Hi, I wasn't happy with my last story if you got a chance to read it but I'm starting it again. Enjoy
(P.S I do not own Glee or Hannah Montana)
Chapter 1: Chris Colfer
"Thank you all for coming out tonight, drive safe byeee,"
Chris Colfer walked backstage and went into his dressing room. It was the last concert in LA before packing up and heading home to Ohio for junior year of high school.
Chris sat down on the plush white loveseat in front of his vanity and smiled to himself. He has pale skin white as snow, slight broad shoulders and a tiny waist, tall but not too tall and dark brown eyes. Chris land a flat palm on top of his soft blonde hair- Quiff to the right amount of height- with a blue streak up the side and swiftly pulled the blonde wig of his head and reliving chestnut brown hair.
Kurt Hummel knew he always wanted to be a star and perform on stage for millions.
When Kurt was younger he didn't have any friends, he would spend his time singing and dancing in his room or around the house.
His parents Burt Hummel and Elizabeth Hummel always loved watching his son sing. He would put on mini concerts for them in the living room every chance he got.
Kurt never cared what anyone else thought of him but he did get lonely with no friends. He knew he was different than other boys.
When Kurt was 8 his mother- Elizabeth- died of cancer. It was hard for both the Hummel's after their loss but Kurt's mom always told him he was going to be a star.
Kurt and Elizabeth laying down in Kurt's bed when he was 6 years old. Kurt was humming quietly. Elizabeth smiled.
"You know baby, You have got a voice like an angel. I bet you will get a big big star on a huge stage for millions of your fans." Kurt turn his small head with brown hair falling into his eyes.
"Really mama? You think so?" Elizabeth brushed the hair out of her sons face and gave him a sweet smile.
"Really sweetie. I know you can and I will be there cheering you on."
Kurt didn't want to be on stage just for himself but also his mother. He wanted to make her proud.
When Kurt was 13 he was sitting on a stool in at Hummel's tire and lube. He loves coming here with his dad and helping. He feels close to his dad working on cars and surprisingly he loves doing it.
Kurt was singing Blackbird by the Beatles- it was his mother's favorite song- to himself while sorting through the nuts and bolts on the work bench.
Anthony Parker was waiting for the guy with a baseball cap and oil stained overalls to finish up his car for him.
"All right Mr Parker, I changed the popped tire and put a new one in the trunk. You are all set to go," Burt handed Anthony the keys to his car and left to go help another customer.
Anthony walked over to where his car is and stopped after hearing a clear beautiful sound. Looking around Anthony notice a small elfin-like featured boy with chestnut brown hair singing quietly. Looking in awe at the boy, Anthony walked over to him.
Kurt looked up after hearing someone approaching, Kurt saw an older man around late 20s coming over to him. Dropping the bolts that was in his small hands and he stopped singing.
"Hi son, that is a big voice you have there, what's your name?," Anthony smiled at the nervous boy.
Blushing, Kurt said quietly "I'm Kurt Elizabeth Hummel,"
Smiling Anthony said "Why don't you give your mom or dad this card Kurt," Anthony said holding out a white card." I could make big thing for you with a voice like that,"
Anthony walked to his car and drove off before Kurt looked down at the card
Anthony Parker
Music production manager
Kurt looked at the card shocked. He knew who Another Parker was because he was the biggest artist manger in the world and he comes from Ohio.
Kurt jumped off the stool almost falling to the floor, he run into his dads office.
"DADDDDD," Kurt's high pitched voice squealed out making Burt drop all the paper he had in his hands.
"Kurt, you scared the hell out of me," Burt said holding a hand to his racing heart looking at his son bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.
"Look look look, oh my gaga dad."
Burt took the paper his son was holding and looked over it.
"dad, Anthony Parker is the BIGGEST music artist manager like ever." Kurt was grinning so hard Burt thought his sons face might crack.
For the rest of the afternoon Kurt and Burt looked up on the computer in the office about Anthony Parker. Burt wasn't on board with this. He knew if Kurt did this then he would never live like a normal teenage but it has been his dream seen he was young.
A week later Kurt and Burt were in Anthony's office in Westerville.
"Now, what exactly would happen? I've told you my concerns over the phone and you said you will handle it?" Burt said.
"We are going to give Kurt a disguise" Anthony told the Hummel's
"Disguise?" Kurt asked looking confused.
"Yes, a different name and appearance. Would that be okay with you Kurt? Burt?"
Kurt looked at his dad while his dad looked at Anthony.
"What would the name be?"
A few weeks later Kurt Hummel's other life became Chris Colfer who was blonde and got dark brown eyes, his style of dress was half of Kurt's style but a lot more different as Kurt's as well. 3 months of Anthony and Kurt writing 3 brand new songs Kurt had his first concert. He went on before Usher as an opening act.
Chris Colfer become big news very fast and soon was all over the TV, Magazines, selling out concerts and traveling all over the world on weekends and holidays on his own private jet.
Coming out to the world Kurt thought it would get Chris a lot of haters but Chris became more popular when he come out. Kurt was the biggest thing at the age of 14 in the world and the biggest pop star.
Kurt was now 17 and beginning junior year of William McKinley High. Kurt now had friends from glee club but no one knew about his other life besides Burt and Anthony.
When Kurt auditioned for the New Directions it was only in front of Mr Schue the glee club director. He sung in a lower register and never asked or fought for solos because he sings solos all the time.
Kurt and Burt got into the limo waiting outside for them, Kurt waving to fans, signing a few things, posing for photos with fans and blowing kisses. Getting into the private jet Kurt finally got to relax and took of his wig, contacts and make up. He was on tour all summer and Kurt was happy to going back to just weekends and focusing on school and writing new songs.
The Hummel's arrived at their house a little after 10:00pm, after saying goodnight to his son Burt went up to his room.
Kurt went into his room and took a quick shower and got into some warm pajamas before getting into bed. Kurt looked over to his bedside table and saw a beautiful photo framed, it was a photo of a 5 year old Kurt sitting on Elzabeths knee both smiling adorably at the camera. Kurt kisses it before whispering"Goodnight mom, I love you"
Shutting his eyes Kurt thought about how great this year was going to bed with his friends.
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