Disclaimer: I don ot own Agents od Sheild or Daredevil. I am not looking to make a profit on them. They belong to Marvel or Disney or who ever.

Autorers Note: For now this is a one shot, but I might add more chapters when ever inspiration strikes. This is post Stick for Matt, for those that are wondering.

Skye got out of the car and grabbed her stuff from the trunk. Meanwhile the two adults got up and went into the orphanage. She followed shortly thereafter. She walked in and turned the corner heading to her room.

The moment she was in the door, Skye, dropped her stuff and fell on the bed. She stuffed her face into the pillow and cried. She wasn't sure how long she had been crying when there had been a knock on her door, "come in." The door opened to reveal one of the nuns, "Sister Fernandez."

"Are you alright Mary ?" She asked. Sister Fernandez was younger than the other sisters, and was the one Mary was closest too, which wasn't saying much.

Mary stopped at her eyes, "yah."

The nun looked at the seven year old girl, "you shouldn't lie Mary."

"They sent me back because I accidentally broke a bowl. That's it, the only mistake I made."

She got a disapproving look, "and that say you drank their scotch."

"I was thirsty and it was the only thing I could reach. I had never had any before, I didn't know it would make you more thirsty."

Sister Fernandez sighed, "when you're feeling up to it we need your help."

"Someone new?"

"Not exactly, do you remember Matt?"

"The blind kid?"

The nun pressed her lips, "don't be rude."

"So what about him?"

"He's feeling better and needs someone to show him around."

"Alright I'll be down in a minute."

Sister Fernandez nodded and left. Great Mary thought I may have well not left. Then she headed to the main area of the orphanage. When she arrived the boy Matt was waiting for her. He was two years older than her. He turned his head in her direction, "you must be Mary Sue."

"Only the nuns call me that. I don't like the name."

"What became do you like?"

Mary thought about it for a second, "Skye."

Matt nodded, "then that's what I'll call you."