This post will be the end of the current FBG story. I have plans to torture everybody with some more FBG stuff soon but need a little break to work on things for friends, etc.
"I want to go to school!" sobbed Ethan.
Mrs Beauchamp stroked his head gently.
"Doctor Meyer says one more day, sweetheart, to make sure that bug's completely out of you. Now I have to go, but you wait till I come back, there'll be a surprise. You be good for Miss Dixon, won't you?"
Ethan, never able to be sulky for long, gave her a watery smile.
"I love you, Mrs Beauchamp."
She gave him a little hug and got out of the room before he noticed that she was on the verge of tears. Poor little kid, missing such an important day.
Still, she knew he'd be almost bouncing with excitement when he heard her news later…
It was Lofty's turn to speak and he'd almost been bursting to tell his news but hadn't wanted to be rude.
"Now it's Ben's turn to tell us what he got for Christmas."
"Oh Miss Beauchamp! I got a - a kitten!"
"A kitten! Maybe somebody told your mum and dad how good you've been with Flossy, Ben."
"Yes Mrs Beauchamp. And he's got to stay with us for ever even when he's an old cat with no teeth, that wees all over. But I'll love him for good. He's part of the family now, mum says."
"And what's his name?"
"Eric Chiltern."
"Good name. Now Zoe, what did you get?"
"A Barbie and a house for her, and me and Max went to the panto in town and …"
"We'll talk about the panto soon Zoe, but right now I want to ask Zax a big favour. Ethan's very upset that he can't come in. Do you think you could spare some Zax funds to get him a present?"
Zax placed their hands on their hearts in the gang salute.
"We vow and swear that we shall ask for help from our loyal members, and Ethan shall have a present. Could somebody fetch it for us when it's lunch?"
So things were going well already. But just let them wait till after lunch and their exercise class, and the news they'd get just before hometime!
Meanwhile, Lofty was to receive a bit of a shock when he went to check on Flossy…
Big Mac was waiting at his hut, and he said:
"Ben, Mrs Beauchamp's very busy but she wants to ask if you'll do something wonderful now you've got your own kitten. She wants to ask you to let Ethan be Flossy's new Guardian."
Without a trace of sarcasm, the small boy said: "Do you think he'll let me come and stroke her, 'cause that's what I did."
"If you've time, Ben. But these boys need you to look after them."
Big Mac lifted up a cage with two smaller rabbits in it.
"These are Flossy's brothers. Mrs Beauchamp wants you to look after them and give them names."
Lofty hesitated for a beat. Then:
"Harry and Ron."
"Nice one."
Lofty ran back to class smiling. He still loved Flossy but Ethan would be good to her and now there were Harry and Ron as well as Eric Chiltern at home to look after.
Because Miss Dixon was looking after Ethan, Mr Iain stood in for her. Zoe thought he was sexy but she didn't love him like she loved Max. Mr Iain taught them a thing called Zoom Bah! where they learned how to do dances. One of them was to the tune of the funny song about the gorilla in the Jungle Book. The kids loved walking round like apes and pretending to scratch under their arms.
Meanwhile, Mrs Beauchamp and Miss Freeman were doing their own Zoom Bah in the Travelodge, but they were both back to school in time to see all the kids sitting neatly in the big assembly hall with Mr Fairhead in charge.
And Mrs Beauchamp produced a newspaper from her handbag, gathered them round and read out the big advert.
But you'll have to wait to see what it's about until I do my new story "The Fierce, Brave Gang - In it to Win It."
Bye from the gang for now….