Silent Storm [Rating: K]
She was seated near the edge of the cliff side, staring out at the ocean, with her arms curled around and hugging her legs. Cold, gray waters lapped against a cold, gray horizon. The entire atmosphere brooded about Heather, and from the looks of the expression on her face, she was brooding, too.
She did not even glance upward when Astrid strode toward her. For all Astrid could tell, Heather did not hear her companion trod forward and slowly ease herself down. Astrid gently sat down to Heather's left, and did nothing but stare at the ocean, too, peer out at the waters and try to contemplate their coldness as Heather was so doing.
Yet at last Astrid spoke. She could not concentrate on this current dour weather; she could not focus on it; she could only focus her attention on Heather. Her friend was quiet, as always – but it was no doubt that Heather had been more quiet than custom this last week.
This last week.
The week since Dagur had died.
Everyone on the Edge had been sober and stagnant, but none moreso than Heather.
"Hey," Astrid murmured, breaking the silence. Her voice smoothly slid on top of mulling ocean waves. It was time. It was time to see what was on Heather's mind. Time to understand what her friend was feeling… and help, if she could.
"Um. Hey there." It was not much of a response. Heather glanced downward and pulled a hand off her knee. She used it to pluck idly at the grass beside her, staring carefully at the blade rather than paying any heed to Astrid.
Astrid continued. "Cloudy day," she remarked. "Looks like a storm is coming, huh?"
Another lapse into silence.
"Are you… are you doing okay?" She cringed as soon as she said it. Yet sometimes Heather needed a direct approach.
Heather cringed in turn. Even with her obviously discomfited physical response, though, Heather only spoke out loud, "Yeah. I'm fine." It sounded a little defensive.
Alright then. More bluntness. "No, you're not." Astrid stared worriedly at Heather. "You've hardly spoken six words in a week. You're barely eating, and when you do, it's not with the group. You're always alone in your room. Heather, I know you're not feeling okay."
The ocean became an intense object of study.
A whisper, barely slipped out. "It's him, isn't it?"
"Look, Astrid, I know you're trying to help –" at last Heather was acknowledging her "– and – and it's not that I don't appreciate it. I mean. I just… I guess. Just… please. Please. I don't want to talk about this."
Pain smothered Heather's green irises. Her pupils had become clouded in… was that grief? For Dagur?
Astrid had not anticipated that.
She could not press for details and explanation, though. She understood, too, the need for silence. There had been many times in life where Astrid would have hated to vocalize her struggles aloud. Sometimes it helped to vent her frustrations. Other times, discussion only wrenched the heart worse.
She could trust Heather's judgment.
"Okay," she said. Astrid nodded. "That's fine. You don't need to talk. But I'm here to help if you need help. Believe me... I'll help anywhere."
With a small smile passing over her lips, Heather responded, "Thanks."
There was nothing more for Astrid to say. There was nothing more Astrid could try. Yet she could still do one more action. One more important action.
She sat there, next to Heather, staring silently out at the ocean beside her. Maybe her friend could not bear to speak of last week's death. Yet Heather would not ride through this storm alone.
Increasingly angry thunderheads rumbled above the two women, yet they continued to stare out from the cliff side. Even when rain began slapping down on their shoulders and faces, they remained.
Through even the worst storms, she would not leave her.
Astrid would not leave Heather's side.