
By: WhisperedSilvers





Your love is bright as ever

Even in the shadows

Baby kiss me

Before they turn the lights out


love me like xo

"Can you believe Ichigo finally graduated medical school?" Rukia huffed with a laugh, her arms crossed under her chest as they stopped into Kyoko's café, "It felt like just yesterday we were at his high school graduation."

"Time passes quickly in the World of the Living," Hitsugaya commented lightly, "A hundred years could pass by, Kei would still remain three years old – in size of course – and that energetic. I blame Renji mostly,"

"Kei-chan loves Renji," Rukia laughed when the snow-captain wrinkled his nose in disgust, "I don't know what he sees in that baboon, except the tattoos."

Kyoko's Café usually had sales on Thursday, a special on pancakes and waffles. Hitsugaya had brought him to the shop a few times and he was absolutely addicted to the blueberry pancakes that they served. His sweet tooth had come in and both his parents had no idea how to curb it—even Byakuya was stumped.

"Strawberry crepes?" she asked once they took the booth seat near the window, the cushions would be easier on son's knees, once he decided to rest his head against the window of the restaurant. Rukia had the habit of climbing up to high places, she liked the view and she liked the smell of fresh air even more.

But Kei liked to look out the window, head resting against the chill of the glass. Teal orbs glittering with salt and moon dust as he stared out the glass. Sometimes, she doesn't know where he was looking, he would stare at the open space with a smile on his face and crinkles at the creases of his eyes.

Captain Ukitake said he had an old soul, he gave him a smile and then he left a bucket full of chocolate on her desk. To everyone's surprise, it was a bit of a whirlwind when Ukitake decided to retire from the Thirteen Court Guard Squad. There had been an upheaval, protests – mostly from Rukia – and tears from Kiyone and Sentaro.

"I'm a sick man," Ukitake had announced, then he slipped on his sunglasses and took a post at the R&D in the World of the Living, Captain Unohana had told him that the seawater would do well with his lungs, even in his human form, that was enough of an incentive for him to pack his bags and set up camp.

This had pushed Rukia to the position of Captain, with Kiyone as her Lieutenant and Sentaro as the third seat.

Hitsugaya had thrown a party bigger than their wedding in celebration – even her Nii-sama – had agreed whole-heartedly and used it as an excuse to show boast the pride of the Kuchiki clan to the Elders and other noble clans. It was quite a thing, a precedent even, to have two heirs take a captaincy position within the Thirteen Court Guard Squad.

Kei came from that union or so Hitsugaya had told her.

"Nii-sama should be here soon," Rukia commented suddenly and poured some cream into her coffee. Ichigo had introduced her to this bitter concoction, at first she despised the bitterness of the coffee beans, but it grew on her. The caffeine was much more than a cup of tea and it hit her brain with a certain sharpness that she soon grew addicted to.

"Kei-chan is infatuated with the botanical garden," Hitsugaya sighed and poured himself a cup of tea, "I blame your brother for his botany interest."

"Just because Nii-sama enjoys the finer things in life does not mean he is to blame," she huffed with a mock-grin, "Besides, it's Rangiku's fault. She absolutely loves her new flower garden."

"She threatened Renji with bodily harm if he didn't pick up her flower seeds from Urahara's shop last month," he snorted at that, "I never thought I'd see the day."

"Of what? Renji finally being productive?" Rukia sipped her coffee.

"No," he smirked, "Of Matsumoto finally being productive. Even if it's not paperwork."

"Gardening is good for her," she laughed, "I remember when Kei-chan came back all covered in dirt, I thought Nii-sama was going to have a heart attack."

"I'm sad I missed it," Hitsugaya snorted, "Hollows apparently can't purify themselves."

"We would be out of a job if it does," Rukia pointed out and nibbled on a piece of toast. Brunch Thursdays were her favorite days at the café, especially when she was pregnant, she'd crave scrambled eggs and buttered croissants most of the time. That and strawberries with hot sauce.

Hitsugaya had cringed at that.

"It would make an interesting story," he drawled out and brushed a wayward strand of dark hair from her jaw, "To tell Kei-chan."

"He does love his stories," Rukia mused thoughtfully and when she turned her head to glance out the window, "Oh, Nii-sama and Kei-chan are here."

"Did you remember his coloring book?"

"He only gets that after he finishes his lunch," she told him sternly.

"Ka-chan!" Kei's voice came from the left side of the room, Byakuya carried him, one arm underneath his bottom and the other supporting his back, "Bya-oji took us to see the flowers!"

"The plum blossoms or cherry blossoms?" Rukia quirked a brow, pressed a kiss to his cheek as he took his seat next to the window.

"All of the flowers!"

"That's good, we ordered you the blueberry pancakes, remember those cakes that are shaped like Chappy?"

Kei made a sound of delight.

"He is quite knowledgeable about sunlight and seeds," Byakuya praised his nephew with a quiet pride and took a seat next to his brother-in-law.

"That's because you taught him all that," Hitsugaya said wryly.

"And Rangiku-oba, tou-chan," Kei chimed in.

The snowy-haired captain nodded and then exhaled, "Yes, I know."




I love you like XO

You love me like XO

You kill me boy XO

You love me like XO




"He's exhausted, Toushiro," Rukia rubbed a hand across Kei's cheek, "We should've let him nap at Ichigo's."

"Probably," Hitsugaya shifted his son his arms, Kei's dark mop of hair nestled in the crook of his father's neck and jaw. "Matsumoto was supposed to finish up earlier. It turned out those hollows she was on assignment with were a higher-level."


"Lower than that, but higher than usual," he supplied and pressed a kiss to Kei's cheek when he snuggled deeper into him, "He's going to have to start the academy soon."

"I know," Rukia scowled.

"The Elders won't bother you," Byakuya decided to interject, "Since Kei's birth, they have been placated by the new interest in heir. Once Yuki has been conceived they would not bother with your upbringing, as the two of you have fulfilled your duty."

Rukia paused at that and flickered her amethyst orbs to her brother, "Who is Yuki, Nii-sama?"

Byakuya stared at her in surprise, "Your daughter," then he glanced at Hitsugaya, "Did you not tell her?"

"Tell her what?" Hitsugaya stared at him with wide teal orbs.

"I had a flash during the battle of Hueco Mundo," Byakuya decided to nip this in the bud when he realized the severity of the situation and revealed, "Of two children. A niece and a nephew, one named Kei," he glanced over at his nephew, "And the other named Yuki. She is the youngest of course."

Rukia blinked rapidly, "I—We have two children?"

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Hitsugaya was torn between exasperation and delight.

"It was not relevant at the time," Byakuya said blandly, "After all, Kei needs a sibling."

Rukia looked at Hitsugaya and Hitsugaya looked at Rukia.

Kei chose this time to wake up, "Sibling?"




Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out




note1: And that's that. This is more of an omake rather than an epilogue, but I think it ties up this piece quite nicely.

note2: thank you to everyone who read this fic and followed me for years. I started this fic when I started uni and now I have graduated uni. It's kind of poetic I think. Again, thank you to everyone who's reviewed, followed, and favorited this work. I am, truly grateful for everything.

note3: songs used: Beyonce — XO

As always, please review, for the last time.