Chapter 1

"No no no no! Alexander look at me! Look at me!"

Magnus held Alec as crimson blood soaked the ground around them

-few moments earlier-


Magnus watched as his father pushed his arm all the way up to his elbow through Alec's stomach. Alec gasped as his eyes widen in pure pain

"You little angel have caused a lot of problems for the plans I have for my son"

With that Alec was thrown against the stone wall, the sound of crumbling stone and bones cracking filled the air

"No no no no! Alexander look at me! Look at me!"

Magnus screamed as he held Alec

"Alexander please" Magnus begged staring into blue eyes wishing that the light within them would stop fading.

"Oh Magnus pease, look at you. Begging a angel to stay and love you, oh please"

"SHUT UP" Magnus shouted at his father

His eyes glowing brighter than ever

"Magnus, Magnus I know you love the angel. You would do anything for him to live wouldn't you"

The devil pointed his finger at his son, smirking, already knowing the answer.

"Yes" Magnus gave in

" Magnus" Alec gasped

"Quite Shawdowhunter"

"You do not talk to him like that!"

"Deal then?"

He held his hand out toward Magnus, Magnus held out his hand

"Wait Magnus"

Alec held up his hand to Magnus's cheek as if he were to kiss him, but neither Magnus nor his father saw the flash of silver hidden up the boys sleeve.


The monster that called himself Magnus's father reared back in pain as the blessed metal left a gash all along the top of his hand and down his wrist.

"Alexander" Magnus spoke as if all the air in his lungs were gone "What have you done"

With a final growl all the demons and their leader vanished into thin air

Magnus felt a hand craddle his cheek and stroke the tears pouring from his eyes

"I will forever love you Magnus Bane"

One smile, one more I love you and with that Alec was gone. Magnus felt as if lighting struck down and hit him straight on.


The cry was so unlike the warlock as he stroked Alec's now cold cheek. Buring his face into the boy's neck he let out a loud anguish cry. Time seemed to stop as Shadowhunter after Shadowhunter poured into the room, he paid no mind to the cries of isabella and the silent pain of Jace. Magnus screamed and tried to hold onto Alec's body as hands yanked the boy away from him, he screamed and screamed. Alec- his Alec, his angel was gone.