The only thing I'm sure of is that I love you. I feel like I need to do this." She revealed. Bellamy fell onto the couch and held his face in his hands.

"I'd never forgive myself if you lost this medical school opportunity." Bellamy whispered. Clarke sat down next to him on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder.

"And I'd never forgive myself if I let all of your work and all of the crew's work go to waste. Bellamy I'm in, but I need you to support my decision and not blame yourself for everything that doesn't go as planned in my life. We are in this together." She decided. Bellamy still looked upset.

"You do realize the consequences of the decision you are making, right? The paparazzi will just get even more aggressive once you become a celebrity yourself." Bellamy reminded her. Clarke knew the consequences, but she had to do this. Not only for herself and for him, but for everyone affected by this movie. First she needed him to promise her that he wouldn't try to leave her again.

"You need to promise me that we are in this together and that you won't blame yourself for everything. I need to hear you say it." She begged him. Bellamy looked up at her with tear stained eyes and nodded.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He whimpered. Clarke bit her lip and nodded.

"Yes, this is what I want." She told him.

"Alright then, it's time for you to become a movie star."

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Babibou1234 my 100th reviewer and everyone who has followed along with this fic since the beginning! Sorry for the late update, still trying to get settled in my new house. :)