SnowBarry! SnowBarry! SnowBarry!

Welcome to once again, another SnowBarry fic.

But this time, I'm gonna spice things up in a bad way and good way.

In this fanfic, this focuses on Caitlin becoming Killer Frost and how she'll live with it.

It also shows how the reaction of the whole crew will be. Especially Barry's

So I'm gunna shut up now and let you guys to your thing! (And also to prevent spoilers)

See y'all in the other side and enjoy the fic!

BTW, This is based on the Prime Earth storyline and version of Caitlin in the comics. So I'm gonna mix it up with the show's timeline and version. And the only thing I changed in her abilities is that she no longer needs to feed and that she can't control men by a kiss.

Wanted Chapter 1 Secret exposed

Caitlin's P.O.V.

Why was it so hard to keep this for so long?

Why can't I be a hero?

Why should this accident happen to me?

Why can't I just tell them about me being Killer Frost? One of the people that they are still tracking down?

Those are the questions that kept in my mind for the five months.

I have been struggling every time they talk about Killer Frost. So I just make an excuse and go somewhere I wouldn't here them.

Right now, I'm in S.T.A.R. Labs. The only one left in the building, I was just fixing my things and ready to go.

As I went home, I tripped over a string and it broke, Well at least I didn't fall. Which made me have a flashback.

Start of flashback

"Please, I'll do what ever you want!" Ito the H.I.V.E. agents as they sealed me into the S.T.U.

"Oh yeah? Well we want you to be quiet" One of the agents said.

I've been stuck for over a half an hour now.

I was bored and hungry. And saying to myself that I was stupid for not seeing this coming, the workers from this outpost were spies. HOW COULD I NOT SEE THIS COMING?!

I was stranded alone in the engine waiting for anyone to come.

Until I had an idea.

I tried being destructive as I can with a pipe. Making damage for them to let me out.

After 15 seconds of destruction, I heard something. Like a sound when a kettle gets to a boiling point. I look behind me and I see wires of the coolant system ripped from my destruction.

I dropped the pipe and then went near the the coolant system

The wires sparked and then it blew me away to the wall, I was knocked out.

End of flashback

Author's P.O.V.

Caitlin went to a cab and then went to her apartment.

One day later...

-S.T.A.R. Labs, 12:45PM-

"Alright party people, what's the word?" Barry walked with a cup of coffee from Starbucks into the center of the building where all of team were present, Except for Caitlin.

"Killer Frost is once again on the loose" Wells said.

"Ok, that's 8 words and Frost doesn't go loose easily" Barry corrected "Why can't she just leave?"

"I don't know, but she may have not been shy to do it at all" Harrison replied

"What's 'it'" Cisco asked

"A taxi driver was iced." Joe came

"Detective West, thank you for coming"

"No problem Dr. Wells"

"Where was her latest target?" Barry asked

"Avenue- Oops, never mind. She's striking again" Cisco stopped in his tracks "She's in Central Apartments."

"Where is that?"

"That's Caitlin's apartment. Which means you have to save her. Quick." Cisco said

Before Barry could speed off Harrison once said again "Do not underestimate her"

Barry sped off in the Central city streets looking for Killer Frost

Caitlin's P.O.V.

Everyone was running away from me, yet I didn't want to cause harm. When I went out of the door of my apartment, my frost powers became insane without my control. The cold air was arising from the ground I was stepping on (Which made me drop my bag).

Everyone continued running. While the cold air was catching up to them, everything that was behind them, froze. Everything I touch, froze. When I tried to get help, they ran. I went back inside my apartment and went to my closet. I changed to my frost outfit, the only clothes I use when I try to control my powers. I also use a blonde wig and a black mask that covers my eyes (Wig and mask are similar to Arrow's Black Canary)

I went outside and...

"Hey! Frost!"

Oh no, not again.

I turn around and I see The Flash on the very end of the room, since I was at the very back.

"Nice to see you in a flash once again Flash" I smiled. I had to act as if I was the enemy. Even though if I tried to get help from them, they almost put me in the pipeline

"If I were you, I would surrender myself because you seem powerless against me"

"Then what about the other battles we did? Ha, you didn't even lay a single hand on me" I smirked

"Well you will not get away this time Frost" He begun the battle.

He sped off and went to me, but stopped in his tracks when I created a wall of Ice between us.

I ran away from him to my left but he caught me there

"Not fast enough" Barry said.

Before he even sped off again, I froze his right leg with ice. I walked to him and got my powers ready.

But he got out of the trap and he pushed me to the ground

"Not icy enough"

When he was about to punch me, I made a ice shield around me.

"This is unbreakable so you might as well give up now."

But he still kept on punching, stubborn Barry. I exploded cold air and ice crystals from my body and made him blown away to the wall and made him unconscious.

I came closer to him preparing my powers. Little did I know, Barry pretended to be unconscious and pulled out my mask.

Author's P.O.V.

Before Barry or Caitlin even said a word, she turned off his earpiece so no one would hear.

"CAITLIN?!" He screamed "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Please, I'll explai-AH!" a bullet from a sniper shot her and fell.

"Caitlin!" He kneeled before her as she fell to the ground

"Barry, don't take me to S.T.A.R. Labs or the hospital. Just go to my room, get my bag and kit, and bring somewhere no one can find us." Caitlin begged.

"Ok but-"

"Barry. Please. Promise me." She said her last words before going unconscious

-Unknown location, 6PM-

Caitlin's P.O.V.

I open my eyes from my unconsciousness and look around my surroundings and realize I was in a sewer, which wasn't that smelly than I thought. I was covered with a blanket, a picnic rug that I was sitting on, and a pillow at the back of my head. Looks like I could trust Barry after all. I see beside me, a bag. Which had a note on it.


Sorry I left, I had to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. And no, I didn't tell them. But please explain to me in person. I took out the bullet with your kit and patched you /Call me as soon as you get this and I will go there. Trust me, the signal is good there.

Your friend,

Barry Allen

I put the note down and get my phone from my bag, I texted Barry I woke up and I am okay and then told him to come here already. And wishing 10 seconds, he was here. Sitting beside me as if he was here the whole time and made startled me.

"That was fast." I complimented

"It was an emergency, wasn't it? Frost." His head still faced the wall.

I sighed, reminding me that he knew that I was Killer Frost.

"Look, I can explain."

He looked at me "Go ahead."

(In here, you guys can use your setting of the flashback ;) )

"It started 3 months before the particle accelerator exploded. Dr. Wells told me to visit to the S.T.A.R. Labs Outpost #72 in the Arctic so I could retrieve something from Louise Lincoln for the accelerator. Suddenly, the workers turned out to be spies from H.I.V.E. . They killed Louise and then locked me into the S.T.U. keeping me there for half an hour. Then I had an idea, I got a pipe and then made destruction so they could go in there and I would quickly get out by simple knocking them out. But, they didn't. Seconds after my destruction I saw the coolant system broken from the destruction. I got near it and it made a very big spark, pushing me into the wall and being knocked out. When I woke up, the H.I.V.E. agents were around me and..." I paused there. I didn't want to say anything about it. "And..."

"You killed them accidentally with your powers?" Barry helped continue

Author's P.O.V.

Tears start to form up in her eyes, she tries to blink them away but can't. She bursted into tears of what she'd done and what she've become.

"Hey" he turned to her and wiped the tears away "It's not your fault."

She still continued to cry. "But I have hurt a lot of people including you."

"Whoa, watch what your saying Cait. You helped many people, including the hero of Central City. Heck, Your even his personal physician." He reasoned. She buried her face on his chest. "Don't say that you hurt people. You do your best to help"

She lessened her crying. She never knew that her own enemy would help her, correction: anyone would help her

"Barry?" She looked up to him

"Yes Caitlin?" He still kept his hand on her cheek from wiping her tears

"Will you help me control my powers to become a hero like you?" When she said it, Barry smiled

"When do you wanna start?" He said with a yes in it.

"What about tomorrow night?" Caitlin asked

"Do you want to do it every night?" Barry suggested


After a brief moment of looking into each others eyes trying to hold back the blush in their cheeks Barry continued speaking

"Do you wanna get outta here now?"

"Wait, I thought you said every night?"

"Does that include this night?" He asked

"Yea!" Caitlin started being excited.

"Alright, try to freeze me then."

Caitlin gasped "Barry!"

He laughed

Alright guys! That's a wrap!

Next update would either be tomorrow or the next day after that. But hopefully tomorrow noon.

Please tell me what you think about this, also R & R if you want to see more. Thank you for reading, and have a good day.

~I am the fastest man alive
