"WHAT WAS THAT?! Foxy protect me!" Troxy said hiding behind Foxy peeking over his shoulder. " Aye have no aye'der matey." Foxy replied as he walked forward to were the noise was coming from. "Hey! W-wait up!" Bonnie said jogging to catch up with Foxy and the rest, Bonn and the ducks were running with Bonnie. " What do you think it is? Teenagers? Bombs? LIVE ANIMALS?!" Francis said trembling in fear. "Oh stop it you big baby's! I mean, I can understand a girl being afraid, but FRANCIS! You big wuss your making yourself look bad." Bonnie said giving Francis a look of shame." IM SORRY! Its not my fault for being scared! I CANT CONTROL MY RUSTY EMOTIONS!" Francis said. Foxy rolled his eyes and kept moving forward. " I think the noise came from in here!" Troxy said in a low voice, pointing to the parts and service room. Loud groaning of pure pain came from inside. It made everyone jump, and stop dead in their tracks. " We need a plan of action!" Francis said. " Okay, lets kill it!" Bonnie replied. " What if' its'a Fredd?" Foxy said, in the huddle of male animatronics, speaking low. " Yeah? Well, who knows what it is!" Francis said, again. " well, there's one thing we know!" "And what is'e that?" "Its alive! Its groaning in pain, so it should be easy to kill!" Bonnie said. "No! Again, it could be' captain'!" Foxy said angry. " Whatever, we go on, 1...2...3..." AHHHHHHHG!


I screamed as I called down a bottomless pit, falling into the unknown. Whatever was at the bottom, I had no idea. All I knew was I was most likely gonna die, and that the puppet had done something terrible to me, especially in front of the others. What was she going to do? What was going through the others mind? She hoped that she didn't scare them, or terrorize them either. Oh no, what have I done? I thought as I was still, falling. It felt as if I was falling for so long, it had reminded me about the time I had first met Shadow Brock, it brought back good memories. The time I had confused Brock, the time that I was introducing pizza to him, and the time he had laughed so hard when I had milk come out of my nose. (I had drank to much, and Byran decided to pat me on the back so hard, it came out through my nose.) No one could see him, but I sure could.

I had finally hit the ground, face first. I got up on my two hind legs, but I was unable to walk. That's when I realized I was in my real wolf form, not my animatronic one. I gently fell to my front paws and started to walk around. I slowly became to realize that where I was, it was where I had first met Shadow Broke. The canyon, the black grass, the door hinges were rusty, and the one red pedel on the rose was now black. Was he not taking care of this place while I was gone? I thought as I still walked around. I walked towards the home, and opened the door. I walked in, and saw tipped over furniture, burned cloths, and ashes on the floor. As I walked in further I noticed that there was a fain dripping sound. And that's when I saw a shadow.

"Hello, Greer."

Authors Notes


Wow. Im pathetic...

ANYWAY. I'm going to start writing my other stories.

I hope you all enjoy!