A/N: I can't believe we're on the last chapter already! Thank you for all the amazing comments. You guys are the best. Seriously. Please enjoy and don't forget to R&R!

Whatever Dig said to Oliver while Thea was out with Felicity seems to have worked, because when they come home from therapy there is sushi from Felicity's favorite Japanese place on the table, two dozen roses in a vase, and a very expensive bottle of red breathing on the counter.

"See?" Thea says, hip checking Felicity. "Told you he wouldn't miss the wedding."

"The wedding's not for two more days."

"And I'm going to be here the whole time," Ollie says, coming down the stairs.

"Hey," Felicity says faintly, and Thea rolls her eyes. Hey, really?

"Hey," Oliver says back.

"Well," Felicity says nervously. "You sure go all out when you're apologizing."

"Anything for you," he says contritely.

"Okay," Thea says, taking note of the way they're looking at each other. "I'm just gonna...yeah."

She escapes to her room before she can witness her brother and his fiancé eye-fucking each other.

She's thrilled the wedding is on but there are some things she doesn't need to see.


Thea and Roy order a pizza to avoid the love fest in the dining room. When they venture downstairs to answer the door Oliver and Felicity are practically doing it on the dining room table.

"My eyes!" Thea cries, turning dramatically to Roy.

"Gross, guys," he comments, tipping the pizza boy while giving him a serious don't check out my girlfriend stare. "We eat there."

"Not my problem," Oliver says, dipping his head to kiss Felicity's neck.

"Don't fuck on the table, it cost like two grand!" Thea shouts, running up the stairs after Roy.

"Promise me something," Roy asks, putting the box on her bed and spreading out paper towels.


"Promise me we'll never be as disgusting as they are."

Thea nods wholeheartedly. "Never."

After the pizza they put on a movie and sprawl out on the bed, her head in his lap. Roy cups her neck, his thumb running back and forth over the muscle.

"So how did it go today?" Roy asks. "With the therapist."


Roy combs his fingers through her hair. "Good okay or bad okay?"

Thea flips over on her back. "Like...when I talked about it I was crying and it sucked and I kind of wanted to die, but when it was over I felt a lot better."

Roy makes a face. "That sounds awful."

Thea laughs. "Yeah, therapy kind of blows."

"But it's helping, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Good." Roy leans down and kisses her. "I'm so proud of you."

She smiles, pursing her lips for another kiss. "How proud?"

"Very." He kisses her deeply and she arches up, back bowing on the bed.

"Hey," he says, bending down to nibble her earlobe. "While you were gone I had an idea."

"Really," she says, "what kind of idea?"

He wiggles his eyebrows. "An idea."

"Oh," she says, going very still. "What it is?"

Roy pulls her up. "You trust me?"

She nods faithfully. "Always."

Roy leans back against the headboard and pulls her in between his legs so her back is against his chest, and turns the volume of the movie up. Her brother's freaky accurate dog hearing is the worst.

"I was thinking," Roy says. "About when it happened, how out of control it must have made you feel. And then when we...when we tried to...I scared the hell out of you."

"No " she argues, turning in his arms. "It wasn't you."

"It's okay, Thea," he reassures her. "I understand."

She ducks her head, snuggling against his chest. "I don't want you to think I'm afraid of you."

"I don't. I think you're afraid of feeling that way again."

She flushes, embarrassed at how easy she is to read.

"Thea," he nudges gently.

"You might have a point," she concedes. "So what's your idea?"

He links their fingers together, so her hand is splayed over his, and brings them down to her belly.

"My idea is to give you back control."

He spreads his fingers under hers so the heat from his hand warms her skin from hipbone to hipbone.

"What do you mean?" she sighs, settling against him.

"Look," Roy says, so she does.

His large hand, her smaller one on top, inching lower towards the hem of her boy shorts. "You're in charge. You show me what you want, how you want it. You can see me do it. You're in control, Thea."

"Oh," she says dumbly, and slides their hands a little lower.

For a while they stay like that, her right hand locked over his and Roy's left hand lightly on her thigh, brushing the inside with his fingertips, stoking a slow burning fire inside her.

"More," she whispers.

"You show me," he says, bending down to kiss her neck. "Show me what you want."

She pushes his hand down between her legs and curls their fingers. Roy gets the idea, cups her so the palm of his hand is planted over her clit and starts to rub gently over the thin material of her shorts.

Thea moans, arching back against him at the pressure. She pushes her hips up and presses her hand down on his, and moans again. Her head falls back against his shoulder as she lets go, lets him bring her back to her body, reminding her that it can give pleasure as well as pain.

She pulls his hand up and pushes her shorts down before dropping his hand back down between her legs.

"You sure?" he murmurs, even as his fingers spread her open to him.

"Yeah," she says breathlessly. She looks down, watches thick callused fingers stroke, and clutches his arm with her free hand.

"Thea..." he warns.

"Please," she gasps, little tendrils of pleasure sparking under his fingertips. "I want you to."

She pushes his fingers down towards her entrance, rolling her hips to show him what she wants.

"Fuck, you're wet," he mutters under his breath, and slips two fingers inside her.

She feels it then, that tightening in her chest, fear flooding her nervous system.

"Roy," she whimpers, her fingers tightening on his arm.

His fingers still immediately.

"We can stop," he reminds her. "Do you want to stop?"

She doesn't want to stop. She wants to come. She wants to be reminded of how good she can feel, how powerful her body is in all the best ways.


"Don't stop," she says. "Just go slow."

He moves carefully, much gentler than usual but it feels good, and she sighs.


"Yeah." She rolls her hips, sneaks fingers under his hand to play with her clit. "Talk to me."

"Dirty talk?" He chuckles in her ear.

"Yeah. I don't care. Anything. It's just...hearing your voice..." she breaks off, gasping, as he touches a spot that makes her shiver.

"Makes you feel safe."

"Yeah," she groans.

"Well," Roy says. "You're fucking soaked. I'll take that as a sign this is going well, yeah?"

Thea moans.

"I love you," Roy murmurs. "Love how wet you get for me."

"Yeah," she moans again, feeling the beginning of the build, little contractions starting in her muscles. "Keep talking."

"So perfect," Roy says heatedly. "All of you."

She can feel him getting hard against the small of her back and she pushes against him, just to hear him groan.

"Love the sounds you make when you're about to come," he grits out, his hand starting to speed up.

"Roy," she gasps.

"Yeah," he says. "Say my name."

"Roy." It comes out high and needy. "Roy, please."

"Show me want you want," he reminds her. "This is all you. I'm just your sex toy tonight."

"Jesus Christ," Thea cries, her hips pumping, fingers rolling frantically over her clit.

"You've got this Thea," he says. "You're doing so good, baby."

"Oh, god." She shudders, hovering on the edge of a terrible precipice.

"Almost there," he says soothingly. "Stay with me Thea."

She sobs. She's so close, she can feel it. Almost there, almost there. She grabs his left hand, puts it over her clit.

"Please," she gasps. "I need you."

He rolls his thumb over it, twice, and that's all it takes. She cries out, bucking against his hand as wave after wave of pleasure crashes down on her, sweeping her away.

Roy talks her down, telling her much he loves her, how proud he is of her, how brave she is. She turns around in his arms, pushes his shorts down to reveal him, long and hard and ready for her.

"Yeah?" he asks, face splitting into a grin.

She beams. "Definitely."

She rolls a condom on him as he shucks his shirt, and she hovers, kneeling over him.

"Thea." He catches her face in his hands. "We don't have to."

"I want to."

"Okay," he says. "Don't let me stop you, then."

She slides down on him.

"Oh," she sighs.

She rolls her hips, making him grind his teeth and clutch at her.

"Love you," he mumbles, pulling her close.

"You too," she gasps.

She's so full, so complete, and she starts to laugh.

"What...is so funny?" he grits out.

"I'm happy," she says, and then laughs again, because it's true.


The rehearsal dinner is held at Felicity's favorite French bistro, in a private room. Dinner is small, just family (well, not much actual family, but the people in their life, the people they've made a family.)

Dig and Lyla, of course. Laurel comes with her new boyfriend, an attorney (shocker). A few scattered Queen relatives, Felicity's mother and her boyfriend. Felicity's friends from the old Q.C. IT department and MIT.

Roy wears a new suit that Oliver bought for him, dutifully follows Thea around as she says hello to everyone, graciously accepts compliments about her brother, his lovely bride-to-be.

After everyone has been seated, after she's had a glass of champagne, Roy hands her the speech she wrote that morning.

"Hi, everyone," Thea announces, tapping the crystal flute with a butter knife. "I'm Thea, the maid of honor."

She glances at Felicity, who gives her an encouraging smile, and looks back down at her speech.

"Now, some of you, those who've known my brother growing up, probably thought we'd never be sitting here today."

Everyone laughs, even Laurel, and Thea smiles bashfully.

"I know this is the part where I make fun of Oliver, tell you all these embarrassing stories about him, and I could do that. But I'm not, because that's not what tonight is about."

Thea clears her throat. "Tonight is about celebrating something special. And my brother...he's so special. He's strong and he's compassionate. And for a long time he was alone.

"And then, this amazing girl came into our lives, and for once, he didn't mess it up. Well, not too much," she says, and everyone laughs again.

"So I'd like to make a toast, to my brother, for giving me what I've always wanted. A sister. Felicity, you are the best thing that could have happened, not just to him, but to all of us. You changed our lives for the better. You make..."

Thea has to stop, carefully wipe her ears with a tissue. "You make us a family."

She holds up her glass, and everyone follows suit. "To Oliver and Felicity!"

When she looks around the room everyone else is crying, too.


The wedding is perfect, from beginning to end.

Thea hovers just outside the doors to the ballroom and watches Oliver walk down the aisle with Donna Smoak on his arm. At the end of the aisle he tries to give her a kiss on the cheek but she turns to give him a full embrace and his lips land just on the corner of her mouth.

Thea giggles into her hand, careful not to smudge her lipstick.

Roy and Laurel go next. He looks gorgeous in his tux, Laurel like a supermodel in her royal blue gown.

"Thea," the wedding planner nudges her. "You and Sara now."

Thea bends down to clasp the little girl's hand. She wears a floaty white dress with an ice blue sash that matches Thea's gown, a floral crown nestled in her dark hair.

"We go?" Sara asks inquisitively, pointing toward the doors.

"You bet, kiddo." She makes sure Sara has her flower basket clutched in her chubby hand before stepping through the doors.

The crowd oos and ahhs at them, slowly making their way down the aisle. Every few steps Thea stops so Sara can pull a rose petal out of the basket and carefully place it on the floor.

When they get to the end of the aisle Sara proudly holds up her empty basket and shouts at Lyla, "Look Mommy! I do it!"

Everyone cracks up and Lyla scoots out of her pew to pick Sara up, whispering, "Good job, sweetie," and shoots Thea a grateful look.

When Felicity enters the room on Dig's arm Thea swears, everyone gasps. She looks incredible. Her white silk dress gleams and the mermaid cut shows off her figure. Only if you look closely can you see the way her nails dig nervously into her bouquet.

When Thea sneaks a glance at Ollie he looks blindsided, staring at Felicity like she's a literal angle.

When they get to the alter Dig kisses Felicity's cheek and she throws her arms around him. Thea steps down to take Felicity's bouquet and they all find their places on the alter, Dig behind Oliver and Thea behind Felicity.

When Oliver and Felicity finally say I do Felicity is a mess and Ollie has the dumbest smile on his face.

It's hands down the best moment of Thea's life.


By the time Roy and Thea make it back to the loft it's almost three in the morning. They're exhausted from dancing and buzzing with champagne.

"That was one hell of a wedding," Roy says, pulling off his tie and shrugging off his jacket.

"Not our style though," Thea says, kicking off her heels. "Too fussy."

Roy laughs. "I haven't even proposed and you're planning our wedding."

"I'm thinking the beach," Thea says, taking off her earrings. "A destination wedding."

Roy comes up behind her, wraps his arms around his waist. "I have no say in this, do I?"

"Nope," she says happily, reaching behind her to unzip her dress.

"Want me to?" he asks.

"I can do it." She catches the clasp above the zipper in her fingertips and twists, but it slips out of her grasp. "Damn."

"Thea," Roy says gently, hands low on her back. "Let me help you."

She does, easily. Because she understands now, that asking for help is okay, that it doesn't mean she's weak.

It means she's strong enough to not be afraid to ask.

It means she's brave.

The End.