Shit! Shit! Shit!
This was so damn embarrassing!
Why did he have to come early now, if he was usually the guy who needed the longest to gather enough stimuli to reach his climax?
Noiz couldn't even enjoy the kiss Koujaku gave him to calm down his nerves, even though he was such a sucker for the man's mouth under normal circumstances.

Feeling all of these new sensations right now had just been so overwhelming and watching Koujaku go down on him earlier, the way he seemed to enjoy every inch of his body, had just been so very sexy Noiz hadn't been able to help himself. And then the man had to brush his silky, black hair behind his ear to get it out of the way before attempting to give him a blowjob. Noiz still cursed at himself for coming before he could enjoy the warm and moist tightness of Koujaku's lips around his erection, but the visual Koujaku had given off had just been too much for him - never mind his terribly slow teasing that had driven Noiz half-crazy before that already.

Koujaku ended their kiss and Noiz spurted pouting lips.
"You don't have to sugar-coat me, old man, I'm a big boy, you know."

Koujaku raised a lazy eyebrow at him, but then huffed a soft laugh before he smiled and let both his hands slide down Noiz' cheeks, looking at him flirtatiously.
"Alright Mr. Big Boy, what would you like me to do next, hm?"

Noiz answered him with an annoyed look and halfway propped himself up on his elbows behind his back.
"Well, for starters you could wipe that smug grin off your face and get undressed. It's not fair if I'm the only one naked here, besides I wanna have some eye candy, too."

Koujaku gave him a facial expression that spelled surprise and a hint of disbelief. Noiz had told him that he wanted him, but he had never specified what he liked about him body-wise, as far as Koujaku could remember. Maybe he would be able to find that out now. With that in mind, Koujaku rid himself of his shoes before he got on his knees on top of the bed, undid the clasps on the back of his neck cover to take it off and untied his obi afterwards. Then he slowed down a little and began to undress more carefully, revealing parts of his body in a way he could keep track on Noiz' reactions towards the naked skin he was shown bit by bit.
Well Noiz liked his chest area, Koujaku could tally that quite quickly with how the young man gazed at his pectoral muscles when he slid his kimono off his shoulders. When he took off his gloves, he could see Noiz give his arms and hands a view as well. And judging by how Noiz leered at him when he undid the bandaging around his lower upper body, he had a thing for his abs as well - honestly, being stared at like this, it almost felt almost a bit uncomfortable. Plus there was the issue of the cursed tattoos clinging to his body being perfectly visible right now, which had always been a problem for Koujaku. But Noiz had seen him naked once before, when he had undressed him in the room above Mizuki's bar, and he already knew pretty much all there was to know about the reason Koujaku hated the inked artwork on his skin. There was not a shred of disgust on Noiz facial features, though, quite the contrary. Noiz had a slightly absent-minded expression on his face, which was decorated by a nice tinge of red on his cheeks. Koujaku wondered what lewd things the brat cooked up in that brain of his while he watched him undressing himself. He could even see him bite his lips and licking them afterwards like he was anticipating quite the thing to follow as soon as Koujaku would have gotten rid of all his clothing.

Koujaku's pants were next, but Noiz didn't seem to be able to wait anymore and bent forwards to hook his fingers into the waistband of his jeans.
"Let me do it from here on.", he murmured and his voice sounded raspy from arousal.

Koujaku became suddenly embarrassed as he realized just now, that the bulge in his pants was all too visible without his kimono hiding it from view. And Noiz seemed to stare at it with a passion. Then the young man bent forwards and bit at his crotch playfully, making Koujaku aware of his teeth even through the fabric of his jeans.

It wasn't so much a rebuke then a warning. Koujaku hadn't come yet, but Noiz had shown him nothing but nice reactions so far and if he would play around too much now, Koujaku was certain he would blow his load too early.

Light green eyes gazed at him from below as Noiz unbuttoned Koujaku's pants with practised ease, but couldn't resist to pull down the zipper with his teeth and earned himself a hearable let-out of breath from the older man. Noiz grinned at himself, but said nothing as he pulled Koujaku's pants and underwear down to his knees in a swift motion and was finally face to face with his erection, which already dripped with precum.
"You seem to be in quite a good mood, old man."
Noiz teased Koujaku's glans with his index finger and made him let out a moan before the other glared at him red-faced.

"Stop playing around, I'm close to my limit already."

"Really?", came the mocking reply and before Koujaku could utter another word, he felt Noiz giving his cock's tip a lick.

Koujaku grabbed him by his shoulders to shove him back an arm's length and scolded him with his cheeks glowing even more red than before.
"What the hell are you doing? Stop that! I told you just now, didn't I?"
This brat was unbelievable!
And now that dirty grin was back on his face!

"Don't you want to have some relief before getting to the real thing, as well, old man? Or are you that eager to do it with me now?"

"I am, so don't provoke me any further."

The stern face Koujaku was making shut Noiz up while he blinked in surprise. Then the younger man's expression softened and made room for the sensual look Noiz had given Koujaku as he had watched him undressing himself earlier.

"But I can still touch you a little bit elsewhere, can't I? I want know what you feel like some more."

Looking at him like he didn't know what to say to this, Koujaku simply allowed Noiz to straighten himself up on his knees so they were on the same eye level before Noiz gave him a light kiss on the lips. He then kissed his way down Koujaku's neck until he arrived at his collarbone and rested his head in the crook of Koujaku's neck a little while his hands went on to explore the shape of Koujaku's torso. He did it eagerly but slowly at the same time as if he wanted to process and memorize everything about Koujaku's body with his newly awakened sense of touch finally giving him the feedback he had so desperately craved before. Then Noiz briefly teased Koujaku's nipples, but it was more like Noiz was trying to learn about the shape and texture of the other's skin than actually trying to arouse him by his touches.
Koujaku glanced down at him and Noiz almost looked like he was worshiping his body as he slowly slid his hands downwards, now giving up his head resting by his shoulder, and trailed the way of his fingertips with his lips, enjoying every part of the muscular body in front of him. Koujaku swallowed hard at the sight and the feeling of the feathery light touches at one time and the more possessive, almost clawing touch of Noiz' fingers at other times. Then Noiz paused for a moment to bring his nose close to his skin and took in Koujaku's scent - he really seemed to have a thing for that.

Koujaku felt his loins throb longingly, he couldn't take it anymore.
"Noiz... I want to be inside of you now."

Noiz looked up at him with his eyes only and his lips opened slightly as if he wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so and instead laid back lasciviously on the sheets and spread his legs around Koujaku in a way that his knees nearly touched the other man's upper thighs.

Koujaku got on all fours and tried to shift his body to reach Noiz' mouth, but before he accomplished his goal, he got tangled up in his jeans still hanging around his knees and half-crashed on top of Noiz with a surprised gasp.

"Pfft! What... the hell?"
Noiz couldn't help but to snicker at the sight and Koujaku swore at himself, looking down at the disaster around his own legs he had forgotten about until now.

He moved away from him again to reach for the bandages wrapped on top of his pants down to his ankles and appeared to be angry about the fact that they were there now of all times. After having gotten rid of them, he was finally able to undress completely and threw his pants off the bed Then he resettled on all fours above Noiz with an embarrassed snort and was unable to make eye contact for a few more seconds, before he finally met with Noiz' green gaze again and lifted a hand to caress Noiz' cheek with it before he offered his fingers to Noiz' mouth to signal him to suck on them.

Noiz simply rose his eyebrows at the gesture and seemed a bit mesmerized by the feeling of Koujaku's fingertips touching his lips. Koujaku smiled at him.
"I still have to get you ready, don't I? Will you help me out?"

Noiz finally opened his mouth and allowed Koujaku's fingers to slide past his lips and welcomed them with his tongue, wetting them and giving off an extremely sexy aura while doing so.

Koujaku tried to swallow again, but his throat felt completely dry. The aching in his loins grew ever stronger, and he could feel even more precum dribbling out of the tip of his cock. He didn't know how much longer he could take this. The atmosphere around them felt quite heavy and loaded, like a string that could snap any minute.

Koujaku shook his head and cursed at himself inwardly in an attempt to gain back control over his body. He couldn't simply pounce at Noiz, he didn't want to hurt him after all, and he still had to prepare him down there before he could so much as think about entering him. That said, Noiz had managed to swallow Koujaku's fingers almost up to his knuckles and the hot, moist feeling around them was nearly too much for Koujaku, so he pulled them out of Noiz' mouth and positioned them at his entrance.
"This might hurt a little, so try to relax yourself as best as you can."

Noiz gave him an answering smile and tried to encourage him.
"You're so careful. How do you even know this? I thought you hadn't done it with a guy yet."

"Gh! I haven't, I just-!"
Koujaku hit the breaks just before he could blurt out that he had tried to gather information about how two guys were having sex during the time they had been apart, getting himself in quite a panic the more he got to know about the subject and stopping in the middle of it again and again and put it off, until the day he had planned to visit Noiz had drawn dangerously close already. It was just so damn embarrassing.

Noiz seemed to be able to guess what was on his mind by reading his facial features, but settled with giving Koujaku a warm smile in return.
"You're a considerate lover. That's another thing I like about you."

Koujaku breathed out shortly through clenched teeth and managed to add another shade of red to his cheeks and the tip of his ears.
"Ju...Just try to relax yourself... okay?"

Noiz gave him a short nod and Koujaku's finger entered him slowly. There was an initial sense of discomfort, but looking at Koujaku's strained face, that practically spelled how much he hoped to do this thing right, helped Noiz to relax his mind and muscles at the same time, allowing Koujaku's finger to slide inside of him.

"Hey", Noiz softly called out to Koujaku and made him look up from what he was doing, "stop concentrating so much on what you're doing down there, too, and kiss me some more instead."

"Uh... Uhn."
Koujaku complied and shifted forwards to let their lips meet, all the while making small movements with his finger buried inside of Noiz.

Noiz tried to concentrate on the kiss until Koujaku's finger hit a spot inside of him that made him jolt up with a surprised gasp, breaking the kiss.

"Oh?", Koujaku rose a curious eyebrow and then cooed, "Is this the spot rumoured to feel good?"
He tried to hit the same place again and made Noiz shiver and moan - he definitely had found something good. Encouraged by Noiz' positive reactions, he added another finger and tried to widen him a bit more.

"He-hey, old man", Noiz breathed with only half-opened eyes, "I think I can take it, just enter me already."


"I won't mind, even if it hurts.", he reassured him and then whispered in Koujaku's ear, while his hand slid down Koujaku's body and his fingers smeared the man's precum on his erection.
"It's fine, if it's you, so just do it."

No, this was still to early - his mind told him, but his lower body throbbed like hell and he was so ready since forever, he simply couldn't hold himself back any longer and so he accepted Noiz' offer all too willingly. Grabbing Noiz' legs and lining up their hips, he entered him slowly in one go.

Noiz gasped and moaned under him, clawing at Koujaku's thighs in response to the discomfort of being spread wider than before so soon. He tried to force himself to relax by remembering that it was just what he had wanted and that it was Koujaku entering him, something he had craved for so long now. His breath came out in short, shallow waves and then he realized the other having stopped to move - he must have driven himself into him up to the hilt and gave Noiz a moment to get used to the feeling.
It was hot, so hot inside of him, both down there and in his head. His thoughts swirled around in a senseless haze and the only thing he was capable of recognizing was Koujaku's heated gaze on him and the way the other's muscles shivered under the strain of not pounding into him like a mad man already, to get rid of all of the tension built up inside of him.

Noiz smiled weakly, then reached up with his hands to briefly brush through Koujaku's hair before he locked his arms behind Koujaku's neck.
"It's fine, just move."

Koujaku grunted and began to move his hips. He tried to be careful as best as he could, but had trouble holding back. In the end he felt his self-control slip and he drove his cock in and out of Noiz in a hard, steady rhythm. Wanting to make it feel better for Noiz, he grabbed for his cock and stroke him in time with his thrusts, massaging the area around the barbells with this thumb. His partner moaned in response, albeit not too loudly, which kinda irked Koujaku.
"What's wrong? Does it hurt after all, or is it just not the right spot?"
He angled himself differently, trying to find that particular place inside of the other that made him feel best, and then Noiz' whole body jerked and the air seemed to have gotten stuck in his lungs.
"Found it?", he grinned and earned himself a half-angry expression from Noiz.

"You...! Ungh... Hff...!"
He couldn't finish his sentence and tried to fight for more air to fill his lungs with, while his nails began to dig into Koujaku's back as if to answer him instead.

"Are you... holding yourself back by any chance now?"
Koujaku asked with a grin and bent forwards to reach Noiz' ear, whispering into it hoarsely.
"Come on, tell me how mouch you like it, I want to hear your voice."
His thumb poked the tip of his cock, hitting the sensitive area around his slit.

"Kh...! ...Ngh...!"
Noiz breathed out through his nose and then closed his eyes - apparently having to will down his pride, or at least to do something he wasn't used to - as he tried to gather his voice.
"H...Hha...! ...Ah...! Ah!"

Koujaku smiled at him in return and gave his forehead a kiss to award him.
"Yeah, like that. Sounds better to me. Give me some more."
He allowed himself to get a little more rough than he already was to tease Noiz and felt him jolt up below.

"GH-! ...He-hey, you-AH! Aah!"

"That really is your good spot, hm?"
He was turned on like hell. Seeing Noiz loosing control more and more, and feeling his own lust burn inside of himself with a passion made him reach a state close to ecstasy. And judging by the look on the younger man's face and the desperate attempts at responding to Koujaku's thrusts by moving his own hips, Noiz was in the same situation.

Noiz swore, appearing to sway between wanting the sensations to increase even further and being afraid of it at the same time.
"Hah! AH!"
There was no place for any thoughts left in his head, though, only burning desire washed over him, as he was plunged into and stroked hard at the same time.
Noiz heard his own heart beating loudly in his ears, felt an incredible heat scorching his insides and wanted nothing more than to finally reach that blinding light that promised release from all of this tension tying down his body. Just a little more...
"Kou...jaku... Koujaku...!"

Koujaku's ears perked up and he almost stopped moving as he heard his own name spill from Noiz' lips. The young man was out of breath and only whispered the word in his raspy voice, but it was clearly Koujaku's name. He had thought there was no way to turn him on even more, but Noiz had proven him wrong.
Koujaku bent forwards to suck and bite at his neck, then drew back to intensify his efforts to pleasure Noiz further, driving himself into him even harder and deeper then before and massaging his erection.

"Kh...! Hff! Nh...!"
There was no room for any loud noises anymore, only gasps left his body as he was swept away by Koujaku pounding into him and hitting his inner walls where it felt best, while he stimulated him with his hand as well. Noiz was sure to have drawn blood by clawing at Koujaku's back already, but couldn't let go. He needed something - anything - to anchor himself to reality with while his mind drowned in pleasure.

The bed creaked loudly as their bodies moved as one and another shove was answered by thrusting back, again and again until they finally reached their climax together - voices pressed tightly and fingers digging into the other's skin as they clung to each other during release.

They breathed haphazardly as they tried to come down from their peak again.

Noiz still held fast onto Koujaku's back, although his hands and arms shivered from the strain and exhaustion by now and he had difficulty breathing like this. But he liked the feeling of closeness he could share with Koujaku like that, or rather the fact that he could sense something like this by embracing him. It made him happy.

Koujaku didn't mind Noiz clinging to him, even though they were covered in sweat, and his hand was drenched in Noiz' come while the faint feeling of scratches itching on his back slowly began to bleed through the haze of endorphins now. He couldn't believe he had been able to feel that good together with Noiz. Had he fallen for the brat without realizing it? He hadn't been sure about his feelings before he had made love to Noiz, but... No, wasn't this just his body talking? He should ask himself what he truly felt for Noiz after he had calmed down again, to make sure that his body didn't try to betray his heart. Good sex was one thing, but being in love with him or not was a serious issue for Koujaku. Having managed that kind of thought process by now, Koujaku then pulled out of Noiz carefully and grabbed for a tissue box by Noiz' bed to clean his hand. Then he rolled to the side, enabling Noiz to cuddle up to him and to rest his head in the crook of his neck.

Koujaku began to leisurely stroke Noiz' shoulder and could hear a soft sigh escaping the younger man's nose as if to appreciate his gesture. Koujaku turned his head to bury his nose in the soft crown of strawberry-blonde hair and took a sniff of it - it smelled nice and Noiz' short locks tickled his face.

"Say... have you fallen for me a little?", Noiz asked after a while and Koujaku took on a thinking expression and kept silent for a while before he answered.

"I don't know yet."
Koujaku huffed a low, short laugh.
"You see, just a while ago I was convinced I was straight as can be and watch me now... acting all sappy and feeling good being close like this with another guy."

Noiz gave a shrug.
"Bi, straight, gay, whatever. Isn't the important thing about all this, that you are with the person you want to be with?"

Koujaku blinked.
"...You know, for a brat who's inexperienced with socializing that's quite a standpoint."

The younger man replied with a dry chuckle.
"Are you mocking me, old man?"

"Quite the contrary.", Koujaku purred and nudged Noiz' head lovingly, "I'm complimenting you."
He softly kissed Noiz' forehead and then started running his fingers through his hair. The fact, that sharing kindness and affection like this towards Noiz, felt like the most natural thing for him made him smile at himself.
"...Maybe I have fallen for you after all."

Noiz couldn't resist a low giggle and enjoyed the tender caress of Koujaku's fingers.
"Hum... I'd like that."

A yawn escaped Koujaku's throat and he blinked lazily. They had just gotten out of bed earlier and it was probably not even noon yet, but with a straining activity like hot, steamy sex behind them and no pressing appointments in front of him, Koujaku didn't see the harm in taking a little nap. And judging by how calm Noiz lay in his arms, the same went for him. As he was about to pull Noiz into an embrace before heading off to sleep, he remembered what had happened the last time they fell asleep like that and he stopped himself.

Noiz noticed the movement and Koujaku's sudden uneasiness however.
"What is it?"

"No, it's... nothing, just..."
Koujaku wondered how to break the subject to Noiz without making him remember about his panic attack this morning - it was impossible, though. He groaned in defeat.
"I just wanted to hold you tight before falling asleep, but the last time I did so, you ended up having a bad dream of being locked up and I don't want to trigger that again."

"I see."
Noiz responded flatly and didn't say anything for a moment, before he continued.
"It's not as if I dislike being embraced by you in my sleep, though. It feels... nice."
He rubbed his cheek against Koujaku's chest as if to underline his statement and Koujaku noticed a faint tinge of red on his skin from the corner of his eyes and smiled.

"Well, it doesn't mean that we have to use that kind of position though."

Noiz rose an eyebrow, but gave Koujaku enough room to move around on the bed to turn his back towards him now, glancing over his shoulder invitingly.

"If we do it like this..."
He guided Noiz' arm around himself, so that he could embrace him from behind, and covered his hand laying on his stomach.
"...then you're still close to me and I can feel you, too."

Noiz gave a smirk.
"So you wanna be the little spoon then? You could just have asked."
He snickered, prompting Koujaku's cheeks to redden and for the taller man to mumble a curse under his breath.

Noiz didn't mind their change of position, though, he was most comfortable sleeping on his side anyway. So he adjusted himself to line up with Koujaku's body in front of him properly, affectionately rubbing his forehead against the other's broad back.
But then he felt Koujaku tense up and inhaling sharply.
Did he do something wrong?
He looked at the scratches glowing red on Koujaku's back and wondered if they hurt him now. Deciding to lick his wounds on impulse only made Koujaku strain even more however, making Noiz uneasy.
"Sorry for scratching you earlier. Does it hurt that badly?"

"Eh? Ah... no, that's... That's not it, don't worry about it."

The shiver in Koujaku's voice prompted Noiz to worry just fine, though, and the fact that Koujaku tried covering up what afflicted him made it worse.
"Stop that right there, old man.", he told him almost warningly, "I don't like you hiding things from me, much less when I'm pretty sure it's my fault that causes you to suffer. So spit it out: What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

Koujaku haltingly let out his breath trough his nose, apparently fighting with himself to explain his issues.
"It's not your fault. I brought that over myself just fine now, so I'll deal with it, don't worry. It's just my own stupidity, that's all."

Noiz sighed and was about to start a lecture beginning with "Now listen here, old man", when he touched Koujaku's back with his fingertips and earned himself another shiver, even though he hadn't even been close to any scratch wounds for sure this time. Looking at Koujaku's back with a bright red flower tattoo glowing back at him, it finally clicked in his mind.
So that was it?
Koujaku's back was his weak point, because that was the place where the cursed peonies bloomed, which had brought so much misery over him already. And now Noiz was right behind him, face to face with that damned tattoo, reminding both of them that Koujaku had turned into a monster in the past, who had not only hurt himself but other people - Noiz being included just recently.

Noiz pressed his forehead against Koujaku's back anew and exhaled heavily through his nose before planting light kisses on the tattooed skin, ignoring Koujaku's new jolt at the sensation.
"I think I get your problem, old man. But for me the curse on your body is secondary when I look at you, you know?"
He ran his hands over the other's skin in a loving way to underline his statement.
"You're beautiful to me. Those red flowers look gorgeous on your back, precisely because they are right there. It's sad that they brought you so much pain, but as the thing that they are - a tattoo - they don't blemish you, if anything they enhance your handsomeness."
He gave Koujaku's back another, more lingering kiss, then a lick, and whispered in his ear.
"And they turn me on."
He suggestively rubbed his crotch against Koujaku's lower back, earning an embarrassed slap of Koujaku's hand at himself and a grumbled call of his name.
Noiz snorted and caught Koujaku's hand, entwining their fingers and guided their arms back so their joined hands came to a rest on Koujaku's stomach again.
"I've already seen the worst of you. I'm not afraid. And you've left your past behind you now, right? There's nothing to fear anymore."
Noiz nuzzled Koujaku's neck and closed his eyes while cuddling up and making himself comfortable again.

Koujaku hoped that he wouldn't notice his heart beating like crazy right now.
This damn brat was simply unbelievable.