Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

Unfortunately, the relationship did not go on so well in the beginning. They did meet in the cafe on that Friday, and spent a very pleasant time together for a few hours. But since then, they only saw each other few times, and three months had passed since they shared that night, and they had not seen each other properly in a month unless you count occasionally talking on the phone. In the end, Beast Boy never gave Raven as answer as to if he was going to move back to the tower. She did question about it a couple of times at the start, but he said he still needs more time. Eventually she stopped, and every time she wanted to ask she shut her mouth again, telling herself he would tell her when he made up his mind. She tried not to think about what would happen if he never told her.

They mostly stopped hanging out because their jobs and personal lives did not allow them much free time, and the Titans did not know Raven had any contact with Beast Boy. At least, that's what they told themselves. While most of the time it was true, sometimes Beast Boy would act strange and uncomfortable on dates, and that made them both feel sad and awkward around each other. Raven did not know what was causing it, and every time she asked he said he was fine. Even when they were on the phone, sometimes he would hang up rather suddenly. This hurt her, but she decided it must be important so he did not want to speak about it.

It was just a little over three months when she decided to do it. She was not confident that this was the right time at all, but she knew she couldn't put it off much longer. Not like she had much choice anyway. He had to find out. This was the time they were going to set things straight, no more 'a little more time' or 'I'm thinking about it'. There was only yes or no. It had to be done.

Shivers ran down her spine as she walked along the pavement leading to his house. Usually she would have teleported, but in her circumstances she was too scared to. When she reached the door, she felt like she wanted to turn back and do this some other time, but she forced herself to stay. Extending one quivering arm, she knocked three times quietly. It was night, about nine o'clock, so she did not want to wake anyone in the busy household. No one answered after a minute, so she decided to try again but louder. This time, she heard a child begin to cry inside and she suddenly felt guilty. The door swung open, revealing a rather tired-looking Beast Boy. He had bags under his eyes, but as he saw her his face lit up slightly and he gave her a smile. In his arms he was holding a baby, which she recognized was Sammy.

"Good evening, Rae," he said, Sammy finally stopping crying.

"Good evening to you too, but what happened to you?" Raven giggled.

"What do you mean? Don't I look as handsome as always?" Beast Boy chuckled, but it turned more into a sigh at the end, "I've worked all day but when I came home I found that I had to look after the kids, I'm so tired."

"Oh," Raven said, realizing that visiting now maybe wasn't such a good idea.

"What brings you here at this time?" Beast Boy asked.

"I needed to speak to you urgently, can I come in?" Raven said plainly, and he stepped aside and motioning with his arm for her to come inside.

As the door shut behind her, Sammy started crying again and Beast Boy let out a sigh. "He usually never cries, apparently today isn't my lucky day."

Raven bounced her weight from one foot to the other, feeling very uncomfortable hearing those words. Was it too late to leave? They carried on further into the house until they reached the living room, where Ross was sitting alone on the couch staring into the TV. As they approached and he saw Beast Boy he smiled, but then he noticed Raven behind her and frowned, glaring at her. She felt confused by this, but she was a stranger in the house after all.

"Ross, could you do me a favor and take care of Sammy? I'm gonna go upstairs with Rae," Beast Boy said, and Ross nodded so he handed the crying baby over to him. "Thanks." With that the couple went up the stairs and into Beast Boy's tiny room.

"So, go on, " Beast Boy said once they both got themselves comfortable on his bed. They were sitting on the side of it with his arm gently placed around her. She gazed at the floor sadly, and whatever she wanted to tell him made him feel worried now. She did not speak for another minute or two, so he decided to try again. "Rae, what's up?"

"I-I don't know how to tell you this," she stuttered.

"Whatever way is the easiest for you," he smiled, holding her a little tighter.

"I just... I don't know where to begin," Raven said again, tears starting to well up in her purple eyes and she looked away before Beast Boy could notice. He did though, and his kind smile vanished.

"Rae, I can tell this is important, and you know that whatever it is I will stick by you," he said, wrapping his other hand around her and bringing her in a close hug. Hearing those words coming from him made her heart flutter and she felt herself blush slightly, and when she turned around to meet his eyes she remembered every single reason why she loved him so much. One of them was his eyes themselves. They were so expressive, and a stunning emerald shade of green. His smile slowly returned as their eyes met. He brought his face closer to hers, and gave her a loving kiss, then moved his mouth to her ear, and whispered, "I love you, and nothing could ever change that."

"Please, promise me you will not react bad," Raven said.

"I promise," Beast Boy said reassuringly.

"I-I-I'm..." Raven stuttered, then stopped herself and took a deep breath, "I-I'm p-pregnant..."

Beast Boy had no idea how to react in truth. He just sort of froze, his jaw hung open, staring into emptiness, still holding her in a hug. For a minute, he had no emotions in him apart from utter shock. Did he really just hear those words, or did he mistake them for something else? He felt her cuddle her head into his chest, and soon his shirt was drenched with her tears. That's what brought him back to the reality. That he was going to be a father soon.

"A-are you sure?" He stuttered, not knowing what to say. Raven sniffed and nodded.

"Over three months now," she confirmed. He looked down and realised that one of his arms was wrapped around her stomach. He could not believe his child was inside. His and Raven's child. Who could have ever seen this coming? Even though a few minutes had passed, he still did not know what to do. But suddenly a wave of happiness and excitement washed over him, and he smiled like an idiot. He turned to her and kissed her once again, releasing all of his joy onto her, so now both of them were feeling comfortable about this.

"So what are we going to do?" Raven asked after they stayed silent for a few minutes.

"What do you mean?" Beast Boy asked, confused.

"What do I mean? Are you going to move back to the tower? Or are we going to buy our own house? There is so many things we need to sort out," she explained, slightly annoyed. Beast Boy did not reply for a couple of moments and let her go, which caused her to be even more annoyed. "Well?"

"I know I have been putting this off for a long time-"

"That's darn right."

"Yes, but I have a reason for it."

"Spill it then."

"You know Ross? The boy with the long brown hair that covers his eyes, I gave Sammy to him earlier. He has problems in life, he doesn't have many friends and always feels like the forgotten child in his family, he gets bullied a lot. I have become very close to him, I don't wanna leave him now."

"Is that why he's always glaring at me?"

"Yeah, he doesn't like you since he thinks you're gonna take me away from him and and he's going to be alone again. I think we all know how much being alone sucks, so I don't want to leave him."

"That was fine a couple months ago, but now you're going to be a father. Isn't that more important than some boy's feelings?"

"We become so close he is like a younger bro to me, or a son. He's family now, I can't change that."

"You seemed to have no problems with leaving us," Raven grumbled under her breath, just loud enough for him to hear.

She couldn't believe he found a boy that he knew for less than a year could be more important than his own child. Though, she also felt guilty because of sounding so jealous and selfish, which she only realised afterwards. It was true, it sucked being lonely, and Beast Boy was doing a good deed by helped him out and sticking by him. The mix of these emotions and thoughts, and the fact that she was pregnant, caused a tear to fall from her eye, and this did not go unnoticed by Beast Boy. Sighing, he embraced her in a hug once again, resting his head on hers.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being selfish and our child is more important, but I feel sorry for the dude," Beast Boy said sadly.

"I'm sorry too, I understand why you wouldn't want to leave him," she replied, calming down slowly. They spent another minute in silence, then suddenly Beast Boy jumped, making Raven jump as well.

"I think I've got an idea..." he announced, a massive, happy grin on his face.

"Since when do you think and get ideas?" Raven teased with a playful smirk on her face, but he completely ignored her comment.

"I know my ideas usually fail, but I think this one's a keeper," he explained, then leaned in and whispered his idea into Raven's ear. Raven listened to this all in confusion, but at the end a smile spread across her face and she agreed with him.

So a few days later, the couple put their plan into action. The first phase was for Beast Boy to go back to the tower, spend some time with the Titans and see if they would let him return. As soon as Raven entered the Common Room, everyone said their usual, half hearted greetings and questioned where she had been. As usual, again, she refused to tell them much, however this time she had a smile playing at the corners of her lips. She stepped aside to reveal Beast Boy behind her, and everyone gasped in shock and surprise.

"Beast Boy! Is that really you?" Starfire shouted excitedly from the sofa.

"I should hope so, I haven't seen many other green men that look like me," he chuckled, and she flew over to him and threw her arms around him tightly, almost making him fall backwards from the impact. He felt a familiar crushing sensation in his ribcage which always occurred when she hugged him. Once she finally let go, he almost got squashed in another embrace from a much larger figure.

"Thought we'd never see your little green arse again," Cyborg said as he let go.

"I missed you too, dude," Beast Boy smiled at his best friend who he hadn't seen in just under a year.

"B-Beast Boy?" Robin stuttered, seeing what all the commotion was about.

"Hey Robin," he said rather warmly with a smile considering what happened last time they met, "you're actually the person I wanted to speak to."

"Me?" Robin asked, completely confused.

"Yeah, I wanted to see if you have any space available for the return of an old buddy?"

Within minutes, everyone was sat down on the couch, discussing how everything could work.

"So you're really coming back?" Star asked for the hundredth time.

"Yup," he answered once again.

"I'm sorry to tell ya this, but Robin here decided to get rid of your room," Cyborg said, shooting a glare at him.

"Hey, I was pissed off about the whole fight," Robin tried to defend himself.

"Doesn't give you the right to change his room into a gym!" Cyborg snapped.

"It's alright, I'm not mad," Beast Boy quickly cut in before anything more could be said.

"Where ya gonna sleep then?" Cyborg asked.

"I think that's the least of our worries," Beast Boy said, glancing over at Raven with a smirk. She blushed slightly and put her hood up to conceal it the best she could.

"What's going on?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Should I tell you the good news or the bad news first?"

"Ohh! I want to hear the good news first!" Star said, looking at him with expectant, excited green eyes.

"You ready for it? Me and Raven have been seeing each other for a couple of months now," Beast Boy announced proudly. Everyone went silent.

"Like... Going out?" Robin asked eventually.

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend way?" Cyborg added. Both had no words for what they were just hearing.

"Yes, boyfriend and girlfriend going out way," BB confirmed, rolling his eyes slightly at all their questions.

"That is most fabulous news! I am delighted for your joy!" Star exclaimed, probably the only one not to be dumbstruck.

"If that's the good news, what's the bad news?" Robin asked cautiously.

"You're gonna have to add three extra rooms, not one," Beast Boy chuckled.

So Beast Boy and Raven began explaining how she got pregnant and pretty much everything about their meetings and relationship. Poor Raven was blushing so hard that not even her cloak was able to hide it, as her whole face the colour of a fire truck. Star was being as joyful and excitable as she could, while Robin and Cyborg almost fainted a couple of times. Though, even once everything was explained, they were confused as to why they would need three rooms.

"But why do we need three?" Cyborg asked.

"One for me, one for the baby, and the last one, well I have missed that out since that's another important question I need to ask you guys," Beast Boy said, biting his lip at the last part. He had no idea how he was meant to explain it, and how everyone would react, especially Robin.

"What is it?" Star asked, hardly able to contain herself with all the announces that had been made in such a short space of time.

"At my house, I've mentioned a boy called Ross that I've become good friends with that doesn't like Raven, right? I was wondering, this is just a suggestion, but I was thinking of letting him move in and training him as a Titan."

"What?" Robin simply asked. He swore if Beast Boy didn't stop surprising them he would have a heart attack very soon.

"He's a good kid, won't be too much trouble and will help us a lot," Beast Boy quickly added.

"I'm sure that's true, but isn't this a bit... Risky?" Robin said gently.

"Depends what you mean by that."

"Well, the first thing, would his parents approve of this? It's their child, I'm sure they are somewhat protective over him, and this is a dangerous business."

"I haven't asked them yet, I didn't want to say anything until you guys agreed, but I have a feeling they'll say yes. We don't live all that far away, it's not like we're keeping him locked away here and they won't be able to see him again. And there are fourteen kids in the house, I think they'll be glad to get rid of at least one."

"Even if they agree, why'd ya think he has what it takes to become a Titan? Does he even have powers?" Cyborg asked this time.

"I don't think he's got any powers, or at least doesn't know about them, but he has amazing reflex. He's so good at football and sports in general, you should see him, he's so fast and determined. Another thing is, he is great with children, and he seems to be able to calm them so well, actually I think most people feel calm and relaxed around him if he likes them."

"A lot of normal people are like that though, why would he be any different?" Robin asked again. They sure weren't being convinced.

"We could train him and he would become much better than average."

"Who would train him then?"

"I've thought about that," Beast Boy smiled. This was one question he had a rather good answer to, "I think that Raven could do a good job of it-"

"Doesn't he hate her?" Cyborg asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, at the moment, but it's only cuz he thinks I'll leave him for her, but they are alike. They're both quiet, secretive, reserved, and they've both been through a lot, so they could develop a strong bond eventually, and she could teach him a thing or two. But I think he could also be taught by you, Robin."

"Me? I don't even know the kid."

"You'll meet him soon, but you don't have powers like we do either, so you're probably the one who could teach him the most. You're both determined, and you're the leader, and he needs a leader since he's more of a follower. You would help him improve his already strong reflex and speed, and make him stronger and maybe show him a few of your weapons. This could be perfect, we are getting older and we are no longer teenagers, and we are gonna be starting families soon, well I kinda already am, so we need all the help we can get. Can't you see?"

"I'm still not so sure," Robin said slowly. Beast Boy had obviously put in a lot of thought into this, and while it did make a lot of sense, he was hesitant to drag in an innocent kid into this dangerous job. He did have to admit though, his points were fair. They were getting older and were slowly wanting to settle down more or less and start families, so having some extra help wouldn't hurt.

"Actually, I have to agree with him," Raven chipped in. She hadn't said much the entire time, but she was on Beast Boy's side for this. "I think Ross has a lot of potential, and would be a massive help to us. Especially now that I'm pregnant and won't be able to go out of missions."

"I'm in on it," Cyborg joined in, "we all had to start somewhere, and if he and his parents agree, then no reason why he couldn't become a great Titan."

"Well then," Robin said, feeling outnumbered now, "Star, the final decision is up to you."

Star felt all the eyes on her, and she cleared her throat. "I think Ross shall become a member of the Titans."

After some more discussion, planning, and generally catching up, Beast Boy returned to his home and decided to talk to Ross, since everything was up to him in the long run. Ross did not hesitate much, and asked a lot of questions and seemed to be looking forward to the whole thing. Since it was the evening and everyone seemed to be busy, they decided they would talk to his parents the next morning. When the time came, the whole talk went on for hours, or at least that's wha it seemed like. At first, they seemed very hesitant and against the whole idea, but eventually they saw that Ross wanted this and he would be well cared for, and after all he would be looking after the city, so they agreed.

They started packing their belongings immediately afterwards, before anybody could change their mind. Beast Boy felt like he was experienced in this by now since he had done it before, and he had made his three piles of the things he was going to keep, throw away or donate. Ross decided it was a good idea and copied him.

Later in the afternoon, the Titans had come to visit them to meet Ross and all of the others that Beast Boy had spoken about. They didn't think much when he said there was so many people living there, but as soon as they walked in they discovered that it really was chaos. The parents were over the moon that the Titans themselves were in their house, even though one had been living there for about a year. They had all sorts of kids thrown at them, different ages, personalities, genders, pretty much every single one they could find. Sammy was passed around since he was the youngest, and everyone held their breath as Star held him, afraid that she would hurt or crush him. She was very delighted to have him smile at her, and she tickled and spoke to him, and she was gentle, much to everyone's relief.

Once the baby had reached Raven, everyone felt curious as to how she would act. She was pregnant and in half a year would have her own child, but they had never seen her around babies before. To their surprise, she turned out to be even more calm than she usually was, and so gentle. Beast Boy smiled as she smiled at the child, and he wrapped his hand around her finger, and how he giggled when she spoke to him. She would make one amazing mother, he was certain of it. He hoped that he would make a good father, too, that's all he wanted.

Everything tuned down a bit an hour or so later, and they could finally meet Ross properly. He was very shy at first, and wouldn't speak much, but he soon started to show a little bit of trust towards them. Beast Boy had warned them that it took him a solid few weeks before he formed a good relationship with him, and that they would get close to him soon enough.

The next day, it was Beast Boy and Ross who visited the T-Tower. They wanted to see if they could help set up the rooms, and to let Ross get used to his new home. They showed them where his room was going to be, and where the new babies' room was. However, Beast Boy was a little confused when they did not show him to his new room.

"Well, we were thinking, maybe we don't need three new rooms at all," Cyborg said.

"You and Raven are a couple, and we thought maybe you two could share a room?" Robin asked.

"I'm not sure Raven would be alright with that," Beast Boy said. He couldn't imagine Raven being okay with that, she liked her privacy and they had only been going out for a year.

"Actually, we already asked her, she said it's a good idea," Cyborg said with a smile.

"Really? Well if she agrees, then so do I."

So instead of having to set up three rooms, they now only had two, and modify Raven's room so that it could accommodate both of the couple happily. This was easier said than done though, as they both had completely different tastes, and neither were too eager to give it up. Eventually they agreed, and were ready to live in the same room like most couples did.

Ross' training began as soon as his room was completed a week later. His main mentors were Robin and Raven, however the others did teach him a lot as well. Cyborg mainly taught him about technology and how to repair things and make things. Beast Boy educated him about different fighting techniques and taught him a lot about the animal world. Star didn't really know what to teach him apart from a few moves, and some information from her world, so she spent some of the time teaching him ways that he could persuade each of the Titans do to things. He found that lesson rather amusing, since she would get him to practice it. The training was difficult and at first all the new information made his head hurt, however he did get used to it and proved to be a good addition to the team.