*Note: Thank you for all the views and the couple of reviews! Now lets see how Team TOBD is doing...*

"Look I said no!" DJ replied with slight annoyance in her voice. "aww come on please! I want to wear it!" I said trying to grab her hat off of her head. What? You think I'm Childish? Well... maybe I am! "I know why she wears it..." Orin started before DJ gave him a look that meant 'if you do I will kill you'. "uh... Because she has bad hat hair! he...hem..." Orin said Nervously. Alright this is suspicious! I wonder if...

The door suddenly opened. "I know you're new here but it doesn't mean you can make noise when people are trying to sleep!" A girl with white hair and a combat skirt shouted. "And who are YOU?" I said in my most snotty voice. "ugh! How dare you! I'm Weiss Schnee! The Heir to the Schnee Dust Company! Grr!" and then she walked out. "Weiss!" A girl in a red hood said. "Sorry about my teammate, I'm Ruby! I'm sorry you had to suffer her unbearable snootiness, well I have to follow her but I'll see you in classes!". Then she shut the door and left us.

As Brooke Yawned she said "She's right though, it is late. we should sleep". "yeah, I guess you're right" I said. Then we shut the lights out.

"..and that's how the Faunus escaped that attack as the could see in the dark. Any questions?". "No sir" The class said as they watched their teacher zip around the room only stopping to sip from his coffee. "Then you're dismissed" The teacher said.

"That was our last lesson, so what should we do?" I said. I always hang out with my team after lessons to relax. "well... I do need to tell you something when we get back... so ice-cream and movies?" DJ suggested. DJ brought a TV to our dorm along with a ton of movies last night because she won a competition she entered a wile back. When we got back Brooke, Orin and I sat down to listen to DJ. "Do you mind if I tell them?". Orin nodded in approval. "Well... Orin and I are...". "DATING OMG!" Brooke said. I was shocked, I kinda like him, he's cool and just as I figured out that I like him he's taken. Bummer. "NO!" Orin and DJ said at the same time. "Why would I date my... my... my brother." Dj finished. "wait so if your siblings that means that you're..." Brooke said. "A Faunus? Yes but not a cat like him, funny how 3 out of 4 of our team are wolf Faunus!" She finished. She took off her hat. "I didn't want to shock my team, whoever they were going to be, but I trust you guys!, so I'm not going to wear it anymore." "does that mean..." I started. "YES YOU CAN WEAR IT NOW!" She said. "VICTORY!" I shouted. What? I got the hat!

"We both use throwing stars, or shuriken's in it's real name, we were trained my our mum." Orin said. "THATS SO COOL! OH NOW WE CAN BE TEAM FAUNUS!" Brooke shouted excitedly, a bit to Excitedly... "SHUT UP IN THERE" Said Weiss next door. "SORRY!" Said 3 other voices.

*BTW! DJ belongs to DJ the wolf Animatronic so yh, when she read this she said that her OC was a faunus so yh ^^*