Hello, Reverian here. Thanks for reading my story, you're awesome! I won't bore you with long author's notes, so enjoy!

Disclaimer- I do not own any part of the game Fantasy Life, even though it's one of my favorites.

Between the Boy and the Beast~ Chapter One

The day that a brave hero and a random butterfly came to Al Maajik was not one that Odin would soon forget. He had been out for a walk past the outskirts of Sand Town when it happened.

Odin crossed a wooden bridge and looked ahead of him as he heard a loud exclamation of "Oh come on!" Before him was a traveler surrounded by jackals, sword at the ready, about to fight for their life.

Odin sighed and quickly dispatched the beasts himself, shocking the young traveler. Odin was about to tell them to be more careful when a voice spoke from seemingly nowhere.

"Wow! Thanks!" Odin stared at the traveler, who had not opened their mouth, and then saw a butterfly floating by their shoulder. "You really saved our hides there! Who are you?" the butterfly asked him.

Under his helmet, Odin paled. Had he hit his head? Was the heat getting to him, was there actually a butterfly talking to him? He said nothing, and the creepy insect took that to mean that he couldn't understand it.

"Hello, I am butterfly, b-u-t-t-e-r-f-l-y… do you speak English? E-n-g-l-i-s-h?" the butterfly sounded out while Odin just stood there, gaping at the disturbing scene in front of him.

Fighting to keep his composure, Odin simply turned and walked away, wanting to put as much distance between him and the talking bug as possible.

Heading back the fortress sounded like a good idea anyway, as he didn't like leaving Damien alone for too long, to wary about all of the recent attempts on his Lords life to feel comfortable with leaving him unprotected.

Of course there were other guards, Zerk, and the rest of the Maajik knights, but he never felt that Damien was completely safe unless he himself was there guarding him.

Walking into the throne room, Odin found Damien asleep in his chair, his head resting on his hand, and a slight smile on his face. Cerberus was lying next to the throne, head on his paws, guarding his vulnerable master.

Odin smiled under his helmet had put one gloved hand atop Damien's purple hair. The soon to be Dark Sultan stirred and stretched, looking up at Odin with purple eyes.

"Hello Odin, how was your walk?" Damien asked, sitting up and adjusting his cape.

The teen tried pulling it out from under him, but instead found himself slipping from his seat where Odin caught him and lifted him back to his feet.

"It was nice." He said, straightening the dark material around Damien's shoulders. He felt so protective over the boy, the small adrenaline rush just from watching him slip off of his seat making his heart pound.

"Thanks, did you get a break from the armor for once?" Damien chuckled, sitting back down now that his cape wasn't bunched up anymore.

"To vulnerable." Was all Odin said, gently scratching the dog by his Lords side before straightening up and moving to the side.

Damien sighed, stood, and walked from the throne room. He continued out into the hall until he was before the doors, listening to Eldred threaten someone.

"Odin, go to the antechamber until I call for you. I will deal with this." The exasperated teen said, preforming a voice enhancing spell.

Odin nodded as Damien told Eldred to knock it off, and retreated to the side room of Damien's throne room as he heard the Dark Sultan invite someone in.

After a while of listening to someone speak with Damien about Castele, trying not to laugh as the teen tricked them by acting all evil, then show his true self, and then hearing Demona, Damien's mother come in, Odin adjusted his own cape and helmet, ready to make his entrance.

After a few more minutes of Demona embarrassing Damien, Odin was called in to escort his guests out. Walking into the room, the Majiik knight was shocked to find the traveler from before and the odd talking butterfly staring at him.

"Oh! Hello again mister scary knight! Fancy seeing you here." The white bug said, flapping in what Odin would call, a happy way.

He merely nodded and led them out, giving them directions to the inn. After some of the butterfly's questions, Odin mentioned that Damien wanted him to take a vacation, travel, and be free for a while.

"That's great! Damien really is very nice isn't he." The butterfly said, and Odin nodded. "You don't talk too much, do you?" the winged insect asked.

Odin explained about keeping Damien safe, and when the butterfly was feeling bad about always talking, he tried to calm it down, saying no one was judging it.

"You and my friend here would get along great! Both of you are silent as stone most of the time!" the butterfly said, floating closer to their companion.

Odin looked closer at the traveler and simple took a few seconds to analyze them. They had dark hair, though he couldn't tell what length as it was under a helmet that had its visor open. They also had dark eyes, looking like foreboding storm clouds, pale skin, and a small nose.

They did not smile at Odin, nor say anything, just looked right back at them. "See, Crux says next to nothing!" the butterfly boasted, flying higher before dropping rapidly.

"Crux must understand the value of silence." Odin quipped, trying to shut the butterfly up before addressing the young… girl? "Do you too have someone you protect?" he asked, watching them.

She responded with silence and Odin almost laughed, finding Crux amusing even though they had never even spoken to her.

"Silent as ever!" the butterfly said before going on about what they talked about in the throne room. Odin was shocked to learn that Damien had not erased their memories, and he felt respect towards them.

"Damien must be fond of you, as he could have easily taken your memories of the encounter." The knight said, turning around to go back to Damien's side.

The next day found them all in the Aradian Desert, watching Damien leave through the portal to the Trial Chamber. Odin felt a strange pulling in his chest as Damien vanished, and he felt a little sick.

When Crux and the silly butterfly came to find Damien, Odin had already made up his mind to follow his Lord, and serve him through his trial, to keep him safe.

When he saw that the duo followed him, he was both relieved and angry. They were true friends, but they could screw up the entire trial!

After some reprimanding, he let them tag along and went to find Damien. A shrill scream had him drawing his sword and running the rest of the way.

Bursting into the main chamber, Odin was shocked to see the Lord of the Dead, the late Dark Sultan's servant, trying to attack Damien and his mother.

Being as brave and protective as he was himself, Damien pushed his mother behind him and faced the shadow covered monster himself.

The enraged dinosaur roared and went to attack the teen, trying to deliver a fatal blow when Odin snapped into action, throwing himself between the raging beast and his Lord, shouting, "KEEP AWAY FROM THE BOY!" and brandishing his sword at the crazed creature.

"Odin! Crux! Butterfly? What are you all doing here! This isn't a circus for your amusement, if I fail this trial; we'll all be stuck here for another three years!" Damien yelled, a ball of dark energy forming in his palm.

Seeing the dark spell sent the Lord of the Dead into a frenzy, and it charged at Damien. Crux leapt forward and attacked the shadow beast, slashing at its hide and stabbing it to draw it away from the Dark Sultan.

The angry monster roared and whipped its tail at the brave girl, throwing her back onto the floor where she lay still for a few moments, causing the butterfly to panic.

Odin's heart sped up at the thought of the only other person but Damien who had appealed to him at all being hurt until Crux got to her feet, lighting in her gaze and thunder in her throat as she growled softly in frustration.

Then the butterfly started spouting nonsense about doomstones and another butterfly flew into the room. Odin almost threw up his hands in exasperation as the new butterfly spoke as well, and transformed into a maiden with purple hair.

She made the Lord of the Dead cough up some glowing purple stone and then Odin watched as Crux destroyed it, splitting it into pieces.

Things just got weirder though when the shadows seemed to melt off of the beast and it returned to normal, still scaring the white butterfly and a knight in gold armor ran in to collect the doomstone, talking very oddly as the purple haired girl turned back into a black butterfly and disappeared.

Everything that followed was very much a blur for Odin as it turned out that the late Dark Sultan was alive and trapped in a statue and was released by Crux and Damien.

Demona was pissed at him, and Damien refused to make war with Castele, and they were all teleported to the Spirit Oasis. By then Odin was feeling dizzy and he just wanted the chatty white butterfly to leave or at least shut up.

At last it was time for everyone to leave and Odin went to his room and rested, thinking back on two of the strangest days of his life… so far.

Hey! This is a slow burn Damien/Odin fic, that has been corrected slightly (the random spelling error…). I hope you enjoy reading, I try pretty hard to make the story interesting. Anyway, please review!
