A/N: Hello everyone!
So this is the beginning of the Nothing Was the Same sequel. The storyline that I have come up with, I feel is quite fun. But that is just for me when I am writing it. Obviously, I am not going to make anything easy for our favourite couple. And Lauren's true family is going to have a huge impact on this story.
This story takes place a month after the end of Nothing Was the Same.
So I hope you guys will enjoy this.
Chapter 1: Metamorphosis
The last month had been crazy, Bo was working on more cases, Lauren was in the middle of getting her job back with Hale and the Light Fae, and Tamsin was growing all of the time. The Valkyrie had gone from a four year old, to being a rebellious teenager of thirteen years of age. Lauren thought about enrolling her in school, but then Bo pointed out that if she hit another spurt in the middle of a class then that wouldn't be good for any of them.
She was right, it was a stupid idea. The blonde just wanted Tamsin to have a better experience this time around. And she had been making good progress with the young girl. Even though she had her moments, Tamsin was more polite, she was more respectful to others. And she took into account the feelings of others around her.
But that didn't stop her from being defiant every now and then. Her tantrums, and pouts sometimes lasted for hours. Lauren wasn't having any of it, she would send the young girl to her room and tell her not to come out until she apologised. She had this Mothering role down.
One thing that had also changed, was Lauren herself. She realised that she was feeling differently lately, her senses had become extremely heightened. Bo had noticed it, but Lauren was hesitant to tell her fiancé the extent of feelings. She didn't want to worry her.
Bo was out on a consult meeting a potential client with Kenzi. While Lauren and Hale were in the kitchen talking about her old job and what it would entail for her now that she wasn't bound to the Light anymore. "No contracts this time Lauren, I promise" Hale said.
"So you are saying that there is no catch with this new job? I'm sorry Hale, but with the Fae there is always a catch. It just seems a little farfetched to me" she said. She couldn't help that she felt this way, but losing her memory and then getting it back had changed her. And she was wearier now.
"I know, but I swear to you Lauren. You can come and go as you please, no answering to anyone. You will be your own boss. I know how much the Light have screwed you over in the past. But you know that I would never do that, because we're friends. This is a new era for the Light Fae, and I would love it if you were a part of it" Hale said.
Lauren knew that she had nothing to worry about with Hale, he was a good guy. And truth be told she had missed being in the lab so much. The blonde was about to say Yes to his proposition, when she smelt something. She looked away from Hale, taking a whiff of the air. "She is so grounded…" the blonde said walking upstairs.
She opened the door to Tamsin and Kenzi's room, seeing the young Valkyrie sitting by the window having a smoke. She was in so much trouble. "… Well, this is new" she said catching the girl off guard.
Tamsin coughed, choking on the smoke because she had been taken by surprise. The girl put the cigarette out on a small plate that was on the windowsill. "Mom! It's not what it looks like" the young blonde said trying to cover her tracks.
"Really? So I didn't just see you smoking, and now I'm not seeing you try and lie your way out of it?!" Lauren yelled, stepping forward with her arms folded. She couldn't believe that Tamsin was trying to lie to her face even though she had caught her red handed.
"Alright, I was smoking a little cigarette. What's the big deal?" the girl asked, it was just one.
Lauren walked over to her, trying to be as calm as she possibly could. "The big deal is, that they are bad for you Tamsin! How did you even get them?" she asked. She didn't smoke, Bo didn't smoke and Kenzi definitely didn't smoke. So how the hell did she get her hands on them?
"I bought them" Tamsin admitted. The young Valkyrie was tall for her age, but even with that she should have been turned away at the counter.
"And they didn't ask you for I.D.?" Lauren asked, she saw the young girl's guilty expression. She knew exactly what was going on. "You used your powers to get them didn't you? Answer me Tamsin!" she shouted.
"Yes, I'm sorry Mom. I won't do it again, I promise" Tamsin said, she knew that her mother was going to ground her and she didn't want that.
"I am so mad at you right now, I can hardly speak! And you are damn right, that you won't do it again! There is no smoking in this house, do you understand me?" the older blonde asked, giving her a disapproving stare.
"Yes Mom" Tamsin said.
"Good, now I don't want to ground you. But you have to learn your lesson, so you're grounded for a week. And no watching X-Files with Kenzi" Lauren said, she knew that was one thing that would upset her. She loved watching the show with Kenzi. It was their thing.
"That's not fair!" Tamsin yelled.
"Actually, I think it's very fair. You are lucky that I didn't ground you for a month! Now, give me the pack that you bought…" the blonde said holding out her hand. Tamsin huffed and reached under her pillow, grabbing the pack of cigarettes and slapping them down in her Mother's hand. "… Thank you" she said taking them and leaving the Valkyrie to sulk.
Lauren made her way back downstairs, walking into the kitchen and throwing the pack of cigarettes in the trash. "Sorry about that Hale…" she said walking back over to her friend. "… Teenagers are a handful" she sighed with a smile.
"I see that, how's that going? Does Tamsin still think that you're her Mother?" he asked.
"Yeah, I want to tell her that I'm not. But every time that I have tried to bring it up, she hugs me or smiles at me and calls me Mom. I guess, I just don't have the heart to tell her. I'm hoping that when she gets back to the age that she was before, she will realise it on her own" the blonde said.
"Hopefully… So, what did you decide?" he asked, getting back to his proposition. He needed her as soon as possible. With Curtis Knox on trial for his crimes against the Fae, he was without a Chief Medical Officer.
"I have decided, to come back to work. I'm not made for the cushy life of being at home all of the time. I have to get back in a lab, science is my first love. Don't tell Bo" she joked.
"Alright, well it's good to have you back with us... Dr. Lewis…" Hale smiled getting up from his seat. He brought Lauren into a gentle hug. "… Seriously though, thank you. It's not the same without you at the compound" he said into her ear.
Lauren hugged him back, Hale was too nice for his own good. Both friends pulled away when they heard the clearing of someone's throat. Bo and Kenzi were standing a few feet away from them, "Is there something that we should know?" the succubus asked with laugh.
"Shut up…" Lauren chuckled, walking over to her fiancé and giving her a kiss. "… How was your consult?" she asked.
"Good, just a simple case. Cheating husband" she answered.
"Hate to kiss and run lil mama, but I got some Ash biz to attend to. Are you going to swing by my place later?" he asked.
"No can do Ash man, I promised Lil T that we would start season three of X-Files" the human said, watching TV shows was the thing that they did and they were currently binge watching the escapades of Mulder and Scully.
"Umm actually, Lil T won't be watching anything with you. She's grounded for a week" Lauren chimed in, Kenzi had to know that she would be watching it alone.
"What did she do now?" Bo asked. There was never a dull moment with Tamsin.
"I caught her smoking in her room…" Lauren said, still seething over the whole thing. "… So to punish her, I told her no more X-Files" she added.
"You are going to deprive that poor girl of good quality entertainment because of one lousy cigarette? If that isn't evil then I don't know what is" Kenzi said shaking her head, she couldn't watch it without Tamsin. She had a heart.
"Actually, it's called being a parent. And it isn't just because of one lousy cigarette…" the blonde said repeating her friend's words. "… It's also because she used her powers in public to get them. She has to learn her lesson" she said.
"Seeing you in Mommy mode, is super-hot" Bo whispered in her fiancé's ear seductively. Lauren smiled, nudging the brunette playfully with her elbow. Now was not the time for that. Maybe later.
"Okay, since Lil T is grounded. Then I guess we are on for later" Kenzi said turning to her boyfriend, she and Hale had been doing really well. And the siren was right. The Fae were changing, and even though not everyone approved of their relationship. There were some that didn't care at all.
"I'll pick you up in an hour." he smiled, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. Once he said his goodbyes, he left the house. Kenzi thought that she should go upstairs and try and cheer Tamsin up now that she had been grounded.
"So, did you think about what we talked about last night?" Bo asked.
"Yes, and I think that you're right. If I'm going to figure out why I feel so weird, then I need to see her" the blonde said referring to her real Mother. In the last couple of days, Bo thought that it was a good idea to pay a visit to Lauren's birth mother Angela Grayson. They needed to know what type of Fae that she was, when Lauren checked the Fae database it didn't say what species she was.
Which was odd, it kept a record of everyone.
"When do you want to do it?" Bo asked.
"Can we start tomorrow? I just feel like I need today to try and work up my nerve, is that okay with you?" she asked. The succubus cupped her fiancé's face. She was so proud of her for taking this step. She knew how scary it was to find out things about your real parents.
"Whatever you want babe, I'm just glad that you have finally made a choice" she said with a smile, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Me too" Lauren smiled. She kissed the brunette again, this time deeper. Before she got lost in her completely, Lauren pulled away. Looking away as she heard something, she could have sworn that it sounded like a low growl.
"You okay?" Bo asked. Lauren had been doing this a lot lately, she was seriously worried that something was wrong. The sooner that she spoke to her biological mother, the better.
The blonde nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go upstairs…" she said pulling her fiancé with her and leading her upstairs.
Unknown Location (45 Minutes Later)
Angela sat at her desk, going over some reports about various Dark Fae deals that were going on. She was in charge of bank rolling certain businesses. And not to mention keeping members of her clan in line. She looked up from her work when she heard a knock at her door. "Come in!" she yelled.
The door opened, revealing a young man who was average height and had dirty blonde hair. "Noah? What is it?" Angela asked her son.
"Grandfather is back from his outing, he wants to see you. He said that it's urgent" the blonde said.
Angela sighed, what was it now? Even though she didn't want to, she could never disobey her father. She got up from her desk, walking over to her son and kissing him on the head. "Thank you for letting me know sweetie, where is he?" she asked.
"In his chambers" Noah said.
"Alright, please go upstairs and start your homework. And play some music, I have no idea what he wants from me. And I wouldn't want to disturb you if he starts to yell, off you go" she said nodding to the door. Noah quickly scampered off to his room, when his grandfather got mad it was chaos. He would rather not here it.
Angela made her way to the other side of the mansion, knocking on her Father's door. When she heard him say, 'Come!' she opened the door, walking in slowly. "You wish to see me Father?" she asked.
Angela's father was standing by his window, buttoning up his white shirt. "Yes, something has come to my attention and I wanted to discuss it with you" he said turning around. Julian Grayson looked surprisingly young for his age. With this brown hair which matched his thick beard.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Do you think me a fool, Angela?" he asked with a frown.
She shook her head, this wasn't going well already. "No, of course not. Why would you ask me such a thing?" she asked.
"Over the last couple of weeks, I have been sensing something. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but every time I go on a run. I feel it getting stronger…" he said, taking a seat on his sofa. "… Sit!" he ordered. Angela did as she was told, taking a seat opposite him as he stared at her. God, he was terrifying.
"What do you suppose this feeling is?" she asked.
"I am not sure, but I feel as though I am being drawn by something. I have tried to ignore it, thinking that maybe in my old age I am starting to go mad. But this time, I followed my instincts, and it took me to a strange place" he said.
"Where?" she asked.
"It appeared to be an abandoned house, but there were people inside. I could smell them, and I could hear them. But I also noticed something else, you know as well as I that when we are in our wolf form. That things we feel are more intense…" he said.
Being a werewolf, she knew exactly what he was talking about. And she didn't like where this was going. "… I know the call of my own blood Angela, there is someone in that house who is one of us. Would you like to tell me how that is possible?" he asked.
Angela honestly had no idea, then she realised. The human child that she gave up nearly 30 years ago, but it still didn't make any sense. If it was her, she was human. He shouldn't be able to sense her if she wasn't a werewolf.
Julian rose from his chair, he could see by the look on his daughter's face that she knew what he was talking about. He knew all about the human that she claimed to love when she was younger, and that she had conceived a child with him. "You told me that you took care of it" he said turning away from her.
"I did Father, I swear to you. I don't understand how this could happen, Wesley was human. She should be the same as him" Angela said. This was impossible.
"Clearly, she is not! I do not know how, but if she is now one of us then she needs to be here with her own kind. The change will take hold of her soon and when it does she will need us" he said. He had kept it a secret for so long, to protect her. But now, they didn't have a choice.
"But Father, it's been nearly 30 years. She may not even want to see me, she may not even know—" Angela was cut off when her father held his hand up.
"I do not care! She is a Grayson, no matter what kind of life she has led. She is my blood, and that makes her a part of this pack. Bring her to me immediately! That is an order!" he yelled, he was their pack's Alpha. What he said, had to be done. Angela could never refuse him.
"I will go first thing in the morning, will that be all?" she asked.
"One more thing, the house that she is currently living in…" he began walking over to his daughter. "… I also smelt a succubus, a young Valkyrie and a human. Be wary of new enemies my child" he said. No matter how mad he was, she was still his daughter and he didn't want anything to happen to her.
"Yes Father…" she said, turning around and leaving his chambers. Once she was outside of his room, Angela broke down. How could she show up on the doorstep of the daughter that she abandoned. If she did know of her adoption, then she probably wanted nothing to do with her. Angela remembered the couple that she had left her baby with.
They were nice people, they had good jobs. What would her daughter be doing living with a succubus and a Valkyrie? It didn't make any sense, unless she knew about the Fae. In that case, she could have been someone's claimed human. That thought alone made Angela angry, her daughter was meant for more than being someone's slave.
Her father was right, she had to find her and bring her daughter home. As werewolves, they were all part of a pack. Which meant that her daughter now had a part to play if she had triggered the change. Angela herself, was a Beta. Which meant that she was second in command, and should anything happen to her father. She would take his place as the new Alpha.
Tonight, she would get some much needed sleep. She still had work to do, but how could she concentrate of Fae business when she had received this news? Tomorrow, she would follow her Father's orders.
And bring her daughter home.
Clubhouse (Next Morning)
Lauren opened her eyes, she could hear a ringing in her ears. Sitting up, she brought the bed sheet to her naked chest. Then covered her ears, the sound was so painful. Bo felt the mattress beneath her shake, opening her eyes she saw her fiancé moaning as she covered her ears with her eyes closed. "Lauren?" the blonde didn't hear her.
Bo sat up, making sure that the bedsheet was wrapped around her securely. She touched her fiancé's arm gently. The blonde jumped up in a fright. "What is it?" the brunette asked. Lauren could barely hear her, but she caught what the succubus said.
"I don't know, ahh!" she cried, grinding her teeth and pressing her hands to her ears harder. It was hurting her a lot. "Bo! Something's wrong!" she said. The succubus used her powers to calm her fiancé down, it seemed to work as the blonde stopped moaning and opened her eyes.
"That's it. You're okay…" Bo whispered, hitting her with another calming surge. "… Tell me what you're feeling" she asked.
"My ears, I keep hearing this ringing. It's piercing through me! God, it hurts Bo!" the blonde mumbled, she was almost out of it thanks to Bo's succubus charms.
"Okay, don't worry. Everything's going to be okay. Let's get you dressed, and then we will head down to the Dahl. Trick will know what's going on with you…" the succubus said getting up off of the bed, she had pulsed her fiancé enough so that she would stay calm for a while. Bo ran over to her dresser, throwing some clothes on and then grabbing some of Lauren's.
They made it downstairs ten minutes later, seeing Tamsin on the couch eating some cereal. She loved her cereal. The girl always had half captain crunch and half lucky charms. Which Kenzi hated, because there was never anything left for her.
"Tamsin? Get some clothes on, we're going to Trick's!" Bo said, Kenzi hadn't come home from Hales and there was no way that she was going to leave the thirteen year old home alone. The young blonde got up off of the couch, seeing her mother crouching over in pain while covering her ears.
"Mom? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.
Lauren was in no condition to talk, Bo grabbed her keys and walked back over to her fiancé. "She's fine, just please Tamsin. Go throw some clothes on, hurry!" she said. Tamsin nodded and rushed off to her room. Bo looked back to Lauren, who was starting to turn red. "Babe? Look at me, everything's going to be fine. Just focus on the sound of my voice" she said.
The blonde tried to do as she was told. Blocking everything else out, and only focusing on Bo's voice. It seemed to be working a little, the sharp sting of the sounds around her was fading. She dropped her hands from her ears, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt the pain go away. "Thank you…" she let out.
"No problem, what the hell was that?" the succubus asked.
Lauren shook her head, "I have no idea, but it's getting worse. We need to talk to Trick" she said. Bo nodded, that was an understatement. Tamsin came back downstairs, all dressed and ready to go. The young Valkyrie approached her Mother, touching her arm gently.
"Are you okay Mom?" she asked, her eyes full of fear.
Lauren smiled with a small nod, placing her arm over the girl's shoulder. "I will be sweetie, Trick will be able to help me. Come on…" she said walking forward with the girl. Bo had gone to start the car ready, once everyone was in they sped off to the Dahl.
Angela had watched the whole thing, she was about to get out of the car when she saw the three females walk out of the house. The young girl obviously wasn't her long lost daughter, and it wasn't the brunette because Angela knew that she was the Unaligned Succubus. Which meant that it had to be the blonde.
Her father said that he also smelt another human, but Angela didn't need to see them to know that the blonde was her daughter. She looked exactly like her father, Wesley. The human that she fell in love with. Angela started her car, pulling out into the road and keep a close distance to the yellow Camaro as she followed them.
The Dahl (20 Minutes Later)
"Why is it, that your tea is so amazing?" Dyson asked with a laugh, the wolf had come in early to talk to Trick about a case he was working on. And since it wasn't the time for drinking anything other than coffee or tea, the shifter chose tea for a change. And he was glad that he did.
"A good bartender never reveals his secrets" Trick chuckled.
Before the two friends could speak another word, the door burst open. Tamsin walked in first, with Bo and Lauren following closely behind. The blonde was shivering, and she was very pale. "What happened?" the wolf asked.
"I don't know, she woke up in pain and now she's not talking. Trick? Please, help her" Bo said with an urgency. She was so worried, she had never seen anything like this before. Dyson took in the scent of the air. He could smell something, something different. This was strange.
Trick gestured to the couch behind his granddaughter. "Let's lay her down…" he said leading them over to the back. Bo laid her fiancé down, placing a pillow under head. Trick placed the back of his hand to the blonde's forehead. She was very hot. "… She's burning up, Dyson get me some ice and a dishtowel" he yelled.
Bo walked forward, as Dyson went off in search of the items. "Burning up? But she's shivering" the brunette said. If she had a fever then why did she look like she was freezing?
"It can happen when someone is running a fever. Although, I have never seen one this severe. You said that she woke up like this? Did she hurt herself yesterday?" the blood king asked.
The succubus shook her head, "No, she was fine. She said that she had a little headache in the morning before I left the house, but other than that nothing" she said.
"She's gonna be okay though, right?" Tamsin asked coming to stand next to Bo. The succubus placed her hand on the girl's back.
"I am going to do everything that I can for her, I promise you" Trick flashed the girl a smile.
Dyson walked back over, giving the blood kind a dishtowel which had a bunch of ice cubes wrapped up inside. Trick held cold towel to Lauren's forehead, she was still shivering. He looked over his shoulder when he heard constant sniffing, it was Dyson. The shifter was stepping towards him, as if he was following a scent.
"What is it?" Bo asked, she had no idea what he was doing?
"I smell something…" he said trying to pinpoint the scent, then he took a few steps towards Lauren. Smelling the air near her. "… It's coming from Lauren" he said.
"What do you mean?" the succubus asked.
"I can't tell what it is, she smells Fae but she also smells human. This has never happened to me before" Dyson sighed. He was at a loss. There was nothing that they could do at this point, they had to wait for Lauren to wake up.
Bo didn't want Tamsin around to see if something went wrong, so she thought it would be better if the girl went home. "Dyson, do me a favour and take Tamsin back to the Clubhouse. And call Kenzi, tell her what happened" she said.
"I don't want to go! I want to stay with Mom" the young Valkyrie said. She didn't want to leave her Mother if she was sick.
"I know you do, but there is nothing that you can do for her. I promise you, she's gonna be fine. Your Mom's a fighter, I'll call you when she wakes up" the brunette smiled, she had gotten used to Tamsin's attachment to her fiancé. It was kind of sweet, in a weird way.
"Okay…" the girl said, running over to her mother and bending down to give her a hug. "… Love you Mom" she whispered.
Dyson grabbed his jacket, "Let's go kid" he said waving her over. The shifter placed his arm around the girl and walked her out of the bar.
Angela sat in her car, parked across the road from the establishment. She vary rarely came to the Dahl Riata, but when she did she always had a good time. Trick was a friendly owner, and he was one of the Light's elders. She had discussed business with him a few times. The werewolf spotted two people walk out of the bar.
It was the young Valkyrie and a man. Angela knew who he was, he worked for the Light Fae as one of their lead Police Detectives. She was surprised with the company that her daughter apparently kept, she was surrounded by so many Light Fae. With the exception of the unaligned succubus. As the detective drove off in his car, Angela got out of her car ready to cross the road and enter the building.
Suddenly, she heard screaming coming from inside the bar. She knew the sound all too well, it was the screams that she herself had experience when she had turned for the first time. If her daughter was in the middle of her transformation, then she needed to be taken out before she hurt someone. Angela rounded her Range Rover, opening the trunk and grabbing a tranquiliser gun and loading it with one sedative.
It was completely harmless, but the screams were getting louder and she had to be prepared. Angela closed her trunk and ran across the road.
In the last five minutes, Lauren had woken up in a fright. And was now screaming on the floor, she was on her hands and knees crying out. Bo didn't know what to do, but every time that she tried to get close to her fiancé. The blonde would push her away. Trick had an inkling to what was happening and he didn't understand how it was possible.
Just then, they both heard a loud roar coming from Lauren. How was this happening? Bo stepped forward slowly, she didn't know what was going on but she needed to make sure that the blonde was alright. "Lauren?" she called out taking another step.
The blonde lifted her head, looking at the succubus with piercing yellow eyes. They looked like the eyes of wolf, just like Dyson's when he would shift. Except Lauren's had no black around her irises. That was so confusing. The blonde's teeth were sharp like razors, she snarled at the succubus. Causing Bo to jump back.
Everything that Bo had witnessed in the Fae world, didn't prepare her for what she saw next. Lauren's bones began to start cracking, her hands broke causing her to growl in pain. Bo had to look away, she was almost on the verge of crying.
"Dear god!" Bo heard Trick gasp, she looked back seeing a large wolf now where her fiancé was previously kneeling. It was bigger than Dyson would get when he shifted, its fur was golden much like Lauren's own hair.
"Lauren?" she breathed out, this was unbelievable. The wolf captured Bo's gaze, putting one paw in front of the other it strolled towards the brunette. It let out a grunt as it approached her, Bo knew that if Lauren was truly in there. That she wouldn't hurt her. She held her hand out, preparing to stroke the wolf's head.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Bo looked up to see a woman standing in the doorway, she recognised her from the search that Lauren did on her birthmother. She was Angela Grayson.
"Angela? What are you doing here?" Trick asked with a frown, nothing about this day made sense.
Angela ignored his question, taking slow steps as she approached the werewolf. "What is her name?" she asked.
"Lauren" Bo answered.
The Dark Elder held her left hand up to Lauren. Getting her attention, and holding her gaze. Even though Lauren knew nothing about Werewolf culture, her wolf did. And once Angela tried to Submit, Lauren's wolf would automatically stand down, becoming calmer and relaxed knowing that Angela was not a threat.
Angela got to her knees, bowing her head as she got into submission. The wolf shook its head, as if it was fighting an inner struggle. Lauren knew exactly who this woman was, and she still held a grudge against her for abandoning her as a child. Her wolf felt this anger, this rage. And it wanted justice. The wolf snarled at the elder, extending its sharp teeth.
"She clearly doesn't like you, maybe you should just leave" Bo said.
"I cannot do that, she is my responsibility" Angela said, she realised how hypocritical that sounded coming from her. But her father gave her this job, and she had to do it.
"Actually, she was your responsibility when she was a baby. Now she's a grown woman…" Bo was cut off as Lauren's wolf snarled even louder as she kept her yellow eyes on her so called mother. "… and clearly doesn't want anything do with you" she finished.
Trick was lost for words, from what he was hearing it sounded like Angela was somehow connected to Lauren. He never knew what type of Fae the Dark Elder was, it was impolite to ask. But now it was all making sense to him.
"Whatever you may think of me succubus, know this… This is Lauren's first transformation, unless she is dealt with she will be unable to change back into her human form" Angela said. She wasn't going to be lectured by this little girl.
"What makes you so sure that she can't" the succubus asked, Lauren was the strongest person she had ever met. And she would bet her life on the fact that the blonde knew all about wolves and how they operated.
"Because she has never been taught how! She needs to be sedated, I have the means to do that. But I will need your help" Angela said.
"You want to drug her?! You must really be bat shit crazy" Bo yelled, there was no way in hell that she was letting this happen.
"I assure you that the drug is harmless, it will make her sleep and it will also trigger the change so that she will revert back into her human self. If I try to use it when she is this aggressive, she will pounce before I even have the chance. Do you want her to suffer? Because I promise you that is what will happen if she is unable to turn back" she said.
That was the last thing that Bo wanted, but how was she to know that she could trust this woman. She hadn't been in Lauren's life in 30 years, and now suddenly she rocks up just as Lauren exhibits this new behaviour.
"I want your blood oath, that no harm will come to her" Bo said, meeting the woman's eyes.
"You have it" Angela replied with a nod.
The brunette sighed. "What do I do?"
"Get her attention, long enough for me to administer the sedative" Angela said. This was the only way.
Bo got down on her knees, "Lauren? Come on Babe, look at me…" she said. The wolf turned around, looking to the brunette with sad eyes. Bo held out her hands, "… It's okay, come here…" she said waving her over. The wolf whimpered as it crawled towards the succubus slowly. Bo reached her hand out, touching the wolf's soft blonde fur. "… That's my girl" she smiled.
Angela reached behind her back, pulling out the tranquiliser gun and aiming it at the large animal. Bo didn't break eye contact with the wolf, she didn't want to watch someone put her fiancé down. So to speak.
"Just remember, that I love you…" As soon as the words left the brunette's lips, the wolf let out a yelp as it lost consciousness. Falling into Bo's arms. Within a couple of seconds, the wolf's body began to shudder. Bo closed her eyes as she cried, she didn't understand why this was happening. Then she felt her fingers fall into strands of silky hair, opening her eyes she saw that she was no longer touching the fur of a wolf.
She was cradling Lauren's head as she slept, the blonde was out for the count. And very naked. Trick cleared his throat nervously and turned away, he shouldn't be seeing that. "I'll get a blanket…" he said before walking off.
Bo moved some hair out of her fiancé's face, looking at her features as she slept peacefully. She then looked back up to see Angela standing over them, looking directly at her fiancé.
"… You probably won't like my tone, but right now I don't give a shit if you are a Dark Elder. You could be the Queen for all I care. You… have got some serious explaining to do!" she shouted.
A/N: There it is, I know werewolves are a bit cliché. But I have never done a werewolf story. So I thought that I would give it a try. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading. Much Love xoxo