Hey everyone! It's so great to see you guys again! Now, I'll tell you once and I'll tell you again: "I'm sorry." You see, when I said that I was going to take a break, I didn't think that it was going to be for this long. Of course, I've had to deal with school, but I don't want it to get in the way of my writing. Anyway, I hope that you all can forgive me once again for all that I've put you through and still read my stories. Well, I think I've talked long enough. Here we go, I'm Still Here, a Look for Me when I'm gone book!

Edmund awoke the next morning to find a stabbing pain across his abdomen. But, when he opened his eyes, he found that all of his siblings were surrounding the bed and looking at him.

"What are you doing here? What happened?" Edmund asked as he looked around the room.

Peter gave Susan and Lucy a look and they walked out of the room in silence. Then, Peter turned towards Edmund and gave him a mixed look of sadness, fear, and regret. Edmund's heart skipped a beat as he waited for Peter's answer.

"Ed, you woke up in the middle of the night with three, deep wounds across your abdomen. Lucy barely got to you before you bled out."

Peter could barely get the last sentence out without choking up. Thinking of Edmund, his own baby brother, bleeding out with no one to help him was terrifying. He never wanted this to happen to Edmund. He had already been through so much. Why couldn't the White Witch just leave him alone? Meanwhile, Edmund sat on his bed feeling numb, while hot tears rolled down his face.

"Do you know what caused this?" Edmund asked, trying to put on a brave face through his tears.

"We… we think… we think that it has something to do with the White Witch." Peter said as carefully as he could.

"No, it… it can't be! Jadis is gone, she's dead." Edmund stuttered in disbelief.

"We don't think it's actually Jadis. We think it's a form of Jadis in a cur…"

Peter was caught off guard as he watched Edmund fall back onto his bed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Racing to the bed, he caught Edmund in his arms.

"Ed? Edmund, please answer me! Guard, guard!" Peter shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Yes, sire?" the guard answered.

"Run as fast as you can and get Susan and Lucy, King Edmund has fainted out of shock!"

Peter turned to look at Edmund, he skin deathly pale. He kept trying to wake Edmund up but it seemed that Edmund was trapped in his own mind. No matter how much he called or screamed, Edmund refused to wake up. Then, Edmund released a scream that was so pain-filled Peter could hardly control him.

"Ed! No, Edmund please in Aslan's name wake up!" Peter said practically shaking Edmund.

Just then, Susan and Lucy burst into the room followed by a number of guards. Susan stopped shortly after coming through the door and gazed at Edmund's form, crying and screaming. But, Lucy ran to Edmund's side and quickly used her cordial. Shortly after, Edmund stopped screaming and convulsing and fell into a deep sleep.

"What just happened?" Susan asked with still teary eyes.

"I don't know. I was just talking to him, then he fell over, and the screaming began shortly afterward." Peter answered with short breath.

"Why didn't he wake up?" Lucy asked fearfully with tears flowing from her eyes.

"I don't know Lu, but we've got to help Ed fast before this gets any wors…"

Peter was cut off once gain by a groan coming from behind him. To his relief, Edmund was beginning to wake up. But, his worries were far from over as Edmund clutched his heart and cried out.

"Ed!" everyone shouted as they ran over to his bedside once more.

"Heart hurts… can't feel… it!" Edmund spat out as he became short of breath.

Peter tore Edmund's shirt apart and stopped at the horrible sight that laid before him. A "J", that appeared to be carved into Edmund's skin, laid above Edmund's heart. Everyone in the room had gone silent. Lucy reached for her cordial, but Edmund stopped her.

"No, Lucy I'm fine." Edmund stated as his heart became under control.

"Ed, what happened? I tried everything, but you wouldn't wake up." Peter said, choking on his tears.

"I don't know. All of a sudden, it felt like a force was pulling me into my mind, and I blacked out, but I woke up in my dream t… to… to Her."

"What, no, the Witch is gone. Aslan killed Her." Susan said with disbelief.

"I know, but it's like she's in my mind. When she pulled me into my dream, she carved her symbol into me and told me that I belonged to her. Then, she started to… to torture me." Edmund said as his skin turned a pale white.

Peter had begun to have mixed feeling of rage and numbness. Edmund would never belong to Jadis; he forbade it. He looked around the room and saw that his sisters were now bawling and he took them out of the room. Then, he went back for Edmund.

"Edmund, it's going to be alright."

"No, it's not." Edmund said numbly.

"Don't you dare talk like that! You don't belong to Her and she will never own you!" Peter shouted at Edmund.

"Peter. You may be able to beat Jadis physically, but She has control over my mind. I have no control over when or how She pulls me into my mind, and once I'm in, I can't get out!"

Edmund had begun to sob. Instead of arguing any further, Peter walked over and held Edmund. He felt numb, so numb, that he couldn't speak. Why was it always Edmund? Why should one mistake have caused this much pain? Peter held onto Edmund for as long as he could, until Edmund collapsed from sleep deprivation. He them promised that he would stop at nothing, until Jadis was no more. He wouldn't rest until he stopped whatever this curse was and saved Edmund. Peter then stormed out of the room, but he didn't look back. For if he did, he would've seen black tears rolling down Edmund's cheeks as he slept.

Well, that was Chapter 1 of I'm Still Here. Thank you so much for encouraging me to start this and continuing to read me fanfics. I hope that this one will be as good as the last one, but I might need some help from my readers. So, if you feel you want to suggest a different storyline or a plot twist, please comment or review. I want to have as much fun writing this fanfic as I want it to be fun for you to read. So, hopefully this will be a success (and Edmund doesn't die). Well, see you soon!