This fanfiction plot was invented entirely by Evilerk73, and the characters were invented by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and probably some other people. And so, all that belongs to me is...

Nothing. Except I'm going to write up the story. For Evilerk, because he rules, and the plot rules too. So here it is.

The Bet

Introduction Chapter

Jean Grey was sat on the sofa, watching TV, happy with her thoughts of Scott, and of Logan, knowing that both of them would be loyal to her and her only, but that she could have both of them.

Ororo Munroe was sat next to her, watching some trashy soap about a woman (once a man) arguing with her husband about who was allowed to wear her underwear. Meanwhile, the woman's friend Betty's house was burning to the ground as she was rushed to the hospital to have a baby she didn't know about until yesterday and had absolutely no idea who had fathered it. Ororo wasn't paying much attention. She was too busy trying to conjure up an image in her mind of Logan with his shirt off (which she had seen often enough, she just hadn't managed to have a camera ready at the right moment).

Marie D'Ancanto, known to just about everyone as Rogue, was curled up in the armchair nearby with a book she wasn't reading. Instead, she was gazing at the Polaroid photo of Logan she'd been using as a bookmark.

Jubilation Lee, generally known as Jubilee or just Jubes was just lazing in the armchair opposite. She too had images of Logan dancing through her head. Well, not exactly dancing. Logan's not really a dancing type. But whatever he was doing in her head, Jubilee was enjoying it.

Jean gave a sigh. Ororo looked away from the row between Dave and his boyfriend Matt on the TV screen to glance over at her. Well, in actual fact she just switched off the image of Logan in her mind.

"What?" she asked.

"Oh, just..." Jean didn't fancy repeating her thoughts to anyone. Much as she had only good intentions in being engaged to Scott and messing with Logan at the same time (not to mention a few others), someone might take it the wrong way, and think of her as a selfish two-timing slut. "I'm just happy," she said.

Ororo really needed to get some information out of Jean and there was only one, untactful way of getting it. "How's Logan?" she asked.

Jean understood what she was getting at straight away. After all, she'd only seen Logan at breakfast that morning. "He's fine," Jean smiled. "In fact, he's absolutely great."

Jubilee' and Rogue's ears had perked up and they were listening intently, despite Rogue pretending to be interested in her book and Jubes in her personal CD player.

"Really?" Ororo pretended to look pleased, but was distinctly unimpressed by Logan's obvious poor taste in women.

Jubilee placed an even more untactful question out. "How far have you got with him then?"

Jean's cheeks reddened slightly but she didn't answer.

"What's he lahke then?" Rogue asked in her southern accent, clearly jealous.

Jean shrugged and said, "We never went that far."

Jubilee showed clear signs of relief.

Then she added, "Yet."

"You've already got Scott," Ororo said obviously. "Don't be a man hog, Jean."

"I'm not!" Jean argued childishly. Everyone in the mansion (apart from Logan and Scott, who were blind to it) knew what was going on with Jean and Scott and Logan, so it was pointless to deny it, but she did anyway.

"Betcha I could get there with him before either of ya," Jubilee put in to stop the argument.

"After me," Rogue inputted.

"We going to have an official bet on this, then?" Jean asked confidently.

"I'm on for it," Ororo agreed. Jean stood up and put her hand out in front of her and Ororo put hers on top. Jubilee was quick to do the same, followed by Rogue. Everyone stared at her.

"What? Ah'll work out a way," Rogue promised. "The professor could fahx somethan' up."

Jubilee sniggered at the idea of asking Xavier for something for Logan so Rogue could sleep with him.

"How much are we betting on then?" Jean asked, sitting back down again.

"Ten dollars each," Jubilee suggested.

"Twenty," offered Ororo.

"Fahfty," Rogue chimed in.

"Fifty," Jean agreed. "And an extra ten dollars every week until someone wins."

The other three agreed.

"Any rules?" Jean asked.

"No," said Ororo with a mad 'Sabotage them all' glint in her eye.