A/N – There was a mix up in the times whilst mentioning them and I am truly sorry for such a thing. Allow me to explain the time line below. If you are quite satisfied with things thus far and would like to proceed further without me expanding, then do so. Thanks for reading. So sad to see this one go already. Look out for more stuff from me soon!*

Three months – Regina was absent from G Wing

Fourth month – Regina asked to keep distance.

Into fifth month – Kiss in the library.

Fifth month – Tried to stay away from each other

Into Sixth month – Stolen visits to Emma in her cell, riot

Last week – Regina is absent from G Wing

Chapter Four

'Love Runs Deeper Than Pain'


Perhaps it was all too new for her; a feeling of being completely misunderstood. Maybe the intent was to provide some kind of harsh distancing but as the days progressed, Emma honestly believed that she had done something extremely horrible. The very next day after the brunette's crisp remark on procedure, the younger woman decided to let things play out. Eventually hoping that the situation would become better. But the only response she got was a definite absence until the following day.

Just as she was playing a sweaty game of basketball, the gates squeaked open. Heels clicking upon the stone pathway awakened her senses, immediately feeling that it wasn't Betts. The minute the ball was passed and she dropped the catch, the other women groaned as her team lost the game. Waving it off and promising to play another, Emma locked eyes with the older woman and jogged over. At first they attempted to scrutinize the area for prying eyes, lingering inmates that would listen in. But upon discovering none nearby, the blonde stared at a face that was lined with worry.

"Hey," she tried a smile. "What's up?"

Hugging her clipboard, the brunette stared at her. "Good day, Miss Swan."

"Oh come on," Emma stared back, "don't go all formal with me again. Please. Because when you started talking about procedure and all of that, I couldn't even sleep. Especially when you mentioned you weren't feeling well and all. So right now, in this moment, please don't draw the line."

Sighing through parted lips that were stained red, dark, choppy hair fluttered in the wind as the game went on. "It's quite complicated. I cannot even begin to elaborate on my behavior for the weeks that have passed by."

"Then just tell me something to go with," the younger woman pleaded, "because I'm confused. I've been thinking about it over and over again. What did I do wrong... And it's like I keep hearing you telling me to let us wait, to distance ourselves. Then all of a sudden you're angry because I couldn't push things past a kiss when I know that you didn't want to rush it. You didn't want us to jump ahead."

"I know," brown eyes focused elsewhere. "It was quite unlike me, I'll admit. But all for good reason."

"And what's the reason?" blonde hair was gently lifted by the wind. The sky was darkening.

Regina turned to her, eyes so intensely focused, it was like staring at hot chocolates melting. "I was terribly afraid."

"Of what?"

"Of losing you. After the riot, I had nightmares of Janet stabbing you on the 3s. Right in front of me, Emma, and I couldn't move past it. I couldn't stand the thought."

"But I told you to trust me -"

"How could I trust such a thing when I walked into it without a warning?" Regina glared at her. "You purposely placed yourself in a situation that could have ended your life. All the while, I stood there, prepared to watch the horror before my eyes. You have no idea," she said curtly, "what that situation did to me, Emma. None. And because of how shaken up I was after that, my actions spiraled out of control."

Betts showed up by the entryway leading into the main building. Emma watched the woman wave at the Wing Governor and suddenly the feel of cold paper brushed against her arm.

"I cannot explain everything right now," the brunette said in a low voice, "but I did manage to write a few things down. I am not a woman of many words. However this had to be said and it would be quite painful for me to have a brief conversation with you on the matter right now."

Emma took the brown envelope and stared at the older woman.

"What's this about?" she tried to keep the conversation going. "Can we start talking now about it? I don't want you to leave me without -"

"Have a good evening, Emma."

Without a word, heels clicked on the stone walkway as she left.

Forgetting the game, and everyone else, even when Lucas tried to block her way, Emma hustled upstairs immediately afterwards. She stood inside her cell studying the envelope. Looking at it with cautious eyes. Perhaps it was a letter stating that this was over, whatever it was between them. It was finished and she didn't want to speak to her again. That's why it was so hard to say out loud. The spoken word in a breakup was always the hardest.

She slipped the envelope inside her pants and waited until lock-up that night to read it. Just as the doors were slammed shut outside, Barker came to key hers. As soon as the doorway was sealed off, Emma remained standing and tore open the envelope. Slipping out folded pages, two of them from the looks of it, she delicately handled them. She could not sit down. Holding her breath, Regina's handwriting was scrawled across the page as emerald eyes began to read possibly the most painful letter she had ever read in her life.

Dearest Emma,

As soon as you have read this, then return it to either myself or Betts in fear of having this fall into the wrong hands. I am writing you this letter because we hardly have the chance to sit for more than an hour and speak to each other. Upon occasions when we do meet, the fear of being discovered in your cell is quite a trouble for me. It has become really a headache to sneak around and meet you in the 3s without being noticed.

I will begin firstly by saying that I am not angered by your actions completely. I understand why you stepped in to help Janet after Betts told me about your relating story. Emma, we have to discuss that past of yours eventually. I would like to hear more on that particular part of your life. But right now, allow me the room to express one event to you. A tragic one indeed. But nevertheless, a full explanation on why my behavior spiraled out of control after the night of the riot.

Two and a half years ago, I was seven months pregnant. Robin and I were careless and without making further plans, that was the result. As amazing as the situation was at that time, I could not cling unto the fact that he was taking quite long to finalize his divorce with his wife. One afternoon whilst driving home from work, we were arguing on the phone and I ran my car into a truck on the highway. After being pinned down in that oven for a long time that felt like forever, they finally pulled me out. I remembered staring death in the face and pleading with him to reason with me. I had a child on the way and I wanted to live. I wanted both of us to pull through it. But after waking up two months later in the hospital, I was told that only one of us survived. And that was the beginning of the most tragic turn in my life.

I almost died.

Emma, bottling up this pain for over a year now, it has been eating away inside of me. Not only because of the severe loss, but because of everything else. Hope and promises became empty. When I was recovering in the hospital, he cheated on me with his ex-wife. It was one time. He didn't want to let me go. And I stupidly held on, because I was hurting and no one wanted to stay around but him. Robin tried to buy his way into my heart again. When all I wanted was love. Eventually, I realized that yes, we did love each other. But not enough. However, he could be adequate. Hence why the marriage proposal was accepted.

That night when you placed yourself in front of Janet whilst she held a knife to your throat, Emma I realized that I could lose you in a flash. I was pushed back into that moment when my life was about to end. I was reminded that afterwards, I clung unto Robin because I was afraid of dying alone. And you pushed me into that space where I could not live another day with just hope. I wanted to push things between us, just so that my mind would be at ease. Because I was afraid of either losing you or losing myself. I am never afraid of dying since I tasted the pain of the moment already. But I am afraid of losing someone I love.

I drink. I close up and refuse to talk. I can be quite blunt and harsher than most people. My behavior must be quite confusing at times. But the woman you see on the inside of these walls, I am not that woman when I leave this place. The reason also why I behaved like a silly high school girl in the moments shared by us, was because you suddenly took me back to those days. When I had to study hard, taking on two Degrees at once. With no time to mingle and enjoy life. You unearthed that youthful spirit in me once more. And I want to feel that way again. Because you are capable of leaving me quite breathless.

In ending this letter, I'd like to say that as mature as I am, the severity of certain situations can alter a woman's sanity. Tapping into darkness that lingers in my mind over and over again. But you manage to keep me sane and I feel quite alive again when I see your face.

With love...

Emma couldn't breathe when she had finished reading the letter four times. Curled up in her bed, she kept imagining Regina in that car, twisted metal as she obviously was in horrible pain. Losing her baby at seven months. Emma knew what that was like. She knew. She knew the pain. It was a place her mind never wanted to return to, blanking out the moment, erasing it. But to finally realize that they had this in common. This particular loss that was so significant, it forced the younger woman to feel completely cold inside.

The next day, she actually managed to collide with Regina in the library. Returning her copy of Wuthering Heights between the shelves, the click of heels signaled someone else entering the room. After peering through the shelves, she spied the choppy black hair and immediately blinked. The letter. As if feeling her presence in the room, brown eyes latched unto the precise place she was. Regina came walking in that direction, taking tentative steps as if wondering why she was pulled there.

"Hi," Emma smiled warmly, four shelves from the front desk.

Blinking, the Wing Governor remained silent. She was wearing a black pants suit, smoky eyes and red studded heart earrings.

"Oh," almost forgetting, Emma took out the letter from the front of her pants and handed it over.

Taking it, Regina's chest heaved as she stared back, waiting. She was really a woman of few words.

"I read it. I read it like four times and again this morning," emerald eyes stung but she held back the tears. "I'm really sorry, Regina. Really I am. It must have been so horrible. All of it."

"I lived," the depth of her hoarse voice was enough to tremble Emma's heart. "I pulled through it. From what I have heard, we share a similar experience?"

"We both know about that loss," her throat closed up. "It's really not okay to bottle it up inside though. Which is why you did the right thing by letting me in. I really want to hear more soon."

"It takes time to trust someone enough." Arms folded, Regina leaned upon the shelf slightly. She appeared quite grim. "And after trusting a man who managed to literally play with my heart, I am still a bit shaky. The urge to be...desired...as you do me. I savor that feeling."

"Then let's hold unto that feeling..." she reached out, brushing their fingers together.

Regina allowed it. Her chest heaved. "Yes."

"I hate when you're so brief with me," Emma whined, shoulders hunched, "it makes me feel like a chatty young woman who must be annoying you."

"I have said enough before," the brunette offered a smile at last, "when we first kissed. Or have you forgotten that moment already?" she asked in a whisper.

"Are you serious?" emerald eyes widened. "I could never forget. Best kiss ever. You're seriously a great kisser, it's amazing. I just couldn't let go. The way you do that thing with your tongue and you -"

Regina reached out and silenced Emma's moving lips with her palm. Eyes wide, she sent a warning look. "Miss Swan, shut up," she ordered in a heavy whisper. "In fear of us being listened to, perhaps you should watch your tongue."

Emma smiled wickedly, "you should watch your tongue," she licked her lips and blinked back, batting her eyelashes.

"Stop it," the brunette warned, her eyes pinched from a smile.

"Oh come on, you can't honestly want me to shut up about it. I can't shut up about it. I just want to talk to you all the time. See you. Be with you."

Clearing her throat, Regina peered through the shelves before making her next move.

"I just want to see you all the time and -" Emma rambled off.

Leaning in, the brunette pressed her lips unto soft ones and lingered on the moment. Parting hers, Emma captured red painted ones and sucked lightly. Tasting and savoring. Eyes fluttering close but not for long. Moving away, Regina tucked blonde hair behind the younger woman's ears and turned around.

"Behave yourself, dear," she said hoarsely before stepping around the shelves.

Emma watched her head to the front and retrieve a book from the officer doing library duties. After throwing a glance between the shelves again, the brunette left with a small smile.


"I suppose your hair can do with a bit of a style..." The Julies clipped blonde hair between their fingers and studied Emma's tendrils.

"Work your magic, girls," Red sat on the chair next to her younger friend and eyed the scissors with sparkling eyes. "And if you have black dye, maybe you can like put in dark highlights. Black streaks, make her hair choppy but keep the length."

"Hmm..." the shorter Julie slipped on white gloves and approached the table covered in bottles.

"Here we go," the other woman said. She spun the chair around so that Emma couldn't see into the mirror. "We're about to change your look, love."

"Do it," Emma said smiling. "I hate looking like a plain Jane. My hair seriously hasn't been styled in years."

Half an hour later, Red began to talk about electronic tagging. But her reasons were far beyond anyone's expectations. She wished to be let out just to frequent the library. They all talked about life on the outside. The Julies wanted to see their kids. They wanted to actually step foot outside again. But it appeared as if they never would be able to do so. After one killed Fenner and the other would never leave without her best friend, then it looked as if they were in for good.

"But he comes to visit," Emma listened to one of them talk about their son. "He always comes to see me. He wouldn't give up on me."

"Never," the other one said, the smell of dye stronger than ever now.

Red's eyes widened when Emma's blonde hair was tossed into the sink and washed thoroughly. The hair remaining on the ground wasn't much but enough to anticipate a definite style. After blow drying the tangled mess, other hair products were applied. When the chair was spun around and Emma faced the mirror, emerald eyes widened.

"Oh my fucking God," the brunette who sat on the other chair stared in bewilderment. "Who knew someone as gorgeous as you could look even sexier and hotter as hell? Way to go, Julies!"

Emma was astounded, speechless. Fingers touched her choppy hair and felt at the back, realizing that most of the length remained. The black streaks were done to perfection, not too much but barely inside her hair. And she stared back at a face that looked severely different all because of one change.

"Now the lucky man, whoever he will be, he'll surely love this look the minute he sets eyes on you," the taller Julie said, washing her hands in the sink.

Red cleared her throat. "SHE...will love your new do, babe," the correction in gender was processed with shocked eyes. "You'll seriously stun and weaken knees when those eyes focus on you."

"So there's a lady waiting for you on the outside?" both of the Julies sat down. "Who's the lucky one, love?"

"Someone who's worth everything," Emma said, her cheeks growing warm. "The love of my life. Waiting for me on the outside. And the best part is, I have something to look forward to for once in my life. Someone that really feels worth it."

"It's good to have someone there waiting for you."

"Especially one you know deep down inside is worth it."

"Plus it's another woman, so no harm there."

"At least it's not a frigging man who's never worth it anyway," Red scowled.

There was a knock on the door and the brunette's eyes were lifted. Emma couldn't see in the mirror who it was. But she knew it was someone of importance.

"Miss Betts," hopping off the chair, Red approached the older woman who stared at the blonde sitting in the chair with wide eyes. "Like Emma's new do?"

"You two really have a talent, Julies!" Karen exclaimed, stepping into the room as emerald eyes focused on her. "Look at the remarkable difference in Miss Swan's appearance!"

Red was pressed upon the wall as the older woman stayed there. Eyeing blonde hair, licking her lips, she remained silent. Tempting but Belle was so much more. Always would be.

"Came for a new hairstyle too, Miss Betts?" one of the Julies asked with a smile, holding up a pair of silver scissors.

Karen smiled back. "One day I might just take you up on that offer because from the looks of it, this is quite extraordinary."

She returned to her cell just before lock-up and faced the mirror, still refusing to believe the sexiness that stared back. Holding blonde hair back, a few strands fell loose and the look achieved was quite new. After gently wiping her arms with a soft sponge, and a face that could get severely oily, the door remained locked. Perhaps tonight there would be no visits. After all, the kiss in the library was enough already. She could go on with that.

When her door was unlocked and pushed open slowly, the air buzzed immediately with so much more. Upon meeting eyes, the brunette stepped in quietly, gently pushing the door close. And when Emma captured the breathless look upon the older woman's face, she drew closer.

"Remarkable change," Regina studied the new style, fingers carefully lifting blonde, choppy hair. "You look severely hot."

"Hot enough to be kissed?" emerald eyes gazed back, boldly moving closer. She wrapped her arms around the Wing Governor's waist and pulled them together. "Have I ever told you that you're all the woman I need? Right here, all in one piece?"

"Perhaps you mentioned it with your eyes," Regina licked her lips, studying the younger woman's face intently.

"The perfect body, sexy curves all over, soft skin..." the blonde leaned in and pressed a kiss unto the brunette's nose. "I really can't wait to see you without clothes..."

"Emma..." her voice was huskier now, laced with lust.

"Can I get a preview? Just a glimpse?" bold fingers teased the top of the older woman's navy blue shirt, unbuttoning further.

"Miss Swan," Regina croaked, fighting to hold up composure. She captured prying fingers between hers and held them, resting their foreheads together.

But Emma wanted more. Moving the brunette to the wall, she was pressed upon it. Fingers running through blonde choppy hair, Regina's eyes fluttered close when soft, warm kisses were pressed all the way down her neck, lingering between a chest that heaved. The younger woman was captivated by all she felt, desirably softer than imagined, all of it captured behind black lace that seemed so sexy. It was hard to stop. But they did.

Moving in for a brief kiss, their lips grazed together sensually. Soft moans filled the air but were muffled by a deliberate move to regain composure. After buttoning up her shirt in the dimly lit room, no sound on the 3s, Regina reached out to tuck blonde hair behind Emma's ears.

"Soon, my love," she whispered, and pressed a kiss unto a warm forehead.

"I can't wait to get out of here. If it means being with you, talking a lot more, everything, then it's so worth it."

"Patience," Regina left her with that word lingering in the air before leaving.

The following evening, just a few days from her release, Lucas and Belle came into the cell. Taking seats on the bed, their faces remained grim as emerald eyes stared back.

"What happened?" she was suddenly uninterested in her Wuthering Heights novel.

"It's Miss Mills..." Belle began.

"Regina," Lucas corrected. "Geez, calling her Miss Mills around Emma is like reminding her about the formality when there really isn't any formality left."

"Guys..." the blonde urged them on, "what happened? Did I miss something?"

"Well," Belle tucked her hair behind an ear, eyes lowered, "we were in the exercise area downstairs, recreation time, and we were reading. Then we saw Regina walking along."

"So Belle and I just decided to call her over," Ruby cut in, eyes wide. "Asking how she's doing and all. You know, just light talk."

"She seemed a bit unfocused, so I asked her whatever was the matter," Belle gave Emma a look that literally froze her insides. "It wasn't anything serious. But she was talking to us and all of a sudden she covered her mouth and threw up in the grass -"

"The drain," Red corrected whilst emerald eyes fixated upon her, wide eyes. "She threw up and started shaking and Belle and I had to take her to the washroom -"

Emma sprang up from the bed but Lucas grabbed her hand.

"I have to go find her!" the blonde said, "see if she's okay."

"She's in her office, because that's where we took her," Belle said, eyeing Ruby's grasp on Emma's arm, "right now, it's best if you stay away a bit because I think that...well Ruby and I were thinking about it and we wondered if..."

Red stared at Belle and swallowed hard.

"You wondered what?" the younger woman was pulled into a sitting position again between them both.

They exchanged looks again. It was Belle who appeared to be brave at the moment.

"We wondered if maybe she might be..." she held Emma's hand, eyes lowered, "...if there is a possibility that she might be pregnant. Because she has been looking ill these past days and -"

"She's wearing all these slack shirts and all, so -"

Emma couldn't believe at first that they would actually suggest something like that boldly. That they would come up there into her cell and push buttons that weren't supposed to be touched. Putting thoughts in her head that weren't supposed to be there. She grew colder inside.

"She can't be pregnant because..." of course she couldn't tell them about the letter and what was revealed. Regina would have told her about this. Wouldn't she? "She's probably on her period or something. Or she ate something bad." Defenses. Defenses to appear quite composed when this biting sensation in the pit of her stomach began and would not go away.

"Yeah, it could be that," Red smiled. "But we were just trying to be blunt with you. Come right out and say it just in case, you know?"

"I really appreciate that," Emma said, not quite appreciating it actually, "but assuming is not a good move. I'll try to talk to her or something today. Before lock-up."

And that's exactly what she did. As soon as Betts was spotted, Emma rounded on the older woman. After expressing her recent knowledge on Regina's sickness outside, she then asked if there could be any arrangements made to see the Wing Governor before the evening was out. It was just four o'clock, and if this was indeed a sick day for the brunette then by all means no visit would be paid to her cell before the day was out. Betts prolonged her response, studying wide emerald eyes that always gave away everything. The truth, all of it in one look. Nothing hidden.

"Alright," Karen said, giving in because somehow the younger woman was a reminder of herself when she was younger. Determination. "Come on, but if she's busy then I cannot push you in. Understood?"

A nod was given and immediately they both set out through the gates, and down the halls. When the secretary alerted them that Miss Mills was asked to not be disturbed, Karen softly knocked anyway.

"Regina," she called out in a hushed tone, "it's Karen. Can you spare a minute?"

"Come in," came a weak reply.

"Wait," Betts rested a hand on Emma's shoulder as the younger woman tried to enter the office as well, "let me check first, okay?"

Waiting behind, she watched the door close and tried to gain composure enough. Whatever would be revealed must be taken delicately. No outbursts, nothing because at this point, no matter what, Emma was prepared to stand by the brunette's side. If she was pregnant then they'd find a way to work through that. That's how much she loved Regina, enough to take this without making a fuss.

"Okay," Betts came out again, "as soon as you're done, meet me in my office, and I'll escort you back if she's not up to it. Emma..." she stopped the blonde woman again, "calm down. It's not what you think. Assumptions never do us any good."

After their eyes lingered on each other, Emma realized that of course Lucas and Belle had been wrong. Therefore, something else was bothering the brunette and she must find out exactly what it was. Upon entering the room, eyes flicked to the chair and noted that it was empty. And then there was Regina lying on the two cushioned red leather chair, quite an indifferent piece in the entire green room.

"Hey," she rushed up to the older woman and stooped, already assessing a worried face. "What happened?"

Regina propped herself up on an elbow and sighed. "I figured French and Lucas would alert you on what transpired. Naturally..." she scrubbed her cheek and sniffed, "it's nothing to worry about, my dear. Quite expected."

"Let me guess," emerald eyes blinked, "that time of the month."

"It's shit," Regina groaned as she sat up weakly, obviously in pain, clutching at her stomach, "ever since I lost the baby, I have been completely pulled through the most brutal cramps ever during these times. I tried the pill, I tried everything for that matter. Even predicting the pain and drinking pain killers. But nothing works."

She didn't want to say anything about her older friends' assumptions. Gently resting a hand upon Regina's midsection, Emma attempted to massage lightly. Eventually, a seat was taken next to the Wing Governor and even though Emma wanted more than ever to hold her, it could not be done at the moment. Especially in an office that was frequented by Prison Officers at any time. There was an open door policy. One that sucked but nevertheless, it was there, in place to offer everyone a chance to come in as they liked, but not after seeking permission first from Regina's geeky secretary.

"I want to hold you," she said boldly, brushing their fingers together and gazing at their hands, "but I'm afraid someone will walk in and see us. Then you'll be in trouble."

"Perhaps an embrace would be sufficient?" Regina lifted her eyes to meet emerald ones. A shake of the head was given immediately. "It would never be sufficient, correct?"

"Never," Emma croaked. "Never ever. The second I touch you, I just can't let go. And it's maddening, wanting you so much but I have to wait this out. I know there's so little time left. But it's killing me."

"A relationship is more than intimate touching," the brunette reminded her, linking their fingers. "Yes, I am greatly looking forward to that moment. But when you are finally released, I'd like us to court each other a few times before moving further. Test the waters a bit. Taking you places, getting to know you more..."

"I love it," the blonde agreed. "Libraries, museums..."

"Quite boring to modern day couples, but extremely romantic on our part," brown eyes sparkled, "and then gradually we will ease our way into that moment. As much as tragedy stabs me repeatedly, putting it bluntly," dark hair fell into her face as she leaned forward, "I'd like to sip this slowly and savor every moment spent with you. Even if it might be my last -"

"Regina..." the younger woman snatched the brunette's hand and squeezed it. "Don't think like that. Don't you dare!"

"I know..." Regina sighed, taking Emma's hand and squeezing it back. "I know, dear. It just appears though that as soon as I managed to obtain something perfect such as I did by becoming pregnant, it is snatched away from me."

"Yeah but not this time, okay?" fingers cupped, the blonde caressed a smooth face. "Not this time at all. We'll get through this. And we'll do whatever it takes. Because I know I might sound stupid with high hopes and all that, but I'd really like a forever with you."

Regina lifted her eyes and gazed at Emma.

"I want everything with you. I don't want to stop, ever. I want to try and keep trying. Because I know you're worth it. I know that you're everything I wanted. And some day, I hope that we end up having that chance again...for one of us to have a baby. Or both of us. So that we'll both get what we always wanted, something that was taken away."

Brown eyes blinked. She entwined their fingers. "Such high hopes indeed, my love," her voice was hoarse, "one step at a time. Dreaming ahead isn't dangerous. But let's dwell in the moments as they unfold."

"I'll stick around to dwell on every single one as they unfold," the blonde said smiling. "All of them spent with you. Patience, right?"

Regina smiled back wryly, "yes," she said, "patience, sweetheart."

Emma liked the idea because Regina made it sound completely alright. It was the right thing to do. Never rushing things but gradually working towards that buildup.

The day of her release, the most awesome thing happened ever.

A candy truck that had been passing through managed to get a flat tire just outside the prison. After realizing that the Popsicles and ice cream sandwiches would melt eventually, the driver decided to make a donation to G Wing. And it was all because he really believed that Karen Betts was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Weak in the knees, he was," Terry said, licking her finger as Ruby and Belle dabbed ice cream on their noses, giggling. She turned to Emma instead. "His jaw dropped to the floor when he saw her. I tell you though, Betts is seriously a hot woman. Not saying that Mills isn't a babe. But Mills has all the mystery inside those intense eyes. A dark soul, compassionate and incredulously captivating. Betts is just blonde and powerful and she struts around here boldly, offering smiles and purposely thrilling us. And we all know that she's gay..."

"Thank you for the kind compliments, Terry," Betts cleared her throat.

All of them turned to face the older woman standing on the steps. Huddled together, they all blushed except Emma who had spotted someone worth blushing for on the outskirts of the exercise area. Just by the fence she stood, hanging unto it and speaking to an inmate. The red dress she had on wasn't quite formal to wear to work. Therefore Emma wondered if she wasn't working today. Wearing a black leather jacket, and knee high black boots, Regina's eyes searched the sea of women. And when they gazed at each other, she sent a silent plea to the younger woman, asking her to come nearer.

"The girlfriend isn't worth it, Miss Betts," Terry was saying boldly, "put me down the block for saying this, but if I could only be given a chance with a woman like you, you'd never regret it. The poems I've penned for you."

After standing up, Emma stared at Karen's cheeks. Was she blushing?

"Can I read those poems?" Betts asked, tucking blonde hair behind her right ear. "I'd like to see your work."

"I'll hand them to you personally this evening before lock-up. Don't worry, my love." Terry pressed a kiss to her cupped fingers and blew in Karen's direction. "A fine sonnet you are, dearest. Quite a woman in all regards. One page isn't enough to express thy feelings for you."

"Oh stop it," Betts waved off the flirtatious attempt with a smile. "Gather yourselves together for your friend's release this evening. And don't make it emotional for her. You might be seeing her in a few months again."

"Yeah, she told us about the program and becoming a prison officer and all. She wants to help us women." Ruby smiled, playing with Belle's hair. "We want to see her again, even if she's a screw. Emma is just a beautiful soul. Radiates with warmth and she cares. She's really a wonderful person."

"She's like a younger version of you, Betts," Terry stood next to the older woman comfortably.

Jogging off, eyes wide, Emma could already feel her nerves jumping about. Butterflies fluttering about in her stomach as boots pressed on the grass. Nearer she drew, smiling from ear to ear, cheeks glowering as the inmate who was speaking to the brunette moved off. Approaching the fence, emerald eyes roamed over the red dress, the black belt and a definite cleavage. The small studded apple shaped earrings, black boots pressed together, and red painted lips.

"So little time left," Emma breathed, fingers linking through the fence.

"So little time indeed. A matter of hours." Regina gazed back. She blinked.

"Are you ready for me to show you a good time?" the younger woman's eyes sparkled.

"Yes," the brunette's chest heaved. "I was only wondering, is there some place you live on the outside that you'll return to?" brown eyes widened, lips parted. "By a friend, or family member..."

"I have no family," Emma said, "none. I only have a locket from my mother and nothing else. I don't know them. And I don't keep close friends. People say they want in, and then they listen to your problems and frig you over in the end."

"Then..." Regina drew closer to the fence, trying hard to keep their fingers away, "...I have a suggestion. It was proposed to me. But I'd like to discuss it with you first before the offer is voiced."

Emma nodded. "Sure."

"Karen," she said as the wind fluttered dark hair, "she has a spare room in her apartment. She has offered me to allow you the chance of accepting it. And I have my own apartment now. But...I'd like us to wait a little before you actually take that step and move in with me. Eventually...Emma." Brown eyes never left emerald ones, "I'd like that."

She always knew the right things to suggest, always knew the best way to handle things. No matter what, Regina's ideas were always sensible and fair. Taking the upper hand without force, she'd try to guide Emma through the safest path. Of course the younger woman wanted to rush things, moving in with the brunette and whatever else. But the actual thought of moving in with Karen and getting back on her feet again. Getting her life together again whilst keeping some distance between them. She wanted to gather her shit together. Mentally and physically. Join the gym again, she had to study for this program. And they'd get to see each other obviously. It wasn't like being in here.

"How far away do you live from Betts?"

Regina actually shook her head and smiled. "Three streets away. Church Road and Elizabeth Street. Just at the corner."

"I know where that is."

"Excellent," Regina moved closer, braving it. "I'd like you to meet me there this evening, Emma. After you're released. There is a Diner there. I'll meet you there after getting off from work at 6."

"I can't wait," Emma was buzzing with excitement. "Just the thought of..." her chest heaved, "hugging you without being afraid of other people seeing. Getting to see how you are on the outside. Getting to go places with you. All of it. I just want to be there with you and never let go."

Regina's cheeks colored slightly. "Then wait for me, my dear." She lingered near. She brushed their fingers slightly and breathed through her lips. "See you on the outside."

Emma watched her go and couldn't muffle her excitement.

The farewell was emotional even though Karen had warned them to let Emma go gently because of her return eventually. Lucas would not release Emma from within her arms. Belle latched herself on from the other side. And Terry awaited her turn in the corner, eyes tearing up.

"I'll miss you so much," Red said hoarsely, "being in here with us."

"But then you'll be back so I can't wait to have you around again," Belle added, pressing a kiss on Emma's cheek. They parted and she had to pull Red away so that Terry could have her moment.

The older woman considered the blonde with wet eyes and sauntered closer. Arms outstretched, they embraced tightly.

"I don't think I'll ever meet a young woman as beautiful and as accomplished as you, Emma," she said, hugging her close. "Therefore, that woman on the outside, the one with the red dress who will be waiting for you..."

Emma held her breath.

"I wish you two the best in the future. So see you in uniform soon. Goodness knows the screws are getting sexier as they come these days -"

"Unlike Fenner and his hairy ass," Dockley said, laughing as she drew nearer. Arms outstretched, she smiled at Emma, "bring it in, love."

She most likely hugged everyone before leaving. Everyone except Betts who accompanied her outside as the evening came to a close.

"So you'll accept the room then?" the older woman rested a hand upon Emma's back as they walked. "I hope so, because I could really use the company. Being alone in that apartment is really dull at times. When Regina stayed over, I enjoyed those moments. Having you around, I'd like that a great deal."

"I accept," Emma beamed. They faced each other, just near the main gates, the guard on duty ready with the keys. "I don't mind. Thanks so much for everything you've done for me, Miss Betts."

"Karen..." the older woman shook her head, smiling, "and you're most welcome."

"I don't know but when I think of you, I see myself in the future." They hugged.

"Look up at the window," Betts whispered in her right ear, "someone is watching you..."

She did. When brown eyes met hers through the window, fingers resting on the window pane, they gazed at each other.

"I thought she wasn't working today," Emma said softly, still locking their eyes. "She's wearing a dress that looks as if she's going out somewhere fancy."

"Oh Emma," Betts playfully pinched her arm, "she dressed nicely for you. Can't you see that? It's all about you. Regina seriously loves you deeply. Some time soon, we'll have drinks together to celebrate this."

Diverting their eyes, Emma went through the gates without looking back.

An hour later, she had finished a bottle of refreshing Coca Cola and was nibbling on a pine tart. All bought with the money remaining from her spends after leaving Larkhall. Sylvia had been cheeky about it, wanting to cut back her amount. But she demanded a fair return. Her locket was held between fingers whilst she stared outside unto the street that was quiet. Church and Elizabeth.

After checking her watch, she realized that it was after 6 o'clock and there was no sign of Regina. Chin propped up, Emma stared pitifully outside. She was really tired already, and hungry, the pine tart ceasing to appear tempting. Sighing inwardly, she decided that maybe a call would be ideal. Slipping her backpack on, outside she went, jingling spare change in one hand. A payphone was eyed and her boots padded upon the road as she approached it. Pulling open the door, she stepped inside.

"Save your money, dear," a familiar husky voice urged, "no one will answer that call."

Smiling, her chest heaved as she spun around. Their eyes met and from the time the rush of feelings were felt from inside the younger woman, she stepped forward fast. Wrapping strong arms around Regina, her face was buried into dark hair that smelt like apples. Knees weak, she couldn't believe they were here, on the outside, so close already. Running fingers through blonde hair, streaked black and choppy, the brunette smiled and their lips danced dangerously close. Breathing into each other, cheeks becoming flushed. As a late afternoon Mass began and people stepped into Saint George's Cathedral just near the corner on Church Street. Their fingers linked.

When Emma's eyes met Regina's Mercedes Benz, she totally flipped out. Approaching it with tentative steps, wide eyed and astonished, the black car was intimately touched. The older woman had to open her door and Emma climbed in carefully. There she sat watching fingers caress red leather seats, blonde hair tumbling over shoulders.

"Why am I suddenly quite jealous of my car?" the brunette asked, eyeing the other woman with a smirk. "There you are, touching leather seats so intimately. But only one of us can be kissed. Either the dashboard or me."

"This car," Emma ran a finger across the dash, "screams sexiness. It's like the car version of you. Sleek and sexy, dark and dangerously mysterious..."

Regina sat in her seat facing the other woman, "go on..."

"An engine that obviously purrs the same way you do, melting into these seats like touching your skin..."

"Are you going to sit there and make love to my car, Emma?" Regina's voice was unsteady, "or are you going to shut up and kiss me?"

Emerald eyes blinked. "Come here, you." She reached out and took the brunette's shoulders, pulling her close, lips crushing together.

They fought with the distance still, clawing at each other's clothes but never taking any off. Kisses were pressed upon a flushed neck, dark hair pushed back, and the sun set quite gloriously that evening. It was quite a romantic moment. Sitting in a Mercedes Benz, kissing passionately until they decided to come up back for air. And when they did, it was time to take Emma to Betts' apartment. They had Chinese take-out before Regina left. In the hallway, Emma pressed a kiss unto lips that quivered. Then they parted ways.

From that day on, they went on dates in libraries and museums as promised. Stolen kisses behind bookshelves, gazing at paintings that depicted twisted bodies, naked breasts. Giggling, Emma would hide behind sculptures and tease the brunette who briskly advanced on her with flushed cheeks. Regina felt entirely youthful again, moments relived again that had been lost during college. Taking up two Degrees in Law and Political Science. No social life at all. Her nose buried in books but now she was enjoying the chase, the rush of the moment. Feeling alive and buzzing with energy, she'd meet Emma after work, after the younger woman's classes on Prison Welfare and Education. Between studying, they hung out and bonded.

But that moment they had been aching for never came quite easily as Emma expected.

Regina decided to play entirely hard to get.

On several nights they shared a bottle of wine or champagne in her apartment overlooking the Cathedral. Dimly lit, emerald eyes watched as people entered as she had done on several occasions. The large choir of Nuns and refreshing scriptures read. Sitting in a pew beside someone, most likely an elderly person who shared their hymn book and chatted lightly.

"Tasting blood and having my vision become blurred," Regina held her glass of red wine up to the light, studying Emma's figure next to the glass wall. "Severe pain, blinding me, Emma. The dashboard was inches away from my face. The car crunched, sandwiched under the truck. And I was dying. I lost so much blood, even Robin could not donate enough. We're the same blood type."

Tears stung Emma's eyes. She swallowed hard, eyes focused at the church's looming steeple.

"I met him in college," she sipped, feet curled under. "He majored in Environmental Studies. Love at first sight...no. It was rather alluring to sit beside a man in lectures, a man who seemed to share the same interests as I do. And because we shared the same interests, it was believed that there was something between us. Hence the step to take things further. But love? I loved him. Entirely not enough as I love you though."

Reaching for the bottle, Regina poured herself another glass. Emma's glass remained untouched. Growing cold upon the table. Two clean glass bowls that had contained pasta and tomato sauce, whipped up by the brunette. Served with vegetables and cubes of chicken. Pushing forks through pasta and scooping up food as they longingly gazed at each other. First eating in silence then light conversation followed. Now they had delved into a part of their lives that was entirely deep. So deep, the connection between them was stronger than ever.

"I even gave him a name before he was born," Emma said finally, "I named him Henry. It just...came to me. Henry. His dad was this guy I met during college. A really nice guy...Neal. And then I just left him because he was into some sneaky stuff. Ended up with a guy who beat the shit out of me. I fought back. Took me a while to get composed enough. But when I started to throw punches, he offered death threats. Eventually he punched me up and I collapsed. Killian was shit. Good in bed but shit. All the frigging studs in his ears and nose, and his leather pants did the charm. Now I regret ever having him take me home."

"We all have our regrets," slipping off her black leather jacket, Regina threw it across the handle of the chair. She uncurled herself, legs stretched out, black skirt bunching up around her thighs. Black stockings, toes pointed. "To be honest, I have never thought of being intimately entwined in a woman's arms." She mewled, trying to capture Emma's attention.

"Back to the game," the blonde said, "throw me another line."

Regina blinked. She was slightly disappointed that attention was not given. "How grand it must be to be the Chosen One..."

Emma snorted. "That's too easy. Harry Potter." She turned and studied the brunette stretched off upon the chair like a cat. "Another one..."

Brown eyes were intensely focused, luring the other woman nearer. "What happens when an unstoppable force meets a stoppable force?

"US happened," Emma didn't spare a second to ponder on it.

Regina studied emerald eyes. "Not a movie reference. But nevertheless that is quite deep. Tell me more..."

"Well..." Sighing, the younger woman stepped closer, boots padded upon the red carpet, as red as the wine that was sipped. She approached the chair and sat next to Regina, legs parted like a man. "See, I was unstoppable until I met you...the stoppable force. It was like crashing into a soft leather cushion. And I stayed there anyway. Therefore...an unstoppable force met a stoppable one."

"But the force is unstoppable, Miss Swan..." the brunette pointed out.

"Don't Miss Swan me. It meets a stoppable one, therefore it has to crash." Pouring herself an inch of red wine, Emma tasted it and licked her lips.

"But you are unstoppable." Regina would not accept any kind of defeat.

"I stopped! Geez!"

"Shall I fetch my laptop and ask Google about this?" Regina held a hand out towards the table just beyond the room, eyebrows raised. "For us to be provided with a scientific conclusion?"

"I don't need a freaking scientific conclusion. I already gave my answer -"

"An answer that simply cannot stand up on its own, dear." The brunette smirked when emerald eyes grew stormy. "Quite mushy and out of context, your answer was. It was almost like a blatant attempt to insult the area of science."

"Listen, if you want to argue on this, then by all means do so. But I already said that it happened. Even having this conversation is ridiculous to begin with!" Emma threw up her hands in disbelief.


Emma sighed, raking fingers through her hair. "Are you trying to push my buttons or something? Because you're not going to accomplish anything."

"You are claiming that an unstoppable force can be stopped and -"

"If you don't stop then I'll rip off your stockings and kiss you between your legs," Emma watched red lips clamp shut and it was her time to smirk. "Miss...Mills."

They gazed at each other as both of them grew flustered, neck dampening from a sudden heated atmosphere. It was almost like feeling quite feverish suddenly. But the tingling between her legs reminded Regina what kind of feeling this was. And she immediately cleared her throat.

"Let's continue with the game then."

"I don't want to play the game anymore." Hooded eyes stared back at her, shoulders hunched. Emma appeared completely taken up with lust. The brunette watched her chest heave.

"Perhaps a movie then?" brown eyes were diverted. She licked her dry lips and fought to breathe. "A black and white."

"I don't want to watch a movie."

"A walk then, just you and me."

"No walks."

Regina was again trying to play hard to get. And Emma suddenly wanted none of it.

"Let's read from a suggested classic," her feet met the cool carpet, ready to rise up, eyes already focused on the small collection of books just beyond the table. "Pride and Prejudice. You'll be Lizzie and I'll be Darcy. Fitzwilliam...Darcy."

Before she could rise from the chair though, Emma took a hold of the brunette's shoulders. Pressing her back into the chair, she moved in as hands automatically rested on her hips. Enacting a kiss was easy. One that was deep and lasted long, sucking on lips that tasted like wine. Biting and pulling, moving back in without hesitating. As the older woman's head grew dizzy from such a sudden moment, Emma leaned in closer and Regina entered a lying position. It was perfect. On her back, the top was manned by the blonde who fought with a defensive brunette. She kept putting up a fight even when their lips crushed together, moaning as her head danced in for more. Capturing Regina's hands around the wrists, Emma pushed her back once more and she stayed that way.

It was like unhinging a Queen.

Such rigidity, composure and the purposeful decision to give the blonde a hard time. But all twisting and fighting died away as a hand cupped between soft legs, realizing that the defensiveness was a front. Because Emma could feel how wet the brunette was already, even through her stockings. Two layers that needed to disappear immediately. So much clothing that needed to be peeled off. Unbuttoning a red shirt that was already tugged out of blue faded denim jeans, Regina clawed at the material. Desperately trying to tug it off as bold hands found a side zipper on a black skirt and pulled it down. Red shirt tossed aside, and it was followed by a black skirt. Eventually, their growling filled the air as both attacked the ridiculous clothing preventing them from touching fully. In the process, Emma could not contain herself. Just as the swell of her breasts were tasted, kissed, she tore at black stockings and gained entry.

The litter of clothes on the ground was quite sexy.

Down to only two pieces of clothing each, their bodies were covered in sweat as Emma's mouth closed around an erect nipple and sucked. She sucked and pulled as the brunette moaned, running fingers through choppy, blonde hair. Pushing tendrils back and twisting under a body that moved against hers in a rhythm. Kisses were trailed from between honey colored breasts, all the way down south. Teeth grazing against inner thighs that tasted so sweet and warm. Lips trembling and moving upwards again, fingers taking a hold of a black lace underwear, obviously Victoria Secret. She pulled upwards, capturing the waist band within her grasp. Pulling upwards so that the material was wedged between a perfectly, wet display of heat. Teasing, pulling.

Regina threw her head back and gasped, eyes fluttering close.

The feel of pleasure wasn't anything close to everything that happened next. Emma used her mouth between the brunette's legs, sucking and tasting. Gripping the older woman around the waist and pulling her close as she squirmed under the attack of warm lips. Pushing blonde hair on top of the younger woman's head, it was quickly moved out of the way when the devouring continued. And when Regina came for the first time in the blonde's mouth, Emma felt everything against her aching lips.

But Regina was a fast learner.

Weakly slipping off the chair, she got down on her knees and parted the younger woman's legs whilst Emma tossed her blonde hair to the side. Shifting in position, they both gazed at each other, completely breathless but nevertheless quite entranced enough to push further. So much further. Toes pointed in brown boots when dark hair tickled the inside of her thighs. It was like the beginning of a roller coaster ride. Feeling the tingling sensation and being quite aware that whatever was to come would be really breathtaking. And that's exactly what happened. Regina used her mouth on Emma slowly and carefully. That was enough to torture the younger woman as she writhed beneath soft lips that sucked and tasted. Taking her time as fingers caressed, the blonde mewled. It didn't take a long time for her to pelt over the edge though, especially when her thighs were sucked as a finger began to thrust in a quick rhythm.

Even when Emma twisted from those bolts of pleasure, Regina climbed unto the chair once more and silenced gasps with a deep kiss. Five minutes later found them in a sitting position with legs wrapped around each other. Driving fingers deep inside each other, the rocking continued as the brunette lifted her head and hoarsely cried out Emma's name in the dimly lit room. Wet fingers that pushed deeper and deeper. She tasted blonde hair, sucked on an earlobe and pulled, biting a fair neck as two fingers entered her then three. Kinked and thrusting, Emma pulled the brunette closer to her, their lips grazing each other, brown eyes wide from shock. And she rubbed their hips together together sensually, leaning forward and pressing harder until the older woman couldn't breathe.

"Harder," Regina begged hoarsely, their foreheads pressed together. Fingernails dug into Emma's back as she did just that. Over and over again. Never stopping until balled fists tried to push her away, writhing and fighting as the older woman's body convulsed incredulously. Shaking hard after every orgasm, eyes unfocused, cheeks wet from tears.

"Let go," the blonde begged eventually when they both managed to drive fingers into each other again, this time after tumbling unto the carpet. "Let go, Regina..."

"You...too," the brunette whispered, sucking on Emma's neck.

Her hips reached up to have the full length of fingers with force. Bodies soaked from sweat, their hair stuck to skin. Her eyeliner was smeared, lipstick smudged. Wrapping weak legs around a wet body rubbing upon hers, Regina felt herself about to let go indeed. And she gasped when Emma removed her hands and twisted their legs together. It was enough to press them fully upon each other, feeling how wet and hot they both were together. Grinding in unison, their screams filled the air when bolts of pleasure rippled through weak bodies. Writhing against each other, Emma fought to breath and she couldn't. She couldn't suck in air when between her legs were licked with flames.

Fifteen minutes later after finally sharing that intense moment, seriously making love to each other, they lay together on the carpet. Soft lips pressed kisses unto Emma's left breast as she caressed dark hair that was soaked from sweat. Their legs were entangled. Toes pointed.

"I suppose the pair of black stockings was a worthy sacrifice," Regina purred, the depth of her voice stirring up butterflies in the younger woman's stomach. "Had to be ripped away."

"And my bra..." somewhere above Emma's head, the particular garment in discussion was torn in half.

"Buy bras with clips in front of them," the brunette suggested. "And no further damage will come to any of your -" Regina bit her lips, words cut when a leg slid between hers. Moving slowly, Emma felt how wet the brunette was and smiled.

"Geez," the blonde said, using her fingers to cup between heated legs, "I can just imagine what it was like for you to see me in G Wing."

"It was torture," Regina admitted, "and uncomfortable, especially down there."

"Well it can be taken care of now," smiling, Emma brought their lips together and kissed the brunette slowly.

"Perhaps we unintentionally wrote our own Pride and Prejudice story and created a marvelous ending," Regina said after they moaned through a passionate kiss.

"I guess so..." she caressed the other woman's face with cupped fingers. "My Darcy..."

"Miss Bennett," Regina purred. The giggled in the dark like two high school girls deeply in love.


Two months later and a pair of eyes watched two women as they hustled through the door. Closing a red umbrella, the brunette shook it out before stepping in after the blonde. And they slipped into a booth just by the window, breathless.

"Barker took one look at Sylvia and punched her," Regina said, smiling as she tucked dark hair behind her ears. "All the inmates of course erupted, as if it was a match. Poor Wilkinson had to part the fight."

"And Karen sacked Hollamby?" emerald eyes were wide as the waitress approached, a red head with a Scottish accent.

After ordering two cups of cocoa, Regina nodded. "On the spot. Her arrogance has become quite like a cold sore. She blatantly said that the entire prison service was now run by lesbians. And we'd all burn in the flames of hell eventually."

"She said that before to us yeah," Emma remembered. Her fingers brushed the brunette's and they glanced around for prying eyes. "Probably she's just a closeted lesbian herself. Dying to come out. That's why she hates Betts."

"Speaking of Karen," Regina collected her cup of cocoa and took a generous sip after resting a pair of black leather gloves upon the table. "She told me earlier that Daphne has finally left the Carl and they can be together now without any worries."

"Which means that we have to celebrate later on!" emerald eyes sparkled. "I told Betts not to worry about it. And she did the right thing by holding on."

"Seems like you always manage to give hope and have people never give up. And eventually they are rewarded from such faith." Snatching Emma's fingers, she squeezed them without a care in the world of who was watching.

"Like Janet..." the blonde smiled. "Peter took on the case and she's on her way to a possible reduced sentence. I can't wait to see what happens. All the way, I'll be there with her. When I start working as an Officer soon. The lifers unit seems really interesting. But like I told Betts, I want to help everywhere I can, you know?"

"Yes, and you will."

"I wonder how we'll manage, being in G Wing together and all..." Squeezing the brunette's fingers, she finished her cocoa.

"Relationship among officers are allowed. Di Barker was married to both Neil Grayling and Jim Fenner. So she would expected to be the last one pointing a finger at our relationship."

"Just imagine you telling one of them, oh I'm as gay as Betts, no doubt about it," Emma smiled.

Regina frowned though. "No need to flaunt my new found sexuality, honey. As they come to know, then so be it."

"True..." their eyes met and light conversation followed.

A pair of eyes watched them leave as the waitress approached his table. Wrinkled hands folded upon a parted book, the woman stared and wondered whatever was the story about.

"Another cup of tea, love?"

He nodded without peeling his eyes away from the two women standing outside the door, hugging each other. The blonde one pulled the brunette close and pressed a kiss unto her neck.

"What's the book about?" the waitress asked, sitting down after resting the tea pot down. "A book of old, odd stories from the looks of it."

"This is not just a book of stories," the old man said in a gruff voice. He suddenly felt determined to explain further. Parting the pages, the story was flipped to the ending. "See here..."

The waitress leaned in closer and studied a picture depicted on a page. Two women were intimately kissing, a brunette and a blonde. At first it would have appeared as if the blonde was a knight with a flowing mane dressed in shining armor. But upon closer scrutiny, Betsy realized that both were women. She stared.

A calloused finger moved to a particular line.

The man began to read.

'And the Princess slipped the ring unto the other Queen's finger saying these words, "I do take thee to be my wife. To treasure and to hold. Through sickness and in health. Forever and always. I really do."

The Queen smiled, and took a hold of the Princess' hand. She slipped the gold band on and said, "I also take thee to be my wife. To treasure and to hold. Through sickness and health. Forever and always. In this lifetime and every life after. So we may find each other and fall in love without reason. Our souls will meet over and over again for eternity. I love you, my darling. I really do."

And they kissed in front of the kingdom.'

"Aw," Betsy said with a fake smile because she didn't quite accept the bonding of two women intimately. It was a sin. "That's quite a nice ending to a story. A change."

"It's not just a story," the man said, "it's true. It happened."

Betsy frowned a bit. "I bet it did. In the writer's mind, it did, love."

"It happened," he said, eyes lowered to the picture, "it happened, honestly it did. This happened a long time ago. Storybrooke, everything. It happened. It's not just a story. The author wrote this happy ending and he wrote these words. In this lifetime and every life after. They will find each other and fall in love. They did. They found each other again. And again. And again..."

"Henry," Betsy rested a hand upon the man's arm, "have you taken your pills today, love?"

He nodded but kept muttering over and over again.

"That one," Betsy said to Angie after returning to the serving counter, "funny in the head, he is."

"He told you about the Queen and the Princess, didn't he?" Angie asked, wiping the counter with a red checkered cloth. "Been telling me too. He claims he was the Princess' son and he has met them again in this life."

"Really?" Betsy clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "With talk like that, he's going to be locked up in a looney house."

Henry's eyes fixated on the brunette and blonde as they finally departed from outside the cafe. And resting his forehead upon the book, he closed his eyes.

"So much for being the truest believer," he muttered.


A/N – I WROTE THIS CHAPTER IN ONE DAY! Can you believe it? I finished it already and when the time came to open the blasted thing to edit, the entire file was corrupted. So I had to rewrite. And this is the end result. Of course to me, the sex scene written before was better. But it's gone, sadly. Hope this one was worth it though! Did you enjoy the four chapter ride? If so, please leave me feedback! I hope I changed somewhat, Cynara!