Killian awoke to his alarm at 8 as usual, lifting himself off his bed. His head pounded from last night's activities. He had gone way over his usual limit of rum after his goof friend Emma had challenged him to a little competition. She had pulled out some drinking standards even he didn't understand, after 10 shots she was still standing, giving him a smug little smile that made his heart burn. He shook his head, laughing a little to himself. He was continually amazed by this girl.

He slipped on a pair of sweatpants, leaving his chest bare and sweaty. He looked at himself in the mirror, his hair shaken the way it usually is after a good night out with a girl. But Emma wasn't that type of girl, no matter how much he had wanted her; she had fallen for his older brother instead.

So why does my hair look like this, He thought, giving himself a quick look over and finding a bruise on his neck. Well I don't recall getting that… He thought.

A sigh slipped out from his bed, and Killian glanced over his shoulder in the mirror, seeing a naked body in his bed, a mess of blonde curls across his pillow. "Oh no," He heard himself say moving closer to push the curls out of her hair so he could properly see her face. He revealed those defined cheekbones, those rosy lips, that familiar sweetness to her face. He backed up, pushing his hair back to stare at Emma Swan, lying naked in his bed. Holy Fuck, He thought.

"Fuck!" He snapped through clenched teeth, it wasn't supposed to happen like this. It wasn't supposed to happen at all.

He stared down at her, her face lying peacefully on his pillow, her arms lazily over her breasts. His eyes trailed down her body. He admired her skin so pale and smooth across her stomach that moved easily with her breathing. He hated to wake her, hated to move her out of his bed. He felt himself getting aroused just looking at her, his mouth going dry. He needed to control himself.

Rubbing his eyes with his hands, he turned to the window, focusing on anything but the fact that Emma Swan was in his bed right now. She was still there when he had turned back.

"Emma," He whispered, giving her a little nudge with his arm.

"No, Liam give me 5 more minutes," Emma whined, still half asleep.

"Well I'm not bloody Liam, am I?" Killian shot back through clenched teeth.

"Killian? What? Go away," Emma barked through a dry throat.

"Well, love, you're in my bed, so I think you should be the one to make the first move here."

Emma sat up with a start, staring into Killian's face who was trying with a remarkable amount of strength not to look down past her face again.

"Did you just say…" Emma stared dumbstruck around the room, putting the pieces together of last night.

"WHAT THE FUCK KILLIAN!" She screamed, jumping out of the bed just to realize she was naked and jumping back into the bed to cover herself up. "Give me my clothes," She asked, focusing on covering up her legs.

"A please would be nice," Killian said sarcastically, moving across the floor picking up a tight black leather dress that made him drool over her every time she wore it, "Or a thank you." He raised his eyebrows at her and she pretended to vomit.

"I don't think that will be necessary, TODAY," Emma grabbed her clothes from him.

"You must have enjoyed it," He smirked at her.

"Clearly not, since I can't even remember it," She murmured. Her mind was wandering through yesterday's activites but she couldn't for the life of her remember how she got here.

Great, neither of us remembers, He thought, biting his lip in frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with me," She whispered, pushing her hair back from her face and taking the clothes, Killian had given back to her.

"I don't know Swan, but you should probably start controlling yourself around me." He looked up just in time to dodge his phone that was being forcefully thrown at his face. "I'm just kidding!" He yelled, watching her strap her bra on.

"Um hey! Can you like… I don't know… not look!" She yelled, pointing to the wall.

"I mean it's not like you haven't shown me the goods," Killian joked but Emma wasn't laughing and he realized he was going to lose this battle.

"Fine, I'll go make us some coffee? Is that okay? Coffee? Or would you like to yell at me about that to?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Killian… What the hell happened last night? You're getting on my last nerve."

He scratched his hand behind his ear, looking away from her, afraid to tell her that even he didn't know what happened. She seemed to understand from his silence. "So you don't know either," She asked and watched Killian nod slowly, "Well there goes my chances with Liam..," Emma started but Killian cut her off.

"We don't know that anything happened. You just spent the night in my bed… per usual." Emma threw a pillow at him.

"Ow! Alright we'll leave that part out," Killian joked, hoping Emma would calm down.

Guilt filled him as he looked at her. She had nothing but regret in her eyes. "I'm sorry love," He whispered, "I know how much you care about… him."

Emma shook her head. "Yeah… your brother, you mean?" She shot back, immediately regretting it as she saw his face twist. "…Sorry, I didn't mean to.." Emma started without really realizing what she would say next, fuck you? Ruin everything? Make you feel bad about it? Emma stared slowly out the window, avoiding Killian's eyes. She felt so vulnerable and she hated it. "Did you say something about coffee?" She asked, quickly changing the subject. He nodded, giving her a little crooked smile and she sighed, pushing her hair out of her face and moving into the kitchen with her friend and boyfriend's brother. "So fucked," She whispered to herself, closing the door to his bedroom and not looking back.


Emma sprawled across his counter top. She felt comfortable here, like she belonged here, but she knew it was only because they had been friends for so long. She had lived in foster homes her whole life. She had meet Killian after his parents died when he was 16. She helped him get through it for those few months before Liam turned 18 and could gain custody of him again. The three of them had been inseparable ever since. Emma smiled back at the memory although that was the only happy thing about that time, Liam and Killian.

She had never opened up to them, though, and they never opened up to her, it was just understood that what the other person felt was too strong to be put into words, or if the tears finally came, maybe she was afraid they would never stop.

Although, Killian had pushed her to talk at the beginning, she soon realized that she was the most damaged, the most far gone, and she pushed them away until they eventually stopped asking and just started moving forward.

In the past 5 years, Emma watched Killian transform from the little lost boy he was to the man she saw before her today; so strong with a broken smile and eyes that could pierce your soul. He had became somewhat of the loner of the three of them, although she saw the way his face lit up when Liam was around or when he talked about sailing, his one thing that was all his own.

Emma looked around the room, laughing at all the novelty sailing decorations he had sprawled across his apartment, all of which was from her because she couldn't afford real gifts for him.

After foster care he had turned to somewhat of a ladies man, going out drinking and bringing back girl after girl. He was gorgeous, with a chiseled jawline, bright blue eyes, dark almost-black hair, and stubble that just looked so right on that gorgeous face. He knew it, too, although why he used it to get so many cheesy, obnoxious girls back to his room was beyond Emma.

They never crossed that line with each other. She would just tease him, and he would pretend to flirt back, until Liam started looking at her a little differently, and suddenly Killian's jokes had taken a step back. She wondered if their whole friendship had.

"Oy, get off my table," Killlian snapped at her, pointing her to a stool and bringing her back to present time. She groaned, pushing herself slowly off the table so her hips hung off and her shirt rode up, revealing her stomach. Killian clenched his teeth. "Can you try and keep your clothes on for the rest of this little visit?"

Emma gave him a devilish grin, pushing her shirt up a little bit more. Killian raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh my god it's me," Emma realized, pushing herself up and putting her head in her hands, "I provoked this!"

He rolled his eyes, "That you do," He mumbled.

"What was that?" She asked, raising her eyes quizzically.

"Hm? What?"





"Nevermind!" She finally huffed. Killian gave her a satisfied smirk.

"So what happens now?" She asked, suddenly turning serious. Killian scratched the back of his head subconsciously, avoiding her gaze.

"Well, we really don't know what happened… And there's no point in ruining your lovely time with my brother," He said, and Emma thought she sensed some bitterness behind his tone.

"Thanks," She whispered and watched him nod in return, still avoiding her gaze. Killian swayed over to her, gracefully placing a cup of coffee by her side and she smiled at him.

"All is forgiven, love," He whispered, lingering a little longer then necessary staring into her eyes. She nodded, turning her gaze away as a little bit of a blush appeared on her cheeks. Something is seriously wrong with me, she thought. Although she already knew that damaged people did nothing but hurt others, as she had her whole life. This was just another thing to add to her list of deeds she wanted to forget.

But the way he smiled at her made her feel safe, and she slid into the kitchen to help him make breakfast. That was a perfectly normal thing to do, right? She told herself, lingering on his amused face that she was even still around.

"I never thought you were the 'stay for breakfast' type, Swan," He joked.

"I'm not," She remarked, thinking back to various one night stands where she refused to even stay the night, "But neither are you as I recall."

He gave her a little wink, "Only for you mate," and she rolled her eyes at his joke, unaware of the seriousness behind his words.