Dear Reader,
I am very sorry for my long absence from this story and I know that you are all hoping for an update. Unfortunately, due to several different circumstances I will no longer be continuing this story. I have lost the inspiration, desire and documents needed to finish If You Ever Left Me.
I have greatly enjoyed working on this story and have learned much. I had once hoped that I would continue this, but from the way my life has been heading I know now that I will not be able to finish this story properly. I know you are disappointed and I am too. This is not how I had hoped things would go in my first multi-chapter story. But such is life…
For those of you who are curious about how this was supposed to end, I can tell you that:
1) Kai did fight for his friendship with Miwa and was able to finally confront him about his behavior. (I no longer remember how I was to get to that point.)
2) Miwa's sudden change of behavior was actually something that had been a long time coming. Miwa constantly chose to live in Kai's shadow (despite the fact that he is obviously an amazing cardfighter and person himself) and worked to support Kai even when he didn't want him there. His loyalty and character are constantly underrated and unacknowledged.
In the end, the stress and the guilt over not being able to stop his best friend from hurting himself (and the world at large) drove him away. He thought that Kai would be better off without him around and that he was a hindrance to the person he considered his best friend. You could say that he is unconsciously jealous of Aichi.
3) They make up in the end and their friendship becomes stronger than ever.
The purpose of this story was to show some appreciation for my favorite CFV character and to acknowledge the heavy toll caregivers of any kind can take on in their own unacknowledged positions. We would spend ourselves completely for the sake of others and not cry for help when we have nothing left to give. And the only think we long for is for someone to acknowledge us and what we do.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this story! I am sorry to end it this way, but I hope you will be able to understand.
May you all have a blessed day.