This story takes place before Ezra joins the crew. (He will join eventually in few chapters.)

In this story I plan to ignore the storyline of Clone wars and I alternate some of the main story in Star Wars. Nothing radical, just few details about the past of "The Stranger". He is not an original character.


The Ghost landed in a small city on a nameless planet in The Outer Rim system. The crew wasn't much excited about the outlying place probably full of the criminals and prospering black market, but they needed to make a fuelling stop to return to Lothal to hopefully find a way to make some credits.

Being rebels wasn't exactly a job with a regular income, so they sometimes had to accept an offer from smugglers to transport people or illegal cargo through the Empire. Kanan had a contact on Lothal who would arrange those operations, sometimes he would even buy goods stolen by the crew from the Empire. But usually the rebels were occupied with making trouble for Imperials.

Kanan got off the ship and took a look of the surroundings. The whole planet seemed to be coloured in shades of orange and beige and was a bit depressing. The beings walking around were slow and quiet. Kanan noticed that most of them had weapons usually just half-hidden so everyone would see them and keep away. Dangerous place, indeed. Kanan turned around to see Zeb and Hera walking out of the ship.

"Kanan, we will take care of the refueling. I need you to get some supplies, mostly the food." Hera handed him a short list.

"What about Sabine? She could go with me." Kanan suggested.

"Just look around, Kanan. This is not a good place for her. I have a bad feeling about all the strangers." Hera suspiciously sized up few men who were trying to discreetly check up their ship. "This doesn't look like a friendly environment. She will stay on board."

"Ok. I will get everything as soon as possible. Will you be fine by yourself here?" Kanan asked.

"Sure. Just be quick." Hera then joined Zeb who was already haggling over the price with the local.

Kanan left the docks and wandered through a few streets to a market. Unlike the rest of the place, the market was very lively. The sellers were yelling their offers that were constantly changing in reaction to other sellers. Buyers were trying to get attention and jumping the queue. There were even a few quarrels and fights. Kanan did his best to avoid them and searched for calmer places.

After some time he had all the food the crew needed and only few spare parts for a ship remained on the list. Kanan left the market behind and looked for some kind of a repair shop. On the way he had a bad feeling about being followed – just a small pang in the Force – but when the turned back, he couldn't see anything suspicious.

He tried to shake off the feeling and concentrate on his task. Kanan believed that if someone attacked him, he would be able to defend himself. As he was leaving the city centre, the streets became more and more deserted. But Kanan was glad, because with few people there was a better chance he wouldn't run into trouble which was the last thing he needed. At least this city was so remote there were no Imperial soldiers.

Finally, Kanan found the shop. It was empty except for the owner. Kanan greeted him but just got some weird noise as a response. I hope he talks Basic, Kanan thought. As he was grabbing parts he needed off the shelves the main door opened and a hooded man entered. As soon as Kanan laid his eyes on the stranger the Force warned him. Is it possible this guy followed me here? He doesn't look like a customer.

Stranger's clothes were black with a few red stripes and a belt. He was carrying a small backpack fitting tightly to his back and so as not to limit him in a combat. The clothes were tight enough to reveal the muscles, but loose enough that the man could easily be hiding a few weapons. Kanan decided to avoid him if possible and just mind his own business. But the stranger, of course, had to be interested in Kanan.

He carefully and silently walked to him, never revealing any part of his face. Kanan backed off, but the stranger followed in a steady pace. Kanan realised he wouldn't leave him alone so he decided to confront him.

"How can I help you?" Kanan asked politely, even managed a fake smile.

"I'm glad you ask." Stranger replied. "I noticed your ship in the docks." His voice was low and deep and clearly not used to long discussions.

"You have been following me since I left the ship?" Kanan was surprised. Usually the Force warned him and revealed his followers, but not this time, obviously.

"Yes. I am looking for a crew that would take me off this planet to any Outer Rim system in the Territories. Money's not a problem. Name your price." The stranger obviously wasn't new at this. Kanan looked him up and down.

He was tempted by the money offering but discouraged by the Force yelling at him that the stranger was dangerous. "Why should I trust you?" Kanan asked.

"You shouldn't. We do not know each other. But how can I trust you that you wouldn't attack me on your ship, rob me, and then dispose my body in space?"

"Wow. Why would you even think about something like this?" Kanan was a bit disgusted by stranger's calmness and that he said it in a way someone would discuss a sunny weather.

"I always presume the worst." Stranger claimed with indifference.

"I don't like you." Kanan stepped back and turned to the owner so he could pay for the purchase. He hoped the stranger would leave him.

"Is it because you can't see my face?"

Kanan flinched with surprise as the stranger was suddenly few centimetres behind him. Why didn't I sense him coming closer?

"I have a good reason to hide. You should understand that."

Kanan turned around to face him. Well, "face him" in a metaphorical meaning, because the stranger's face was all hidden. "Leave me alone." Kanan put the accent on every single word.

"I need to hide my face, just as you need to hide who you are." The stranger almost whispered the last words, then he stepped back to give Kanan some space. Kanan froze.

Could he know something? It's not possible! "I will wait for your decision in the docks." The stranger turned around and left. Kanan stared at the closed door in shock until the shop owner drew his attention impatiently.

Notes: Put the flags out! There is a new story! I hope you will like it, it's going to be quite long (well, longer than my previous stories). I already have four chapters prewritten, so the updates should be regular for now.

This note contains a minor spoiler for the third chapter, so stop reading now: I do not know where Lothal is, just that it is somewhere in Outer Rim Territories, so unfortunately I can't be more specific about Strangers wishes. But I guess it's clear I want him to travel with the crew for now.