Part 2 of my fic. I hope it is clear that Asha can't "see" and that she is indeed reacting to smells and noises like Daredevil but with the added bonus of being able to read and feel 'auras' or 'spirits'. It's something I plan to bring into more detail in later chapters.
Thank you for taking the time to read my work, be sure to leave me a review! :)
Asha leaned heavily onto the glass door at her apartment front to open it. She was tired. Tired and hungry. But first, a shower was necessary. She walked up the stairs quickly, only a few flights to the top apartment. Her home from home. It was an old riverside building that had been refurbished after the incident. She'd gotten a good price for it, or so she had been told. Views meant very little to Asha; it was the peace, quiet and solitude that she wanted. This was, for New York standards, a quiet neighbourhood situated just on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen by the river and walking distance from Central Park. 'On the up' as everyone kept saying . Pulling her keys out her jacket pocket they jingled in a friendly manner as she unlocked the heavy set front door and slipped inside her own personal haven.
For such a heavy door it shut quietly behind her. Asha breathed deeply, leaning back against the door briefly. Her apartment smelt of incense mingled with a green earthy mix from the numerous plants and flowers she kept in her home. The cool metal of the door through her jacket was a welcome sensation that encouraged her to move forwards instead of just staying where she was, tired as she was. Checking the door was locked Asha tossed the keys to one side and kicked off her boots. The keys landed neatly in a wooden bowl on her side table and boots were discarded at the front door. Moving through the apartment she trailed her hands along the wall before turning and walking with ease across the room and into the bathroom. The apartment was sparsely furnished; a kitchen and dining area at one end to the left of the door with all the necessary amenities. A balcony was a nice bonus in the summer months and it held several potted plants and herbs overlooking the river. There were a small set of steps that were her fire access down the side of the building but also up onto the roof access. A perk of top floor. The main area of the apartment contained two sofas, one smaller than the other, a coffee table, a small cabinet, some storage trunks and what appeared to be a simple shrine as well as several bookshelves heaving with books. On the far wall, between the doors that led to the bathroom and bedroom hung a huge abstract painting. A myriad of colours, a cacophony of energy. There were plants and flowers everywhere. The apartment seemed to breath in colour and spirit. Clothing fell from her body as Asha rapidly undressed and bundled the dirty articles into the wash basket. A washing load would be necessary tomorrow she thought as her nose wrinkled at the smell of gun oil and blood. Asha turned on the water and tested it briefly before stepping in and letting the water run over her. She stood still for a moment, savouring the sound of the water which seemed to dull all other sounds and senses just briefly. Then she began to wash. Starting at her head and working all the way down to her toes.
Precisely 17 minutes later Asha stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and drying her hair. Dumping the towels on the bathroom floor she stepped out into the apartment, her skin singing as it felt the air upon it before she ducked into her bedroom. Nothing fancy here either. A large wardrobe which she now roots through to find something to wear, a very large, and if you asked her; very comfortable, double bed with silken bed sheets, a bed side table complete with discarded tea cup and another shelf with more books. There are yet more plants in here keeping her company as she pulled on a slack pair of jogging pants and plain t-shirt. Running one hand through her hair Asha retreated back out into her apartment and through to the kitchen. She opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of peas, before turning and plucking an apple from the fruit bowl to her left. Sticking the apple in her mouth she headed over to the nearest sofa, the larger of the two and collapsed on it, balancing the frozen peas on the swollen knuckles of her right hand tenderly and takes a huge bite out of the apple, savouring it's crispness. Tilting her head back she sighed and closed her eyes before speaking: "Music. On."
Her apartment is now filled with soft and gentle classical music that strums through her to her core. The sound is immersive, speakers set for surround sound. She sinks a little deeper into the sofa and takes another bite of her apple.
An hour or so later Asha returned to her senses. Her eyes tracked sleepily across the room as she sat up with a groan, turning to the sound of the now partially defrosted peas sliding off her numb hand and landing with a soggy thud on the floor. She blinked momentarily and breathed in, re-establishing where she was before easing herself up off the couch and retrieving the peas. She put them back into the freezer and stretched. Her back popped in a satisfying kinda way.
"Time?" Asha questioned.
"The time is currently 0337," came the reply through the surround speakers.
Asha sighed and traced her hand over the cool marble of the kitchen worktop as she made her out of the kitchen, through the apartment to the sweet embrace of her bed, collapsing onto the billowing mattress and sprawling out on the sheets. She was asleep within minutes, exhausted and full of vibrant dreams.
Matt woke up with a low groan. Somewhere out on the street two men were arguing over a parked car blocking access for another. A dull ache from his ribs gave Matt a subtle reminder of the incident last night. Running his hands over his ribs he was relieved to find that they were indeed just bruised, nothing broken, no open wounds. By all accounts, a pretty quiet night… His phone kindly informed him that it was indeed time to get up as moments later the alarm went off.
He pulled himself out of bed and stumbled through the apartment in a morning daze. The first hit of coffee was savoured before he really got on with his day. He showered, got dressed and had another cup of coffee with his scrambled eggs and toast before packing his bag, putting on his glasses and picking up his cane.
Matt Murdock was ready to face the day. All be it slightly side tracked with the thought of who the woman from the night before was and what her intentions were.
"Ugh, get it together Murdock."
He scolded himself under his breath. It was this new criminal activity around the Docks that he needed to focus on. Something big was going down. He could feel it in his bones. He'd get Karen to investigate the new Dock owners and see who they were leasing to before looking into the companies himself in more detail.
Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Foggy.
Matt was drawn back down to reality by his phone for the second time that morning. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered.
"What's up buddy?"
"Hey! You're up!"
Matt could hear his best friends smirk through the phone, "Yes, I'm up and on my way to work like a good little Catholic boy. How can I help you?"
"Pick up some coffee on the way in will ya? We're fresh out!"
Matt chuckled, "You rang me to ask for coffee?"
He could hear Karen in the background, "Did you really call to ask him Foggy? Jeez, I'll go get some!"
"No! No! Seriously, he always gets the best coffee!" Foggy spoke to Karen in hushed tones before answering Matt, "Well… Yeah! You always manage to get the good stuff!"
Ah, super senses. A blessing and a curse. Matt shook his head with another laugh, "I'm on my way. I'm sure I'll be able to pick something up."
"Thanks buddy!"
The line went dead as Foggy hung up and Matt put his phone back away in his jacket pocket. He picked up his things and stood silent for a moment, checking his apartment before walking down the hallway and out to work. But first, coffee!
In my head I imagine that Matt is really particular about what he eats and drinks, because of his heightened senses. He cannot drink tap water. I mean, he will if he has no choice but he normally has a filter at home. Same with his tea and coffee, he prefers fresh. Matt likes to be able to taste what he's eating or drinking, not the chemicals or preservatives in it! Foggy has learnt that Matt is normally really good at picking out the best and freshest food and drink, including the coffee they drink and sometimes uses this to his advantage. Same with takeaway. So yeah. A little bonus headcanon for you there!
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think :)