It's been an amazing busy year, as of now Quicksilver's Flame is now finished!
Yes, I know I was a pain changing everything, but I tries to think logically.
To myself I preferred not skipping four years, & ll the extra bits, because they are just story-lines to fill in the time. Waiting a year is a long time, & doing a chapter every week, you need a chapter, soon enough within a month of writing, months have happened in the story.
So again, I am sorry for confusion for editing & removing many, many chapters.
I hope you enjoyed Quicksilver's Flame, but now for me it's time to relax & focus on my Game of Thrones story. #HouseTargaryen.
As of now, it's a thank you & goodbye...until next time...*cough* Infinity *cough* Wars.
Lexi Sirena is out!