Disclamer: I don't own anything except the characters I've made. I don't get money to do my stories, I just do it for fun and because Cole and Phoebe belong together.

Hey guys...Some of you have been waiting for this...So here it is, the sequel of "I want to have a baby." I really hope you'll like it, just like you liked "I want to have a baby."

For the people who didn't read "I want to have a baby.", you should read it, it will help you to understand what's going on here... And please review it!!
If you're really too lazy to read it, here's a little summary:

Cole and Phoebe had twins, Elisabeth Prudence Turner and Thomas Benjamin Turner, Liz and Tom. When Phoebe delivered Liz, she was pretty sick and in a coma...Leo couldn't heal her because she hadn't get hurt because of evil. So Cole saved her but to save her, he had to kill one demon from the Brotherhood and they all went after him, that's why Cole had to leave Phoebe and the kids alone.
When he came back, one year later, for the kids' birthday, he noticed that they had a whitelighter kinda too friendly with Phoebe. Cole became jealous, but Brad, the whitelighter was even more jealous and a bad thing happened, he raped Phoebe. Cole killed him and they moved out for a house which is just in front of the manor. Phoebe wanted to have another baby, but in this story, we learn that she can't have one because she got raped...

Enough talking...

Chapter 1
"I had a nightmare."


"Daddy! Daddy!" Called out Liz when she heard the front door open. She ran towards her father.
Cole put his briefcase on the floor and took Liz in his arms.
"Hey my Princess." He said as he kissed her on the cheek.
Liz kissed him on the cheek as well and started to undo his tie, it was almost a ritual for them, every day when Cole was coming back from work, Liz was jumping in his arms, kissing him and undoing his tie..
"Did you had fun at work Daddy?" She asked.
"Fun isn't the right word baby, I worked a lot and I've been missing you." He said.
"I missed you too." The little girl replied.
The both smiled and walked in the living room where Phoebe and Tom were watching TV.
The twins were now 5 years old.
Cole put Liz on the couch and said, as he kissed Tom on the cheek: "Hey boy, what's up?"
"Hi Daddy." Tom replied.
"Hey beauty." He said to Phoebe as he kissed her on the lips.
"Hey." She said.
She was working on her advice column.
Cole took away his jacket and threw it on the armchair and he pulled his shirt out of his pants.
Cole sat down on the couch and asked: "So, how was school today for my little demons?"
"We're not demons." Liz said.
"Sure you are." He said.
"No, we're tigers." Tom said as Liz nodded.
"So you're tigers-demons." Cole said.
Liz nodded and imitated a tiger.
Cole laughed and took both of the kids in his arms and put them on the floor.
"I'm going to show you how I vanquish tiger-demons." He stated.
"With portion?" Liz asked.
Cole laughed and Phoebe smiled.
"No, baby, we say potion, not portion." Cole explained.
"But I'm going to vanquish you with...tickles."
Both of the kids yelled no but Cole tickled them and they burst out laughing.
"Mommy help us." Tom said.
Phoebe got up and walked towards Cole and tickled him as well.
Cole stopped tickling the kids and laughed and he was laughing too hard, he fell on the floor.
Phoebe sat on top of him and Tom and Liz started tickling him.
"Okay, okay, I give up." He said.
They stopped tickling him and Liz asked: "Who are the best?"
"I'm the best." Cole replied.
They started tickling him again.
"Okay, you, you are the best." Cole said.
They stopped the tickles and Liz kissed him on the cheek and snuggled up to him.
Phoebe got up and said: "I have to finish my work."
Tom ran on the couch and sat down and Phoebe sat down next to him.
Liz was still on the floor with Cole.
"Are you planning to stay on the floor baby?" Cole asked.
"Yeah, with my Daddy." Liz replied.
Cole got up and took Liz in his arms.
"I'm going to make dinner." Phoebe said.
"I thought you had to work." Cole said.
"Yeah but I don't know what to write, I'll do it tomorrow." She replied.
"Okay." Cole said as he put Liz on the couch.
Phoebe got up and walked in the kitchen and Cole followed her.
As she started to cook, Cole came behind her and kissed her in the neck.
"You had an hard day at work, hadn't you?" He said.
"Yeah." Phoebe said as she sighed.
"I can make dinner if you're too tired." Cole offered.
"No, it's okay, I'll make it." Phoebe said.
Cole wrapped his arms around her and said: "Close your eyes."
"Cole, I'm cooking." She said.
"You're all tense baby, I just want you to relax and you'll fell better, now close your eyes." He said.
Phoebe closed her eyes and Cole slid his hands under her blouse and ran his hands on her belly and he continued to kiss her neck. He felt her relaxing and smiled.
"Feeling better?" He asked.
"Yeah." She answered.
She turned back to face him and said: "Thank you for taking care about me."
"You're welcome baby, you know I hate when you don't feel good."
"I feel good in your arms." She said.
They both smiled and kissed passionately.
Suddenly they heard the kids yelling at each others.
They pulled away and Phoebe said: "They're fighting."
"You stay here, I'll make them stop." Cole said.
He kissed her on the lips and walked in the living room where Tom and Liz were fighting for the remote.
"It's mine." Tom said.
"No, it's mine." Liz replied.
"You both stop, the remote it mine." Said Cole as he grabbed the remote and sat on the couch.
He changed the channel to watch the news.
Tom got up and walked in the kitchen.
"Mommy." He said.
"Yeah baby." Phoebe said.
"Daddy is watching the news, I wanted to watch the cartoons." He said.
"He did it because you were fighting with your sister." Phoebe explained.
Tom sighed.
"Why don't you go in your room and take a pen and a paper to make a drawing for Mommy?" Phoebe proposed.
Tom nodded and ran in his room.
When he came back he sat down at the table and started to draw.
Some minutes later he said: "It's over."
"Let me see." Phoebe said as she looked at the sheet of paper.
Tom pointed at the drawing and explained: "This is Daddy, and here it's you, and here there's Lizzy."
"And we're all in our house." Phoebe said.
Tom nodded and Phoebe saw an other person on the drawing, all little character.
"Who is it?" She asked as she pointed at the little character.
"It's my baby sister." He said happily.
"You're baby sister?" Phoebe asked.
"Yeah, the one who is going to be in your tummy." He explained.
"Oh." Phoebe simply said.
The problem was that Phoebe would never get pregnant anymore. Cole and her tried to have a baby after what happened with Brad, but she didn't get pregnant, so she went to the doctor and he told her that she won't be able to have a baby because she get raped.
Another hardship that she had to go through with Cole.
Tom was smiling at her and she tried to smile back at him.
"Oh, dinner is ready. Can you go in the living room and tell it to Daddy and Lizzy?" Phoebe said.
Tom nodded and walked in the living room. Phoebe took Tom's drawing and put it in her pocket.
Cole, Tom and Liz arrived in the kitchen and sat down at the table and they all had dinner.


"Daddy! I'm waiting for my goodnight kiss." Liz yelled as she was laying in her bed.
"I'm coming baby." Cole said.
"Me too, Daddy!" Tom yelled as well.
"I'll be right here." Cole said.
Phoebe kissed Tom and Liz on the cheek, they were still sharing the same room.
"Love you Mommy." Liz said.
"Me too honey." Phoebe replied before going out of the room.
Cole came in.
He sat down on Liz's bed and said: "Ready to sleep?"
Liz nodded and said: "I was waiting for your kiss."
Cole bent over her and kissed her on the cheek and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Cole smiled and kissed her in the neck.
"I love you my little baby girl." Cole whispered in her ear.
"You're the best Daddy of all the world." Liz whispered.
Cole smiled and replied: "Thank you."
Liz kissed him on the cheek and Cole said: "Time to sleep now."
Liz nodded and let him go. He kissed her on the forehead and said: "Goodnight my love."
"Night Daddy." She replied.
Cole got up and walked towards Tom bed and he sat up.
"Daddy?" Tom said.
"Yeah." Cole replied.
"Can you make a baby to Mommy please?" He said.
"A baby?" Cole asked. He was a little surprised by what Tom just said.
"Yeah, I want to have a baby sister." Tom said.
"Oh, I see, well, I'm going to ask to Mommy if she wants to have another little girl and we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?" Cole said. In fact, he didn't really knew what to say.
"Okay." Tom said.
Cole kissed him on the cheek and said: "Sleep well baby."
Tom smiled and Cole walked out of the room towards his.
Phoebe was already lying in the bed.
Cole took away his clothes, he was now only wearing his boxers and he laid down under the covers. He came on top of Phoebe and started to kiss her in the neck and to run his hands on her body.
"Tom just asked me to make a baby to you." He said between kisses.
"Yeah, he told me that he wanted to have a baby sister. He made a drawing of our family with another baby." Phoebe said.
Cole stopped to kiss her, he knew she was feeling bad about it. He brushed her hair and said: "We'll talk to him about it, and we'll explain him that we can't have a baby." Cole said.
Phoebe burst into tears.
"It's so unfair." She said.
Cole wiped away her tears and said: "Honey don't cry."
"I wanted this baby so much, you wanted it as well." She explained.
"I know, I know." Cole said, trying to comfort her.
"Listen honey, I love you, I love the kids and I'm happy like this, and it's not your fault if you can't have a baby." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"You can leave me, I'll understand if you were leaving me for another woman who can give you a baby." She said.
"Phoebe, I'll never leave you, if we don't have another baby, then it's okay, I won't go away...I love you, and I'll stay with you until the end of my life." Cole said.
She was looking tired and she had been like this for two weeks. Cole has asked her to take some vacations but she said no, she was saying that she was fine but Cole knew she was exhausted. He also knew that she was not only crying because of the baby, she was crying because she needed to let it go.
"You need to rest." He said.
He was about to get off of her but she stopped him and said: "Please, stay on top of me until I fall asleep. I feel good like this."
"Okay." Cole said.
Phoebe was feeling bad, she didn't know why, she was just feeling bad and she was feeling like crying tonight. Hopefully Cole and the kids were by her side. She was feeling a lot better in Cole's arms, she was also feeling better when she was hearing the kids laughing.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Cole woke up in the middle of the night. He heard Lizzy crying. He got up and walked in her room.
"Lizzy, what's wrong?" He asked.
"I had a nightmare." She replied, sobbing.
Cole picked her up and said: "Let's go out of the room before we wake up Tom."
"Let's go in my bed." Cole said.
"No, Mommy is sleeping, I don't want to wake her up." The little girl said.
"Okay." Cole replied.
He walked in the living room with Liz in his arms and asked: "Why didn't you come in my room to tell it to me?"
"Because you were asleep." She said, still sobbing.
Cole sat down on the couch, Liz was on his lap, resting her head on his chest. He took the blanket which was always on the couch and wrapped the both of them with it.
"Can you set the fire please?" Liz asked.
It was dark in the living room and Cole used his powers to light on the fireplace.
"We're going to stay here together, you don't have to worry, the nightmare won't come back if you're in my arms." Cole said.
Liz nodded and Cole asked: "What was this nightmare about?"
"It was about a bad guys hurting Mommy." The little girl replied and she started to cry again at the thought of her nightmare.
"Shhh, it's okay, I told you it won't come back, and it will never happen, because Daddy will always be here to protect Mommy, and I won't let someone hurt her, never." Cole said.
He kissed her on the forehead and said: "Now, try to sleep a little, Daddy is staying with you."
Liz nodded and closed her eyes, she fell asleep, she was feeling good in her Daddy's arms.
Some minutes later, Phoebe woke up. She looked around and didn't see Cole. She got up and saw the light of the fireplace, she walked in the living room and saw Cole watching Liz sleeping.
"Cole, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"Lizzy had a nightmare and she didn't wanted to go in our room because you were sleeping, so I stayed here with her." He explained.
Phoebe smiled and said: "She always felt good in your arms. Remember when she was a baby, she was always climbing on you to rest on your chest."
Cole smiled and nodded.
"Come on, you both will be better in our bed." She said.
Cole got up slowly and followed Phoebe in their room.
They both laid down on the bed and Liz woke up.
"Daddy?" She said.
"It's okay baby, Mommy woke up and she said we could sleep with her." Cole explained.
Liz opened her eyes and asked: "Are you okay Mommy?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry, just sleep baby." Phoebe softly said as she planted a kiss on Liz's forehead.
Liz snuggled up against Cole and they all fell asleep.


Hey guys, did you like it???? Please let me know, please review!!! You can flamme me if you want.

Gaby, Ema, Aurore, ChArMeD-101, LK, Sandra( Fairytale) and all the others...Thanks for your support...

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