Quantico MCB Virginia
It's a beautiful sunny day in Quantico, Virginia. Private Daniel McKellar and Private Ben Carlisle are taking a run around the Marine Base.
"So what do you think of this?" McKellar asked.
"What the training?" Carlisle asked.
"Just, what do you think of being in the corps?" McKellar asked.
"It's an honor. My dad was in the corps and raised my sister and brothers and I like soldiers." Carlisle said.
"So the getting up early and the physical stuff doesn't bother you?" McKellar asked.
"Not really, it's in my nature. And what about you? I thought your dad was in the corps too." Carlisle said.
"I always had a hard time, but it did help prepare for this kind of training." McKellar said. Moments later, McKellar tripped over something which caused him to fall flat on his face. "Ow!"
"Very nice." Carlisle said as he clapped. "Your dad would be proud."
"Shut up smart ass." McKellar said. He sat up to see what he had tripped over. He stood up with a disturbed look on his face.
"What?" Carlisle said.
"Look!" McKellar said. Carlisle turned around and saw a dead body covered in cuts, blood and bruises behind a bush.
"Oh my God!" he exclaimed. "Get Landis down here!"

Quantico, Virginia FBI BAU Headquarters
The next morning, Dr. Spencer Reid of the Behavior Analysis Unit was just getting into work at the office. His co-workers SSA Derek Morgan and SSA Emily Prentiss were already there. Morgan looked up and saw Reid walking and reading a book. Morgan leaned over to Prentiss and said,
"Is that what texting and walking looks like?" A minute after he said that, Reid bumped into another man walking before he bumped into Morgan's desk and knocked some things off. Reid put his book in his bag then started to pick up the stuff that fell off Morgan's desk.
"Sorry Morgan."
"I'm pretty sure that's why you're not supposed to read while your walking." Morgan said.
"Everything okay Reid?" Prentiss asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, just tired." Reid said.
"Just tired is understatement for this job." Prentiss said. Reid smiled at her.
"Hey guys we got something." Agent Jennifer Jareau said. The guys followed JJ to the meeting room where the rest of the team was. SSA Aaron Hotchner, SSA David Rossi and Tech Analyst Penelope Garcia were already there.
"Good morning heroes and heroines, please draw your attention to the screen that I will deter away from." Garcia said. "Three dead bodies were found at the Quantico Marine Base yesterday morning. They were taken to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service where the ME estimates they've been dead for at least eight months."
"Why are we being called about this if NCIS is already investigating?" Reid asked.
"One of the bodies was identified in one of our missing persons files. His name is Matthew Curtis." Garcia said.
"He went missing with his friend Jake Eastwin about nine months ago. At the time we thought it was the work of David Taddonio. He was a serial killer who abducted his victims in broad daylight at local parks. He convicted just last month." Reid said.
"The other bodies were identified as Lance Corporal Ryan Nathanly, a husband and father of two, and Silas Miller, a husband and unemployed." Garcia said.
"His victimology is all over the place." Morgan said. "We got parents with well paying jobs and unemployed guys."
"They all look pretty similar. All of them are well built and have dark hair. It's possible the unsub is using these guys as surrogates for a bad relationship with someone in his childhood. Most likely a father, older brother or bully." Reid said.
"These seem like the kind of guys who wouldn't go down without a fight." Morgan said.
"It's always possible they knew him." Prentiss said.
"Or he could've drugged them." Rossi said.
"Alright, we'll go over the files in the van. We're going to meet Agent Tobias Fornell at NCIS and we'll be working with the Major Case Response Team." Hotch said. They assembled into the vans and headed to NCIS.