A/N: I don't own Arrow or its characters.

This is the sequel to my story Weak. If you haven't read it I suggest going to my author page and checking it out first, otherwise this might not make sense. For those of you who supported Weak and begged for more Thea/Roy-this is for you. I hope I did you justice. Like Weak, this gets pretty dark- it's rated M for a reason, guys. But you all know my stuff-there's always a happy ending :) Please, please let me know what you guys think and leave a review!

Thea twirls in her dress outside the hotel. It's almost midnight and it's getting cold. Her dress has tiny little black straps and her arms are developing goose bumps.

"What do you think?" she asks Roy, swirling the skirt.

He gives her a lazy grin. "I'd fuck you."

She cups his cheek affectionately. "Just the response I was hoping for."

"Thea." His hands find her wrists and he pulls her to his chest. "You don't have to do this."

"I'll be fine," she reassures him.

He locks his jaw determinedly.

"Felicity does this all the time," she says. In fact, if Felicity wasn't in Las Vegas visiting her mother she would be here right now, and Thea would be at home watching reality television, waiting for her brother and boyfriend to come home from their mission.

"She's also been shot, and kidnapped multiple times," he reminds her.

"But I'm not doing anything dangerous," she argues.

Her chest had swelled with pride when her brother had come to her and asked for her help. There's no way she's not doing this.

She's strong now. She can do it.

"Go over it one more time for me," he coaxes.

Thea sighs. "I walk through the lobby and go to the hotel bar at exactly midnight. I give the bartender a twenty and tell him to give me water when I ask for vodka and to give Robins double what he orders. Robins comes into the bar every night at exactly twelve-oh-six. Why then, I have no idea, it seems totally random to me-"


"I get him drunk, show a little leg, whatever, I keep him distracted until you guys find the device in his room."

"And if he wants to leave before we find it?"

"Then I invite him into my room. And I use this." She waves a hand in the air, displaying a large ring that, when pushed against someone's skin, will inject a tranquilizer.

He kisses her eyelids, the tip of her nose. "Be careful, okay?"

She nods seriously. She knows he's afraid for her, doesn't think this is a good idea. She wants to prove him wrong, prove that she's not a weak little girl anymore.

Roy tucks her hair back behind her ear and inserts her com. There's a crackle and then she hears Diggle's voice in her ear, announcing, "Arsenal, head to the southeast exit."

Roy gives her a tight smile. "Gotta go." He slips his mask over his face.

"Wait." She pulls him back to her, kisses him deeply.

"I'll see you in an hour," he says softly, and then he's gone.

She stands by herself, swinging her arms to stay warm, until she hears Diggle's gentle voice say, "It's midnight, Thea."

"On it." She straightens her shoulders and enters the hotel.


The bartender takes her odd request and her crisp twenty graciously in stride, and when Robins walks in at exactly twelve-oh-six she's seated on a stool at the bar sipping a tonic water.

He's good looking, she supposes, a silver fox type. He doesn't look like the kind of person to have a bomb the size of a postage stamp that's capable of blowing up half of Starling City hidden in his hotel room.

Then again, when she met Slade Wilson he didn't seem like a murdering psychopath. She doesn't trust her gut anymore. Trusting no one is simpler.

Robins sits two stools down from her and orders a double scotch, neat. Ten minutes later he's sitting next to her, one hand on her knee. She smiles and flirts, plays the wide-eyed ingénue to perfection. By twelve-thirty he's drunk, telling her how pretty she is, asking her if she has a boyfriend.

"No," she lies, pouting her lips.

"Someone like you shouldn't be alone," he slurs, hand on her thigh. "Such a pretty little thing."

She hears Roy in her ear, making gagging noises.

Robins stands up from the bar, pulling her to her feet. "I think I'll enjoy you in my room."

She gives him a coy smile and swallows back the sour taste in her mouth. "I bet my room's closer."

She's leading him down the hallway to her room when she hears Roy's panicked voice through the com.

"...the fuck is this?" he's yelling, and then she hears Oliver scream, "It's a trap! Thea, get out of there!"

She stumbles in her heels and tries to turn only to find herself herself pushed up against the wall with a gun pressed into the small of her back.

"I'm sorry, love," Robins says, suddenly sounding suspiciously sober. "But we're not going to anyone's room."


Thea wakes up in a warehouse. At least, she thinks it's a warehouse. It's dark so all she really gets is the impression of space, a high ceiling. She's tied to a chair. She takes a deep breath and tries not to panic.

She stiffens when she hears the sound of boots, and slowly two figures resolve in front of her. Both men, with cheap black masks over their faces. A floodlight above her suddenly turns on and she recoils against the light, her eyes tearing up.

"Holy shit," one of the men says. "She's Thea Queen."

"Who?" the other man says.

Creepy man number one sighs in irritation. "She's like, a billionaire."

"Former billionaire," Thea corrects him tiredly.

"So what?" says creepy man number two. "Get to it."

Number One walks towards her and she tries to back up, only to make the chair wobble precariously.

He rights the chair, clucking his tongue. He uncurls her fingers, which are wrapped around the arms of the chair, and places in them a sheet of newspaper.

"What is this?" she says, her voice shaking.

"Proof of life."

Number Two unveils her clutch and pulls out her cell phone. "Smile for the camera, darling."

He takes a picture of her and hands the phone to Number One, who takes the newspaper out of her hands and replaces it with her phone.

"Send this to the Arrow," he instructs her.

She gapes at him. "What?"

"Do it," he orders.

Her wrists are tied to the chair and her thumb moves slowly across the screen. She looks terrible in the picture. Her skin is pale in the harsh light and her eyeliner is smeared. She doesn't send the photo to Oliver.

She sends it to Felicity.

Felicity, her almost sister. Felicity, the genius. The woman who is will be able to find out where Thea is from a shitty camera phone photo in eight minutes flat and tell Ollie where to find her.

As soon as her phone pings, indicating that the message successfully went through, Number One snatches her phone back and crushes it with the heel of his boot.

"Why are you doing this?" she cries.

He caresses her cheek with a gloved hand, supple leather brushing her skin. "Don't you worry, sweetheart. You're just the bait."

Number two approaches and she screams when she sees what he has in his hand.

"Don't be a baby," he admonishes. "Just a little sting."

The needle sinks into the crook of her elbow and by the time the plunger is completely pushed down she's already asleep.


Thea awakes to someone's hand pinching between her legs under her dress, and she cries out, not in arousal, but in pain.

"Stop," she moans, and tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids are just so heavy, and she can't.

"Please," she pleads, her voice breaking.

"Shh," the man says. "Such a pretty little Queen. Pretty young thing."

Fingers twist and she screams brokenly, tears sliding down her face. She digs her nails into the arms of the chair, wishing for a blade.

"What're you doing?" says a second voice.

"Nothing man, just playing around."

"She's not here for our amusement."

"She's a pawn. And look at her."

"Please," Thea cries again. "Don't do this."

The second man pushes the first man away. "We're not supposed to hurt her."

Her eyes flutter open and she swallows painfully. A glass of water appears in front of her lips. "Drink. You're no use to us dead."

She gulps down the water, which disappears too quickly to appease her thirst.

"You're not supposed to be awake," the man says casually. "How do you feel about a little nap?"

"No," she moans, "don't."

"Shh," he whispers. "Go back to sleep."

There's a sharp sting in her arm and before she knows it she's asleep again.