This is a Dragon Ball Z and Girls of the Wild's crossover, but unfortunately, the manga is quite new so I will be placing it here. Check this new manga. Its quite neat!

Wild's High is an all female school that supply the world with the best of the best females that a nation could be proud of. It's been like this for 42 years until now, when it was decided to become a co-ed. And guess who's the luck guy? More importantly, the guy who you must woo to get honors in the graduation.

Very Important!

Points to be watched in this story.

: During the Saiyaman saga.


a. Chi-Chi is a lot open minded person and agrees that just studying won't save the world and was a lot more supportive of Gohan's training, but she still use the Frying Pan of Doom.

b. Gohan doesn't go to Orange Star High in this fic so not much of Videl at all.

c. Gohan becomes Saiyaman and often helps Videl but she never finds who he is and also Saiyaman is not dorky, instead he wears a black version of spandex armor that he wore when he went inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Also he wears a helmet like that of Snake Eyes from G. I Joes.

d. Seeing his strength, pure soul and innocent personality, the Kais secretly unlocks his strength and allows him to train further with his Mystic form.

e. Gohan's attitude is confident and radiates power, although he retains his normal goofy one to his family and friends while a more shy one towards people of the same age and opposite gender if they are strangers.

f. Gohan never stops training

g. Mr. Satan is slightly different.

h. The World is still afraid off 'The Great Demon King Piccolo' ^_^

i. The 25th World Martial Arts tournament is over.

Chapter 1: Son Among Daughters

"Mommm...why can't I just go to Orange Star High? It is closer comparatively closer to 7300 miles closer..besides, it is more undetectable if I can say I am staying at a friend's, you know, Bulma and Vegeta..." Gohan was in the process of knotting his tie. His white full sleeved shirts collor stuck up while the rest of the shirt clung to his body, much to the demi-saiyan's discomfort. "And these clothes are slim fit mom! Everyone will stare at me weirdly!" He cried with tears of fear. This was the last thing anyone will expect from the Earth's current prime protector, who is so strong, he doesn't need to move or open his eyes to take out a planet, but what he is afraid of is a bunch of teenagers staring at him. Hope the Kai's can live through with this.

The Son matriarch was busy packing what seemed to be a lunch fit for a small battalion with grace that was gained through years of practice. More importantly, nothing could kill her hundred billion dollar mood, after all her little baby was going to high school! The best of the best and more than that he won't be an innocent child anymore! And it was a fool proof plan she accomplished with Bulma.

"Stop complaining like a teenager Gohan!" Chi-Chi huffed while placing the trays of food in order so she can shrink them into the capsule.

"But mom, I am a teenager.." Gohan whined as he tied his well polished shoe. Some super powered being he is..scared of his mom..well that applies to many, including his father and the Z-Fighters.

Seemingly ignoring his statement, Chi-Chi began. "Besides I don't want you anywhere near that god awful afro buffoon." She finished the arranging and with a poof, the food turned into a small capsule. "Besides, I don't want that hussy near you!"

"Mom but Videl's nice and besides, you are accusing Mr. Satan like he made all of us garbage in front of the world.." When it comes to quick and strategic thinking, everyone always give it up for the Green Super warrior, well everyone but Vegeta for obvious reasons.. It was right after the destruction of Cell when all the media crew was knocked out along with Hercules disciples.

"W-what the..p-please don't eat me sir! You might become purple! My flesh and blood is not healthy!" Hercule Satan the current Champion of the world pleaded as the Namekian dropped him on the ground. The rest of the living Z-Fighters left for the Lookout to heal their injured comrades and bring everyone to life, but he stayed behind, he had a plan.

"Shut up. You will hear and do exactly as I say, do you acknowledge me?" Piccolo wasn't one with the virtue of patience. Besides, he still need to show he was tough, at least to everyone other than Gohan. The giant man nodded. Hercule may boast, but he is not an ignorant fool, he saw the green man vaporize an entire mountain.

He wanted to believe this was all a trick, but he knew it wasn't. "O-okay..." Looking over the crouching horrified mortal man, Piccolo sighed.

"You can release your fear, I won't harm you unless you make me.." But Hercule couldn't relax, once again the Namekian sighed. "I don't sense much evil from are the World Champ?" Piccolo wanted to roll over and laugh, but refrained from doing that.

"Y-you sa-saw my fight?" Hercule slowly regained his confidence. Maybe Piccolo now understood his strength.

But that hope was crushed. "No. I read your mind. Your name is Satan Hercule from Ping Jinh village of the West province, you are a professional boxer type mixed martial artist. You divorced your wife when your daughter, Videl Satan was three and took custody of her, suffered through out your career, worked for the public latrine maintenance to buy your child a birthday present, which was a remote car. You slept with three women consecutively, when your daughter was at school. You lied that you were a secret disciple of Deceased Boxer John "Brick" Cabana, and you never told anyone about these secrets, currently your only thoughts are switching from, if I am crazy and your daughter's well being." The human's face paled. Without allowing the mortal man speak, Piccolo proceeded to inform him of Cell and how many he killed, strengthening Hercule, and by the time he finished, the Satan was on his knees, ready to help in whatever way he could, and was rewarded.

The reward? "Take the credit of killing Cell."

"What! I can't do that! After what you told me, that golden kid deserve that!" He shot back, it was so unlike Hercule, he may not be a monk, but he isn't a devil either.

"What he needs is peace, and don't shorten yourself, because if you weren't brave enough to come out and throw the Head at my friend, none of us would have survived. And you will say exactly as I say." Not able to argue against a titan in power Hercule nodded.




"Arghhahhhhhhhh!" The screams of pain from Hercule woke up the TV crew and his disciples. The ran over to Hercule's voice and nearly fell into the ten meter wide and five meter deep crater that Hercule was in, his right arm was shattered and his clothes were burnt.

"Mr. Satan! Are you okay?" The reporter asked as Hercule's disciples carried him to the top. "What happened after the delivery boy attacked Cell?" The mike and camera began to roll again.

"Cell is gone..I did did it.." Hercule grunted. Piccolo said this was necessary.

"What do you mean sir?" The reporter asked with full attention.

"Those people were all tough, especially the boy, but the boy's attack couldn't eliminate I ran into the fray and gave Dynamite Punch with all my power..and it worked..they thanked me and flew away."

They did not knew Mr. Satan personally, but because of him, they lived in peace, although a little angry about Satan taking the main credit. "Come on. Imagine it. What would our life be among cameras and paparazzi? But don't worry, I will go to this school." Gohan smiled at his mother which the Son matriarch returned as she neatened his uniform coat from the invisible wrinkles.

"You are a good child, Gohan. And please be careful while playing Saiyaman, I know there's nothing in this world that could hurt you..but.." Gohan encased his mom in a bear hug as Chi-Chi sobbed anime style. Soon enough he had everything he needed in his bag, all the textbooks, note books, pen, pencil, scale, eraser and the lunch capsule. "...I know that your father's blood can't be restrained..and if you go to Wild's High, you won't be caught on who you are either because they are the worlds top school and they also serve martial arts..nothing of my caliber, but you can less hide yourself..."

"Bro?" Gohan turned towards the stairs and saw the half asleep standing body of his most important thing. Walking over to the mini Goku, the demi-saiyan picked the child into his arms.

"Hey there little man. I'm off to school, see you in the evening." Like a machine turned on abruptly, Goten jumped awake and hugged his older brother in a death grip as he sobbed uncontrollably.

"No! Don't leave me Gohan! I'm going to miss you!" But before Gohan could comfort his little brother, his mom turned the situation around.

"Don't worry Goten, it's just eight thousand miles. You know I am really fast, right?" But the little Saiyan won't budge.

"Goten, sweety, you can lick the pudding spoon." As if Abra kadabra, Goten disappeared from Gohan's arm and to his mom.

"Really mom! Really!" Well that settled that. Chi-Chi came over to her eldest and handed him the long white good quality paper she held. Without any hesitation, the demi-saiyan took the needed paper.

"This contains all the required information, the main document is in the Principal's office. Just go through the whole thing once." She turned around and picked the bag for her son who slung it over his back.


Name of Student: Gohan Son

Age&DOB: 17, 22 May 1997

Address: 457 East District, Mount Pazou

Parents Name & Occupation

Father: Goku Son, Martial Artist

Mother: Chi-Chi Son, House Wife

Contact Information

Phone: 000-99-777555

Emergency: 444-00-888654

Local Guardian:...

Gohan's eyes widened at the name and turned towards his mother. "Mom! What gives! Why's my local guardian..."




The day before

"Is Queen going to give her Championship Title she's been keeping for two years to the pride and enthusiasm of the female Kick boxer? OH MY God! Another gigantic jab from the beautiful queen and the challenger is down!"

"Queen! Queen! Queen!" The chorus of cheering came from the already wild and huge audience that sat around the arena. An arena in which a boxing ring was situated in the middle. Blood stained the floor as a tall blonde woman stood still in front of her opponent, a girl with similar physique, but with red short hair, who was down on her knees, clearly receiving the majority of the punishment.

"DOWN!" The referee shouted.

The commentator yelled from his seat as he witnessed the bloody fight going on in front of him. "Its the fourth down! Kim Hye Shin is down! Wait! Ladies and Gentleman! Look! She is trying to get up! Can she do it!" The crowd roared! Cheering for both fighter's, but the majority went for the long blonde haired fighterQueen known by her alias in the ring as Queen.

"Just..stay down.." The blonde's voice didn't contain arrogance or pride. It was cold as ice and confident in her ability to inflict her punishment on the redhead if she doesn't abide her command. But Kimhye refused to do so as she slowly rouse to her feet.

"What is this! The Kick boxer is back on her feet albeit barely! But she has to get up! If she doesn't, all her self respect will be tattered away!" The commentator roared making the already wild crowd more wilder. "She was adamant that if they used kick boxing rules that she would win! This has turned from an honorable battle to a honor keeping one! Kim Hye Shin taunted Queen in the beginning, that she won't be able to win if they stick to kick boxing rules, what has that come to now?"

"Can you continue?" The raven haired woman in black who was the referee asked Kimhye to which the redhead nodded.

"Stop it..if you continue, you will die." Queen spoke in the same emotionless voice as she stared at the struggling redhead who finally managed to stand with her head down. A moment of silence passed in the ring, until Kim Hye Shin snapped her eyes at the beautiful blonde.

"Shut up you bitch! I'm the champ!" She roared at the Queen. "Do you know what kick boxing is? I was winning here for ten years! I can't lose to a bitch like-" Kimhye couldn't finish as a fist collided on her forehead.

"Smack dab on the forehead! And Kim Hye Shin is out! Making Queen the undefeated, undisputed champion of this years league!" She didn't care. The crowd was yelling her name repeatedly for what she accomplished, but she didn't feel anything to celebrate as she exited the ring with her trophy.

Present Day in Sunset City, where the infamous Wild's High was located

A black Cadillac limo pulled up on the side of the road quietly (similar to that of the US President). The door opened slowly and the blonde woman known as Queen from the ring stepped out. Not in her fighter grabs, but in a school uniform with green ear phones that had music pumping in. Her long smooth blonde hair was kept straight down and her attire consisted of a short pale pink skirt with lines on it that showed her long shapely legs and white long sleeved under shirt with a black open suit and a pink striped tie. This was In Gyi Yoon known to the world mainly as Queen, her fighter alias. She is the eldest child of the owner of the YK Groups, a company that is second to no one but the undisputable Capsule Corp.

Following her out of the car from the driver seat, an aged driver got out. "I could drive all the way to the school, miss..." He offered.

Changing the song in her android, the blonde said. "No..that's fine..just be there on time at the end of school." Her voice remained the same. The driver nodded and left the heiress to herself and drove away

And just as the car left, a bicycle came to a screeching stop right in front of the blonde with a pink haired beauty who had her hair in a messy bun and was in a red track suit, the whiplash from her sudden stop from such high speed that blew Queens long hair didn't faze the latter as her face remained emotionless. "HA! How about it! I arrived at almost the same time as you! Right? Right?" Her face was all sweaty but the pink haired beauty had a thousand watt smirk!

This was Moon Young Lee, the S-Class fighter and a second year student at Wild's High. She is the president of the boxing club, Wild's Boxing Welterweight Champion and she is the best friend and confidante of Queen. "What do you mean same time? The car already left." Queen, just as before, didn't show any emotions at all.

"Hah! Wasn't a thirteen kilometer race with a Cadillac Beast a bit too much?" Moon Young Lee huffed. "Besides. Its my goal to set a new record. I will beat you before our second year is over." She promised with confidence as she trailed behind the Queen.

"Your fat thighs will burst.." The icy blond stated earning a comic growl from the pink head.

They slowly made their way through the early morning empty street towards their school. The only person that talked was the Moon Young Lee who asked her friend about her previous day. "Say..wasn't yesterday a bit sadistic? completely tortured that girl, giving her false hope from round one itself..." She suddenly brought up the touchy topic, but didn't get any reaction from the girl walking in front of her. So she began to push the matter further. "Or..was it that you were really in a tight spot?" A smug smirk appeared as she leaned forward but still failed to get a reaction. The pink head knew the blond very well to tell that she was annoyed.

With fiery eyes she lifted the front wheel of the cycle and rushed through the side of the blonde only to. "If I had an opening like that! I wouldahhhwahhahchhha!" Crash into a stone wall and fall down. A few seconds later, she was back on her feet and a few things met her eyes.

One a delicious looking male standing tall with her bikes tire track on his black coats bicep..that was the good thing, the bad thing was, Queen was drenched in chocolate milkshake.





Gohan materialized in front of the Briefs mansion, without wasting time he rushed inside and to the lab. On his way, he heard his favorite Saiyan prince training. "Brat!" He heard him and with slumped shoulders, he course corrected and headed to the Gravity Chamber. What he met there was not the usual gruff face of Vegeta, it was his rare arrogant smirk that makes you think he is god, or when he thinks himself as one. "About time brat. You fifteen minutes to travel to your school and I will be making sure that you reach the place on time..and suffer there for eternity.." The last part was under his breath, but still scared the poor demi-saiyan.

"Why the sudden interest in me Vegeta?" Gohan asked, genuinely curious.

"I will accept nothing but absolute perfection from a soldier under my unit. Now go. Get debriefed from the harpy. You are dismissed." That was weird, Vegeta was acting like he was getting shipped off to war. And he didn't want to fight him either. That was strange.

Shrugging, Gohan left the 'muscle bound brute', as Bulma addressed sometimes and towards the said scientist. It took him two entire minutes to get to the underground elevator even at a quick jog. Without any delay he punched in the password and got into the machine that took him hundreds of feet below the earth to the worlds largest and the most secret facility. The elevator opened to a long corridor that was lit with tube lights and was lined up by security personals in black gears and masks holding weapons that were unknown to mankind. The Son boy didn't need any security clearance as he being the secret Vice President and all..

The corridor exited to a large room that stretched in acres and was filled with various equipments that ranged from an advanced solar cooker to alien tech weapons. The staff was mixed with androids and humans. Gohan made his way to the large office that had Bulma Briefs written on the heavy metal door. And as if magic that door slid open and the mad scientist dragged him in.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! Little Gohan's going to go to High School! I can't believe it at all! Here take this!" Bulma tossed him a capsule which the demi-saiyan caught easily and looked at it confusedly. "Its a T-33 fighter demonstrator aircraft! Don't worry! You just keep it for a back up. You know if someone wanted to see your ride.." Gohan didn't like how she used that someone dialogue but chose to shrug it off and said his goodbye to his second family and ripped the atmosphere at an amazing speed which was above mach 30. Oceans, mountains, plains, cities villages etc passed like a river under the powerful man. A barrier was the only protection his clothing and equipments received from this absurd speed.

Soon enough, he was halfway across the planet to a new place, to a new school and to new people. " did I let mom and Bulma into dragging me here.." The demi-saiyan landed on an empty alley. Despite being a Superhero vigilante, he was still not used to people away from his home area. In short, he had Xenophobia. Not to get confused with his Saiyan heritage as this was completely human.

Clearing his head, the demi-saiyan took out a sandwich he stole from his brother from his bag and unveiled the silver wrapping and began to chew without feeling any guilt. 'What? He got to lick the pudding spoon!' This was his reason. 'Now..what all do I have to know..I'm a scholarship student. More importantly..this is going to be my first experience to school.." Gohan stopped in front of a bakery and gave up a dollar from his allowance to by a Cavins milkshake. 'Dammit..I didn't exactly look into my monthly expenditure..I get two third goes to fixed deposits, fifty thousand for our food expense, another hundred for Goten's Future plan account another two fifty thousand for that flat we booked in West City..Oh..that was the extra expense..' Gohan remembered how his salary from being under Bulma's office went and what was his extra spending this month.

So focused was he on grown up things that, when he exited the small path to the main street footpath he didn't see the beautiful blond haired girl that passed in front of his eyes and neither did the front wheel of the bicycle, which surprised him to the extend of crushing the cavins milkshake in his right arm and spill the content over the blonde. But more importantly for him, the real tragedy was his chicken sandwich..the one made by his mom, making it more was now street pizza.

'What the...he didn't even budge! Oh shit..Queen's not gonna like this!' Moon Young thought worriedly. She watched the heart broken Saiyan kneel down and gently pick the delicious looking sandwich and saw him dispose it in the nearby trash before walking back towards the two females, one was frozen like a statue and his eyes were on her.

"I'm sorry. You know it was an accident, right? I will pay for the laundry.." Gohan tried to make peace, but the blonde remained with her bangs covering her eyes.

"Never mind the laundry.. Stocking fifteen, shoes thirteen..replace it." It was a command and the human dominant side of Gohan backed away and obeyed.

"Here you go miss..I'm sorry for the trouble." Handing over twenty eight dollars, the demi-saiyan ran, not wanting to be late for school. While Queen stared at her hand dumbly, showing emotions for the first time. Moon Young couldn't help herself and laughed at her friend. What In Gyi Yoon meant by fifteen and thirteen were fifteen thousand and thirteen thousand dollars, making it twenty eight thousand dollars, but poor Gohan didn't understand it and handed over only twenty eight dollars.

Four minutes passed and Gohan was outside his class as a second second year. But he wasn't happy. In fact he was sure he would be scared mentally forever. 'I knew there was some devious plot when mom and Bulma planned this! The name of the school..I thought it was because of the director's name or something..but why martial arts and sports? I might get exposed!..ahh..what more could happen! It would have been more better if they send me to some girls school!' Poor demi-saiyan, so nervous was he that he couldn't sense the anomaly inside the classroom.

The homeroom teacher, who was tall bulky blonde man who had his hair look like a lion's mane and light moustache. "Good morning Ladies! Welcome to your second year in Wild's High! The school that brought legends and will continue to do so!" The students were silent as the teacher spoke. "Now! I think all of you know that this year is going to be more special! Because we are making the school this year and also the coming years to be a mixed-sex school! And I am honored to invite the first male student in the schools forty two year history! And this student is not someone to raffle with! He is the reigning champion in the two aptitude tests done in this and the previous year! And don't think of him as a nerd either! He is an expert martial artist too! I hope you won't give the man a hard time!...and try no to scare him.." His passionate words ended with a plea. He turned to the door and called. "That's your cue kid! Show em what ya got!"

Snapping out of his fearful thoughts, the demi-saiyan took in a deep breath and walked inside with a strained smile. "Hi! My name is Go-Go-Gohaaan? Uh..ha..hi..uh...!" The young warrior nearly shrieked as he saw the female population of the class.

'Kid, its me Piccolo. Your brother came by to inform us that your going to newly born normal are going to be the only male for two years..not that it matters to you, right? After all my pupil can cope any where, right kid?..uh Gohan? Are you there?' The Namekian asked worriedly as he got no positive reply the usually cheerful son like student gives.

'All..girls..only mom..resign from Bulma..runaway..' Gohan was broken, inside out. He wanted to run, to hide, to curl under his bed sheet, to think that he was in the lands of rainbows and ponies where he get unlimited food..but..

Five minutes later

He was sitting silently right in the middle of the class..aka right in the middle of the drooling beautiful savages. 'I'm the only guy!' He was mortified.




There is nothing called a terrible wrong tragic day, right? WRONG! Because that is what this day is going to be for someone named Gohan Son. Up in the School's top floor a very large, old fashioned room resided. This room belonged to the Director Charles Wild, a muscular middle aged man, of a great height with shoulder length blonde hair that has two parts in the front which are shorter and frame his lined face. He was spraying water to his plants that are kept near the window.

His outfit consisted of a white collared shirt, a navy blue tie, a navy blue sleeveless jacket, matching pants and a pair of black shiny boots. There was another older male on the couch, unlike the director, he only has small amounts of grey hair along his ears and the back of his head as the top was bald except for a single cowlick strand that waa curled on the top of his head. He had wrinkles on his cheeks and under the eye and was wearing a dark gray suit which consisted of a black blazer and pants. He wore a white dress shirt and pale orange tie with a pair of black dress shoes. This was Lee Pal Bong, the Principal of Wild's High.

"Director.." His voice contained the same stress that his face showed. "The student Gohan Son came today.." From his tone, he was quite uncomfortable.

"That's good." The director replied, continuing to spray the flowers gently.

The Principal wasn't done. "Do we really have to do this? Our school was progressing along just fine. And you suddenly came up with this and changed our school into a mixed one. I believe you need to reconsider." The old man was nearly at tears.

Letting out a sigh Charles replied. "Principal, the decision has already been made.. Has it not? Ho Ho.." He chuckled lightheartedly.

"But with our schools great reputation alone, the only male applicant is Gohan Son. Isn't it a tad bit embarrassing?" The Principal countered softly.

Charles stopped watering the plants, but did not turn around. "Principal..our students, aren't they amazing? They are extraordinary..their academics and martial arts skill are the best in the world..but we had forgotten one thing.." He paused, earning the Principal's gasp. "We teachers..we who teach our students the ideology of our school..'The Tough and Perfect woman'..we failed to communicate one thing to them.."

"Do you remember the incident that happened last year when our league students went for the school trip and was attacked by the local delinquents?" The Principal nodded although Charles was looking to the side. "Twenty six men, all met an unfortunate trip to the hospital in stretchers, and this was done by a measly number of six students who were champions of different form of martial arts..."

The Principal got up. "But we got awarded by the government for that!" He shot. "We got several awards for all their contributions. 76 times awarded by the minister of art, 80 times by the minister of state, 15 times by the Prime Minister, 4 times by the President and 2 TIMES by the King Furry himself!"

The director smiled sadly. "Tell me principal, on the verge of these teenage years, aren't our daughters supposed to be cherished and live their life like these watered flowers that will glow the world? Then why is it that they are trained into a black op team!?" His passionate words made the Principal cry. "Don't we have the responsibility to give our daughters here at Wild's High their maiden like life?"

"Ah..ah..I have finally opened my eyes! I can see your deep philosophy and your care for our daughters! I have been a foolish man all this time!" The Principal fell to his knee comically and cried. The director knelt in front of him and gave a comforting hand to the principal's shoulder. "How could I been so blind?" He sobbed uncontrollably.

"There there..we still have please go and pass the message to our 412 daughters about our new system." Charles comforted. "Besides I know Son Gohan is more than a honorable and strong man. He is the Son of Princess Chi-Chi and the Legendary Son Goku, who I owe my life to.."

Wiping away his tears, the Principal asked. "Son Goku? The.." He saw the director nod with a smile.

"It was when I was a ten year old and my mother lived in a small village in the West Nation..the time when Demon King Piccolo shook the Earth..the same monster who met his end twice in the hands of Son Goku.. It wasn't him directly, but his minions that attacked us. My father stood and lead our village to fight, but did not stand a chance against that monsters minions..then when we thought it was the the matter of ten seconds a small child of six or seven demolished the huge army and saved me and mother from the jaws of the commander..I never was able to repay..but now when I saw the name again.."




Break Time

"Hey is that a boy?"

"He's hot."

"He's that guy the Principal was talking about last year."

"It's really odd to see a male here.."

"Heard he had a run in with the Queen."

The words scared the super warrior further as he ran through the crowd and towards an empty corridor. "Am I really the only guyme here?" He asked himself. "How could they do this to me!" Gohan suddenly froze and looked out the huge windows and realized he was on the ground floor. And worst, many lusting eyes were on him from the field just outside. The small Zing of the message tune in their skirts pocket that had their phones, reached the demi-saiyan's sensitive ears.

The message read...

Wild's High News

Our proud students. This is the Principal. As you all know, Wild's High has become a co-ed from this year onwards for the education of your emotions.

We were afraid of the transfer until today as we got our first male student! Is it not a great opportunity to get your maiden like self to come alive? Along with many rewards and honor for graduation!

For example: The more you become good friends with Wild's High's boys..or Gohan Son, you get more grades!

I wish you all the best of luck. Trust me, you need it from what I have learned of Gohan, he's a naive guy.

P.S: don't take advantage of it..much. ;)

"I don't like that look.." Gohan freaked out on what happened next. The girls, some jumped over twenty feet and charged at him. This was a similar case of taking care of toddlers. They will hug kiss, lick etc but you can't attack them back. Especially when you are galaxy breaker. He watched helplessly as the demons approached him.