This one's for Malicean, for convincing me that not all the Imperials were bad guys.

I don't know - they seemed like good people, typical Tatooine moisture farmers, eking out a living. Older couple - but there were signs of a teenage boy around the place, and they definitely had droids, and they refused to answer questions. I've heard that most the Rebels seem like good people, too. You just can never know. And though it may seem harsh - many hate us, in the white armor, for just doing our job - but sometimes, it just has to be done. Sometimes, you just have to eliminate the enemies of the Empire. We can't let anarchy take over.

I don't mean to imply that there aren't thugs that wear the white armor of His Majesty's troops - there are. I've had a few brawls with a few of them myself. But despite what urban legend would have you believe, we're not all cruel sadists who take pleasure in killing. I don't. But neither do I want our great Empire to be toppled by a few conniving Machiavellian politicians manipulating uneducated malcontents. So I follow orders, and if some innocents slip through the cracks - it's regrettable, and I'm sorry. We're careful. But accidents happen.

Still, if I felt a twinge of regret, pulling the trigger on that pleading, tearful old woman, I don't suppose the bosses will ever know.