Hello guys, DoctorCreeper here! I know I have two other stories I'm working on but I couldn't help myself :p This new story is going to feature SpingTrap and a few OC's. This might be a SpringTrap x OC later but for now it's not a romance. The story takes place after the ending of Five Nights At Freddys 3 and will have flashbacks from the previous games. Also there will be spoilers for the games so SPOILER ALERT. anyway, here it is, sit back and enjoy!
The two men walked thru the rubel. "What exactly are we looking for?" Said one of the men. "Anything that can be auctioned off" The man said. The place that used to be Freddy Fazbears Fright was now a wasteland. The place burnt down a few days prior to it's opening. The cause was deemed an accident caused by faulty wiring, and was a complete loss, almost. The two men walked into the place that was the office. Everything was burnt, and the ceiling seemed as it was about to fall. Thats when they found him. "Yo, take a look at this". The man walked over to the pile of ruble. "Help me clear this". The two men pulled the pile of wires and wood to find an old animatronic. The animatronic was about 6 feet in width, and had a distinctive gold coloring. "Isn't this the old SpringTrap model?" Said one of the men. "Yeah. Help me pick him up" The two men sat the animatronic up against the wall. One of the men grabbed his walkie talkie. "Hey, We found something. Requesting backup".
Two weeks later
"This here is a box of animatronic masks and Freddy Fazbear membromeila" Said the woman gesturing to the giant gift box. "Let the biding start at $95 dollars". The man in the back raised his sign. "Do I hear $100". A woman raised her sign. "Do I hear $110". The man in the back raised his sign. "Do I hear $120". "No. Going once, going twice, sold" She hit her gavel. A young woman wearing a blue jacket walked in to the room. She sat in the middle row and set her sign in her lap. "Our next item is an original SpringTrap animatronic from Freddy Fazbears Fright" The young woman ears perked up at this. She looked at the animatronic. It was an original. She always loved Freddy Fazbears Pizza as a kid, and owning a piece of it was her dream. "Let the biding start at $500 dollars". A man raised his sign. "Do I hear $550?". A woman raised her sign. The young woman then stood up and raised her sign. "$8000 dollars!". The crowd was shocked. "Wow, do I hear $8050?". No one said anything. "Going once, going twice, sold!". The young woman was in awe. She smiled as she looked at the animatronic
she watched thru her window as the moving truck drove up to her house. She ran out the door. A man got out the truck and greeted the woman. He walked around to he back of the truck. "Here you go" He said as he opened the back. Inside was a golden animatronic. He set up the the ramp and put the animatronic on a dolly. He rolled him down the ramp. "He wheeled him into the house and placed him in the living room. As he drove off, The woman looked at SpringTrap and smiled. "Welcome to your new home!" She said. Memories started flooding back as she remembered her times as a kid at Freddy Fazbears. "You always we're my favorite" She smiled. She heard a knock at the door. She walked over to the door. SpingTrap's eyes lit up.
And that's a wrap! So what did you guys think? Leave a comment and Follow this story to get updtaes and Follow me to get my new stories! Till next time, Peace!