Good news, my friends! My new story is up, and it is called "But I Did It"! Go to my profile and follow that fic if you want to find out what happens next. This little final chapter is just to let you know what new story to follow, and to leave you with some information on my sources and thank everyone.

My beta Selective scifi junkie has been absolutely TREMENDOUS - all of you give her a round of applause. So has Servant of Fire, who helped me with information regarding PTSD, flashbacks, etcetera. Give her some applause too!

Now is the time to leave me "some questions, a couple of suggestions", about what's coming next, what my plans are, what I should do.

Before anyone asks, no I will not be writing any non-canon ships (Or certain canon ones, *cough Brutasha and Staron cough*). While I would like to write Romanogers and Winterwitch, personally, I'm aware that this story works better as a genfic so that my broader audience doesn't have to deal with a ship they don't like in an otherwise good story. ;) I've read far too many fics where I have to tolerate a pairing I hate, and it's manageable but not great. Plus in such an emotionally charged, heavy fic, I don't have time for a big subplot like that.



Khuri Chandler, Elizabeth. Goodreads. Goodreads Inc., 2007. Accessed first in April, 2015.

Tolkien, J.R.R. The Fellowship of the Ring. Del Rey, 2012

Zusak, Marcus. The Book Thief. Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. Scholastic Inc., 2009.

Goldman, William. The Princess Bride. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2007.

Lewis, C.S. That Hideous Strength. Scribner, 2003.

Sanderson, Brandon. Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection. Tor, November 2016.

(Organized in order of use/access)


"Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)." Out of the Fog. Out of the FOG, 2015.

"Daredevil: Personality." Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. Wikia.

"Declarative (Explicit) and Procedural (Implicit) Memory." The Human Memory. Luke Mastin, 2010.

"Psychogenic Amnesia." The Human Memory. Luke Mastin, 2010.

"What to Say When You Think Someone is Being Abused." Click to Empower. Allstate Foundation, 2014.

(There were other sites I used, I don't doubt, but I didn't make note of them at the time, so I have to leave them out. These were the sites I used the most extensively and repeatedly and are good to take a look at if, for whatever reason, you want to write something about these topics. I also used Wikipedia several times – yes that is a valid source, shush – for research on neuroprosthetics and other topics, and my school psychology course for general psych information.)