Hey guys. So I decided to write a Harry Potter crossover. I already have one that actually with myself, the half dragon of Fairytail, but I figured that it would be cool if somwthing like this story happened. So Lucy is helping me write something new. Review plz, and feel free to digital slap me if I don't update for a while. I have procrastination/motivational issues. Enjoy.

Chapter 1: the guild

Levy's POV

The guild was unusually quiet when I stepped inside that morning. It was like all the energy had been sucked away from the normally lively patrons of Fairytail. I guess the rain will do that. It had been a total downpour, nonstop all week! Juvia was the only one who seemed to enjoy the gloomy weather, being a rain woman and all. As I gazed around the room, I noticed that many of the regulars were missing. I stepped through the door and shook off my wet hair. Gajeel and Lily were nowhere to be found. Not that I was looking or anything! Shut up! Jet and Droy were also MIA.

"Good morning, minna." I said colourlessly, sliding onto my usual barstool. "Good morning, Lu-chan."

"I don't know how good of a morning you could call this." She sighed, stirring her milkshake. "It's been too wet to do ANYTHING!"

"Cheer up, Lushi!" Happy chirped, munching on a fish. "It'll clear up soon."

"You think so?" She asked hopefully.

"Not really."

"Stupid cat!" She cried, thumping her head on the counter. I chuckled.

"Cheer up, Lu. It's supposed to be sunny again in a few days."

"It's taking too long!" She whined. "Juvia, are you causing this?" She asked, knowing as well as I did that Juvia's moods could influence the weather. She glanced over at the blue haired woman, watching her expression.

"Juvia would never!" She exclaimed, insulted. "Gray-sama doesn't like too much rain." Juvia picked away at her meal sullenly. "This is too much water even for Juvia's tastes."

"Where is everyone?" I asked, glancing around. "It feels so empty in here today. Do you know, Mira?"

"Well. Not many people are out on jobs, so I assume that most of them are in bed. Lissana is at home, Elfman has the flu, Evergreen's taking care of him. Laxus Fried and Bixlow left for a mission, and we're here." The barmaid said brightly, cleaning out mugs.

"Huh. I would've thought that Natsu would be here." Lucy tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe he slept in."

"Where's Gajeel?" I asked curiously. Lucy gave me a suspicious look.

"Why do you want to kn-"

"Forget it!" I said quickly, blushing slightly. Wait...why am I blushing?!

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen Gray today either." Came a voice that I turned towards, seeing a familiar redhead.

"Hello, Erza!" We all waved. "How are you?"

"Wet." She replied with a tight smile, wringing out her hair. "This weather in unbelieveable! Juvia, are you the cause of-"

"Why does everyone always blame Juvia?!" She cried. "Juvia had nothing to do with this!" Her tears quickly began to fill the room with even more water.

"Calm down, Juvia." Mira said gently. "We weren't trying to offend you." The bluenette cried for a few minutes before Slowly she came back from her flood.

"Thank you, Mira-san." She said quietly, wiping her eyes. "This rain is strange. Juvia can sense something different about it." The rain woman mutters.

"Like what?" Erza tilted her head in curiosity.

"Juvia cannot be sure."

"Is it dangerous?" Lucy asked nervously. Juvia glared at her while muttering 'love rival' under her breath.

"Juvia doesn't think so." She says finally. "But she would advise caution."

"We can do that." I nodded and sighed. "Not only is it rain, but it's potentially dangerous rain. Greeeeeat." I said sarcastically. "I may go and use the baths." I muttered, jumping down to head out. "I really need a pick-me-up right now."

"I'll come too if you want."

"It's fine, Lu. See you guys later!" I smiled and left, walking down the street in the cold downpour, my hair sticking to my neck. I wrapped my arms around myself and soon began to shiver, teeth chattering. Someone draped a warm cloak over my shoulders.

"Oi, shrimp. What are you doing out in the rain?" I looked up, a pair of red eyes staring back at me. His usual scowl etched on his face. His normally cold eyes reflected a miniscule amout of concern. Something about that look made a slight blush rise to my cheeks.

"I-I was heading to the bath house." I murmered, pulling the warm fabric around myself. It smelled like metal. Metal with a hint of pantherlily. It smelled like Gajeel. I smiled softly to myself.

"You should carry an umbrella at least." He scowled, crossing his arms. "You'll catch pnemonia."

"I'm fine. It's just a little rain." I shrugged, looking away.

"You should be careful. Something's off about this rain. I don't know what it is, but something." He looked up at the clouds. "It's got a funky smell to it."

"I've been warned." I mumbled. "Juvia was saying something about it."

"And you came out anyway?" He asked, giving me a look.

"Don't look at me like I'm stupid!" I cried angrily. He patted my head patronizingly.

"Gihi. Calm down, shorty. Come on, I'll walk with you for a bit." He grinned at me, ruffling my hair. I scowled and began to walk again grumpily.

"I wish you'd stop treating me like a little kid."

"Then you should quit acting like one." He rolled his eyes. "If you knew that there might be something wrong with the rain, why go walking in it? Sounds childish to me." I puffed out my cheeks in exasperation.

"I never asked for your opinion!"

"Sure, kid."

"Ugh! You're impossible!" I cried. Beginning to run off in the other direction. I heard a loud bang in the distance, like an explosion. A bright light blinded me as something big crashed into me, pinning me to the ground. My head hit the cobblestones and I blacked out.

That's where it all began.

Thanks to anyone reading. I will update soon, any comments or tips as well as feedback is appreciated. I know that it's a short chapter, but i wanted to add dramatic effect, okay?! Dragon out! ((Gray! How do I turn this thing off?!))