A/N: +peers in+ Hullo. I'm new to the Death Note fandom but not to fanfiction. I'm doing this fic as a bit of a 30 day challenge. My story 'Delivery' was one such personal challenge. Why am I doing this? To kick my butt back into gear. The semester is almost over, and I need to de-stress, but I don't want to put my jumbled ramblings for my other fics out right now 'cause my thoughts are all over. But I want to make myself write every day. What does that mean? Well. Daily updates! And varying chapter length. Not quite a drabble set, because each chapter will lead into another, and there is an over arching plot and an end goal. Woo. So, for any of my readers who might be here from my other fics...um, sorry that this isn't an update? Heh. Inspiration hit and I couldn't resist.
So, quicky info for those who want it:
Light is a girl for plot reasons. She looks as Light does in the anime. Themes like the Death Note, Kira, L and such remain, but this is an AU where I take the story into a dystopian future world where Japan and a great deal of the world are under the control of a highly corrupt and war mongering Oligarchy (a system of government where rule is by a few individuals).
Summary: Who says change happens slowly? Dystopia AU. LxLight genderswitch.
Fool's Gambit
By Catsitta
"Light, is that you?"
Sachiko Yagami turned as she heard the front door open, her brows pinched with worry, hands clinging tightly to a faded washcloth. Light sighed and quietly shut the door. She was becoming too used to seeing the anxiety on her mother's face. With every day that passed, it was like a little piece of the woman faded away, leaving behind this ghost that haunted this place mockingly called home.
In a low voice, Light offered a polite greeting-dropping the book bag from her shoulder to the floor, neatly stepping out of polished shoes and pulling off the brown blazer that she wore nearly everywhere these days.
Looking up, she noticed her mother staring intently at her chest, gaze fixated at the row of black buttons trailing from the edge of pressed slacks up to the skin of her throat.
"Light...your bindings," Sachiko murmured.
Grimacing, the eighteen-year-old shrugged the blazer back on, lips pressed into a thin line. There was little Light could do about her "condition". It wasn't her fault she was born a girl in this fucked up world. It wasn't her idea to masquerade as a boy. No. That was daddy dearest's idea before the old man kicked the bucket. He was an enforcer, a law man, and when the justice system reared its corrupt head, Soichiro placed the responsibility for his family's future safety on four-year-old Light.
A heavily pregnant Sachiko ran into hiding, slipped into the shadows, just some insignificant woman in this "perfect" world, a confused daughter in tow. From that day on, Light was groomed to be the perfect son, the man of the house, the protector and provider. Because if he didn't, then they would all suffer for it, especially little Sayu. With her little boy not only enrolled in school, but a certified genius according to the mandated testing, the government provided for the Yagami family needs. Girls were not allowed a formal education after age twelve, so what use would it be to fund a family of a female prodigy?
So here she was, the beautiful, model son who was mere days away from graduating high school and would soon start on a career path in criminal law at To-Oh university.
And yet the taste was of ashes in her mouth.
"I will tie them tighter tomorrow," Light said as she traversed the pitiful excuse of a main room to reach the stairs. Bedrooms were always on the second floor. It was practically law these days. One would think the government would have better things to stick their noses in than the structure of apartment interiors, such as how to deal with floundering economy or the skyrocketing crime rates, but no...Bedrooms were more important. "I'll be in my room, studying."
Sachiko nodded and watched as her eldest child ascended the narrow steps, delicate hands skimming the wooden banister, as if every crack and scuff were words left in braille. Light was beautiful, with charm enough to ensnare any heart. But around her was a subtle darkness, a looming haze of shadows that lurked behind tawny eyes. Had things been different, perhaps if Japan were still a nation and not a part of the Oligarchy...if Light were actually a boy...if Soichiro had lived...maybe the foreboding aura lurking around her daughter would never have existed.
As she listened to the floorboards creek above, she wondered if all the lies were worth it. Light was so serious, distant...prideful. A selfish part of Sachiko missed the little girl in pigtails who saw the world in her father's eyes. In her place was a son. A perfect son.
Tears bit at the corners of her eyes.
Sayu would be home from the store soon. There was no time to cry.
As Sachiko gathered her wits and returned to washing dishes, Light slumped at the edge of her bed, her white shirt abandoned on the floor. Had anyone walked in at that moment, they'd be surprised by the uncharacteristic chaos of the teen's habitually pristine room...and what she pulled from beneath her chest bindings. It was a slim notebook, black and unadorned save for the stark white letters scrawled on the cover.
"Death Note..."
A/N: (Thank you for reading, please review! Commentary is loved. Ideas are wonderful cookies. See y'all tomorrow. )