Happy New Year! Here you go...the final chapter! Thanks for sticking around to the end. :) The first two chapters of my latest fic, "Untamed" are now up. Please visit the story and give it a try.
Dean's and Castiel's third attempt at dancing the horizontal tango backfired on their cute asses. The cast had been removed from the older teen's arm a week prior. Things started getting hot and heavy for the young and horny couple in the backseat of the Impala. Dean parked the black, muscle car in the empty road right behind the cemetery. The teen hunters had finished an uneventful sweep. Castiel sat on the hood of the car with his legs open. Dean stood in between and initiated a steamy make out session that ended with the duo half naked inside Baby.
Castiel had been in the middle of stroking both of their hard and leaking cocks within his right hand. Dean was a mess on the leather seat, panting and moaning so loud, he was most likely heard a block away. The back windows were fogged. Dean planted a hand, leaving his print. The two boys cracked up in between moans.
"You just recreated the cheesy Titanic scene," Castiel mouthed against Dean's sweaty neck. He licked salty sweat from his boyfriend's clavicle. The Winchester's eyes rolled backwards, when Cas thumbed the slit of his leaking dick.
A cellphone began to annoyingly ring non-stop from the front seat. At first neither of the young hunters was going to answer but the person continued calling. It didn't take long for both boys to come. Castiel leaned forward to grab the offending phone. Dean smacked his ass twice. Cas glowered at him.
"It's your dad. He sent you several texts." Castiel cleaned himself with a towel and then threw it at Dean. He put his shirt back on and zipped his jeans.
"Fuck! Sammy and Jo have been kidnapped." Dean struggled with his cargo pants. He abandoned his t-shirt and jumped to the driver's seat.
"Does he know who took them?" Castiel held on to the front seat while Dean drove from 0-60 mph."
"Babe, text my dad that we're on our way to the cabin. Local hunters are meeting there, including your grandpas."
Castiel gulped hard. That meant supernatural creatures kidnapped the two kids and they were big fish. Cas held Dean's right hand for comfort. Dean adored his little brother. "Sam and Jo are tough kids. Your dad and Ellen have done a great job training them."
"Cas, Mikhael and Camille have them." Dean sped through a red light.
Castiel arched a brow. "Who are they?"
"Mikhael is the demon Crowley made a deal with to get his old lady out of Purgatory in exchange for the frog to get you."
"Shit Dean, I am so sorry." Castiel traced circles on Dean's wrist.
"Read my dad's long ass text. It gets better." Dean fought back tears.
Cas read the three texts which said the complete story. His mouth hung open while he read the last part. He turned to Dean. "Mikhael is Azazel's father? What are the odds Crowley ended making a deal with the son of the demon that killed your mother."
"Worst part is me and dad killed Azazel. Now Junior is out for blood and Sammy and Jo are going to pay the price."
"We're going to save them."
Rowena helped with the rescue effort. The witch felt she needed to assist since her son started the entire mess. She performed a tracking spell which gave the group of hunters the location where the demons held Jo and Sam. Before sunrise, John, Ellen and Dean entered the abandoned factory. While they fought the demon pair and two of their minions inside, Castiel, Garth, Rufus and Bobby created a ring of holy fire around the entire exterior structure. This rendered the demons weak and allowed the hunter trio on the inside to exorcize the demons. The four sulfur reeking assholes were sent back to Hell. Luckily, Sam and Jo were unscathed.
Dean invited Castiel over to his house on the last day of their Spring Break vacation. John took Sam to a new history museum that opened in the city. Cas brought a pizza and the two teens ate the entire large pie in a flash. They watched Mad Max: Fury Road. Dean kept blabbing over how hot Charlize Theron is and Castiel said he wouldn't mind having a go with Tom Hardy. After the movie, Dean suggested for them to hang in his bedroom.
The Winchester turned on his Millennium Falcon iPod dock. Castiel gave it to him as a belated Valentine gift. Dean left an Air Supply song. Castiel tried not to laugh. "Really?"
"Bottom picks the music...top shuts his pie hole." He pushed Cas on the bed.
Castiel's baby blues became larger. His mouth remained open in an "O" shape. "Are we finally going to do it?"
Dean straddled him and nodded. "God help me but if another fucking emergency happens, we are fucking first. Fire can rain down from the sky or Magnolia can be attacked by a demon army, we are not leaving this bed." He leaned down and kissed Castiel hard. The kiss became dirty within seconds. Dean licked his way into his boyfriend's mouth while Castiel slid the green eyed teen's sweatpants down. He loved that Dean wore no underwear.
They removed their pants and in Cas' case his boxers. Dean stretched his arm under a pillow to retrieve a bottle of strawberry lube. He tossed it at Castiel, who was jerking off. His eyes were almost black as he watched Dean. Cas lubed his engorged cock. Dean licked his lips.
Cas surprised Dean by flipping him to the center of the mattress. "Open your legs wide for me, babe."
He dove in and kissed Dean's freckled thighs. Castiel nostrils flared. "You washed before I got here." He looked at his boyfriend, who turned redder than a cherry tomato. "Why are you shy all of a sudden?"
"I used an enema for the first time to clean the pipes and washed myself thoroughly right before you got here. I even used Charlie's 'delicious rhubarb' bath gel."
Castiel laughed. Dean glared at him. "Fuck you! Forgive me for freshening up before you stick your dick up my ass."
Cas kissed the slight pudge on Dean's stomach. Then he kissed the tip of his boyfriend's penis. "You are too cute for words."
"I am not cute." Dean folded his arms over his chest.
"Alright you are a sexy and awesome boyfriend. Is that better?" Castiel poured lube over his fingers. "Now lay there and look pretty."
Dean flipped him the bird. Castiel's index finger circled outside of Dean's hole. "Your sweet, pink hole is screaming for attention."
"How about you shut the fuck up and get down to business?!" Dean arched a tawny brow.
"As you wish," Cas said before his head disappeared between Dean's thighs.
Short Cake's unruly hair brushing against his flushed skin tickled Dean. As soon as he felt Cas' tongue dive in and swirl on his hole, Dean almost jumped off the bed. Castiel held his hips down with his hands. The blue eyed cutie sucked and licked Dean's asshole like it was going out of style.
Now he only held one of Dean's hips because he brought one of his hands down. Castiel inserted a finger inside Dean. He continued with the rim job and fingered his boyfriend until he hit his prostate. "Fuuuck!" Dean screamed. He sunk his toes into the mattress. He came without touching himself.
Castiel licked any jizz, covering his boyfriend's body. He then laid next to Dean, whose breathing needed to return to normal. "You taste so good...a perfect combination of strawberry and you."
Dean pulled Castiel's hair hard, causing the shorter boy to moan in delight. His lips covered Cas'. Dean moaned, tasting himself and the strawberry lube. Castiel caught his lower lip between his teeth and tugged it. He knew this got Dean's mojo running.
"Your offer at bottoming still stands?" Castiel leaned on his elbows.
Dean shoved him down. Cas pulled his sweaty shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. Dean already straddled him without his own dirty shirt. "Take your time, Dean. It's going to hurt." Dean swallowed hard. Inside he was a nervous wreck but he and Short Cake had waited too damn long. He wanted to do this for Castiel.
"I love you, Dean." He caressed the Winchester's jaw reverently.
"I know," the Winchester winked at his boyfriend, who rolled his eyes.
Dean spread lube over Castiel's entire hard dick. Castiel brought him down for a slow and gentle kiss. He ran his fingers through Dean's short hair. Dean took a deep breath before guiding Cas' cock into his entrance. He slowly sank over it. Cas's dick wasn't as long as his own but thicker. Dean winced at the intrusion.
"Take your time," Castiel planted his hands on Dean's hips.
Dean allowed more of his boyfriend's dick to enter him. He bit his lower lip hard. The sensation wasn't pleasant. The inside of his butt burned. He researched online about anal to know what to expect. Once he took all he could of Short Cake's dick, Dean held on to Cas' shoulders, and began to move at a leisure pace.
He could tell Castiel was fighting not to fuck him fast and hard. Dean moved his hips confidently. He was getting used to Cas filling him up. "Can I?" Castiel asked. Dean nodded.
Cas groaned as he started to thrust energetically into Dean. Dean began to earnestly ride him. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, when Castiel nailed his prostate. The pleasure overtook the burning sensation. Castiel's fingers sunk into Dean's hips. His breathing became louder right before he screamed Dean's name and came inside his boyfriend. With one more intense hit at his prostate, Dean jizzed two ropes over Cas.
Castiel kissed the tip of Dean's freckled nose before heading to the bathroom. He returned with a warm, wet towel which he used to tend Dean's ass. The Winchester hissed. He knew he'd be walking with more of his usual cowboy strut for the next two days.
Cas joined Dean in the bed and covered the two of them with the bed sheets. The two boys lay facing each other. Castiel traced Dean's lower lip with a thumb. "You're really beautiful. I am glad my first time was with you."
Dean held Castiel's thumb and kissed it. "Right back at ya." He yawned. The couple fell asleep in no time with their foreheads touching.
Ten years later...
Castiel typed the final chapter of his latest book in his "To Hell & Back Series". The hunter ended up leaving Magnolia for four years after graduating high school. He got accepted to Emory University in Atlanta which happened to have the nation's best writing program. He graduated magna cum laude. He wrote for the university's paper and posted original fan fiction in several popular sites.
Miraculously, a literary agent, whose daughter frequented one of those sites, contacted Castiel, when he'd just graduated from Emory. Her daughter was an avid reader of Cas' work. The agent asked him to expand on his most popular fic, which turned out to be the first book of the "To Hell & Back Series".
The books dealt with a macho hunter, who was in denial about being gay and overcompensated by banging a bunch of chicks. He drove a '67 Mustang and travelled the US with his younger brother, hunting the supernatural. Mr. Macho Hunter died in book #2 and was rescued from Hell by an angel that he fell deeply in love with, but it took the block head three books to confess his feelings to the seraph.
Dean hated that the main hunter's name was Alex Northman. Hello! Cas based him on his fantasy crush Eric Northman from "True Blood". He knew his boyfriend based the younger brother on Dean, making him bisexual and obsessed with classic rock and pie. The series gained a huge cult following and the sales were decent.
Castiel surprised Dean, when he told him he wanted to stay in Magnolia. Bobby and Rufus gave them the plantation once they decided to retire to South Beach. The older hunters hung their hunting gear for good after Cas graduated from Emory. Dean and Castiel had been more than grateful for the generous gift. Cas was a huge blubbering mess, when they said good bye to the retirees at the airport. Rufus and Bobby told them they were a phone call away and that they expected them for Thanksgiving. The boys still held the annual tradition of spending Turkey weekend in South Beach. Christmas was spent with John and Sammy.
College wasn't for Dean. He attended auto mechanics classes at Magnolia Community College where he received his certificate. Rufus left him in charge of the auto shop and Dean did not plan on letting his surrogate grandpa down. His dad became head mechanic. John helped his son tremendously. He'd look after the shop, when Dean accompanied Cas to meet with his agent, Naomi in New York or to visit Rufus and Bobby.
Castiel saved the final chapter on his laptop and turned it off. He stretched his arms before turning on the ancient radio Rufus left at the store. Mr. and Mrs. Carver, who both must be in their 80s, now approached the counter with a basket of groceries. Mrs. Carver asked Castiel how Dean was doing and he answered his boyfriend was out on a hunting trip. The Carvers believed Dean was out hunting for deer; little did they know.
The bell hanging over the front door chimed, signaling a new customer. Castiel didn't pay attention since he was running the items through the scanner. Mr. Carver paid and placed the last bag on a nearby cart. "You sure you don't need help, Mr. Carver?" Cas asked.
"No thank you. I still can do things on my own."
Castiel looked at the front door and his blood turned cold. Fergus Crowley held the door open for the elderly couple and wished them a good day. Cas felt for a gun he kept under the counter in case of an emergency. Crowley walked towards him. He raised his hands. He hadn't changed much, except for growing a few inches and losing a bit of weight. Stubble covered his lower face and his hair had begun to recede.
"What brings you to Magnolia?" Castiel fingered the gun.
"I came to apologize for everything." Crowley only glanced at Cas for a few seconds and then lowered his gaze. He stared at the counter. "I hurt many people but mostly you and Dean."
"You got that right." Castiel narrowed his eyes at the toad.
"I wasn't in a right state of mind."
"Yeah, Meg told us you were diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia."
Crowley nodded. He hid his hands in his coat pockets. "I was institutionalized for almost a year and then mother thought it was best for me to stay in England with relatives. I run a successful art gallery now and started a relationship recently with a woman named Lillith."
Castiel removed his fingers from the weapon underneath the counter. "That's great."
"I continue taking medication and attend therapy sessions twice a week. In a twisted way, my sick obsession with you, led me to get the proper treatment." His eyes fell on Castiel, who stayed silent.
"Well I came to tell you I am extremely sorry for all I did to you and Dean. I head back to London tomorrow morning." He turned to leave.
Castiel cleared his throat. Crowley was at the door and turned to look at him. "I am really glad you are doing better, Fergus." Crowley nodded and left.
Thirty seconds later, a flabbergasted Dean entered the market. Cas hopped over the counter and ran to his boyfriend, who he hadn't seen in three days. He jumped on Dean and wrapped his legs around him. Castiel peppered kisses all over his face. Dean reveled in the attention.
"Someone missed me," he said. He led them to the counter where he deposited Cas. "Dude, was that Crowley?" Castiel nodded. "What the fuck did he want? Did he hurt you?" Cas shook his head.
"He came to say he's sorry for all the shit he stirred in his deranged pursuit of me."
"Hmm little fucker almost tore us up when he got that shifter to pose as you and staged the blow job incident for me to see. Oh and don't get me started on the hex bag he put together that caused me to fuck up my ankle." Dean's nostrils flared.
"He couldn't break us up." Castiel grabbed the lapels of Dean's dark FBI suit jacket and kissed his boyfriend thoroughly. "Are you going to frisk me, Agent Winchester?"
"Later babe...there's something I need to tell you." Dean smiled.
"What is it?" Castiel shook his head. "First tell me how the hunt went?" His eyes raked over his boyfriend's body for any sign of injury.
"The mayor's ex-wife wanted revenge on him for getting married to a chick twenty years his junior. She found a witch who hexed him. I managed to have her reverse the spell before I ganked the bitch. She was responsible for the deaths of four people in their town. " He kissed Cas gently on the lips. "I hate witches."
"Okay, now tell me the important news."
"Sammy plans on proposing to Jo this summer after he finishes law school. He already got a job as a paralegal while he preps to take the bar exam." Dean gave Cas a wide smile. He was damn proud of the moose, who now stood at 6'4. Dean grew to the height of 6'1. Cas surprised everyone because his adult height was 5'11. Now he didn't have to stretch his toes to kiss his boyfriend.
"That's wonderful!"
Dean fidgeted and tugged at his tie. "You ok?"
The Winchester let Castiel go and got on his knees. Cas tilted his head to the side. "What are you doing?"
Dean retrieved a small box from his suit. He licked his lips before speaking. His hands shook as he opened the velvet ring box. "Dean!"
"Before coming to Magnolia I never had a best friend and didn't know what it felt to have one's heart be owned completely by someone else. Then I met a sassy 16 year old with the biggest baby blues I ever saw and who had a predilection for trashy romance novels. That beautiful angel changed my life for the better."
Tears swam in Cas' eyes. He couldn't believe Dean finally grew a pair and asked him to marry him. Dean continued. "Baby, those four years with you away at Emory were complete torture for me. It felt like a part of me was missing. Then when you came back I felt whole again."
"Dean, I love you so fucking much." Castiel hopped from the counter and knelt in front of his boyfriend. He cupped Dean's gorgeous face and kissed him deeply.
"Castiel Singer, my sweet Short Cake...will you marry me?"
"Yes! A thousand times yes!" Cas bellowed.
Dean snatched one of the silver bands from the box. He slid it on Cas' left ring finger with a trembling hand. Castiel held the other matching band and put it on Dean. Both bands had an anti-possession symbol surrounded by angel wings carved on them. The Latin words: Non Timebo Mala which translated in English means I will fear no evil, engraved on the top.
The two hunters kissed before standing up. "You call your dad and then Sam. I am going to Facetime with Gabe and Balthy. They'll kill us if they aren't the first to know."
"Say hi to them." Dean headed to the auto shop next door. John's shift was about over. He'd share the news with his old man in person.
After sharing the news of their engagement with Gabe and Balthy, who were beyond ecstatic, Cas called Charlie, who worked as head of IT for a huge gaming company in Raleigh. The redhead recently started dating a member of her Larping club named Dorothy. Charlie and Meg broke up the summer of their sophomore year in college. Charlie went to MIT in Massachusetts and Meg got accepted to the University of California to study medicine. The girls remained friends. Meg hadn't settled down yet. She tried dating a guy named Zeke and a girl named Ruby afterwards, but Meg decided to concentrate on her studies.
Kevin Tran worked as an engineer for South Carolina's biggest nuclear plant. He married Tessa last year and the couple was expecting twins this autumn. Cas asked both Charlie and Kevin to be his best man and woman at the wedding. The Three Musketeers still hung out at least once a month.
Later that evening, the newly engaged couple stood in the plantation's humongous backyard, burning items in a bonfire. Castiel unwillingly tossed his beloved Eric Northman poster in it. Dean brought out a Hefty bag filled with about two dozen issues of Busty Asian Beauties.
"Bye babes...I spend many happy times with you." He kissed the magazine on top of the pile before tossing several issues into the bonfire. Once he finished he grabbed Castiel's hand.
His fiancé removed a silver chain with a medal of St. Michael from his jean pocket. Dean's brows furrowed. "How come I never saw that?"
"Gaspard gave it to me and I wore it a couple of times. I was organizing our closet last weekend and found it in a box." Castiel dangled the silver chain in front of his face. Till this day, Cas and Dean both had nightmares about what they went through, all thanks to the master vampire. The hunter threw the necklace into the fire.
Dean pulled Cas towards him and embraced his fiancé. "He sure fucked us up."
"We've helped heal one another." Castiel kissed Dean on the cheek.
"So you want me to frisk you after we put out the bonfire?" Dean knew he needed to distract his Short Cake.
"Only if you wear your FBI suit."
"And you have to wear that navy blue tie that drives me crazy and nothing else." The corners of Dean's eyes crinkled as he smiled at his fiancé.
"That can be arranged."
Fifteen minutes later, the two men who undressed as soon as they entered the house, raced each other up the stairs. Dean playfully slapped one of Cas' hard butt cheeks. Castiel yelped. Just as Castiel found Dean's favorite tie and was tying it around his neck, Dean's cell rang. The Winchester cursed as he was getting his dark suit from the closet.
He rolled his forest green eyes, when he saw it was Garth. Castiel threw the tie to the bed. He knew the older hunter found them a job. Dean wrote down some coordinates before ending the call.
"What is it this time?" Castiel began dumping toiletries in a duffel bag.
"Rugaru sighting in southern Louisiana where two dead bodies were found." Dean pulled on a pair of his favorite jeans. "Sorry babe. The frisk will have to wait. Duty calls."
Castiel pouted. "I know."
Half an hour later, the newly engaged couple drove out of their hometown. The two men held hands. Dean brought Cas' hand upwards and kissed the finger covered by his engagement band. Dean stopped Baby at a stop sign. Castiel brought his face towards Dean's and kissed him hungrily. The steamy kiss was brought to an abrupt end by the driver in the car behind the Impala, honking impatiently at them.
Dean pressed his foot on the accelerator. He pulled out of his mouth a grape flavored Jawbreaker. Castiel, who rested his head over Dean's shoulder, opened his mouth and his fiancé popped it in.
Castiel turned on the radio and grinned happily at hearing a Pink song. Dean wouldn't tell anyone but he became a closeted pop music fan since being with his Short Cake. Cas linked his fingers with Dean.
As the two hunters sang along to Get This Party Started, Baby sped by the "Thank You for Visiting Magnolia" sign.
The End