Chapter 0: Prologue

He fought the best he could, challenging the two tyrants of his planet while still having a broken left arm. But he failed. Lying in the cold puddles left for him by the rain, Gohan waited for death. His blood slowly leaked out of the cuts surrounding him and he counted.

10 minutes, 20, an hour had passed and yet he still drew breath. His mission wasn't over. He crawled out of the craters his duel had made, pain emanating from his sides, until he saw it. Two shadowy figures watching over him.

"The Androids!" He thought as his mind began to panic and he felt his hope replaced with rage and despair. But as they drew closer he realized he had never seen these two before.

In front of him was a small young man with a light purple skin and a white Mohawk while the other was a tall and aged man with bright red skin and long hair reaching down to his shoulders. Their ears were pointy, reminding Gohan of his deceased master.

"Who are you people?" Gohan said, his voice a weak whisper from fatigue.

The smaller of the two looked down at him and answered:

"All in time my young friend. But for now there are matters we must speak of. Let us go to a more peaceful setting. Kibito?" The young man turned to his acquaintance who nodded.

The red figure, responding to the name Kibito, placed his hand on Gohan's right arm while the other man placed his tiny purple hand on Kibito's back. Gohan felt a strange rush as his eyes began to see their scenery change.

Rather than the dark ruins of a city being rained down on, Gohan found himself lying on the bright green grass of a plain.

He looked up to see the two figures still looking down on him. Gohan's eyes began to weigh heavily on him, his wounds now fully impacting him.

But before his world faded out completely, he heard a single sentence from the purple man:
"You will do great things Gohan, we can see it."

Author's Note: I understand that this is a noticeably short prologue but I chose this size in order to provide a small preview for reader's into the general plot of the series. I may go and rectify this in the future but for now I plan to leave it at this length. One thing that I feel must be noted before reading the rest of the series in order to avoid confusion: Gohan never lost his arm to the Androids. While it occurred in canon, for the purposes of my story I've changed it to him having a broken arm as a result of a sneak attack by Android 18 as a reference to Vegeta's injury. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my first fanfic on the site: The Recusant's Fate! Below, you can see the table of contents for sagas:

The Rebirth Saga: Chapters 1 to 10

The World Tree Saga: Chapters 11-14