Hero DxD BorN

Prologue: Fresh Start

Emiya Shirou was in the last dregs of his power, the area was all dirt, tainted with the blood of many.

This was not a battle, it was a slaughter.

A researcher on the Clock tower had managed to accidentally tap into the Kaleidoscope ability of reality manipulation.

Due to that he accidentally made many of the 'imaginary number creatures' (demons) flood trough and attacked the closest town.

Due to their... rather unique abilities, these creatures (demons) could only be killed with special magecraft that current practitioners where not able to use, or just unable to use them to full effect as their ancestors could, this oddity in turn attracted a Dead apostle ancestor to the town... and things got really crazy real fast.

Since both these creature only could be killed with special, Shirou took it upon himself to do what he could.

He was a repository for any and all weapons, mundane, conceptual and beyond, any weapon that was not made out the planet would be his.

All he had to do was but a single glance at the direction of the weapon.

And so he charged into an impossible war against an impossible odds.

Shirou was fighting against both demons and the dead apostle... as they both begun to prey upon.

Shirou begun fighting an upscale battle, all alone...

"I am the bone of my sword"

He charged as he continued his fight against the enemy. He continued to slash and dash around the place

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood"

Shirou was attacked by a demon that managed to slash his back rather deeply, he slashed the demon after he kicked it towards a wall.

A ghoul then jumped from a building, but Shirou managed to see it and was able to avoid it and cut it in half using a Black Key.

He continued to fight as hundreds upon hundreds of dark creatures continued to both kill and attack any human.

"I have created over a thousand blades, unknown to death nor known to life"

The dead apostle ancestor was laughing at the destruction... Shirou jumped towards him... blade in hand... only to have a wall of undead raise up to stop him.

"I have withstood great pain to create many weapons"

He shot many Black Keys at the undead hoard wall that was trying to stop him

"Yet this hands will never hold anything"

Shirou continued to go towards the Undead Apostle, a holy sword appeared in his hand and slashed at the dead apostle ancestor.

It hissed in pain as the holy power burned it's skin.

The ancestor batted Shirou toward a wall... he was stuck on the wall as he tried to pry himself away from it.

The Ancestor lunged at him... Shirou then decided to up the ante.

"Trace bullet shot!" he yelled as many weapons begun to appear and shot out towards the ancestor.

The ancestor was pinned to the floor.

Shirou continued to kill as many demons as he could... but they begun to spill into the outskirts of the city, he could not allow this.

"So... as I prey... unlimited blade works"

With that, the world changed, the town disappeared as all there could be seen was a hillside, littered with blades.

"You... you... you are" the ancestor said as he recognized what this was.

A magecraft mystery close to sorcery... only 7 humans in history of the world had managed to make such a thing.

"The Iron wrought magus" the ancestor said as a rain of blades rained down on the area, killing everything, like carpet bombing, but rather than explosives they where noble phantasms of the holy category.

His body was breaking down due to the many wounds he sustained in the fight... his 'world' collapsed and brought to his knees in pain.

The Magus who was the cause of this reached the area and looked down at Shirou.

"Perfect... now that you are this way... there is no way you can escape... and now that I seen you use a reality marble you now will receive a sealing designation, this will mean I will have a reward waiting for me and the nobles will further help my research" he said with a smirk.

"You..." Shirou glared at the man.

"I am sorry... well... not really, but if anything you will be a noble sacrifice for MY endevours" the man said as he used the bangle in his arm to make some sort of magecraft to bind him. "The fact that Rin will be left alone... well... I will be sure to fill the hole that your... absence will do to her, don't worry... I will take care of her" he said with a perverted smirk as he liked his lips in anticipation.

This man was a magus of considerable standing in the Clock Tower, he was just as pragmatic as Archer was, but only he used it for his insane magecraft research, his research was about the manipulation of both sorceries of the Kaleidoscope and the Blue, he never told anyone as those two sorcerers would either accept him and he would become a broken shell of his former self (I am looking at you Zelretch) or being blown to kingdom come (by Aozaki), his magic was nothing to their level of mastery, but still, he had a modicum of talent on them, not to their level of power, that would never happen, but he invented something that would allow people to travel trough time and dimensions.

It used the theory of multiple refraction the obtain power from the sorcery of Kaleidoscope, but at a limited scope of it, and used time sorcery since the other dimension might be further down a timeline.

Shirou was in a bind, metaphorically and literally do tho this magus using special magecraft that bind his shadow, something akin to the black keys.

However, he managed to project a weapon just in time.

Gae Dearg, the crimson rose of exorcism... with it the magecraft was disrupted.

However since this man was using something akin to the kaleidoscope's magic, cutting the magic formula, well... that was a REAL bad idea to mess with high level magecraft.

And Shirou was gone.

The enforcers managed to arrive to the scene... they saw the destruction and knew Shirou was involved... Rin managed to weasel her way in and saw the man in front of him and the broken bangle on the floor.

It took 5 Enforcers to pry Rin away from the magus, whom she was beating the crap out of. Apparently she found out on this man's "master plan", if it could be called that, it was so cliched and stupid.

The enforcers where not trying that hard to pry her away tough, most of them actually liked Shirou, as he was a honest guy and was an actually reliable partner to hav when hinting out rouge magus, undead apostle or sealing designees.

Still the magus was sentenced to die as his actions resulted in magecraft nearly being discovered by the mundanes.

Still Rin was worried, where did her idiot went to...? still she knew he would be alright.

Shirou landed on a street... his body was bloody... he couldn't move, he was in to much pain, his nerves where screaming in pain due to the power he had use.

He had landed in a downhill, he then landed in a street.

He tried to get up... he did not feel like dying like road-kill, that would be a rather shameful way to die, all things considered, he was hopping to die in battle, not in such an idiotic way.

When people saw him in such state... they screamed. "Come on someone call and ambulance"

Shirou was breathing erratically but he got put on a stretcher and loaded up into the ambulance, his cloathes felt... bigger and looser, probably due to the blood.

"Don't worry kid... well patch you up" the doctor said.

"kid? Has this doctor been watching a lot of American tv doctor dramas? I am young looking... but I should be on my late 20s" Shirou tough.

As he passed by a metal surface, he held back the desire to scream.

He was looking at a 15 year old self.

His skin, no longer tanned due to his over use of his circuits, nor his hair white due to the shocks he lived trough, his eyes no longer steely colored, but back to it's youthful brown/amberish color, as well as his hair back to it's youthful rusty red.

He knew... this must be "The Blue's" fault... after that incident in an apostle hunting that got them both in a compromising position.

They both got wolf whistled by many of the most 'playful' of the enforcers.

Suffice to say that the incident in Chernobyl left a sour taste on all when they where hunting after a Dead Ancestor in Ukraine.

"This must be for that incident... I didn't know that she would be so petty" he thought to himself.

He was hospitalized for quite sometime, the police came when he was more stable an asked him about his condition.

Shirou made up a story, of him being kidnapped.

Thankfully due to Japan's criminal history they police would look for leads that would lead them no where, since yakusas delved in that... in black market stuff, from organs to the sex traffic.

So far Shirou had to control Avalon as to not heal his injuries in a few days... that would alert the doctors and would give him a new headache on trying to explain his 'miraculous recovery'.

Thanks to his conversation with the police his medical bill was greatly reduced.

Still, he wanted to pay it off so he looked for a job, part-time, as he attended to a school.

Yes, that is correct, Shirou, had to attend high school all over again.

Yes, he was now going to a school called Kuoh Academy, an all girl Academy before, but now allowed male students, the ratio was 9 females to every 1 male.

He sighed, he HAD to go to school, due to Japanese laws about youth.

He managed to get there in a scholarship, thanks to his knowledge of schoolwork he did before.

It was a pretty big deal, getting into this school, the fees where up the wazoo, but once finished with the school, many universities would be fighting to get you to attend to theirs.

Still tough... he was forced to go to school, so he had to suck it up and just bear with it.

Chapter end