Author's notes: Yay! I finally finished the epilogue! I'm so sorry that it took extremely long because life has been full of unexpected suprises and I have been extremely busy in the form of my 1.5 year old son...In addition, I rewritten this piece several times until it satisfies the vision I wanted. This is to really bring closure to how Arthur is settling in with his new family. This piece takes place after 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' so we get a glimpse on how Arthur has celebrated his 5th birthday... let's find out...

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia by Hidekaz Himaruya. I only own the overall plot and the main following OCs: Mother Serenity, Sister Francine, Sister Diane, Janet and Auntie Rosie. And don't forget a lovely farm called Pasture Heaven. There is a snippet from a children's book titled 'Sweet Dreams, Peter' by Beatrix Potter added for effect.

Other notes: contains brotherly grouping with Canada, America and England but also contains USUK as main brotherly pairing. Human AU setting and the epilogue takes place after Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. May contain OOC depending on interpretation.

Somebody Is Waiting For You

Epilogue: The Best Birthday Present

1 year later...

Arthur sleepily rubbed his eyes and yawned as he felt himself being cradled in large strong arms and being pressed against a large strong chest as he heard soothing voices in his ear. He could vaguely hear muffled noises of some grown-up chatter and some sounds of clattering and shuffling coming from the kitchen. But Arthur didn't care as he continued nuzzling against the warm structure cocooning him. The little boy had never felt so tired and sleepy in his entire life...even though the small smile hadn't faded from his face since this morning. In truth, he just had the best and happiest day of his life of celebrating his fifth birthday with his new mummy, daddy and his two big brothers.

He looked around his surroundings as he continued to be cuddled and rocked gently. His sleepy vision made out his mummy, daddy and Auntie Rosie talking in peaceful conversation as they sipped coffee. Boris, the golden retriever was sleeping peacefully at his his mistress' feet...the sight making Arthur yawn even louder and caught the attention of the adults and the gentle presence cocooning him. Matthew wasn't in the vicinity...that meant he was in the kitchen...that would explain the clattering he heard there...

"Artie? Artie?"

Arthur struggled to keep his eyes open and blearily looked up to find Alfred looking down at him with a grin on his face.

"You're tired, aren't you, buddy? Do you want me to tuck you into bed? I think you had enough excitement today..."

Arthur nodded slowly with a hum, wrapping his arms around the strong neck as he was hefted in the air. Then he sleepily looked towards the three adults now approaching his increasingly blurry vision. His mummy had a knowing smile on her sweet face, his daddy was gazing warmly at him and Auntie Rose had a sympathetic smile as she reached out to stroke his hair.

"Awww the wee little lamb is all tuckered out?" Auntie Rosie cooed.

"It's waaay past his bedtime. Mum, dad, can I be excused so that I can put Artie to sleep?"

"Not Artie..." Arthur protested and weakly butted his messy blonde head against the teenager's chin, earning a slight pained grunt.

"Ok, Ok, birthday boy..."

"Sure, Alfred. I know that Grumpy Bear and Mr Fluffles wouldn't want to be forgotten," Mrs. Jones mentioned as she picked up the aforementioned toys.

"Don't forget Flying Mint Bunny, mummy! You made him for me!" Arthur suddenly said, momentarily snapping out of his sleepy stupor.

"So I did, here he is, sweetie. Hold onto them now..." Mrs. Jones said soothingly even though there was a proud twinkle in her eye as she passed the three toys to him.

Mrs Jones watched as Alfred repositioned Arthur in a bridal style so that the little boy could carry all three stuffed toys safely in his arms. She had every reason to be proud as a seamstress because she personally made the new addition for her youngest son's birthday present as per his request to bring the creature to life from many of his drawings. Arthur had been so ecstatic upon seeing the little stuffed minty green bunny fitted with angel wings and had carried with it for the entire day. He eventually brought Grumpy Bear and Mr. Fluffles to meet him during his birthday dinner and he declared that they were all best friends.

"Did you have a great time, son?" Mr Jones asked, earning a soft nod in return.

"Thank you for the new colouring books and crayons, I really like them very much, daddy."

"I'm very happy you liked them, son. Goodnight kisses?"

"Yes, please..." his sleepy response earned him gentle kisses from his loving parents.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, Arthur..."

"You finished brushing your teeth? We don't want you to have cavities after having Auntie Rosie's world famous strawberry, caramel and chocolate cake. She really spoiled you rotten today."

"Yes, I'm done...Alfred? When is Matthew coming? I want you both to tuck me in before I fall asleep," Arthur lumbered out of the bathroom, looking a bit disoriented but managed to snuggle onto his older brother who was patiently waiting nearby.

"Ah no sleep until Matthew's story, huh? He'll be up as soon as he's loading the dishes in to the dishwasher, little bro. Come on, I'll help you in your pajamas and then we'll wait for him."

"And snuggle more?"

"And snuggle more."

After making sure that Arthur was dressed in his pajamas, Arthur gathered his three toys and pressed himself against the older boy. Alfred smiled and made himself comfortable on the small bed, allowing him to quietly lie on his chest and stomach. The two boys lied in a comfortable silence and Alfred took the chance to look around his room. The room, which was empty before Arthur moved in, was taking on more colour and reflected those of its resident. The once barren walls were lined with colourful drawings and his growing collection of family pictures. The shelves that were now chock filled with storybooks, colouring books and sketchbooks, old and new. He also noticed a small pile of unopened presents near one of the shelves, which were all posted from the orphanage. Mother Serenity and the other children hadn't forgotten him at all. Then he saw one particular present sitting on his brother's desk: it was special as it was given by a very good friend...

"Hey...Alfred...thanks for taking me out for the day...I got to see Lukas again..."

"Hey, no need to thank me. I'm glad you and Lukas had a great time together."

Arthur and Lukas continued to keep in touch through calling each other with permission from their parents. But with the boys going to different daycare centres and their families' busy schedules, they hadn't the right time to actually meet up for a play date...until Arthur's birthday came around. It was then Alfred decided that it would be the perfect birthday present for his little brother. So he called the number in private and with luck, was able to talk to his older adopted brother, Abel and planned the outing together, having found the common connection in their love for and wanting to please their younger siblings. They agreed to meet up at Central Park so that Arthur could spend his birthday with Lukas.

As Arthur enjoyed his sumptuous pancake breakfast made courtesy of Matthew and being showered endlessly with affection by their parents, Alfred packed a picnic basket, filling it with food Mrs. Jones prepared the day before. When Alfred was finished, he found the little boy squeaking with delight at his new presents from their parents. When it was time to go, Arthur was clutching Flying Mint Bunny by his side with adoration and reassured Mr. Fluffles and Grumpy Bear who were held by Mrs. Jones that his new friend needed some bonding time before coming home for dinner and that they were always his best friends.

After a short bus ride, they arrived at their destination where another pair of siblings were awaiting their arrival. Arthur, having recognised his good friend, squealed once again as he ran to hug the Norwegian boy tightly. Lukas fiercely reciprocated the gesture, his pale stoic face unusually bright and smiling. Alfred and Abel shared a fist bump in greeting and watched their younger brothers chatter animatedly like little birds as they excitedly caught up with what's happening in their new family lives.

Arthur had a wonderful time at the picnic as Mrs. Jones packed his favourite foods and beverages and there was plenty to share. It was wonderful at Central Park as the day was pleasantly sunny. After a hearty lunch and a bit of rough play with their brothers in the grass, it was then Lukas presented his birthday gift to him: an illustrated book filled with Norwegian fairytales. Alfred and Abel lazily lounged nearby and had idle conversation as they supervised the younger boys deeply engrossed in the storybook. But before long, the day was drawing to a close and it was time for both pairs of siblings to go their separate ways. As expected, both Arthur and Lukas were reluctant to part. But after some lengthy pinky promises from their older brothers to arrange another weekend play date, they wished each other well and said goodbye...

"I'm glad that Auntie Rosie and Boris are staying for the was a really nice surprise..." Arthur stated, looking up at Alfred.

"I told you she's awesome, isn't she? She's going to spoil you with more of her goodies. She and Boris wouldn't miss your birthday for the world. I can guarantee you that once she's gone, you'll be missing her sweets, cakes and pies for weeks."

"Well, I hope that won't deter you from my pancakes."

The new voice belonged to Matthew who entered the bedroom to join his siblings. Arthur leapt from Alfred to hug the gentle older teenager.

"Your pancakes are sweeter, fluffier and tastier so don't you worry, Matthew. Do you think I can have some more tomorrow for breakfast?" Arthur asked with a sweet smile.

Matthew chuckled and nuzzle his forehead against his, "Of course, you can, Arthur and I'll add more maple syrup for extra sweetness if you like."

Arthur suddenly heaved a long loud yawn, blinking his emerald green eyes blankly.

"I think a short bedtime story is in order so that you'll sleep faster, you hardly had a nap during the whole day," Matthew decided as he browsed Arthur's bookshelf before taking out a royal blue cardboard book, "How does 'Sweet Dreams, Peter' sound to you, Arthur?"

Arthur smiled as he snuggled against Alfred and clutched his three toys even tighter. He loved Peter Rabbit as much as his other beloved literary and TV characters, "Yes please. Alfred? Matthew?"

"Yeah, Arthur?" Alfred questioned.

"I'm the luckiest boy in the world. I had a wonderful birthday and it's the best day I ever had..."

"Only the best for our little brother," Alfred said as he and Matthew hugged the child in a group hug.

"...the wood is silent, the moon is all are asleep on this starry night...the end..." Matthew finished, closing the book. His face softened upon seeing Arthur already fast asleep on Alfred's chest, "Come on, I'll help you."

Alfred whispered his thanks to his twin. The two teenagers carefully manoeuvred their sibling onto the plush bed. While Alfred placed the storybook back into its slot on the bookshelf, Matthew carefully tucked the comforter around Arthur and his toy companions. The last thing Alfred did was to leave on the Care Bear nightlight, casting the room in a warm comforting glow. The boys lingered around the bed, watching Arthur sleep with fond looks on their faces.

"We're lucky to have Arthur as our brother, Alfred," Matthew commented in a whisper as they gazed at the younger boy in the bed, "Can't believe it's already been what...over a year or so?"

"Tell me about it, bro," Alfred agreed, before turning to his twin with a mysterious twinkle in his eye, "Does he have any idea that we're all going to Disneyland tomorrow as his last ultimate birthday surprise?"

Matthew shook his head with a matching mysterious twinkle, "Absolutely no idea at all. I'm glad mum and dad were into it as well. It's our fault for getting him hooked onto the classic movies in the first place after all..."

"And he kept on talking about it since then...not easy to save up our share but it's worth it! It'll be awesome going there's also a great excuse to bring Auntie Rosie and Boris will be safe in the Kennel Club."

"We'd better get some shut eye soon, it's going to be a big day tomorrow. Mum and dad wants us all to leave early so that we can avoid the morning traffic jam," Matthew then leaned over and kissed Arthur's head, "Sweet dreams, Arthur. Night, Alfred."

"Night, bro."

Alfred took a while longer to observe the little boy who had become a cherished part of their family. He smiled and softly combed the messy blonde hair. Arthur sighed and fell into a deeper sleep, nuzzling against his large palm. He leaned in and softly spoke to the sleeping boy.

"Artie, I know I keep on saying this but this is to make sure the message stays forever in that messy head of yours and in that stubborn, loving heart. Never think you are unwanted or are a cherished little brother to Mattie and me and a third son mum and dad wanted with all their hearts. We are family...and family means we love and take care of each other no matter what. We will always be here for you whether you are happy, sad, angry, lost...whatever you're feeling. We love you and we always will...I love you, little brother."

"Alfie..." Arthur mumbled in his sleep, a tiny hand brushed against his fingers, "Love you, Alfie too..."

Alfred's heart swelled with loving pride. He leaned in and kissed Arthur's forehead.



Author's notes: IT IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED! I really really apologise for taking AGES to tie up loose ends for this story and I'm actually happy with it. Now I can tackle other projects at hand. And perhaps a sequel to an ancient Harry Potter will be in the works. Just so you know, the inclusion of 'Sweet Dreams, Peter' by Beatrix Potter is a shoutout to my son's favourite bedtime story. Until then, my dears, keep reading!